Friday, February 12, 2016

Who Stands Corrected At A Non-Water Hole?

Wrong translations can mislead honest people, but intentionally wrong translations are published and SOLD by people who oppose the truth for some depraved reason.

I have heard people say ' I stand corrected'. I have also read, 'Watch therefore and pray always that you may be counted worthy to stand before the Son of Man' many times on a sign I had posted at 1602 Mary Lane but which unbelievers have done away with. Only a person who accepts correction properly will be able to stand on the day he or she is judged for their works.

I have heard many golf fans yell, 'It's in the hole' long before the flying golf ball ever lands on earth; such a false proclamation might seem like a joke, but technically it comes from the mouth of a false prophet. Not waiting to report results when you are unsure of an outcome is foolishness, not the wisdom of HVHY.

I stand corrected after reading WRONG translations regarding what exactly is 'in the hole' of the Ark of the Covenant, and it only was the tablets of stone with the commandments. The flowering bud and the container of manna were close but not 'in the hole'. Maybe that is why it is proper etiquette in golf to remove your golf ball after sinking a putt before anyone else putts so that there is always only ONE in the hole at a time.  If you do not view the commandments written on stone as one unit,  just as there are many parts on the human body that cannot survive or sustain the original body once they are cut off from the human body, you have a serious problem and probably reject not only the Truth, but also do not understand the need to find a good Way in order to live a holy Life .

 There are many paths to a golf hole, but the hole will not move. If you miss the mark at one golf hole, do you stop trying? If you have sinned so many times because you won't even study the words in the Ark of the Covenant, you are like a golfer who never properly putts out at a hole and gets disqualified due to lack of obedience to even the very basic rules of developed game plan.

Here is an illustration of how the anti-Christ,' anti-Ark of the Covenant' minds ends up as a reprobate dangers to society:

A reprobate who does not believe in Yehovah only chooses to believe the commandments and laws he  agrees with or the laws that seem to protect him. If a business owner agrees with the 'Thou shalt not steal' commandment but does not honor and obey the 'Thou shalt not commit adultery' commandment, he might destroy and impoverish a family by luring someone else's spouse to him and being causal in a divorce. If he does not believe 'Thou shalt not murder', an evil person might murder his brother or neighbor in order to get what he only agreed that he could not steal from his brother or his neighbor, even in an inheritance or a spouse situation such as in the crime against Uriah involving Bathsheba. Without all the commandments in place and accepted within your mind, removing even one of them from your governing body results in a predominantly evil and unholy society, which is why the United States is currently a predominantly evil and unholy society. Continual rise in crimes does exist because few have chosen to believe ALL of the commandments distributed via the Tenakh during the pre-Herodian era.

Now you know why men like Shane David Hendrikson are really dangerous to society, for once he decided to break even one commandment by lying and intentionally relaying false information to others including the Marathon County Sheriff's Department, Joel Widmar and to my son, Richard Isaiah, Shane David Hendrikson became willing to steal,  to destroy more than one family by committing adultery and lusting after some other divorcee while still married to me, and  he still is capable of murdering another person since he clearly does not believe in the commandment Shamefully, he is allowed to own guns even though he is spiritually ill and evil and there should be declared mentally ill. Anyone who has not properly repented of even the most common sin such as lying is capable of murder, stealing and even becoming a homosexual, which also is contrary to Yehovah's commandments.

Written protests of past local government 'judgment calls' which were clearly wrong is permissabe by Law. Police usually cannot prevent crimes, only the Holy Spirit can.  Police sometimes can delay a crime or sadly, only are called upon after  another person has chosen to reject the very basic commandments that were designed by a good and holy God to bring genuine safety into a community.

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