Sunday, February 26, 2017

Reviewing My Lack Of Guilt Regarding HIreling/Slave Discipline

I wouldn't fit in well in Warroad, Minnesota since I know there is more to life than hockey and Olympic trinkets. 'Enterprise' car rental and Brent Burns types are not a reliable source of good'clean  holy influence  based on biblical 'Truth'.  If you don't agree with biblical Truth, it eventually becomes your real problem.

18 “If people quarrel and one person hits another with a stone or with their fist[d] and the victim does not die but is confined to bed, 19 the one who struck the blow will not be held liable if the other can get up and walk around outside with a staff; however, the guilty party must pay the injured person for any loss of time and see that the victim is completely healed.

My professional opinion : Professional hockey would improve if the above standard was applied after a brawl. If an opponent got injured seriously enough to miss some games, his salary would  either double during the time off or his team owner would get reimbursed the injury pay they were required to give to their hired servant by contract. Players making less money than their opponent might be deterred from instigating fights with their wealthier opponent.
20 “Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, 21 but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property. 
IN a case where a hired servant ( Exodus chapter 21 verse 20) (slave treated properly) is treated as a member of a household and the servant STEALS and betrays the master they agreed to work for, reasonable discipline can include striking a blow to the wicked servant. Shane David Hendrikson matches the definition of a wicked servant, and I did NOT deserve, according to my God's good and perfect law, to be punished for one strike to him after I knew he was stealing from my company's funds and lying to  'his boss', which happened to be me for over a decade.  Although I know I administered one defensive strike to his guilty body. Even if it was an offensive blow I delivered to his forehead, based on the felony he committed against me, the state of Wisconsin became an enemy of good and holy Law by punishing me and letting Shane David Hendrikson, the felon,  get away with his crimes. Actually, Shane David Hendrikson and his legal son Richard Isaiah Hendrikson, both might fit the title of 'hireling which careth not for the sheep', as they preferred to try to ruin rather than protect people like me who have decided to agree with the God of Israel.

Back-checking to verse 18, even in non-business quarrels if no substantial injury occurs during a brawl, no tines or jail time should be administered, by courts other than payment for loss of work time if necessary. Quarrels are not one-sided, and there are times when it might be better to avoid quarrels completely if possible by peaceful negotiations.  I suppose my field training officer in Milwaukee, John Dorsey, did know exactly what he was talking about when he advised people to try and handle their disputes directly as a first line of local defense, and his advice actually is consistent with Yehovah's instructions. Caution should be used not to use more than MINIMAL FORCE to correct a slave or wicked servant to avoid serious injury to the 'neighbor' or even worse, the family member, that oppressed them in some form.
In chapter 22, Rico Cortes had some very wrong 'plus 20%' version after theft of an ox or sheep, both food supplies for families. Mark Biltz seemed to have gotten this matter properly in mind by explaining that if you steal 1 sheep, you must bring back 4 sheep, not 1 sheep and some lamb chops. If i erred in a pst post and suggested 7 time rather than 5 times be paid after intentional theft, I am still closer to the Truth than Rico Cortes' suggestion and  willingly overpaying is better than being advised to underpay a victim. The problem is that Rico Cortes only seems set on reading what his 'friends' say, not what his adversary might say that would correct him properly.

Since it seems I might have erred in believing that 7 times should be paid to a person whose money was stolen, for legalists I more than covered the margin of error for a minimalist who might only want to pay double what he stole. There is no law against paying back more than the minimum amount, and for those who want the original amount of '2 times'  the stolen amount of money being paid to the theft victim 'done away with' because they want the laws from Yehovah 'done away with', there could be a good case to make the minimum standard of justice for anti-Torah people to repay the victim of theft  seven times the original amount stolen.    
Woe unto the state of Wisconsin and nations, including the United States, that have perverted the laws to the point that a victim of a crime gets punished and is no longer able to directly punish their oppressor in order to keep minor matters out of overburdened and corrupted courts that have no clue how to properly administer proper judgments anymore because they have swelled up with pride in their ugly black robes. The attorneys got richer, while the honest business owner, me, got punished and now has to depend on a stronger, holy and mighty God to correct those who became party to crimes against me.   

I do recall that the first few plagues that spread over Egypt affected everyone, but the latter plagues affected only those who chose Egyptian gods. Mumps? I think I have them and as a matter of written law, I must quarantine myself to protect my neighbors. Had I suspected I had the mumps, I would not have left my house, but I thought I only had another dangerous asthma exacerbation that isn't contagious.  I'm not interested in listening to Dinah Dye; I rather watch 'the Bear Trap' while I am quarantined. Women who like to teach in front of cameras do appear to be usurping some kind of authority, no matter what 'chappeau' is placed on their head. I'd rather watch an adversary like Bradford Scott or Rico Cortes fumble through the Scriptures and get at least 50% correct with quite a bit of human effort than have myself or other men  get lured into relying on videotaped teaching presentations of women who are more likely to be deceived for some reason.

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