If you have enough spiritual sense to completely ignore the NFL Superbowl LI, you might have been wise enough to see Team Ruff and Team Fluff in Subura Puppy Bowls or Mew Brees and the Pittsburgh Animal Control Incline plan devised by humans secretly cheering for Daunte Culpepper and Chris Chelios to sneak into Judah and Issachar trouble shooting.
After listening to Rico Cortes complain about the Muslim policy of 'smile at but do not befriend an Israelite', I realized that the Muslim's advice should have been taken by Rico Cortes while he was 'leading' a tour of Israel. Had Cortes decided to smile at me rather than loose his temper and scream at me in public when I wasn't able to be part of his 'hurry-up offense' , he would have been better off. Actually, smiling at Israelites even if they are not ALLOWED to breed with Muslims by Law is not only legal, but profitable if the Muslims are running a decent business. Because many of the Muslims have read the history of Jacob's sons and the huge family problems that occurred when Rachel forced her servant into the wrong 'sack' play, should it be any surprise that they do not 'trust' their family plan of behavior?
From what I have gathered as a 'Muslim Witness', I have been treated better by Muslims who were I was informed I chose to trust Yehovah than I have been treated by my 'Christian' son and his anti-Halal pork bowl contestants. Even the bus driver in Israel treated me kindly and with respect, and even though I had enough Torah sense in me to let Rico Cortes know he caused serious offense in Israel, I also still have not gotten any response from Bradford Scott in Vernal Utah after I requested contact information about my fellow camel rider! Muslims that smile at me and prepare affordable healthy food for me are more justified by their faith than citizens who get angry at their 'brother' or 'sister' or NEIGHBOR without a cause, which leads to temper tantrums not smiles. I rather make it clear to my enemies what my feelings are toward them so 'smiling' is usually not an option uless I find their actions totally laughable. There are times it is very wrong to smile at your enemy but it is very proper to smile at a law-abiding adversary who you might never be able to befriend or attend religious services with.
Since the Jehovah's Witnesses seem to be willing to watch people like me that believe Jehovah and obey his Laws to the best of my ability, most of them seem to be unwilling to do as Moses told them to do in the book of the Law. If I am watching Muslims but not doing everything that they are told to do because I do agree with all of Allah's policies, such as shrimp eating, I suppose you could say I am a Muslim witness but not a Muslim. I do not think it is wrong to smile at a person who you consider to be an enemy, since typical police officers try to do that all the time when they are trying to sort through the situations they have NOT had control of before trouble occurred and they want to get information out of people without 'beating it' out of them.
Part of a Judah remnant (Yeshua, wrongly labeled 'Jesus' claimed we should 'feed out enemies and do good to whose who despitefully 'use' us'. Most employers despitefully USE and often actually abuse their employees, but the employee is still supposed to do good the the employer who they agreed to be 'used by' to fulfill their contract or load up their bank accounts to feed their family. Spouses are supposed to respect one another, not 'use' one another, but indeed even a spouse who does not love or trust his mate is better off smiling at her like an obedient uslim than getting angry at her because he is unwilling to continue to treat her as a friend because she might have become an Israelite by taking a narrow path of faith in Yehovah.
Yes, it is legal and sometimes profitable to smile at rather than attack and verbally abuse a person who does not worship your 'god'. If more Muslims followed the 'smile at your enemy law' and more Christians started obeying the laws delivered by Moses for the protection of those who want to be part of the Yeshua vine, there would be more 'peace on earth'. I am not forbidden from calling the Muslims who smile at me my friends and calling those who have gotten angry at me without a cause or stolen from me my enemies. I suspect that if I ever would stop treating Muslims I have contact with as I would treat my friends or my family, they might stop smiling at me as quickly as a mother stops smiling when her child disobeys the commandments.
Maybe I should start praying that my son and daughter-in-law depart from anti-Moses Christianity and become practicing Muslims so that they will start feeling some responsibility to care for me and start smiling at me even though they do not want to be my friend because I have chosen to believe Yehovah's laws for the tribes of Israel rather than rejecting the Truth with Catholics and Protestants or teaching the doctrines of Allah after witnessing his people. From what I heard and have seen, most Muslims do believe Jeremiah chapter 10 and most 'Christians' reject the instructions of Jeremiah chapter 10.
Now, the 4th quarter of the Last Hope Lions versus the Home and Family Felines has started! Adios Amigos!
Post Cereal Bowl Report
In Cleveland and Mizuno Ball State style, a black Home and Family Feline named 'Noodle' from the practice squad came in wihtout a German Shepherd named 'Noodles' and without a black Dodge Neon to hold the Last Hope Lions to 24 and the Mew Brees team won in XXX Root Beer style with 30 points!!! Remember, Last Hope Lions should not eat Cracker Jack, Coach Hairball or Pittsburgh Popecorn. I never heard Bob Johnson say that lions don't eat popcorn and of course, Maurice Sendak let a sketchy lion eat a character that did not care named Pierre.
Enjoy your first or second hand human chow , since it might be a slow day and it is not a pre-determined fast day.
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