Greedy men often end up with greedy women, not wise, kind and virtuous women who decide to pray rather than 'sue' people who relay information that is either accurate or an unfavorable opinion based on a collection of 'bad reports' about a person. I didn't sue people who ruined my reputation with the lies that spewed from their lips for several reason, which includes spiritual and mental maturity. A mature person might weep after false accusations but because a non-atheist person hopes in a God that will judge the LIAR eventually, the spiritually mature human refuses to become a weak and beggerly element that goes to an attorney sooner than she would drop to her knees and repent for her lack of modesty and humility. I had been accused of being a lesbian when I worked as a police officer, but that could easily be proven to be wrong and the false accuser is still in serious trouble. False accusations can get humans upset, but trying to get wealthier off of some other person's SIN is NOT going to be counted as a RIGHTEOUS gain.
Mrs. Donald Trump actually has proven she is greedy, she is mentally unable to trust in a real God so she greedily sought more money than she already has by going to morally corrupted attorneys, inferior judges, inferior courts and she gained more money than she needs or deserved from her 'neighbor' than allegedly caused her reputation to be 'ruined'. Honestly, Mrs. Donald Trump is about equal to Tom Brady in her ability to seek others to defend her while she is on offense even though she won't rely on the rules of the BIble to correct her and defend her spiritually.
Mrs. Donald Trump's lack of spiritual discretion is not the only huge problem that emerged like a giant, pus-fulled pimple in a relatively new opportunity to redirect a path of morally despicable decisions. The current Roman Catholic Pope has now decided to 'bless' the Super Bowl garbage that a representative of the true,good and holy God would never do, since a good angel warns against and deters God's people away from obvious immoral zones. The Super Bowl really is like a giant Hooter's assembly that is morally and visually disgusting because of the commercials and the typical cheerleader acts the pimp-type sports team owners release to the immoral majority of world occupants.
It is very troubling to see police in Sweden in a predicament because of immigrant problems, and Brazil was foolish to draw in Olympic sports when it is has as is impoverished. Impoverished nations should start telling people to gather together in their own backyards and compete against one another or compete in card games to become humble and learn about their literal neighbors instead of seeking medals and wasting money and time to achieve a fabric strand which will be counted as nothing better than a filthy rag with a useless trinket dangling from it.
While many people are living 'lavishly', do not let anyone tell you that the United States is fiscally, morally or literally healthy or heading in a 'good direction'. I decided to turn away from more disgusting videos in a Flint Firebird game, and the most greedy and evil people will refuse to regularly display or release anything that is pure, good, clean and holy. The hockey game and the hockey players were very decent, but the owners and disc jockeys ruined the competitive event from a moral standpoint. It is up to each individual leader to seek that which is pure, good, holy and clean and it is getting tougher but not impossible to FIND what a good person is seeking to REMAIN good, holy, pure of heart and wise in this very troubling, unstable era on earth . Good leaders first lead themselves away from temptation, then are able to lead dozens of others away from tempations. Cruel and evil, anti-Good leaders lead people INTO temptation to sin as they continue to disobey or corrupt original good and holy Book of the Law.
It may or may not be easier in the next 4 years than it was when Barack Obama ruining the United States. The few honest, non-greedy United States citizens who are part of the chosen holy remnant of Israel intend to survive the current Trump administration, but we will not necessarily 'buddy up' to the unholy President nor should we disobey the commandments and the instructions of our holy Lawgiver, Yehovah. When too people agree to ignore the original rules, commandments, statutes,precepts and judgments necessary for good order, arguments increase and peace decreases. In a small example, I had been playing a card game with a group of people who had agreed to 'change to rules' and decided to play contrary to ORIGINAL rules of the card game. Once their 'new rules' caused them to lose a game, they were reminded we were the ones who decided to disobey the original rules of the card game by MAJORITY. We then agreed to play according to the ORIGINAL rules of the card game, and the game was still interesting and was as I had been taught to play the card game with my family. One man claimed the original rules said we could exchange 3 cards with our partners, but he did not have a copy of the rule book to prove his 'card party case', and as a 92 year old Navy veteran, he has the right and the ability to show us how to return to the original form of a card game next Thursday. Changing the rules of card games that involves no gambling is not a sin, but can lead to confusion, anger and lack of peace. A lot more damage has occurred int he world since 'protestants', Catholics and Jewish assemblies decided to abandon the original set of rules intended for peace with Yehovah, survival through suffering and dispensations of blessings and as a result, the earth is full of curses against the enemies of the few faithful Israelites. Remember, the ration of faithful sealed Israelites to anti-Yehovah humans is or will eventually be approximately 1 to 55,000.
Getting humans to return to, study and then put into practice the original form of good Laws distributed by Moses is nearly impossible, but it is possible only with grace gained after they have requested mercy for their intentional or unintentional IGNORANCE. Isaiah 22:18 and forward describes what seems like some form of a golf course. Once you get to Eliakim, try to be less like Mrs. Donald Trump and more like an end times church of Philadelphia member as described in the book of Revelation.
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