Saturday, February 25, 2017

Did You Remember Simeon Rice?

Sylvester Stallone lied in 'Rocky Balboa' when he muttered 'The beast is gone.' The beast was aligned with him during the movie, often presenting itself as a whorish female holding up a 'Round 6' sign.  If you do not go backwars from time to time after getting attacked, you might not see or hear just where you went wrong by deceiving yourself and trying to deceive others when it comes to the description of a dangerous unholy beast.  Likewise, adding 'Hooters' or a 'Playboy' area to a Fort Myers baseball stadium or any other business venture clearly reveals the unholy spirit of owners and an intent to displease rather than align with God Almighty's holy defense.

I just watched one segment of 'How The World Ends' and find it sad and laughable at the same time. It's sad to see so much money dumped into bomb production, bunker production and other unreasonable ATTEMPTS to protect the wealthy and it's laughable how others mocked me when I took some Y2K precautions in 1999. Even though no computer problem occurred in 2000AD as predicted, I learned to take reasonable precautions after warnings that came from the typical news sources worldwide. I wasn't insane when I was prophesying against Coca-Cola's anti-Yehovah advertising; humans that  develop nuclear bombs and media productions full of acts of intentional sin are insane. Stephen Jones, filmed by 'How The World Ends', reacted to violent USA government insanity that he saw firsthand via his Navy enlistment with actions that fiscally cautious Bible-believers wouldn't rely upon, even though Stephen Jones anti-offense attitude is admirable to a certain degree.

Instead of wasteful spending trying to survive 'in the flesh', families that are intact need to prepare to try and become or remain as a holy family rather than end up as frightened desperate segments of post-divorce families that have abandoned hope in Abaddon's power to take over proper  holy offense against those who continually reject the laws of Yehovah. You are more likely to destroy your chance of spiritual sanctification by seeking a divorce from a faithful, temporarily ill Pro-commandmentist than you are by accepting the facts that a tornado could kill you as easily as a USA nuclear weapon detonation.  Secondhand smoke is an attack against a body that is more likely to kill you than a stone from one of the tribes of Israel downwind from you. Keeping the feast of Sukkot cast fear out of me, since I believe that putting a small above -ground shelter on an annual basis during the proper time frame proves I believe in the God of Life instead of trying to dig underground trying to outwit  and outspend the pagan war wizards often called 'The Pentagon' or the Soros Swine foundation that have toxic attitudes rather than holy attiudes .

There are some signs that I might be getting 'cut off' from opportunities to see what some of my enemies, adversaries and friends are doing and saying. I am no longer able to get any 'Michael Rood' productions possibly because he does not want anyone to point out the err of his ways and because I won't drop anymore cash into his 'trick and treat' funds.  I understand completely that it is easier to disable a single internet connection than it is to disable my Bible collection or to take away my dry erase hockey board strategies. 'Joined To Hashem' comes through, albeit with quite a bit of error notices, maybe because _________ Michael Clayton is going to Toronto instead of on a Caribbean cruise to scrutinize swimsuit competitions. I don't what Clayton's first name is, but it is not Michael. Monte Judah's presentations get through but only in part. I have learned there is a JW,org group that meets on the 7th day about 20 miles away, and such a gathering is not dangerous to me, especially since I learned that the Nazi's assigned them purple emblems at the same time the  Israelites were assigned yellow emblems. A common thread of anti-Nazi attitude is better to try to align with and exchange information with than trying to seek advice from a concrete statue. I know enough not to 'become a member' of, and I also know enough to not ignore their potential  toward increased obedience to the commandments if the proper pressure is delivered to them.

As I recalled Simeon Rice's birthday yesterday, I ventured into a building safer than the typical medical or mental health center in the United States. 22151 Gratiot Avenue is in an area that is like squad area 26 in Milwaukee, and I have no need to trust in a firearm to protect me if I rely on actual angels. Plenty of  holy angels went in and out of the diner, except for the one dressed in 'PINK' attire. Holy angels don't openly advertise or display alliance to 'Victoria's Secret' products. Holy angels might wear Adidas or big red ' Rice 97' jerseys that don't have the 'Tampa Bay Buccaneers' emblem on the sleeves. What real people choose to wear when they are not televised is less likely to deceive their intent than what idiots wear while acting and making hate , not love of the commandments, in  the typical trashy USA movie.  I bought some over-the-counter medicines at the diner that were not covered by my insurance but which had no bad side effects to the human body I still am able to deploy into various combat areas.  Some flu bug is testing and rebooting my body's resistance system and I now feel as weak as I did almost every day for years when my asthma symptoms were increased intentionally by some former family members (Old Spice deodorant used by Shane David Hendrikson) and  former co-workers at 749 W. State Street in Milwaukee.  It took a lot of time, money and stamina to 'fight off' the intentional attacks on my body and those attacks were no less dangerous than any other act of war against a neighbor.

I didn't go seek a prescription for something that would kill of my good bacteria; I called two families who have righteous men in charge and asked them to pray for me. One of those families has neither 'internet' nor cell phones, and they garden, allow me to be of Israelite faith in their presence and would know I was insane if I started investing in an underground bunker to try to live in even lonelier and less comfortable conditions than I live in now.  If Yehovah created this earth in a few days, He can create another new earth for his faithful to dwell on in a few days, but the means of transportation is in his plans, not mine.

To the brown male driver of CLN-6476 who stopped into the diner yesterday... thank you and may Yehovah bless you.  Your presence made me feel safer than seeing a Macomb County Sheriff on or off duty based on their lack of ability to do what it right after being advised of their wrongs. You are a holy angel in my books. On the other hand. Timothy Tessler, MIlwaukee Tech Trojan Class of 1980,  gained the 'apathy award' and lost 'holy angel' status when he did not care about the tragedy of divorce among his fellow police officers.  Tessler didn't care when my son, Richard Edwin Ortiz, was treated very cruelly by Robin Ortiz for some unknown reason, and that negated Tessler's earlier willingness to 'go first' into a dangerous staircase when I was a single mother before I was married to Robin Michael Ortiz. The Dan and Simeon topaz true blue line club has nothing to do with guns but has everything to do with Moses and the pre-Yeshua prophets.

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