Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Away From 'The Nitty Gritty' : The Steve Berg And David Radish Split

Frankly, If I recall my history in college, I did more evil to myself than to others. A person does evil to themselves when they choose that which is evil rather than that which is good.  I chose drunkenness, pork, soap operas on television,  skipped classes my father paid tuition for, and did not have the courage to depart from a horrible, evil 'boyfriend'. When I admitted I did not like the result of choosing evil companions who did not try to talk me out of sinning, I became pro-YEHOVAH and the people who are anti-YEHOVAH became and are now evil in my sight, even though they are created beings. Humans who do not try to deter you from sinning are still part of 'creation', but are not a good neighbor.

Comparing sources of information is important, because it is part of testing the spirits on earth.  Here are a few examples of words or people that are  similar, but not the same and identical:

A) Steve Berg, listed in the Milwaukee Tech Yearbook of 1974 is not the same as Steve Berg,  the son of Brian Berg the Anti-Yehovah man. Steve Berg of Plover is not my friend, and Steve Berg of Milwaukee is not my enemy because I don't know who he is. You really have to know who is unwilling to help you before you decide if someone is NOT your friend. Anyone who hasn't intentionally sinned against you should not be considered your enemy, even if they are not one of your chosen companions often referred to as a friend or a 'buddy'.
B) My friend, Martha Osterhout of Charlotte, apparently still alive at the age of 92, cannot be the same as Martha Osterhout of Nebraska who supposedly died at the age of 71 in the year 2010, and also went to Doane University.
G) Biblehub  and Studylight both indicate that the Hebrew word #7451 is Resh Ayin (270 mathematically, but at word 7453, there is a parting of the facts:
    1. Biblehub lists that there is no Yod in #7453 so their basis for the Hebrew word for calamity, disaster and evil adversity is no different than the word for 'friend' and fellow citizen.
    2. lists 7453 as  Resh Yod Ayin, which means there IS an obvious difference between evil, diaster and calamity and a friend. Without having the  copy of the Torah scrolls, I can only lean toward the Studylight. org version as probably being accurate.  When I see the letter 'Yod', I recall police ten codes that I learned and the most basic Ten commandments that were detailed in stone by Moses.
   3. A name comes to mind that ends in a 'Resh Yod Ayin' sound and that word is Kariya, as in Steven and Paul. The word 'cobra' and 'zebra' a term often connected to a referee in a game, does not have the Yod sound in the middle, and to my knowledge the typical referee,zebra or cobra does not consult the books of Moses when in active duty.
D) Reconsidering 'A', if your 'God' is unwilling to help you he or she has become your' Resh Ayin' for a real Cyrus-type reason.  I did not know that the Persians had a 'good god, evil god' split until today, so maybe Steve Martin in 'the Pink Panther' is nothing like a Persian god, since he pretended to be 'good cop' and then 'bad cop' ; another actor presented the Persian god theory and said that the good cop and the bad cop usually were 2 different people, which fit better into the Persian theories of 'god heads'.
H) The Persian 2 gods, one evil and one good, probably leads to bipolar disorder, since the victims of 2 different Persian gods are unable to focus on 'The LORD our God is ONE' properly, leading to dounble-minded status, which is not an incurable state of mind. Focusing on ONE Yehovah instead of on 1 bottle of pills dispensed by an anti-Yehovah specialists is a good beginning to aligning with a God who is not afraid to toss calamity, affliction and evil opponents against humans to TEST them, and sometimes to destroy them due to their lack of TRUST in Yehovah's 'M.O.', method of operation.
F) This point might be of interest to people named 'Raymond' Wolski,' Rayne', 'Rachel' and 'Ramone' . Since none of these names have the Yod before the Ayin, maybe Sergei Fedorov is your most able spirit guide, rather than Christos Tselios.  With an mem in your name or a 'nun' in your name, waters, fish, a womb and the numbers 40 and 50 should be significant to you and others near you. A chet, (ch, the figure 8) in the middle is not as good as a Yod after the Resh followed by an Ayin. I do not need a degree from Yeshiva University to be able to analyze what names mean, and how the end of a name is more important than the beginning of a name. YShRAL is  a spelling adjustment can make if I am going to properly adjust to my own codes when I do not have a typewriter that has a Hebrew option.  get away from the 'ISRAEL' 6 letter name games and narrow the margin of error between a 'shin' and a samech as well as a Yod, and Aleph and a Ayin when translating from Hebrew to English as best that I, Marie, can.  I have no reason to believe that my method to translate a word is inferior to what 'King James' people developed.  I am not ignorant of logical testing, studying and trying to improve on a flawed system of communication.

If a man is on page 107 of a 1974 yearbook and then ends up in hotel room 107 in the year 2017 according to the 'will' of Tara Brown, and that man is not the cowardly Robin Michael Ortiz, THEN continue on to the Melvin Patton or Tara Blakeman lines, where weakness is not easily detected in Milwaukee Tech Trojan football history but is easily detected in the Blakeman lines.  My parents sowed a Zion, a figure 7, into my name, not a figure 8 and certainly  not the theory of Atlantis. Parents also reap what they sowed into their children's history and development, whether it be evil or good. I did not put a Y in 'Richard', but there is a figure 8 in  Resh Ayin Chet  HARD' hearted class after all. Can the dalet at the end of my son's non-French first name Richard bring him back to a Lindros laundry line before he compares Edwin to Isaiah and I  formations? I do not have an answer for the prior question. Should have I named my anti-Yehovah son 'Ricardo' or 'Ricky with the Kentucky end zone'? The beautiful word Qeset with a Tet on the end is different than the name Qeset with a Tav on the end, which is why spelling names using the Hebrew numerical equivelent can actually clear up areas of confusion regarding intent of letters of the instructions for YShRAL. eigh? The  name 'Raleigh' is also not a joke in the bicycle world but is trouble in the cigarette zones.

I do not know who David Radish is. I do know that I am now a friend, a 'Resh Yod Ayin' of the Adonai and Elohim  named Yehovah, because I want to help Him accomplish the desires of his mind and heart, not work against Yehovah.  No humans is ever automatically a friend of Yehovah, not even at birth, but a child has to be brought up properly to even have the OPPORTUNITY to choose the instructions of Yehovah when other  'gods' are competing for power, students and returns on their investments on earth.  The name 'RACZEK' does begin with the Hebrew letters that represent calamity, but the end is not the same as the beginning. Some people named 'RACZEK' still are my enemies, but that is only because they also have rejected YEHOVAH's instructions for living on earth.

Charles Spurgeon's commentaries and 'The Merchant of Venice' are no  longer of interest to me. Nehemiah 8:17 is of interest to me, just as Isaiah 45:7 is worthy of studying.

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