Sunday, September 17, 2017
Real Score of Day 1977: Bears 10, Vikings 9
Because I realize football games are often more like dart board games, I notice the offensive points accumulated by teams I like against teams I dislike. For instance, 'Steelers 26, Ravens 24 is a true score comparison of 2 teams in the W column, but only the Steelers are a visuallly decent team. Keeping 2 eyes on units that humans gamble against is something like walking into a air museum in Auburn, Indiana and spotting a Blackhawk bigger than Corey Crawford, then trying to figure out the difference between a Dumbo line and Robin Olds school policies. I did notice that only a fool thinks a scantily clad movie star or whorish woman or an unfaithful husband is worth fighting for, so I did see evidence of many examples USA military advertising folly mixed in with some true facts and interesting models of items such as a B-17 Flying Fortress'.
When I watch potential disasters come to areas I had previous interest in and even invested in financially, I stand by and watch what occurs even though I can do nothing to prevent what occurs. If Hurricane Maria hits unholy beaches with the energy of the revenge of martyr Maria Goretti, GOOD and AMEN! A similar occurrence happens when a bride invests her family possessions, her time and her love into a marriage but she can do nothing to stop her spouse from trying to crush her, humiliate her and financially ruin her UNLESS another entity with good powers steps in between the bride and the husband who either has no patience or has no fear of breaking holy laws and a legal agreement. I do know what it is like to see a house and property ripped away from me by a force even more evil than a typical hurricane destroying beach areas that the Messiah of Israel would not want to go to because they have become extremely unholy and morally indecent over the years, mostly due to 'tourist' industries. Millions of people that HAD or have power stood by and did nothing to prevent my family from losing a beautiful house to Nazi-type forces and for that reason, my equal and opposite reaction is to see what else El Elyon doesn't prevent from happening to other humans who may or may not have even tried to begin a peace process with the God of Ysrael, the God of Noah and the God of the prophet Zephaniah. I do indeed believe that nations that continually allow and do not properly defend against sin and against evil will not be spared from disasters. I also believe that HOUSEHOLDS, that DO their best to battle against sin somehow are blessed with uncommon sense to know where to deploy themselves to and how to avoid becoming party to their unholy nation's crimes.
Is it easier to see what you had insured get tossed about like 'Buzz Lightyear' toys in a real tornado than it is to see the spouse and children you invested time, talent and treasure in get scooped up by an evil entity usually known as a anti-commendment human. I guarantee you, it is easier to see insured and uninsured property get destroyed and never rebuilt than it is to see a man or woman break their wedding vows and destroy their own family in a divorce and custody battle that the faithful spouse never wanted to occur and which also can not be 'rebuilt' once it has been intentionally destroyed by it's OWN LEADER.
I would be somewhat interested to know what the divorce rates, the crime rates, the abortion rates, the amount of unwed mothers and the anti-Yom Teruah rates are in the countries that are getting hit the hardest by the effects of heavy weather burdens they can resist but can't control. When nations do not punish their resident SINNERS harsh enough, eventually the entire nation gets flooded with a nation of sinners who refuse to repent and who refuse to start a peace process with their designated Elohim (HOLY JUDGE) . When word sequences are somwthing like 'Aleph Mem Vav Nun' and that word is associated with faithful and true, a person who is in their 2nd year of commandment keeping effort and daily Hebrew word studies notices that right around the time of Yom Teruah every year, word 537 is feeble, but word 539 is strong as Yom Kippur approaches. In like manner, a child in his second year of life goes from feeble to strong if parents are diligent to provide what the child needs.
I have seen couples who had no way to support their current family continue to breed, and I am not all that shocked when the male leader of that family becomes extremely ill, leaving the mother to have even MORE of a laborious problem when she the father of her children becomes ill. Both parents should have known not to breed more children who they could not afford to properly house and feed to prevent a household disaster, Likewise, the United States of America also should have stopped allowing more people into their borders than they could fiscally house, provide jobs for and provide food for........ but the United States of America did not have enough people who desired to be fiscally responsible.
The House of Ysrael will have an initial limit on the amount of people leading households that will be amazingly protected while serving their God Yehovah, and that number is set at 144,000 humans and therefore at 144,000 households. Such numbers are not going to dissappear as quickly as Twizzlers disappear from a vending machine slot at space 144 in Coldwater, Michigan. The United States system of government does not represent the mind of YEHOVAH.
As the words KALAH (Halak) and Hey Lamed Lamed (halal, which means to praise and which is tied to psalms 113-118) came into existence long before horrible evil beasts like 'Fitzpatrick' gang of Detroit were on 'American Greed' television , and long before my post C-Day (courthouse day) 1978 occurred. It would have been better for the city of Detroit 'officials' to drop evil mayors like Fitzpatrick into an alley after enough evidence was produced against him and let the honest and strong Detroit citizens and employees who were his victims severely beat the evil politician 'Fitzpatrick' and his anti-lawful associates(punish them by lashes up to 40 so they can try to be more like 'Jesus' if they want to try to protect their Colon line better) , hoping to draw a last breath confession of sin out of the wicked and evil servant before the good citizens haul his evil flesh to a hospital or to a morgue. This example also makes a good argument for residency clauses of police officers, since those representing citizens who were not victimized should really not be able to take part in the just punishment procedures for crimes committed in their jurisdiction. Unless those most severely fiscally and morally injured by evil beasts like former mayor of Detroit, 'Fitzpatrick', are able to take the good Law into their hands, read it, understand it and see that it is allowable by Yehovah to destroy evil flesh before it destroys them, they will never have peace, safety and financial security in their household,jurisdiction or their nation. Whitney Houston and Mormon commercials do not represent righteousness and good judgment; maybe the Fort Wayne Komets and the Mad Ants of basketball understand why the Whitney Houston way of Costner is NOT the Galatian or even as good as most Milwaukee Road train moves.
I am almost positive that my squad 50 Early dark brown police mentor, John Dorsey of Milwaukee, would agree with my diagnosis of the horrible condition of the United States and the lack of proper judicial punishments that has caused not only the financial problems but also the lack of miracles along the shores of beaches and nearby casino areas usually covered with immoral behavior rather than being protected with a mantle of justice and a passover lamb feast .
The biggest WHOA, wait one Brian Heck minute reminder, of the day occurred when I saw that the word 'Bedoyah' means servant of Yah, so who knows what badge number Gabriel Bedoya was given when he attempted to represent Philip Arreola in the midwest. The names 'Bedoya' and 'Koch' also aren't forgotten in Milwaukee District 1 problematic situations. The 'Bedoyah' word is in the Beit series, not in the Hebrew Hey 5 Koslov series.
Sainthood advice: If you are doing a peaceful, lawful protest, it is best to do it alone or in an extremely small group of people that you are willing to defend with your own life if need be. Protest loudly for a short time or quietly for a longer time rather than getting aligned with a mixed group of strangers, and make sure you do not impede traffic on designated roadways. If you do a solo type protest, you do not need to get a permit, and make sure you are protesting against evil, not against the rights of real living saints who are learning to obey the teachings and instructions of Yehovah as dispensed by Moses.
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