Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Inkster Michigan 'Victim' Becomes Unjust rather than Justified

First, let me assure you that anything Joe Shoner and Jon Johnson are publishing is not going to be any better than an Elvis Presley song stuffed into a Larry Flint publication, so I am no longer paying $20 a year into an anti-Truth publication.  Most of the 'carry and conceal' types I know are most likely to be afraid of  carrying a concealed  Bible and then using a memorized BIble quote in public to ward of an attack against them. 'Guns and Roses' might be the protocol for unholy and unwise offensive units but is not as good as peach trees, pecan trees and olive trees or Eldad and Medad teamwork since
' Guns and Roses 'does not lead to the Tree of Life. I was elated to find out that I made a good decision not to buy  property in Menomonee Falls since they were stupid enough to think any woman should be made a 'chief', and their choice of Anna Ruzinski was more unwise than hiring a Klement's Beef Hot Dog to fill the position, since the Beef Hot Dog is less likely to make an error in judgment.


When an employee sins or acts contrary to local law, it in UNJUST to expect the entire community to financially suffer.  First of all, the individuals that committed a battery to a another citizen should be expected to pay for any hospital bills plus a reasonable loss of their salary in the event that their victim can no longer work anywhere. Secondly, when a 'victim' accepts money from people who were not guilty of any crimes, he becomes guilty of  acting contrary to the prinicple of 'an eye for an eye'. A wise victim would ask for something like the following:

A) Those who battered him be fired or if he has any sense of mercy on someone else that may have been taking out anger that was given to them from another source, retraining of the mind and spirit. When an innocent spouse or children lose their source of income, it does not help a society improve.
B) The typical police officer probably can handle paying out about $100,000 in fines  directly to the victim over a period of 7 years if they are allowed to keep working and transferred to a position that is for those who are less trustworthy with  power, such as janitorial work or dispatching. A typical battery victim should not expect an entire city to overpay him for what amounted to a typical boxing round over in less than 3 minutes. If 4 officers were involved beating an INNOCENT person, the person mght be able to collect  about $400,000 total from them without being considered unjustified, but what led to the traffic stop matters and rarely is a completely innocent person randomly attacked by police officers. If lawlessness led to a confrontation, overreacting to the infraction is gross miscomduct in office and not necessarily a reason to incarcerate a person for years.
C) The victim admitted on television that the money did not alleviate the problem, an indeed accepting it only made him equally guilty of over-collecting in a situation where there was no loss of body parts of life. If he wanted to earn some respect in the community, he should have asked for the opportunity to retaliate for an equal amount of time on the people who battered him. In such a case, it amounts to a 'street justine' grudge match, would reduce the chance that the 'victim' would take out his anger on someone who did not abuse them, and he would be able to gain an understanding of an equal and opposite reaction being better than overloading personal bank accounts and essentially being viewed as an abuser of public funds just like any other corrupted, irrational person who has suffered and survived and trusted attorneys instead of following Scriptural approach to a warlike situation.
D) It would take courage for the Inkster man to return at least one million dollars of the  money he  received. Heknows he does not need that amount to maintain his current lifestyle, he is still able to work if he wants to. A man who does not expect become rich due to a crime against him is wise and the community of Inskter could reconsider how they train and hire the people that are supposed to represent their community with a badge.
E) I suffered trauma after being the victim of a strong arm robbery in Milwaukee, and I could only expect that they pay me up to 4 times(maximum) what they stole from me in addition to genuinely repenting and facing me, their victim without fear that I would expect them to be punished beyond reason. There is no sense incarcerating a male who is wise enough to repent, pay a substantion and voluntary fine to his victim and prevent getting jail time or a felony record. The disposition of such a complaint would be 'cleared without arrest by suspect and complainant's grace system', since clearing reports is important.
F) In my complaint against Vincent LoCicero, the same expectation of paying me up to 4 times what was stolen from me  would not quite be sufficient since he threaten to do bodily harm to me with a bat, and the two young' black'  males who were fed by me and then robbed me did not threaten me with any deadly weapons. Additionally, my complaint still stand against the Anthony Wickersham administration since the falsified my complaint and claimed I did not want to prosecute and then refusing to correct their air even after I made a complaint in person in a rather unhappy but not disorderly manner.  If you do not know how to view the level of damage to you or that you caused, you will never learn what it means to use 'just scales'  and you remain UNJUSTIFIED due to your lack of faith in the intent of the law and the spirit of the laws in the TORAH.
G) The average USA citizen does not even carry a $1 million dollar life insurance policy on themselves, so even upon the death of a victim a family should not be able to collect more than  $1,000,000.00 in damages, since in the event of murder life insurance can also be collected by the family. If the family does not insure or put a 'loss of life' value on its leader or its 'head of household' person, it is outright stupidity to overpay remaining family even in an accidental death situation such as a car accident.

Breaking patterns of  the 'victims' who abuse systems is as difficult as trying to save a marriage where both parties have been verbally and physically abusive to each other but have not committed adultery; it is possible to break terrible financial and legal trends in an unjust society, but it is not easy. It also is not easy to be patient if you are living your life according to the directives of the TORAH and understand that the vengeance of HVHY is not going to be handled by attorneys.

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