Friday, September 29, 2017

Top Of The 9th Day To A Few

In order to prevent a condition known as 'drawing back',, because I waited for news from 'Joined To HaShem' regarding the new moon sighting in Jerusalem, I must respect the shofar I sounded starting on the evening prior to September 22nd. Once I sounded the shofar in my area, I would be sending confusing signals if I fasted during the daytime hours of September 30th.

The dollar store calendar indicates 'Yom Kippur' on the 30th of September 2017, but it does not state whether it begins or ends on September 30th, so I have to trust the information I received from Mike Clayton of  Joined To HaShem' and not switch over to another date to stay with the Judaic crowd.  I won't repeat some of the past unintentional errors I made on prior Yom Kippur days by remembering the following guidelines:

1. I will avoid all buildings that serve unclean animals not only on Yom Kippur, but also on the 9th of Tishri. Milwaukee Police District #5 might be a place to visit prisoners but not to prevent touching the unclean.
2.  I will avoid congregating with humans who have no intention of believing anything that Moses taught on Yom Kippur, but not on the 9th of Tishri.
3. Practice alone DOES NOT make perfect.  For instance, even if I practice 'Dream of The Forgotten Child' hundreds of times, under too much or too little pressure, I  could easily make an  error playing it. However, the original musical score of  a particular David Lanz song could indeed be perfect in written form. Likewise, the teachings and instructions of Yehovah are perfect in the written form even if suffering servants or over-zealous saints who don't perfectly understand the instructions.

The letter  'Tet' is not a lonely letter,  is tucked into many Hebrew words,  looks nothing like the English letter 'I' and certainly is not the same as flouride.  What I especially like about a natural 9th is that Richard Lapham used a natural 9th to start off theme music from '!2 O'Clock High'. I would gladly come up with words to Richard Laphan's music to replace 'The Star Spangled Banner' as the USA national anthem if a good leader asked me to.  There is not a fine line between Richmond, MIchigan's chief of police, David Teske and retired MIlwaukee detective Daniel Teske and it a serious matter to recall old friends and current allies, especially on the Day of Atonement.  Richmond, MIchigan is not 'home' to me, but I was  treated kindly in the city hall and apparently the people in that community are not opposed to learning some Hebrew, are not opposed to seeing the names of Eldad, Medad, Moses, and Joshua written in chalk and therefore  I hope that the City of Richmond, Michigan will be blessed in ways that they did not expect.

Larry Mizewski and Renee Mizewski are examples of anti-Hebrew, anti-biblical vulgar unthankful former firiends of mine who still might be deceiving many, but they are not deceiving the few elect and chosen representatives of Yehovah on earth,  The Mizewski couple is somewhat like the Detroit Lions since they started out well and seemed to be trying to do good deeds, but then they 'drew back' and decided to represent and support evil anti-apostle behavior on earth rather than choosing to be in the Book of Life.. Darkness and evil spreads faster than leprosy if proper counter-measures are not practiced faithfully.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Does Release of One Serious Debt Matter?

Reviewing some of the instructions for those who want to understand the God of YShRAL is not an simple task, but what seems clear and possible should be accomplished. As Robert Crane once stated 'No violence, just psychological warfare' is a much better plan of brilliant saints than chanting 'Kill, kill, kill we will' with Army's very own unholy woman, Ashley Maria Hendrikson.

During the 50th year, not only is a shofar to be sounded on Yom Kippur, there are instructions in
Leviticus Chapter 25, verses 10 and 11 that have interesting concepts:

A) 'Each of you shall return to his possession and each of you shall return to his family.'  There is no instruction to leave your usual community during the feast of booths, so many people do keep the feast of tabernacles close to their housing far from Jerusalem. The instruction to return to your FAMILY sometime during the 50th year is  a serious matter. If you have read the Scriptures and have not saved enough money by the Jubilee  year to be able to visit your family, you intentionally failed to prepare for a very reasonable instruction.

B) 'You shall neither sow nor reap what grows of it's own accord, nor gather the the grapes of your untended vine.' There is a huge problem in many communities with human seeds that those who trust in Yehovah did not sow, that continue to survive while out of your control and which might be in your homeland but which you have been unable to access and therefore unable to tend.   The criminal, Vince LoCicero, is not a seed that I sowed, he most likely continued to survive but I have had no access to him and therefor am not interested in GATHERING from his evil vine. Vince LoCicero, by providence, had a deputy's error result in 'financial favor'. I officially release the debt that Vincent LoCicero owes me, and that will actually afflict my soul on Yom Kippur. LoCicero exhibited not only a violent disposition, but also a cowardly exit strategy typical of anti-commandment humans, and his crime can stay attached to Anthony Wickersham's 'vine'. Pruning LoCicero's debt from my household is not forgiveness of a nominal debt, but a transfer of LoCicero to Yehovah's judicial system.

C) If I choose to release a debt as 'uncollectable'  specifically and only during a Jubilee year from an anti-Yeshua vine I have not been able to tend, it does not mean that his sin is forgiven since Vincent LoCicero did not repent.   Because LoCicero committed his act of theft against me while I was a single saint living in Michigan's jurisdiction and clearly LoCicero never claimed to be part of my family or a friend of mine, I do not have to consult with my family in Wisconsin to release his debt.  Vincent LoCicero is just another Barabbas type that Anthony Wickersham's officers wanted released into the community against my will and was not apprehended due to a false report, wrongly claiming that I did not want to press charges against the violent thief, LoCicero.   The blessing I receive is that I do not have to sit alongside any Macomb County deputy in or out of court in the LoCicero matter.

D) I cannot release or forgive any debts caused by theft of business and personal property that occurred against me while in Wisconsin in Milwaukee and in Marathon county because those thefts were not only against me but also against other members of my family and those who are still in my will.  Additionally, the thefts committed against me were committed by people who deceived me, who had claimed to love me and then willfully and intentionally chose to hate me and hate the instructions of Yehovah. I believe it is a more serious offense to commit crimes against your own family members that fed, protected and sheltered you. Taking as many cautions against strangers while doing business is important, but even a very cautious business person sometimes places trust in a person who then chooses to be vile, destitute of good judgment and as a result chooses to be your enemy and an enemy of Yehovah.

E) If Vincent LoCicero decides he wants to prove he is not a coward and willingly pays me 2 times what he stole from me, he can be forgiven just like any other pro-commandment man and his name can be written in the book of Life, but he would have to hurry since there is only 3 days and 3 nights until Yom Kippur. A money order could be sent to me in the mail if he is still afraid to face his accuser out of court. He also would have to make sure he EARNED the money he wants to repay me with and did not steal it from another human being. It is not proper  nor  good legal advice and it is in fact a SIN to tell a human that it is fine to 'rob Peter in order to pay Paul'.

F) It is a fact that failing to collect debts and failing to punish a thief severely enough can ruin a household and a nation financially.

 G) These opinions might interest every G-man in the United States. An 'SOB' might be the beginning of another SOBIBOR line, so using full words instead of  uttering initials and literary 'short cuts' is what a wise man or wise woman will do .  Could an SOB be short for  a 'silly odd ball'?  An S.O.B. could stand for 'Sunday Offense Boys' especially if you have a 'Balderdash' sense of free thinking.  What if Donald Trump actually said uttered was 'Esso Bees'?   President Trump might have to become as sly as Bill Clinton trying to explain what the word 'IS' means after committing adultery in office, which is actually much worse than just opening your mouth and uttering words before you have good control of your English or your 'Esso Tigers'. Surely, even current anti-Christ, William Jefferson Clinton, knows that inserting a penis into any part of  the  body of a person who is not currently his spouse is committing adultery!  

H) Since I am not as stupid as the typical NBA player and rather see Donald Trump improve his English rather than be totally unsuccessful as a public servant, I suggest he hire Anna Ruzinski to be his pre-utterance English consultant  and Bradley DeBraska to be his post-utterance damage control consultant..

I) Thank goodness for men who are not afraid to say 'David Teske is Chief' in Richmond, Michigan while facing a Minnesota Viking uniform addition. I was saddened to hear that another D.A.R.E. officer no longer was able to be an asset to schools because the Richmond schools didn't think an anti-drug class was important.  The DARE program is better than offering expensive 'Obama-care' medical treatment to drug addicts who obviously intentionally rejected a healthy message to begin with!!!!

J) I will not forbid, and actually encourage Fifth Third Bank to completely forgive the remaning debt I owe them for the battered woman's shelter I purchased.  I am not opposed to a miracle occurring during this Jubilee year.

K) In the spirit of anti-Nazi sentiments, it is fine to call an official non-friend 'Rolf' during periods of non-silent treatments. Ed Asner already called a dog 'Hitler', so 'Rolf' is a better term of non-endearment to be propelled toward anti-Moses forces, especially if you have been a Girl Scout in your youth.

L) If you think you are 16 going on 17 without Abraham Lincoln statues slowing you down, keep in mind that Doug Gilmour and Andy Moog both represent the 17th hole very well, maybe even better than Sergei Krivokrasov.

M) Sone Navy oddball named 'John Moore' is spreading  fear of a change in the earth's axis and rising sea levels. For those who have seen places like Fort Macon alongside the Atlantic ocean, remind yourself that an area such as Milwaukee, Wisconsin or Bronson, Michigan that is about 650 feet above sea level, could still could be very well protected from ocean water damage by the higher natural dam areas known as the Allegheny, Cumberland, Ozark, Big Horn and Rocky Mountain ranges.

Anti-Alzeimer's problem: I'm trying to remember if one of my Milwaukee District 1 sergeant's first name was Richard, but I only called him 'Sergeant Burke' because he earned my respect.

Post Court Day 1988 has now begun, and it is also the 7th day of the 7th month, a good day to remember that the 7th letter of the Good Law is a Beit, not a Zayin.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Weak Army 78's Record Error Is Terrible For Villenueva

Humans and dogs where who were trained by or who  trust in  dog tags,  Army guns and Army daggers, sometimes prove they have no spiritual or  holy Steven  Kream city sense.  Here are the problems that were created by insurance industry's own Alejandro Villanueva and some possible solutions to correct, not defend  'Army STUPIDITY in Chicago's Soldier Field':

1. Michael Tomlin should not want any of his team members to go the way of Colin Kaerpernick, just as I would never trust a imbecile like Colin Kaepernick. The Army boy of the Steelers deserted his teammates due to lack of humility. Keeping his team in the locker room wisely prevented them from becoming a 'Colin Kaepernick'.
2. Chicago is 'treason central' when it comes to mayoral decisions. What good does it do to play 'USA flag hover-round' and then not challenge the mayor of Chicago who intentionally tells people in his violent turf to break and ignore existing federal laws?
3. In most NFL stadiums, some of the most whorish females on the face fhe earth stand around in their strumpet outfits during the 'National Anthem' , which is more of an insult to decent citizens than keeping a team inside of a locker room to prevent 'Colin Kaepernick' syndrome.
4. Villenueva is an insurance salesman, as unjustified as Aaron Rodgers, not a saint.  If the Army boy would have remained with his teammates, he would have HELPED the city of Pittsburgh in similar form to Olivia DeHaviland  instead of coming out alone like Scarlett O'Hara at Ashley Wilkes birthday bash.
5. It is probably too late for Villenueva to correct the error of his way before Yom Kippur, so he might want to re-enlist in the Army or sign up to be one of the Minnesota Vikings male cheerleaders who run around their football field with flags.
6. Donald Trump is an employee, but he is not a good employee. Why didn't President Donald Trump study 'Monty Python' methods and call the whorish NFL cheerleaders 'daughters of horrible mothers' and the NFL players 'sons of a window dresser'? It is because Donald Trump  married a woman who is more like a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader than a virtuous holy woman. Mrs. Donald Trump is not even as decent as Barbara Bush, the wife of a mediocre federal employee.

Here are some good anti-'Material Girl'  suggestions to 'shut up' Donald Trump's NFL commentaries and to test the spirit of sports fans:

E) Stand up AND FACE THE CROWD, not the  USA flag, during the playing of the national anthem in all of the following NFL stadiums: Cleveland Brown, Pittsburgh Steelers, New York Giants. Salute the fans if they look decent, not the 'Material Girl' types. The USA flag won't attack you from behind, but anyone who is wise at defense rather not stare at a flag in a crowded venue.
G) Coaches should suggest that men who want to pray for their nation to remain in the locker room in all stadiums that have whorish cheerleaders during the singing of the national anthem.  Tell the press that you do not want to show UNITY or support for the owners of the teams that have whorish cheerleaders. This position will clear you from being accused of being anti-USA.
B) Bowing the head is a sign you are not as smart as Gideon in testing, so suggest to your players that if they want to get on bended knee before a football game, they should either dress up like Shane Hendrikson in a Wittenberg helmet or like Slava Koslov in a Redwings helmet to avoid looking like Marie Elizabeth Hendrikson in the Minneapolis Metrodome on May 17, 1998. As soon as your non-Kaepernick move is done, you might regret bending the knee without any 'Messiah' in site.
D) Brigham Young usually has very bad ideas. For instance, clinging to an old rugged cross is a bad plan, even if Lorne Greene liked that plan on 'Bonanza'. Start thinking like Marie Xavier, formerly of MIlwaukee Squad 50 early or 'Samuri Mike' and start practicing  some good acts of the Jim Brown or Jim Baier non-gangster disciples. Remember, the United States is not part of the NFL, so why deploy active or retired military veterans inside of  only certain  business projects when the same military wouldn't defend MY former business, 'The Interiors Department, INC' from the wicked father of a wicked USA Army girl.
F) It is a civilian's duty to obey local, state and federal laws to the best of their ability. It is unwise to think that a former USA Army Ranger has better  instincts or better training than 'Lance Link, Secret Chimp'.   Michael Tomlin did not try to hold the Army boy hostage, and let him go out on his own like an anti-Michael rebel. Jerome Bettis's 'lone Steeler' entrance in Detroit was a completely better '1 man show' for a few moments in Super Bowl history.

I thought I'd use a tenor and bass lower piano staff drift for the above suggestions.

Ronnie Bass, the son of a Navy man, might have appreciated some of the works that Michael Tomlin's mother did, and Michael Tomlin loves his mother and Pittsburgh, so I do not suggest you rely on a '78' in between a 387 and a 3979, which is a dagger, not a Lamed. I love my parents and I love Milwaukee, and I do not like the lyrics to 'The Star Spangled Banner', which in fact has been sung by more liars, thieves, criminals and prostitutes than 'You've Got a Friend' by James Taylor (James and Taylor also are names of 2 different current UW Badger football players).

Biblical Hebrew Word #537 means 'weak and feeble' and is Aleph Mem Lamed Lamed. Indeed, a person is weakened when they had 2 'staffs' behind them rather than one clear Lamed in the beginning, the middle or the end of a word. There is only ONE 30th addition, a 'Lamed',  in Yod Shin Resh Aleph Lamed.  Abaddon isn't in the insurance selling business, and eventually is an OBEDIENT angel of Yehovah.

The Pittsburgh Steelers might be down and troubled by the insurance salesman on their team, but Pittsburgh still needs the Steelers more than they need an old '78' record or an ugly and uncomfortable 'Eisenhower' jacket in their closet or on their shoulders.

The Koslov family knows that NameST78 is Namestnikov, not a Street.  When audibles are 'Name Saint seventy eight', remember the hockey stick (the  final form of a Hebrew letter Nun) is better and safer for a competitive, pro-Moses society than an overload of guns in the hands of immoral people and military veterans with guns in communities where there isn't enough hatred of SINFULNESS yet.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Historic Television Time In

It is not the 4th of July, 1776; it is actually the even more important 4th day of the 7th Hebrew month that was not established by a man named 'Hillel'.  I'm actually glad the Chicago Bears won a employment battle, even if their mayor should be charged with treason.

I  realize that a man named 'Dial' is a Green Bay Packer gambling with State Farm lines probably  ( but not definitely) is less reliable under pressure than Robert King and Teretha Allison who were in the MIlwaukee Police Academy with me. What troubles me at this time in history is some facts that remain problematic until someone like Thomas Stigler keeps his word and actually does do anything he can to help me get a felon CONVICTED when Marathon County Sheriff's department refused to do their job properly.

The time is short for those who finished their police duty without sustaining any injuries serious enough to have their police powers taken away from them. I am studying a movie labeled 'Call Northside 777', and in this particular movie, the names have been changed but the basis of the movie is about a team of reporters that is willing to investigate what Chicago's local police department wanted to have forgotten or shamefully covered rather then righteously exposed and corrected.

When a person who did not commit a crime is convicted and jailed, the prisoner suffers for righteousness sake. Joseph, son of the non-fictional biblical humans  Rachel and Jacob, is an example of a person who suffered for righteousness sake. Even worse is when law enforcement agencies are given very specific and accurate information about criminals, with more than enough evidence to arrest them and bring them to trial but then the CORRUPT and lazy law enforcement agency refuses to make an arrest.  I know that Mary Windmiller is trying her best with limited resources to reveal horrific facts of injustice that occurred to her while going through Marathon County divorce action. Those people who are willing to assist her against anti-Truth citizens such as Andrew Schmidt, Stuart Rottier, and Sandra Marcus should act as diligently as if they are trying to save their own soul by doing righteous deeds to convict the unrighteous of their crimes.

Likewise, anyone who is willing to re-examine just how and where all my business property, stolen money and personal property of mine went after I tried to escape  a dangerous situation at my former home, and then will properly criminally charge not only Shane David Hendrikson, but also his attorney, family members that assisted him in hiding or receiving stolen assets will be more likely to be labeled as 'saints' than wicked and lazy stewards in Wisconsin public offices.

There are plenty of other situations where wicked and lazy public servants did not properly get child support money to me, did not properly arrest Vincent LoCicero for armed robbery ( he threatened me with a bat and his car while in the process of stealing about $800 from me in Macomb county, Michigan) and did not properly and most likely did not care about me enough to try to locate the 2 criminals that robbed me at the george Webb's restaurant in Milwaukee after I kindly offered to pay for their meal.  I never bothered to read the reports from the MIlwaukee Police department about the crime against me that occurred at George Webb's restaurant. Plenty of times I had decided to read the reports of the failure of my mind under stress to behave according to a standard called 'normal', even though I did not even commit a misdemeanor when asthma medications and cruel treatment from a spouse caused me to behave in less than robotic ways.

It is always much easier to identify who my enemies are when they are in my sight than it is to find and locate a friend or a public servsnt who not only the the will power to correct their own departmental moral failures, but has enough of a conscience left to understand that failure to properly and righteously use the power that he or she desired to have. If I had taken the job as a Marathon County deputy sheriff when it was offered to me ( I had been #12 on their hiring list in about 1998) instead of collecting what the city of Milwaukee actually did owe me for injuring me, the City of Milwaukee would not have had proper opportunity to prove that they have the potential to treat their honest employees properly, even after they have had their badge, their police power and their gun(s0 taken away from them.  Sadly, I do not think that enough humans ever get to the point of being as honest as I am because they are afraid of the consequences of admitting their own sins/crimes.

'Credit' is an overused term. College credits do not cleanse the conscience and credit cards are not as good as a holy half shekel, even if the credit card is used legally and responsibly by an adult. Extending proper biblical instructions to people is much more important that raising their 'credit' limits in the form of amount of money they can borrow  to build or buy abominations and morally corrupt media that  actually prevent them from obtaining grace and mercy in very critical situations on earth.

'The Snake Pit', 'The Ten Commandments', 'The Great Escape' and 'Call Northside 777' are all worth watching if you finally have grown up enough to view historical scenarios that might align with something you have experienced instead of wasting your time watching immoral, socially harmful and totally unrealistic fictional movies or equally evil music videos and computer games.

It is an uncommon day when I rather watch 'Call Northside 777' instead of watching an NHL pre-season hockey game which may or may not have had more acting in it than 'The Dick Van Dyke Show' or 'The Partridge Family'.

Locations Matters ON Yom Kippur

The number '9' is not the letter N, Noon or Nun. The letter Nun nor the number '9' is in the name 'Yehovah'.

After considering the question, where would a high priest go on Yom Kippur, it is the opposite of considering the questions 'Where did the Angel of Death' go on the 14th of Aviv?

Make sure your household is prepared for any high priest seeking a tabernacle or a shelter on Yom Kippur by making sure you have done the following:

A) Eliminate ALL unclean animals from your food pantry and your refrigerator. YOu will have to check your dog or cat food containers for content.
B) Other than unlicensed insects such as house spiders and dust mites, make sure there are no living unclean animals in your household, since they are NOT allowed in the temple.
G) Do not go to any public establishments that has unclean animal products for sale, whether they are cooked or uncooked.
D) You should try to understand why it is a good idea to remain in your own 'tabernacle' on Yom Kippur , keeping the fast, and avoiding some heathen vomiting Johnsonville pork sausages onto your holy outfit of the day.
H) Your tabernacle might be your mortgaged form of 'Stalag 14', your car, a hotel room purged of all unclean animals products, or a carefully selected hockey outfit which should not be handled by heathens or unclean Gentiles.
V) Make sure your household is 'holy and pure visitor' approved, since you never know the day or the hour a holy and pure high priest might seek a place to pray and avoid making deadly mistakes. For this reason, I do not recommend traveling to stay with relatives, friends or within businesses who are anti-commandment people.
Z) Keeping point 'V' in mind, no person who intends to observe the appointed Yom Kippur time properly is going to head toward a Catholic or protestant assembly and especially won't be in the middle of a competitive sporting event. surrounded by unholy, deranged females waving pompoms around their anti-humble anti-YShRAL bodies.

The intent of this epistle is to help me and whosoever wants to be more like a high priest choose a location properly on Yom Kippur. Therefore, strive to be wiser with an angelic mindset, not retaining the mindset of humans with strange fire arms that typically  inhabit semi-private wheeled units such as  Michigan Macomb deputy  car 50-112.  Keep in mind that Stuart Rottier's financial legend, entered into court records in the United States of America,indicated and implies that a working, legal Macomb sheriff department squad is nominal value, since an operating squad car is certainly worth no more than the company assets I had 'heisted' from me by Stuart Rottier's client and my  evil former employee/thief, Shane David Hendrikson.

Pop and Mom Goes The Weasel!

Now that I know alphabetical  biblical Henrew word  #2468  might mean 'weasel', do you know the difference between a Boyd's 'fake animal' collection, a weasel, an otter and a ferret?

LaNCe LiNK is actually smarter than a Ford F150, and that is an 'anti-automatic' Team 151 fact.

If the Pittsburgh Steelers remained in their team sanctuary during 'The National Anthem', I would next recommend that Pittsburgh Steelers coach Mick Tomlin 'ditch' the sign of crucifix from his neck and 'stone himself' before someone else does.  A crucifix doesn't save lives, but any good slingshot operator knows that a stone can be a good form of decent offense if launched or decent defense if you remain behind it.  Maybe if Mike Tomlin hangs a turquoise or sardius stone on his neck he is more likely to handle any difficult problems like a Levite or a 'First Nation' Cherokee instead of  acting like a Catholic altar boy hiding in the sacristy near some 'Love Bug' episode or  area 53.

With that D.A.R.E. officer recommendation above me, let me return some good advice to those who don't have coaches like Mike Tomlin:

1. Remain standing during 'The Star Spangled Banner' but do the Badger Hockey famous one-fingered 'sieve' sign while singing or remaining silent. There is no sense saluting a flag that cannot give you orders, so you might as well 'sieve' the United States Flag. The first sieve should be Delaware, and at least you will be remembering the stripes properly.
2. Have your team come up with a state song and display your STATE flag at your 'home games'. This is another way to de-escalate a problematic situation.  For instance, I would start playing 'The Pennsylvania Polka' at any 'Keystone State' home games and raise the Pennsyvania flag to show STATE unity and avoid more 'church' problems on a good Sunday to start working harder than your average Anglican minister of lukewarm audibles.

A weasel might decide to keep his unclean animal associates in an unseen, dirty tunnel-type location until they are ready to go on offense. Remaning in a disclosed, semi-private area during an ongoing conflict is a form of self-defense.  Keep in mind that George W. Bush also was out not seen by cameramen when he bunkered in at some military base after Septemebr 11, 2001.

On the next post, I will have very clear or smoky quartz recommendations to start thinking like a sealed Levite far away from the Gaza strip or a sanctified sealed saint without Rahab on Yom Kippur.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Attention Wisconsin Badgers: Caution At Robert Bushman Splits

Good men do not always finish last. Notice that there are no wheels on the Pittsburgh Penguin logos, even if there are strings attached.

While constellations are mixing up as predicted, I doubled back to check Greek word progress and as any saint knows, Greektown casinos are more trouble than the town of Almond, Wisconsin. A few more clarifications might help people like Kenny Bruckner  more than they'll help Mike Brickner, and that's not a problem with me.

A) BYU and their always suspicious affiliations might be trying to slip Warner signs around, but once again chose the wrong diety by tossing  the Nike swish on their football players.
B) The wiser Wisconsin Badgers football team opted for the less offensive 'Underarmor' brand.
C) I have no idea who the BYU Bushman #89 is, but I know he wasn't my funny physics teacher nor my super high school softball coach.
D) Thankfully I got to take an expensive peek at the New Jersey Devils and had at least one sighting of Patrik Elias and Jaromir  'Mr. 765' Jagr before the  new Gordon Howe Apostacy Center decided to contain the Detroit Redwings in a building where more errors will occur than Jeff Brezovar could correct. Opposing teams most likely will see the the grave spiritual errors made by the Detroit sports gambling gangs, and building bigger in a city is not always building better.  The spirit of humility has made a faster exit from Detroit and the wisest people will not even enter the building unless they are going in and getting paid to be an adversary, as the Boston Bruins and other teams are predestined to be in the upcoming days and nights.
E) Make sure you do not start referring to  'Jason Arnott the 80th'  as BYU's  'Canada22'. ' Canada22' is probably part of some Pabst code or a titanium study or maybe even a Savage Arms 22 catch and release fishy game that started in the town of Cecil, Wisconsin a few years ago without any Kershaw included in the BarJesus strategy.
F) The ark of testimony is not aligned with cougar skins but it is aligned with honey badger skins, so BEWARE at Greek word #1983 and when keeping an non-Hurricane eye on Roman Will, the former Fort Wayne Komet originally from the LitomeRICE Czechs.
G) If you are unsure where you want to spend Yom Kippur, that is not a sin. Yom Kippur is a pivotal day but location is only extremely serious for the Levitical high priest, which is never gonig to be a woman's role.
H) Fot those few relying on a Koslov 'Hey=5' line  or a St' Louis H8 money line, make sure you start to memorize the following 4 cornerstone affiliations in the final foundations listed in propheic Hebrew scriptures: Benjamin(Jasper), Judah (malachite type color, not 'Emerald City' and MGM movie nonsense), Napthali (a clear stone, goshenite or diamond) and Levi (turquoise). Yehovah does not design buildings in the shape of a pentagon, so once jasper is laid as the first cornerstone, the corners are not the same as they are on the breastplate system of Aaron the Levite.
I) 'Little Ceasars Arena' is the sports equivalent of the 'Willow Creek' anti-Truth gathering places where 'swine is fine' but of course swine is not allowed in any living temple of Yehovah. Some people might be forced to observe them from a distance, others might be forced to go in there due to their own greedy contract conditions, but I do not advise that any of the elect Israelites become a financial non-organ 'donor' to the Detroit Redwings products or home games.   The Detroit Redwing emblem is not sacred, and the ark transportation does NOT have wheels on it!
J) Remember Joseph Cannan, Joseph Pitawanakwat,  Michael Jagiello's grade school, an Atlanta Thrasher or the Haifa Hawks. Stay anti-forgetful.

Is Regional Vengeance Impossible?

Perry Stone has his own theories in books he wants to sell to people, but I now will put the following 'George Harsh' reminder and warning out for those who want to consider results of their own patterns of unrestrained sin and anti-Yehovah lawlessness.

Earthquakes are occurring in Mexico, so even if I were one of Job's  friends, I might try to suggest a way to attract mercy from whatever very strong natural forces are making frequent contact in regional locations.

It is a fact that Mexico, like many other nations, has not taught it's citizens to  respect the laws of it's neighboring nation, and as as a result many humans of Mexican origin intentionally disobey the laws of a their neighboring nation. The United States has enough of a problem trying to get it's own legalized and natural citizens to react properly to the over-abundance of man-made laws that exist within it's borders. The President of Mexico should RECALL, even put out a plea, that his own Mexican people return and reside legally within his Mexico borders to aid in repairing the nation that they intentionally and often ILLEGALLY deserted to see if they even respect the President of Mexico and  their nation of origin.

I was taught to be even more respectful of a country that allowed me into it's borders legally for a period of time, because I know how important it is to be a good guest.  I had proper fear of regiimes I was not familiar with in Poland in 1979, in the West Indies when I refused to lie about what I was bringing wedding gifts for a couple known as 'Meshach and Cleo' into Saint Lucia, even though Shane David Hendrikson wanted to lie to St. Lucia government officials in order to evade taxation of imports. I told the truth, like any 'Bible believer should, we paid the taxes and Shane David Hendrikson was angry that I told the truth.  Likewise while in the nation labeled Israel, I also was careful not to break any of theirs laws and was still subjected to incarceration due to their nation's ignorance of intentional sin against me which changed my impression of the nation labeled Israel but not the impression that I have regarding the good laws of Yehovah. Shane David Hendrikson was not even careful enough to prevent himself from running around naked in the streets of Madison Wisconsin, so he shouldn't try to judge Brett Favre's questionable displays in the past.

How many Mexican citizens have been struggling to survive from income that was obtained in the United States contrary to United States laws? If I safely, but somewhat reluctantly point out an area of weakness caused when a nation's leaders and parental forces have improperly raised those born in their nation, take heed that those in the United States strive to become more law-abiding than ever before, lest more regional curses and natural forces of Yehovah  occur in your area.  This post isn't much different than explaining to a cigarette smoker possibilities for the cause of their cancer or explaining to a unfaithful spouse the reason he or she is now divorced and unable to obtain forgiveness from the spouse they intentionally and SOBERLY sinned against without repentance.

I am not using any computer models, but 'Hurricane Maria' does not appear to be making a 90 degree turn to the north, even though the 90 degree rule unexpectedly occurred in the Midwest.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Two Four Six Eight, Who Do I Appreciate?

Chuldah, 'Chet Lamed Dalet Hey' (47), had an important message for  young King Josiah while Josiah was trying to rule and reign properly; thankfully, Chuldah's message was not illegally intercepted by anti-Israelite students such as Karen Hendrikson, daughter of Virgil Smith.

'Dr. Shock', 'Dr. Teeth' and Dawe Facts To Subject Yourself To

A post-hurricane zone IS NOT worse than a post-war zone, because after a hurricane goes through an area, the enemy has not taken over your 'turf'. Lies and totally wrong analogies get spread  by media, fiction troublers of nations, and community leaders who do not want to admit where they have gone wrong in their own development plans. I learned a few lessons from Jason Dawe and Jason Dawe might have learned a few codes from me when Jeff Sauer was still in our sight.

Read the 33rd Chapter of 2nd Chronicle to get a perspective of what you might have to go through to enter into 'rest' and await resurrection. King Manessah allowed, therfore encouraged, many forms of idolatrous practices and horrible anti-Yehovah building plans, and repentence may have been coerced out of him by means of hardship.

Here's some more non-Solomon advice for those struggling to make their next decision on earth.

1. Boycott 'Dave and Buster's', since they are too much 'play' and too much 'Coca-Cola'.
2. Do not confuse Calais Campbell#93 with Shane David Hendrikson, although both of them might have to hear vain repetitions and obnoxious words such as ' you know' until they vomit. Jacksonville Jaguars are not part of Campbellsport, Wisconsin and I know that the 'Calais' line attracts rust and Nazi occupation historically, not Pittsburgh Penguins or Hedberg fans. ( I did write the word 'Calais' on a strategic board, but that board was being utilized to prove a 'Anti-Shane Hrndrikson' David Szymanski point of reference for garbage collecters.)
3. Advice for islands, Islanders and 7th month non-Slumberland saints in post-hurricane status:
A) Apply 'Massachusetts Bay Colony' plans to your mindset.
A1) Consider the Amish, and how they might have outsmarted many atheists.
B) Rebuild and do everything you can to avoid becoming a 'tourist attraction', namely by focusing on the ability to survive with only your own citizens buying and selling products from each other as much as possible. Holy toursists that do noy want to be surrounded by nudist colonies and 'almost nudist' beaches will still be attracted to vacation in decent areas, just as some holy people rather visit Ottawa, Ontario than go to Martinique.
C)  If island nations or areas like Houston, Puerto Rico and Key West rebuild to attract heathens and deter real saints from their zones, they should not expect any anti-demonic spiritual blessings or spiritual protection.
D) Since this is actually year 6017 at the very least, it is interesting to see that word 5017 is 'Gomorrah', not 'Ham', which is word 1990.
E) Good pitchers change their signs and don't need a catchers approval to do so. The new constant for #112 is Hedberg Penguin #1, and is no longer 'Brett Favre', since the ESPN system is a contrived order of identifying 'workers'.  Anders Hedberg is 666th, so mind your manners and remember that 96 penalty minutes are much shorter than 3 days and 3 nights in a prison cell suroounded by your enemies in Marathon County, Wisconsin.
F) For those oddball Spartans who want to  get away from Wausau-Newman lines, let me suggest that Sidney Poitier's 'slapshot' while next to Rod Steiger is a better example of an equal and opposite reaction than the typical reader of Leviticus chapter 23.   The name 'Virgil' gets shifty between Tibbs and Hiltz. Atlanta area F6 troop might notice that the troublemakers in 'In The Heat of The Night' are hovering around 'CocaCola' machines, not around the Cleveland Browns.
G) If the Cleveland Browns can go from 1 win and 15 losses to 2 wins and 14 losses, that should be as good as manna being supplied on the Hebrew date known 2/15 to some or 1 month after 'passover night' to others.
H) Roman Will is listed as a Czech goalie currently in 744th place after slithering in and out of the Colorado Avalanche with 'zero' wins. Roman Wick is a different Roman,  and the fictitious 'Roman Brady' is not as good of a character as the fictitious 'Peppermint Patty'.
I) If you were following a Krivokrasov line like I was, Nikita moved to the Prince Albert Raiders, which is in Canada. That is good, since as a Trojan, I did not really like cheering for the 'Rough Rider' teams that much. Teddy Rooselvelt is not part of Yehovah.
J) Avoid buying 'Black and MIld' for your ''Sam Wood' tips. Continue to strive to avoid spiending your income on 'strange fire' products.
K) Do not confuse Michale Tice of Islip, NY with Mike Theiss of 'The Weather Channel'.
L) The name 'Mike Cameron' is like a ''Good cop, bad cop' problem in Milwaukee. I can't say that 'Mike Cameron' was a good cop, and I do not know why the Milwaukee Brewers decided to find another 'Mike Cameron' instead of hiring me, Marie Hendrikson (legalistic terminoligy) as their spiritual warfare coach. if the Brewers don't make it into the playoffs, they clearly drew in better crowds than the Detroit Tigers this season!
M) There is a Tyrone Rice breaker going on between Lindy Ruff and Sheldon Souray, and I cannot change my gimel team.
N)  Samech Mem Nun: appointed time
      Today was an appointed time, possibly the birthday of Isaac, 1/2 brother of Ishmael. Does Isaac Morford have a spiritual problem larger than quicksand in Guyana now because of Chuck Rayner?
Questions are not always '67 and 68' in the Dick Forss and Tom Smothers  areas of history.
P) Positive Police non-political chemistry spelling examples::
LaNCe LiNK= 57+7+58+space+3+7+19 (Lance Link was one of my favorite monkeys, along with 'Bessie')
PaPEr LaCe = 91+15+68+space+57+58 ( 'Paper Lace' was a musical group not as good as 'Orleans')
Sometimes, 'Mama was a cop, on the south side of Milwaukee....... ' are better words to remind 'Big Daddy' Chick tract readers that when unholy, immoral fathers abandon a household, a decent mother doesn't want to become a prostitute or a paid actress to try to provide food and shelter for her children.
Q) Phil Quiqley  Paw Patrol Quiz answer: SNOOPY is still better than Calais Campbell when choosing an environment to try to survive in.
R) For Persian 'Good God, Bad God' Double Trouble splits to contrast point 'L', if by defeinition MIchael Cameron was a bad cop, then Rick Cardenas was a good cop.
S) Don'r rely on 'Scooby Doo' nuts to try and correct your habitual sin nature; study Doug Chapman, James Baier, Chris Tancill, Victor Heiser or Victor Burgos or even Mr. 234, Paul Molitor, if you want to improve your conundrum studies in 'Release 22' situations..
T) 'Family of Cops' is not 'Two Guys from Milwaukee'. 'Adam-12' is still a better show to study unless you like Bronson and the 'Feast of Tabernacles' lesson without Cracker Jack or Jill Ireland in sight.
U) The State of Michigan has failed in many ways. First of all, advertising Michigan as 'pure' is false advertising. They'd be better labeling their ads with ' Mi is in NaoMI, not infalliible' it's time for Jerome Bettis to get out of Notre Dame religion and run for governor of Michigan so he can prove he's not as cowardly as Chris Chelios to talk about politics. He also should return the keys to Detroit once he gets the keys to the Michigan governors mansion.

I could expound on most of the above suggestions for spiritual and literal survival in a pre-winter situation if I have to.

I hope you rested as prescribed by Yehovah on Yom Teruah. Fasting is NOT prescribed on Yom Teruah for some good reason, and I was given a gift of food that was fired up perfectly by a friend, alongside some excellent 'shewbread'. 'Fire and Ice'  won't last as long next to each other  as productively as super Wilderness of Sin heroes, Eldad and Medad, have. Igloo topics seem to get tricky in 'Cooler Jack Coffey' sectionals.

I now return to my biblically scheduled 7th day sabbath activities.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Away From 'The Nitty Gritty' : The Steve Berg And David Radish Split

Frankly, If I recall my history in college, I did more evil to myself than to others. A person does evil to themselves when they choose that which is evil rather than that which is good.  I chose drunkenness, pork, soap operas on television,  skipped classes my father paid tuition for, and did not have the courage to depart from a horrible, evil 'boyfriend'. When I admitted I did not like the result of choosing evil companions who did not try to talk me out of sinning, I became pro-YEHOVAH and the people who are anti-YEHOVAH became and are now evil in my sight, even though they are created beings. Humans who do not try to deter you from sinning are still part of 'creation', but are not a good neighbor.

Comparing sources of information is important, because it is part of testing the spirits on earth.  Here are a few examples of words or people that are  similar, but not the same and identical:

A) Steve Berg, listed in the Milwaukee Tech Yearbook of 1974 is not the same as Steve Berg,  the son of Brian Berg the Anti-Yehovah man. Steve Berg of Plover is not my friend, and Steve Berg of Milwaukee is not my enemy because I don't know who he is. You really have to know who is unwilling to help you before you decide if someone is NOT your friend. Anyone who hasn't intentionally sinned against you should not be considered your enemy, even if they are not one of your chosen companions often referred to as a friend or a 'buddy'.
B) My friend, Martha Osterhout of Charlotte, apparently still alive at the age of 92, cannot be the same as Martha Osterhout of Nebraska who supposedly died at the age of 71 in the year 2010, and also went to Doane University.
G) Biblehub  and Studylight both indicate that the Hebrew word #7451 is Resh Ayin (270 mathematically, but at word 7453, there is a parting of the facts:
    1. Biblehub lists that there is no Yod in #7453 so their basis for the Hebrew word for calamity, disaster and evil adversity is no different than the word for 'friend' and fellow citizen.
    2. lists 7453 as  Resh Yod Ayin, which means there IS an obvious difference between evil, diaster and calamity and a friend. Without having the  copy of the Torah scrolls, I can only lean toward the Studylight. org version as probably being accurate.  When I see the letter 'Yod', I recall police ten codes that I learned and the most basic Ten commandments that were detailed in stone by Moses.
   3. A name comes to mind that ends in a 'Resh Yod Ayin' sound and that word is Kariya, as in Steven and Paul. The word 'cobra' and 'zebra' a term often connected to a referee in a game, does not have the Yod sound in the middle, and to my knowledge the typical referee,zebra or cobra does not consult the books of Moses when in active duty.
D) Reconsidering 'A', if your 'God' is unwilling to help you he or she has become your' Resh Ayin' for a real Cyrus-type reason.  I did not know that the Persians had a 'good god, evil god' split until today, so maybe Steve Martin in 'the Pink Panther' is nothing like a Persian god, since he pretended to be 'good cop' and then 'bad cop' ; another actor presented the Persian god theory and said that the good cop and the bad cop usually were 2 different people, which fit better into the Persian theories of 'god heads'.
H) The Persian 2 gods, one evil and one good, probably leads to bipolar disorder, since the victims of 2 different Persian gods are unable to focus on 'The LORD our God is ONE' properly, leading to dounble-minded status, which is not an incurable state of mind. Focusing on ONE Yehovah instead of on 1 bottle of pills dispensed by an anti-Yehovah specialists is a good beginning to aligning with a God who is not afraid to toss calamity, affliction and evil opponents against humans to TEST them, and sometimes to destroy them due to their lack of TRUST in Yehovah's 'M.O.', method of operation.
F) This point might be of interest to people named 'Raymond' Wolski,' Rayne', 'Rachel' and 'Ramone' . Since none of these names have the Yod before the Ayin, maybe Sergei Fedorov is your most able spirit guide, rather than Christos Tselios.  With an mem in your name or a 'nun' in your name, waters, fish, a womb and the numbers 40 and 50 should be significant to you and others near you. A chet, (ch, the figure 8) in the middle is not as good as a Yod after the Resh followed by an Ayin. I do not need a degree from Yeshiva University to be able to analyze what names mean, and how the end of a name is more important than the beginning of a name. YShRAL is  a spelling adjustment can make if I am going to properly adjust to my own codes when I do not have a typewriter that has a Hebrew option.  get away from the 'ISRAEL' 6 letter name games and narrow the margin of error between a 'shin' and a samech as well as a Yod, and Aleph and a Ayin when translating from Hebrew to English as best that I, Marie, can.  I have no reason to believe that my method to translate a word is inferior to what 'King James' people developed.  I am not ignorant of logical testing, studying and trying to improve on a flawed system of communication.

If a man is on page 107 of a 1974 yearbook and then ends up in hotel room 107 in the year 2017 according to the 'will' of Tara Brown, and that man is not the cowardly Robin Michael Ortiz, THEN continue on to the Melvin Patton or Tara Blakeman lines, where weakness is not easily detected in Milwaukee Tech Trojan football history but is easily detected in the Blakeman lines.  My parents sowed a Zion, a figure 7, into my name, not a figure 8 and certainly  not the theory of Atlantis. Parents also reap what they sowed into their children's history and development, whether it be evil or good. I did not put a Y in 'Richard', but there is a figure 8 in  Resh Ayin Chet  HARD' hearted class after all. Can the dalet at the end of my son's non-French first name Richard bring him back to a Lindros laundry line before he compares Edwin to Isaiah and I  formations? I do not have an answer for the prior question. Should have I named my anti-Yehovah son 'Ricardo' or 'Ricky with the Kentucky end zone'? The beautiful word Qeset with a Tet on the end is different than the name Qeset with a Tav on the end, which is why spelling names using the Hebrew numerical equivelent can actually clear up areas of confusion regarding intent of letters of the instructions for YShRAL. eigh? The  name 'Raleigh' is also not a joke in the bicycle world but is trouble in the cigarette zones.

I do not know who David Radish is. I do know that I am now a friend, a 'Resh Yod Ayin' of the Adonai and Elohim  named Yehovah, because I want to help Him accomplish the desires of his mind and heart, not work against Yehovah.  No humans is ever automatically a friend of Yehovah, not even at birth, but a child has to be brought up properly to even have the OPPORTUNITY to choose the instructions of Yehovah when other  'gods' are competing for power, students and returns on their investments on earth.  The name 'RACZEK' does begin with the Hebrew letters that represent calamity, but the end is not the same as the beginning. Some people named 'RACZEK' still are my enemies, but that is only because they also have rejected YEHOVAH's instructions for living on earth.

Charles Spurgeon's commentaries and 'The Merchant of Venice' are no  longer of interest to me. Nehemiah 8:17 is of interest to me, just as Isaiah 45:7 is worthy of studying.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Bedoyah Day 912 Math: Kershaw22+Stafford9=American Greed

If you are spiritually sound enough to understand a Metlife Stadium 10, U.S. Bank Stadium 9 comparison,   you might be able to understand how certain sects end up getting 'caught up' in the wrong        H system. Fans who buy tickets to a George Winston concert do not 'boo' George Winston if he makes an error.  Likewise, humans who rather be in a marching band uniform instead of jumping around in cheerleader outfits as less useful than a rubber band have a better understanding of decent teamwork on and off of a football field. There is an 'h' on my birth certificate, and I appreciate my birth certificate more than I appreciate my most recent certificate of divorce from anti-commandment man of  Mosinee. I appreciate good things, and I hate symbols of evil desires.

Tolerating a horrible system that exists does not mean you desire to be part of a horrible system.  Horrible, ungodly and unholy systems abound on earth, so I will try to contrast the state of a real person with the state of a cartoon canine:

Reggie Howard White : dead to some, alive in spirit to others

Snoopy: dead to some, alive in attitude to others

Reggie Howard White, United States football  player, did not try blocking roadways to make his legitimate anti-Protestant points once he got off of the Martin Luther King, Jr. trail and got onto a way much better but often much lonelier.  The fact of law-abiding matters include the fact that humans that become good angels do not even obstruct traffic intentionally because biblical instructions include OBEDIENCE to local laws, not disobedience.
Reggie White's NFL number: 92
Reggie White's ESPN number:157

I last saw Reggie Howard White in person at Appleton, Wisconsin. A bit later I saw him on videotape next to Michael Rood, and the few who were at my parents 50th wedding anniversary did get a pro-Moses message as part of their parting gift package. To my knowledge, I am the only one who was at my parent's wedding anniversary who actually trusted not only what Reggie White delivered audibly, but what St. Moses the Levite delivered on 'skins'.  I was hated by my former husband, Sara White was loved by her former husband, so Sara White did get her reward on earth and she did not have to 'fight' for her portion.

SNOOPY: Snoopy got stuck being nearby 'Christmas trees'  but in reality, a dog needs a bowl of water  when dragged into captivity more than a dead everygreen tree needs a bowl of water.  What horrible businesses like 'Macy's' won't tell you is that USE OF OUTDOOR LIGHTS, especially at night, contributes to warming of the earth's atmosphere and also limits human ability to see the signs in the heavens that they need to see from a distance, not up close and as stupidly as a NASA project. Snoopy is like (16)(7)(8)(8)(15)(39)=93. Snoopy might be composed of natural elements on paper but he also is like an unnatural contrived element of society like element 93. A dog will fight to get their share of food supply if they haven't lost all of their survival instincts while in some form of incarceration derived by their owner. I suppose in real life a dog might eat popcorn, jellybeans and toast but when they are sick, even a dog does not want to eat. A dog actually knows when it should not try to prolong it's own life, but humans often try to keep a dog alive longer than the dog wants to be alive and in such cases it probably is because the HUMAN feels so unloved by other humans that the dog becomes their 'crutch' rather than their first line of defense against intruders. 'Snoopy' is a crutch to some people who should move on to Lassie studies eventually.

I remember seeing a statue of 'Snoopy' in a St. Paul hotel during a very lonely USA Thanksgiving after I was forced into homelessness by the Roland Hendrikson family, who had 2 houses but did not even want me to be able to sleep in my own 'Rockwood Roo' camper. Yes, a Lutheran father is guilty when he does not properly CORRECT his Catholic son when his son is sinning against his wife and against the mother of his son.

Now, I see 'Snoopy' when I am near to my father's house, and my father is kind-hearted, not greedy and not a lazy man. My father does not hate Israelite's, and my father is a decent and faithful husband. Roland Hendrikson's family actually committed sins against my father, and a fruitlass SPATH' plant can never atone for the sins of the Roland Hendrikson family.  Shane David Hendrikson horrifed me when he said that the trip he took to Las Vegas with 'Cheryl' was the first time he had a good time on a vacation. How could he speak BLASPHEMY against the kindness and the courtesy that the loving people of Saint Lucia showed us? Now, I have room to house a family from St. Lucia if they can get here safely, but never again will I have room in my household for anyone in the Roland Hendrikson family tree. Eventually, my own son might have to decide if he is part of the 'Big Daddy' Chick tract line of the 'Big Papa' Sylvester  Jackson line long before he decides if he wants to align with a tribe like Reuben which is contrary to Rachel for a good reason. The jasper foundation of Benjamites is for leaders of the sourthern tribes who are not afraid to be in the front lines and also not afraid to be called the brother of Joseph or the uncle of Ephraim.

I was very sad to hear that my son Richard Isaiah Hendrikson was not at all interested in studying the stones mentioned in the Bible. If the crucifix is his foundation, it is his own error and disbelief in the God of the tribes of Israel that lead him away from the 'Chief Cornerstone' system and even farther away from his natural mother.

As I wrote very clearly off of sand:" A rainbow does not protect the life of doves".  A 'Rainbow' system is not a foundation, and a rainbow was seen when the death toll on earth was the highest in history by percentages. The number 8 does matter, and if  I have the spirit of the 8 Sudbury police officers who were murdered by a demonic anti-commendment gang in Canada, I will never be a coward but I will be very cautious,  At the time that I survived 'Hurricane Dennis' and fled from 'Hurricane  Hugo', I wasn't spiritually cautious enough and as a result I did not fear what Yehovah could do to me if I did not repent and start obeying the instructions that even Satan had access to.
OPERATION: 'Anti-Detroit Lion' OR 'Operation Beef Bologna'; do not confuse the following information with Dairy Queen's 'Operation pink spoon' or 'Operation', an electronic game of tweezer skill devised by Milton Bradley.

'Snoopy': ink character contrived by a man named Charles who did not have the mindset of an Israelite but who did have the mindset of a person who knew that dogs communicate. 'Snoopy' typified anti-Nazi pilot who often worked without his 'master' Charlie Brown's knowledge. SNOOPY has a number to me, and it is  now '93'.  

A real dog respects and fears a real lion, not a fake lion. Real lions do not gather in more than they need to survive while they also try to provide and a safe environment for their pride, so a real lion is wiser than Matthew Stafford and his extremely unnatural blonde spouse, Kelley Stafford. 'Your adversary, the 'devil', goes about LIKE a lion ( but isn't a lion'. Such anti- Apostle Peter men might be like Tom Brady who dressed up like 'Hickory' or any other human slapping some fake-lion gear on them.  Peter the Apostle was not writing letters to the Romans or the Galatians, since Peter was assigned to a different mission field. Real saints know that 'Playboy Bunny' or 'Hooters'  outfits are an enemy of Yehovah and should never even be in your SIGHT if you are blessed enough to know that evil attracts evil and perfect holiness rejects evil.

It is now the end of HALAK day, and I wore a Minnesota Wild outfit with a helmet decarated with Badger emblems, Marshall University emblems and even e New Jersey Devil emblem while coaching  myself in a hockey rink on the 27th day of the 6th Isarelite month. I'm not  a 'Sugar Plum Fairy' or a 'giant rat' suit type.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Real Score of Day 1977: Bears 10, Vikings 9

Because I  realize football games are often more like dart board games, I notice the offensive points accumulated by teams I like against teams I dislike. For instance, 'Steelers 26, Ravens 24 is a true score comparison of 2 teams in the W column, but only the Steelers are a visuallly decent team.  Keeping 2 eyes on units that humans gamble against is something like walking into a air museum in Auburn, Indiana and spotting a Blackhawk bigger than Corey Crawford, then trying to figure out the difference between a Dumbo line and Robin Olds school policies. I did notice that only a fool thinks a scantily clad movie star or whorish woman or an unfaithful husband is worth fighting for, so I did see evidence of many examples USA military advertising folly mixed in with some true facts and interesting models of items such as a  B-17 Flying Fortress'.

When I watch potential disasters come to areas I had previous interest in and even invested in financially, I stand by and watch what occurs even though I can do nothing to prevent what occurs.  If Hurricane Maria hits unholy beaches with the energy of the revenge of  martyr Maria Goretti, GOOD and AMEN! A similar occurrence happens when a bride invests her family possessions, her time and her love into a marriage but she can do nothing to stop her spouse from trying to crush her, humiliate her and financially ruin her UNLESS another entity with good powers steps in between the bride and the husband who either has no patience or has no fear of breaking holy laws and a legal agreement. I do know what it is like to see a house and property ripped away from me by a force even more evil than a typical hurricane   destroying beach areas that the Messiah of Israel would not want to go to because they have become extremely unholy and morally indecent over the years, mostly due to 'tourist' industries. Millions of people that HAD or have power stood by and did nothing to prevent my family from losing a beautiful house to Nazi-type forces and for that reason, my equal and opposite reaction is to  see what else El Elyon doesn't prevent from happening to other humans who may or may not have even tried to begin a peace process with the God of Ysrael, the God of Noah and the God of the prophet Zephaniah. I do indeed believe that nations that continually allow and do not properly defend against sin and against evil will not be spared from disasters. I also believe that HOUSEHOLDS,  that DO their best to battle against sin somehow are blessed with uncommon sense to know where to deploy themselves to and how to avoid becoming party to their unholy nation's crimes.

Is it easier to see what you had insured get tossed about like 'Buzz Lightyear' toys in a real tornado than it is to see the spouse and children you invested time, talent and treasure in get scooped up by an evil entity usually known as a anti-commendment human.  I guarantee you, it is easier to see insured and uninsured property get destroyed and never rebuilt than it is to see a man or woman break their wedding vows and destroy their own family in a divorce and custody battle that the faithful spouse never wanted to occur and which also can not be 'rebuilt' once it has been intentionally destroyed by it's OWN LEADER.

I would be somewhat interested to know what the divorce rates, the crime rates, the abortion rates, the amount of unwed mothers and the anti-Yom Teruah rates  are in the countries that are getting hit the hardest by the effects of heavy weather burdens they can resist but can't control.  When nations do not punish their resident SINNERS harsh enough, eventually the entire nation gets flooded with a nation of sinners who refuse to repent and who refuse to start a peace process with their designated Elohim (HOLY JUDGE) . When word sequences are somwthing like 'Aleph Mem Vav Nun' and that word is associated with faithful and true, a person who is in their 2nd year of commandment keeping effort and daily Hebrew word studies notices that right around the time of Yom Teruah every year, word 537 is feeble, but word 539 is strong as Yom Kippur approaches. In like manner, a child in his second year of life goes from feeble to strong if parents are diligent to provide what the child needs.

I have seen couples who had no way to support their current family continue to breed, and I am not all that shocked when the male leader of that family becomes extremely ill, leaving the mother to have even MORE of a laborious problem when she the father of her children becomes ill. Both parents should have known not to breed more children who they could not afford to properly house and feed to prevent a household disaster, Likewise, the United States of America also should have stopped allowing more people into their borders than they could fiscally house, provide jobs for and provide food for........ but the United States of America did not have enough people who desired to be fiscally responsible.

The House of Ysrael will have an initial limit on the amount of people leading households that will be amazingly protected while serving their God Yehovah, and that number is set at 144,000 humans and therefore at 144,000 households. Such numbers are not going to dissappear as quickly as Twizzlers disappear from a vending machine slot at space 144 in Coldwater, Michigan.  The United States system of government does not represent the mind of YEHOVAH.

As the words KALAH (Halak) and Hey Lamed Lamed (halal, which means to praise and which is tied to psalms 113-118) came into existence long before horrible evil  beasts like 'Fitzpatrick' gang of Detroit were on 'American Greed' television , and long before my post C-Day (courthouse day)  1978 occurred.  It would have been better for the city of Detroit 'officials' to drop evil mayors like Fitzpatrick into an alley after enough evidence was produced against him and let the honest and strong Detroit citizens and employees who were his victims  severely beat  the evil politician 'Fitzpatrick' and his anti-lawful associates(punish them by lashes up to 40 so they can try to be more like 'Jesus' if they want to try to protect their Colon line better) , hoping to draw a last breath confession of sin out of the wicked and evil servant before the good citizens haul his evil flesh to a hospital or to a morgue.  This example also makes a good argument for residency clauses of police officers, since those representing citizens who were not victimized should really not be able to take part in the just punishment procedures for crimes committed in their jurisdiction. Unless those most severely fiscally and morally injured by evil beasts like former mayor of Detroit, 'Fitzpatrick', are able to take the good Law into their hands, read it, understand it and see that it is allowable by Yehovah to destroy evil flesh before it destroys them, they will never have peace, safety and financial security in their household,jurisdiction or their nation. Whitney Houston and Mormon commercials do not represent righteousness and good judgment; maybe the Fort Wayne Komets and the Mad Ants of basketball understand why the Whitney Houston way of Costner is NOT the Galatian or even as good as most Milwaukee Road train moves.

I am almost positive that my squad 50 Early dark brown police mentor, John Dorsey of Milwaukee, would agree with my diagnosis of the horrible condition of the United States and the lack of proper judicial punishments that has caused not only the financial problems but also the lack of miracles along the shores of beaches and nearby casino areas usually covered with immoral behavior rather than being protected with a mantle of justice and a passover lamb feast .

The biggest WHOA, wait one Brian Heck minute reminder, of the day occurred when I saw that the word 'Bedoyah' means servant of Yah, so who knows what badge number Gabriel Bedoya was given when he attempted to represent Philip Arreola in the midwest. The names 'Bedoya' and 'Koch' also aren't forgotten in Milwaukee District 1 problematic situations. The 'Bedoyah' word is in the Beit series, not in the  Hebrew Hey 5 Koslov series.

Sainthood advice: If you are doing a peaceful, lawful protest, it is best to do it alone or in an extremely small group of people that you are willing to defend with your own life if need be. Protest loudly for a short time or quietly for a longer time rather than getting aligned with  a mixed group of strangers, and make sure you do not impede traffic on designated roadways. If you do a solo type protest, you do not need to get a permit, and make sure you are protesting against evil, not against the rights of real living saints who are learning to obey the teachings and instructions of Yehovah as dispensed by Moses.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Wendy Osefo and Graham Ledger= 2 Headed Worst Couple

There are times when it is evident that 2 people are both wrong and fewer times when two people are correct. Neither Graham Ledger not Wendy Osefo are correct in their direction of  thought when it comes to audibles  at sporting events in turf overburdened with non-citizen watches and not enough beef chorizo to go around.  Once again, I will try to educate the few, not the proud, since the proud totally ignore my suggestions. There are wise ways to be 'anti- something' and very dangerous ways to be 'anti-something'.

1. Chanting 'USA' while in the United States of America is logical, and in this case, those who do not want to chant 'USA' can chant 'Western Hemisphere' or 'Northern Fish' if they want to.  Wendy Osefo should go back to Nigeria and start chanting either 'USA' or 'NIgeria' and see how her own horrible make-up crew responds. Wendy Osefo actually looked like a transvestite at my first glance at her digital image, by the way. It is often difficult to assess a person's mentality by appearance alone.

2. If NFL owners do not want their employees sitting down during 'The Star Spangled Banner', it is up to the owners to tell their employees what they expect of them while in uniform, What businesses allow their employees to do  reflects the attitude of the OWNERS and the chosen supervisors, not just the employee who might be testing his owners right to fire him or her. If employee rules do not strictly forbid sitting down or doing push-ups during certain ceremonial times, the smarter employee would be doing push-ups or jumping jacks as an anti-laziness protest.

3. Paul Washer methods versus Scot Dryer methods might be useful when trying to convince ignorant television people that a non-violent protest is better than a violent protest in ANY nation that has law enforcement as horrible as Marathon County, Wisconsin or Macomb County, Michigan. Horrible law enforcement includes trying to enforce every idiotic trivial man-made anti-Israelite laws while the Sheriff's dupities are disobeying the good commandments delivered by Moses to people who were forefather's of Peter the apostle and good men like Yeshua of Nazareth.

4. Any human who disrespects, abuses or ignores the teachings of his law-abiding mother or law-abiding father IS WORSE at mind than a person who shouts 'Win It For The Duck' or 'USA in In Medusa' or any other legal language utterance that is a fact or a desire. When in Minnesota, some tough athletes might yell 'LITTLE CANADA' and be very correct regarding their location.

5. This 5th thought came to me when I thought about Kevin Zeitler's March 8th production line.  I have heard Shane David Hendrikson of Wittenberg, Wisconsin claim that he never loved Linda Maria Meyer; if Shane's statements were true, why would he want to impregnate Linda Maria Hendrikson a second time and bring forth another child with a woman he claimed he never did love?  Such lustful non-loving acts abound in the world and cause more damage to a nation than doing push-ups or jumping jacks while a non-hymn is being sung in a location where the 'boss' doesn't care what you do while whorish pom-pom women are doing things far worse than sitting on a bench in football uniforms as they partake in anti-Moses ceremonial activities.

6. I know for a fact that I can sit and listen to songs the typical Catholics or Jehovah Witnesses love to sing without them getting too worried about their right to sing and stand without me. If the majority of people who like to sing about 'bombs bursting in air' would stop giving negative attention to people who are NOT their employees and NOT their family members, their blood pressure would probably go down and they's find something to give a Pete Malloy grin to rather than focus their energy on fools like Wendy Osefo or Graham Ledger.

7.  Don't lose too much sleep over the 'Equifax' problem. Just about every family has a former in-law or former spouse who already knows your name, address and social security number even thought they are now your enemy. If you have been very responsible and reasonable with credit requests in the past, scammers will be very obvious to lenders who do not want to lose what they are lending . If a person has rejected credit card offers for years and keeps only 1 or 2 or even 3 credit cards at the most, they are more likely to be able to prove they did not apply for brand new credit in a system that is a semi-private and sometimes very public .

8. The City of Detroit once again proved how little they actually admire Jerome Bettis since they now made him equal to Lily Tomlin in useless award presentations. Of course, Michael Tomlin of the USA is still much better than Lily Tomlin of Michigan when in comes to leading humans properly during actual anti-fake conflicts of interest to angels, Richmond Blue Demons and the living Findley Ohio football alumni such as Bob Heminger.

9. The next 6-pack to keep an eye on was present at some 'Legacy Convention' in Chicago, Illinois in 2016, which was 8 years AFTER the Scot Dryer, Rico Cortes and Bill Cloud bunch gathered at 'Chicago Restorahtion' at Hoffman Estates. The 6-headed non-beast team used to be called 'The Cross Movement' and their biggest challenge seems to be keeping their palms away from their crotch area  rather than having a tattoo problem on their arms. John English and 'Jackson' the Papillon dog types might understand Lassie better than they understand the man-made mark of 157 miles per hour minimum wind speed for a category 5 hurricane or Elmo,  but that doesn't mean they only want to hear Lassie or 'Jackson'. I'd let adults like the Phanatik, Cruz Cordero and similar rappers try to put the lyrics I wrote to 'Check This' or 'The Master of The Valley Greens' if they want to, but first they have to  respectfully contact ME, not Olivia DeHaviland or Scot Dryer.

'Who's on the road, dog, with a USA map and a DARE bear....'  Wise women exist, even those who survive places such as in the movie 'The Snake Pit' or real places like 749 West State Street with or without David Clarke at their side.

Monday, September 11, 2017

UW Stave #905 Day To Remember ___________ Badger Skins?

Once upon a past tense business and household time before my residence was overtaken by Nazi-minded regime in Marathon County, Wisconsin, I received a diploma from 'Financial Peace University' which is now more useless than the spirit of 'Stonewall Jackson'.  Will the Ulysses Grant Union  Babylonian Nut cases who stupidly still worship Abraham Lincoln ever consider they should not have tried to tamper too much with historic reminders?   Here's an anti-Ramsey, tough Brunette 15 question test to examine your conscience and  regarding  typical 'Christmas'  or non-IRS spending.

1. Did you buy any flesh described as an 'abomination' by prophets such as Moses, who crushed the stone version of the Law, for your household? Keep in mind that a 'curse' is not the same as an 'abomination', since it is SIMPLER (less difficult) to reject an abomination than it is to reject a blessing or defend yourself against a curse.
2. Did you buy or sell products that had images of 'Santa Claus' or 'Playboy' logo on them in the past 7 years?
3. Did you buy or accept any 'Kennedy half dollar' pieces in the past 3 years?
4. Did you accept a Euro as a from of payment in the past 7 years?
5. Did you purchase a movie theatre ticket or purchase any video of something that was rated 'PG-13', or 'R' in the past 3 years?
6. Did you buy or sell any 'Victoria's Secret' products in the past 7 years?
7. Did you buy  an automobile worth more than a flood insurance policy for your house? If so, you are part of the reason the USA might try to raise their debt-load.
8. As part of a governing body, did you decide to charge fees for license plates on cars that are clearly designed to have 2 license plates but then only give them 1 plate ? If so, you are a wicked steward of transportation, anti-crime and public safety funds and should not expect any type of angelic protection. (This is a 'Ruth Palkans' type 'Good Samaritan' question).
9. Did you try to flip 'F-Troop' for 'Frankenstein' lines in order to try to intentionally confuse or deceive Edgar Jackson or Winter Club teams, with no concern for Flouride, Frankincense or Atlanta F6 money lines?
10. Did you pay too much attention to Irma DeLeon lines and not enough attention to Robert DeLeon of Milwaukee or the Book of Isaiah?
11. Did you think you had to receive money from a person before you would give them a gift? Michael Rood currently conives his audience by requesting  money for his business and studio show where Moses is not always read on the Sabbath, and then incorrectly defines the trinket he sends you as 'a gift'.
12. Did you invest in any CUT stone that cannot represent one of the foundation stones of the new and holy Jerusalem? ( Try to learn ot REMEMBER that only uncarved, uncut stones can represent  a tribe of Ysrael).
13. Did you buy a new television set even though the television set you had was not broken?
14. Did you purchase a ticket to see a team than had cheerleaders dressed in 'Hooters' type attire, namely with cleavage pushing and uncovered abdominal walls in the past 3 years?
15. Did you, as a free non-slave, refuse to visit your living mother and your living father at their home ( this does not mean at their funeral service) in the past  year?
16. If you invested  in or spent time in places like 'Noah's Ark' in the Wosconsin Dells or water rides at horrific, dangerous unholy  amusement parks such as 'Great America' or Disneyworld' in the past 7 years or do not believe that olive leaf is a safe antibiotic that a dove can transport in a medical crisis, subtract 150 points from your total score. Cue cats and Quebec dogs understand the meaning of this  White 16th billiard Ball State consequence of not thinking seriously enough during your decision making processes at Chris Vadala's 'Fun and Games' level.

If you made a false claim that for every sofa or couch trip or item purchased there is a theft, you are a liar and the Truth is not in you. State Farm Insurance commercials once again proved they are liars  when their actors claim that for every purchase of something you desire legally, a thief will illegally take what you desired.  Yehovah actually hates liars and as a result most likely does hate State Farm Insurance  commercials.

For every honest Y=yes answer, give yourself 10 points, for a horrible score of 150. Every Y answer probably makes you as spiritually and morally inept as Yzerman or Chelios.   For every honest N=no answer, give yourself 50 points for a maximum of 750 points. For every N answer, you might be as bright as Napthali or Nun, the father of Joshua.  A total of 750 points might make you 'chief priest'  or cheif shepherd material according to Strong's Hebrew codes and a score of 150 means you most likely refused to read or don't believe Psalm 150  which makes you a typical Michigan Rochester road unholy and unwise human worthy of some harsh corrections IF you want to be blessed properly. If you end up with 'Zero', you are more dangerous to society than Satan.

The following listed Little 4 items are anti-bonus suggested 'flash flood' items you should purchase for yourself rather than purchasing cigarettes, candy, cut flowers (living plants produce oxygen), soda pop, guns or ammuntion. Thanksgiving or Pentecost is a good time to buy gifts for yourself and your family, or if you are not a Jehovah's witness, buy them for yourself on the anniversary of the departure from your mother's womb since very few know the day or the hour they were conceived.
1. Buy a somewhat study raft-type device. I purchased a decent raft with 2 oars for $30.00 at Dunham's near I-94 and exit 243 in Michigan . Such a raft is better than water skis with no boat in sight.
2. Buy a life-jacket approved for water-skiing that also has a zippered compartment to keep keys,identification and eyewear in. I purchased an excellent life-vest for about $50 that I would feel very safe in if I had to evacuate my car or house and float toward some safer area.
3. Buy a device that filters and cleans water. I purchased a Swiss-made personal water filtration system for up to 100,000 gallons for around $20.00
4. Buy snorkel to add more access to an oxygen supply in case of flood emergency.  Snorkels usually are under $50, with many of them under $20.

Remember, do not STEAL during any crisis, since you are better off becoming a martyr than stealing to prolong your anti-Moses life.

Total  flood emergency survival kit: $100 per person plus the cost of flood insurance for your household.  You can survive without a can opener and it is easier to save yourself if trust your domesticated animals to try and save themselves as is their nature, especially if you get pull-top canned foods or plastic wrapped protein bars to go with your filtered dirty flood water that you  must learn to suck out of a straw.  Loading a few days of food, a rain suit, a flashloght and a some decent clothes into a decent raft probably won't sink your raft as easily as you would sink with Tom Wahl driving a boat in front of you on ugly Post Lake in ugly, unholy Elcho, Wisconsin. I learned the 'ugly' word on HGTV, so if your score is 450, you are as lukewarm and wasteful as HGTV personnel.

As a hockey equipment manager and coach reminder, tossing a hockey helmet on your head  when you have to evacuate an area and enter rough waters or a tornado alley  will help protect your head better than a bicycle or baseball helmet. Of course, shin guards, elbow protection, chest protection and hockey pants also are excellent to wear and have available in your automobile and home during tornado warnings, so do not give away all of your perfectly good tornado defense equipment even if you have quit playing hockey.

I intend to donate my autographed photo of Adrian Peterson to another Peter this week, since Darius Hilary of the Cleveland Browns is now my favorite #28. Prince Fielder was never my favorite #28, and Nick Striglos isn't #28 now.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Hurricane Carla in 1961: Evil As A Derringer or Strong as A Savage?

I did verify what my mother Camille told me about my first days in MIlwaukee's Saint Francis Hospital when I researched the track of Hurricane Carla, a category 5 storm that tracked northward well into Canada in September of 1961. The name 'Carla' is good  when I remember a fellow schoolmate named Carla Savage, and very bad when I recall Carla Derringer who acually intentionally dismembered my family, lured the father of my child as she worked at the Captain's Steak House on the east side of Milwaukee in the early 1980's, an act which she never repented of. There is a huge difference between  dismembering and remembering parts of the body or parts of your history. Stonewall Jackson actually will never be dismembered from the history of eastern United States, even if millions do not respect his level of intelligence and his military courage.

Hurricane Esther arrived later in 1961, and my Aunt Esther Ganski-Raczek eventually held me in her arms as an infant. When Esther Ganski-Raczek was breathing some of her last breaths, I was at her bedside..... and then along came Hurricane Hattie.

Hurricane Donna in 1960 might have swooped in with as mich strength as my friend Donna Grinker did when she was helping me provide food and fuel services in on 9th and Greenfield Avenue in Milwaukee at a Superamerica. Miss Donna Grinker might not have been subjected to such dangers if males such as father of Richard Edwin Xavier had chosen to be a good father and a good husband rather than a liar and a deceiver, yet Donna and I learned how to work and defend ourselves and others without guns; Donna and I were both students at St. Matthew's grade school and laziness was not acceptable at Saint Matthew's grade school.

I was most amazed today when I noticed the 7th letter of the Word made flesh is a Beit, not a Tsion. The beit is appears long before the 51st letter which is the letter Pei (17th letter of the Hebrew aleph Beit sequence). I was also amazed reading the book of Isaiah chapter 59, which describes Yehovah's forces particularly in verses 18 and 19 as a force of flood waters in an area where occupants were continually heading toward evil rather than toward righteousness. Indeed, at the time that the 59th chapter of the Book of Isaiah was scheduled to be read by people who have exited or never entered into Babylonian forms of worship, Hurricane Irma was passing through areas I had spent much time in distributing Bibles, not condoms or drugs.  I no longer have any good memories of Florida other than the year that my family spent in Saint Augustine in the springtime. It was difficult to find a room, but we stayed in the house of an elderly woman who rented us a room as the word 'Easter' circulated around us. The time I spent in Florida with Shane David Hendrikson in hindsight were a waste of my time and my efforts, and in fact I was once again treated very cruelly by Shane about the time we we heading to a hockey game between Tampa Bay and the Montreal Canadiens.  Let Tampa Bay occupants get 'baptized' however they want, and let them work as hard as i did at Superamerica store on 9th and Greenfield to have a shelter over them  and earn money for food in their children's stomachs.

I didn't have the life of Laura Ingalls, nor do I desire to be like Laura Bush. Joseph Espisito of New York has his own past to contend with and soon I will have another Yom Teruah to mark the end of  56 years since Hurricane Carla, Esther and Hattie did not deter from the path they were pre-destined to follow.

As I left an area that supplied excellent meal yesterday,noticing the name Bryson and recalling Bryson City, NC, I felt sick to my stomach because of the utterances of an arrogant, filthy USA Navy fool who had been in Afghanistan. The USA Navy male spewed out vulgarities rather than choosing to be a blessing to his neighbors. Earlier in the day,  the scriptures of Moses was read by ME but not heard by many others. The Navy veteran typifies males that are common beasts, a burden to a nation and are a part of the serious problem the United States of America's military has created  since good etiquette, lawfulness and decent speech has not been the goal of the USA military instructors in the past century. I am quite sure that Confederate Leader General Robert E. Lee never would have muttered the vulgarities of the horrific USA 'veteran', a proud fool with a 'Nine Line' on his shirt, and if the state of Virginia get pounded with rains, indeed it will not be Robert E. Lee or Stonewall Jackson who will try to protect or defend their property.

Time to exercise my right to remember the letter Tsaddi on this 18th day of the 6th month. the 6th letter of the Word of Yehovah is still the tav, and the 6th letter of the Hebrew aleph beit sequence and is still the Vav, which is in the middle of the word translated as Nun or Noon. I have no desire to learn Hmong or pig Latin. As I recall, recent 61st century Hurricanes named Marie and Bertha were rather mild and gentle compared to Harvey and Irma.

Shane David Hendrikson often bragged about his heathen times in Fort Meyers during 'spring break', then later intentionally dismembered me from his anti-commandment family and anti-cammandment family religion of Protestants, which allowed me to get more securely grafted into the Tree of Life and into the Book of Life that includes a collection of people and tribes from Reuben through Benjamin fathered by Jacob, not a Wittenberg fool  named 'Roland'. Cheryl Hendrikson is now just another Carla Derringer who coveted another person's spouse. When 'the Nine Line' becomes 3 days of darkness, a little lamp might help you study the 9th commandment, the Hebrew letter Tet, the topaz of the tribe of Simeon or even the I9 on United States currency.

For the few people who know the difference between MOOG and SWEDOWSKI, do you know the difference between a cubit and a hin? Only a few know that I completely repented of becoming the bride of Robin Michael Ortiz, and the writer of Psalm 51 did not acknowledge that he sinned against URIAH.  The King of Israel known as 'David' is not a to be considered a prophet, even if he did have a good command of the Hebrew letters.  The author of Psalm 88 is not a David at mind or at heart, since DNA matters.

Make sure the world is reminded that the famous tavern couple known as James Costa,Jr. and Linda Maria Costa ' eventually honeymooned' after  their adulterous marriage in Key West, Florida not in Bryson City, North Carolina.  Who will now read the biblical Book of James instead of a tasty 'Idaho Spud' ingredient list?