Abaddon's angels do move around without wings, and must find safe places of lodging just like any other protected species. If you don't try to antogonize Muslims, they might provide you with clean foods at a reasonable price. Remember the rule of being around a trained or wild dog: if a dog sees signs that you are unprepared to go on offense against the dog , it is more likely to attack you.
A unique non-Israelite day has occurred this evening since Gregorians see today as February 10th, 2nd&10 while Muslims are starting the 5th month and and 13the day. Billiard tables are usually better to watch than clearly violent and disgusting female wrestlers or tattoo-burdened male boxers . As easily as I can remember my own son, I still remember the first crimes scene I had to 'watch over' until a picture squad came in Milwaukee District 2. Keeping an eye on bloody floors is not a laughing matter, especially after a violent beast decides to crack open another beast's head with a billiard stick. I have not been able to avoid every beast that has attacked me in the past 55 years, but one hand palm strike to a dangerous enemy before fleeing should never have been considered 'battery' or disorderly conduct, especially since the person who was struck once but not injured was planning a felony, committed a felony and became a felon that Marathon County Sheriff's deputies protected rather than assisting me in prosecuting him as I had the right to. My rights were violated, and because of that I still refuse to sing the national anthem of the United States. Although it is true that the Scripture indicates it is not typical for a mother to forget her own son, it also is not possible to forget how kind, how helpful or how rude and how cruel you son has been to you. Remembering FACTS keeps you of sound mind, but contriving or believing fiction is as dangerous to your spiritual and physical health as gambling in casinos, ignoring the warnings of the prophets and mating with prostitutes.
Overcoming certain fears is necessary, but aligning with decent assemblies is important in this age where crimes abound and real saints are hard to find. I am going to suggest 10 reasons why it would be wise for an atheist or a floundering lost Jim Fish line to attend a Jehovah's Witness Kingdom hall meeting.
10. You will learn more at a JW about proper conduct and balance of male human powers at a Kingdom Hall than you would ever learn by watching any United States political gathering.
9. It is better to go and spend a couple hours in a Kingdom Hall than in a casino gambling. The JW group does not expect money from non-members.
8. It is wiser to spend time at a Kingdom Hall than it is to go to any movie theatre currently on earth, since Kigdom Hall's presentations are rated 'G' as in 'Gamma' not PG-13, R or X. The Greek influence is stronger than the Hebrew influence in the Kingdom Halls.
7. If you have been anti-Jehovah Witness when they approach your doorstep, you gain the 'upper hand' finding out what their plans really are. This is no worse than a Wake Forest quarterback sitting in on a Notre Dame football meeting, and learning about an 'opponent' can actually alleviate fears when you find the the opponent is KIND to you.
6. If you have gone beyond the Jehovah's witness church of Sardis type mentality and progressed onto church of Philadelphia status, the Jehovah's Witnesses should start witnessing what YOU do so they can get past their desire for pork loins and Italian pork sausage and into a desire for the beef bRISKet Cetera menu venue.
5. Attend a session to use your freedom of sppech properly, not in a disorderly manner as is the sutom with Soros types or political beasts. Since the Jehovah's Witnesses do read from a version of the Scriptures but don't yet obey all they Scriptures, be prepared to tell them the following: 'I believe what is read from the Scriptures so I do not agree with Sunday sabbath assemblies.' Make sure you choose to attend a week night service or a Saturday service if possible to avoid all connections to 'Egyptian' type gatherings.
4.Attend the Kngdom Hall as if you are on a low budget mission trip to a neighboring 'hood'. The Jehovah's Witnesses will not chase you away if you behave properly enough to get a 'D' in conduct. Tell them you are part of their free security system if you are a 'rough' or 'tough' body or attire type. Do not dress any differently to go to a Kingdom Hall than you would dress to go to a hockey or football game, and make sure you have a proper and decent covering on. Do not go there trying to OFFEND them, but be prepared to state what you do or do not agree with.
4. Attend a Kingdom Hall to improve your own etiquette if you have been spending too much time alone of too much time with broods of asps often dressed as attorneys in courtrooms. You will be exposed to very well-behaved human beings in a Kingdom Hall, and that is becoming a rarity on earth. See for yourself how good conduct can lead to peaceful assemblies of learning that is much wiser than opening a PLayboy cologne bottle before going to 'The Twisted Kilt' or a Las Vegas show.
3. Attend a Kingdom Hall to get over your fear of people who properly reject witchcraft and acknowledge the existance of Satan. A recent animated production presented by the Jehovah's Witnesses was very good since it condemned attachment to 'wizard' and similar anti-Truth figures.
2. Attend a Kingdom Hall to increase your musical power, just as you might have done in high school chorus. The sings they sing are much better than anything Elton John or Billy Joel has contrived in their days of folly, not Jolly Good news.
1. Attend a Kingdom Hall to avoid going to a worse cult possibly attached to ISIS. It is also extremely wise to avoid financially supporting any place that has a paid pastor church or a 'secret meeting' group like a Masonic Lodge. The Jehovah's Witnesses are not secretive and do not exhibit grossly evident errors as is common to the Vatican papacy. There is good information and decent legends in the rear of the Bible, or the front of their Bible if you open it up like an Israelite would. You are far less likely to end up in double orange 5/13 trouble possibly attached to Muslim affiliates if you meet with and try to get along with peaceful Bible students on a womewhat regular basis.
The above recommendations are as beneficial to the unique remnant of Israel as is it checking in on a SMALL Catholic church in a rurual area that still offers a Saturday service, since not all Catholics are incapable of obeying the commandments even if their asp-like Pope continually rejects the commandments of Jehovah. If you are a Messianic Banjamite, Messianic Gadite or Messianic Reubenite, you may be needed to keep an eye on various non-Philadelphia assemblies contemplating the fact that if you are a 1 in about 55,000 of the sealed servants, where you show up might help protect some lost goats who are gathering and need a guardian angel among them.
Of course, I know it's the beginning of the 13th day of the 11th month, and it is either about 2 moths or 3 months from the next appointed feast week for people who desire to be counted as part of Israel. The Jehovah's witnesses can't get grafted in to Israel by ignoring the commandments, so make sure you are not celebrating passover before the barley is ripe in Israel, and be prepared to tell the people at your local Kingdom Hall why you will be GONE during passover week if you have the ability to travel and choose a destination away from your cruelest, greediest or laziest anti-Israelite enemies. Unless the typical 'Christian' or 'Catholic' adversary accepts advice how to properly advance to church of Philadelphia procedures, they most likely be labeled as 'stubborn' or part of the synagogue of Satan based on the results of their LACK of good works tied to a lack of faith in the Word of Yehovah.
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