Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Charges Should Be Made Against Chicago Mayor 'Rahm'

The mayor of Chicago, Illinois labeled 'RAHM'  should be arrested by USA Federal Agents and charged with sedition.

revolt or an incitement to revolt against established authority, usually in the form of Treason orDefamation against government.
Sedition is the crime of revolting or inciting revolt against government. However, because of the broadprotection of free speech under the First Amendmentprosecutions for sedition are rare. Nevertheless,sedition remains a crime in the United States under 18 U.S.C.A. § 2384 (2000), a federal statute thatpunishes seditious conspiracy, and 18 U.S.C.A. § 2385 (2000), which outlaws advocating the overthrow ofthe federal government by force. Generally, a person may be punished for sedition only when he or shemakes statements that create a Clear and Present Danger to rights that the government may lawfullyprotect (schenck v. united states, 249 U.S. 47, 39 S. Ct. 247, 63 L. Ed. 470 [1919]).

Now. let the Donald Trump administration prove that Chicago Illinois is still part of the United States or let Chicago try to secede from the United States at their own risk.

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