I notice advertising on hockey boards because I invested money in hockey boards in Mosinee. Obituaries are often filled with opinions, and funeral speeches rarely correct the living, especially when they spew from the mouths of men like Brian Berg who as a matter of practice deny the rules and regulations delivered to Yahweh's people. When a woman like Jean Fandre dies, she is in the same league after death as 'Mother Theresa', since her theology teachers refused to instruct her properly. If hirelings do not teach properly, testing of spirits still occurs by those who have chosen to trust the Book of the Law as a behavior guide. Jean Fandre did not shut her door to me, she fed me and she even sheltered me for short periods of time because her love for me was made perfect. She did not fear me because she loved me just as 'I Am' after I decided to go the way of the faithful Israelites. I was not JUST ( i acted unjustly) as 'I Am' when I refused to obey the commandments because I had been deceived by various theology pushers. Whether I am like Caleb companion of Joshua or have some genetic line tied to a tribe of Israel does not matter; choosing to believe Moses and the prophets and reject patterns of intentional sin is what 'washes away' my past habitual sin problem.
Today, I met a woman who said she started playing hockey at the age of 51, and that she is 66 now. She likes to be called 'cat', and claims to have gone from being an LPN to an RN and was in the Army and the Navy (this seems improbable, but that was her claim). When I explained that a problem I had with a part of my brain that responded to stress had been 'dead' and I corrected it with therapy, she thought I used marijuana, but I know that marijuana does cause more cognitive problems to the brain and it reduces the ability to discern the environment surrounding you. We played on 2 different hockey side in Lapeer, and I am not attracted to her liberal idealogy, nor do I expect her to be attracted to my Israelite theology. Being opposed in ideas does not mean we need to physically attack one another, but I have many reasons NOT to trust or rely upon humans who are part of typical United States medical training, but not trusting a person does not mean I have to ignore them or try to destroy them if they are not trying to destroy me.
Since I am still searching for the proper people with the proper authority to return to me what has been stolen from be by various former in-laws and various corrupt courthouse activities, I cross lines into areas where a good sheriff might be able to put pressure on another wicked sheriff to correct his past deriliction of duty or his ignorance of battles that are not going to dissappear just because a department aligned with a criminal instead of with the victim of a crime. Newspaper clippings that are comparing UW-MIlwaukee to UW-Lacrosse are typical examples of how information is embedded in numbers that have been intentionally contrived to serve a purpose of ciommunication and only the contriber of the figures can explain their 'output'. For example:
'The system's LaCrosse cam-pus presents similar confusion: The budget book and Cashier's Office both show on their websites that a semester's tuition and fees cost $4,545.22. amounting $9090.44 for a school year." Since actual felon ( not arrested because of corruption in Marathon County) Shane david Hendrikson went to UW-Lacrosse and the information I re-typed came from the Stevens Point Journal on the reverse side of Jean Fandre's obituary, I examine it as if there is still a very serious problem in coded communications. It is not a secret that Virgil Smith, who loved near HIghway 22 in shawano county was part of Army communications, but he failed at anti-divorce communications just like his son-in-law, Roland Hendrikson failed. 545 in the middle of the tuition happens to be the number of people that graduated in my Milwaukee Tech class, and a falsehood about an orange Titamium jacket in early verbal communications regarding Linda Maria Hendrikson was only a grain of sand compared to the future string of lies that would eventually be spewed from Shane David Hendrikson's mouth. Why not put '4545.00 or 4546.00 and drag everything back to the Wilson Lake road crew that James Costa Junior had lousy control of with his Ashley, Austin and Eric juvenile division beside him? Indeed, I watch penny stock games but I'm not contriving them or trying to reconnect me with anyone that severed me off from their corrupt family trees. Their full semester points to 44, and is there still a Henry Aaron jersey problem to get compared to a David Justice jersey in the lines of 'The Cinncinnati Kid' lines and 'Tricky Bob Parker?' It's possible, especially when UWSP hold the horrible tattoo records and Rachel Snyder's Jocylen and Genesis land of more confusion than a 'Blow Pop' will be able to correct. Another line of interest. 'is $124 higher' and that number is still tied to a HOMICIDE SQUAD in Milwaukee, and to a past license plate that I perched on a 1989 Mercury Cougar that wasn't named Brad'Seymour' and that wasn't named 'Brigham Young' It is not as easy as the common coca-cola driver thinks to solve past crimes or gain accurate information without going to or through police departments, but it is possible. What becomes impossible is to be forgiven for sins that were committed intentionally and that proper repentance, including payment of 7 times what has been acquired illegally has been given to the victim of a theft, regardless of what some unholy judge let you THINK you got 'cleared' by their unjust scales. Over-collecting, or accepting more than 7 times what was initially stolen from you is as evil as suing people for far more than real 'tooth for a tooth' cases in accidental injury cases.
Relatively SMALL start? Maybe now Mark GUnger can start measuring the length of the Dick Peterson lines and the number of people skirting around in blue Teddy Roosevelt #26 costumes that aren't a substitute for the BB-Sourt Carolina.
If the 66 year woman who was wearing red jersey #51 in the 810-245-7778 complex did not understand what I meant when I said she looked like 'Mack' from a distance, I suppose she didn't watch the Atlanta Falcons this year. I didn't say she looked like Ann Cameron', Barbara Feldon' fake rival on 'Get Smart''. Sometime examing people as if the were out of a line-up now but assuming they might end up in a real police line-up someday is not an illegal practice, and I don't even need a candy bar exam to study the 'MO' of my nearest adversary of my dearest friend. What I do need is enough hope to believe that David Justice lines will prevail over 'Mr. Slade' lines and that some people actually do split divisions between Irene Ryan and Tim McGraw at 17. Of course the wisest people know which which to head after the 34 split between McGraw and Ryan, and I need not tell anyone which way is the worst Italian Salmo line at Best, Beste, Boston,Besse, Rockwood, Zirbel,Cerneglia or Poolman since all those ways are more shufy Panfil choices that could leave my enemies in derision and trombone slide me with a Chuck Noll, Yost and Kenneth Cecil advantage all the way up to Jacoby Road or all the way back to Mohawk and Robin near Hwy 29 lines jerking their way to bad Jake Leinenkugal beer cases. I do know that Robin Mchael Ortiz did not steal anything from me since most active duty police officers fo not want to commit crimes. When it comes to Cook89,Teske and Tretter toss-ups, they know I am not 'Shannon Cook#6' or 'Teasdale#87'. What I do not know (because I am not God Almighty) is just how much confusion there is between Bruce, Michigan, Bruce Brandenberg, David Ortiz of Milwaukee and David Gaza chicken strip lines once they get extracted from Arcadia, Brakebush, Bushman and the Kershaw22 lines and dumped back into the Jim FIsh garbage pail face-offs. I wanted Robin Ortiz to pick up the icebox his father labored on so that the Wittenberg Outlaws wouldn't get to profit from it. I know Robin Ortiz isn't strong enough to pick me up, even if he pick up his old Trojan afro with a Charlie Daniels Steel Witness oversized plastic chip or a 9mm clip. The hard-hearted often become the fearful and the unbelieving that get tossed into areas of testing that I am not in charge of, but Saran might be in charge of
To my knowledge, Daniel Taylor of MIlwaukee is the only decent and wise friend t have that attended from UW-Lacrosse until proven otherwise. Let Kenneth Munson, part of the 545 hind quarter of Milwaukee Tech see if he can prove me wrong anywhere up to Greenheck Storm and Lapeer Storm problems tied to a stuffed boxer named 'Storm' from 'Build-A'Bear' that is NOT nominal value in any accurate inventory of property. The lies of attorney's do not go away without some sort of BACKLASH eventually, and too many attorneys are guilty of much more than WILLFUL ignorance of the demands required for forgiveness after intentional sin and intentional deception.
Gee, at least I'm not only reading the BIBLE anymore. HaHaHa, without any Clinton-Dix mix ruining my first Chuckles class. I am happy that I did not celebrate 'Valentine's day' with anyone, and I did not even eat a blind date or s speechless fig newton!.
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