Friday, February 3, 2017

Remember the Eliakim Trail

I would suspect a literal guitar pick could be appointed to to lead the CIA and be set on a cheap chair in  an existing CIA office after totally dismantling the CIA and then laying off all the employees due to a total lack of good ethics and proper moral behavior of the CIA agency since its inception. It is impossible to change a corrupt root to an incorruptible branch of a government 'system.  One well functioning FBI would be a 'good goal', with FBI agents behavior being subject to local police inspections and investigations when the FBI isn't operating according to EQUAL justice standards.

Also of interest is the fact that the Jehovah's Witnesses quote Joshua chapter 1 but then fail to believe that they should know and do all that is in the Law of Moses in order to achieve a standard higher than competing protestant and Catholic subdivisions of extremely unclean and unholy appetite behavior patterns.  As I hear and see it, the Jehovah's Witnesses might fit the definition of the church of Sardis, but that is not part of the narrow Eliakim trail mix which is tied to the church of Philadelphia.

I'm getting deployed to Flint, MIchigan this week to keep watch over the Kitchener Rangers and the London Knights. Wednesday February 8th is 'fiery carbuncle' day, and I really am not going to worship of honor Joe Kocur even if I am surrounded by Kocur supporters who have no clue what it takes to be part of a sardonyx, Napthali or tribe of Dan mentality. Ideally, I will be much wiser than Chris Kyle or similar improperly trained 'offensive linemen' who trust more in their guns than in a very natural God and holy archangel methods of operation which vary from angel to angel

It is impossible to KEEP biblical geology simple, but it is possible to keep it as a focus of your chosen goal line rather than continually choosing  to take orders from ungodly leaders or give orders  to anti-commandmentist people who are ultimately incapable of setting your feet on the proper foundation and are also incapable of getting off of their wide and broad way into a narrow gate system without a complete change of mind.

Indeed, a plastic guitar pick has a better chance of making it into the kingdom of God than a sneaky unclean CIA agent and the politicians that trust anti-Torah foundations and anti-Israelite systems. I just wanted to make it clear that I know that Donald Trump and his chosen puppets do not impress the chosen faithful remnant of Yehovah. Donald Trump is NOT King of Kings and Lord of Lords material, but as a 'servant' has the right to try his best to do his duty to whichever 'God' he choses to obey.

When it comes to poltical or business 'dinner parties', personally I wouldn't bother going to a dinner where the male and female heads of the household weren't actually doing the cooking and literally serving others.  Virtuous women know how to cook meals for many rather than inviting many to lavish dinners that are actually a huge waste of money and which lack any form of HUMILITY and spiritual wisdom.  Only a few people might have truly believed that a female president would be more of a curse to a nation with no potential for proper change, and thus were compelled to vote for a male from the few terrible choices that were on the last USA ballot.

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