Saturday, February 6, 2016

Avoiding Meghan Agosta Syndrome Is Serious At Mindset

If  you lose the initial spiritual battles in the mind, you will never understand the desires of the heart of the God of Moses.  Point Y is the ultimate feet of Beryl point. To keep yourself Eldad and Medad wise in spirit, try to achieve the following objectives:

A) Do not participate in activities that offer gold  as a reward for 'first place'. The purpose of exercise is to  keep your body a fit place for the Holy Spirit, not to adorn yourself with medals. Keep in mind the error of Aaron at the bottom of Mt. Sinai, as well as the directive that women should not have gold as the desire of their heart.

B) Canada, like every other existing nation on earth, does have a problem identifying the 'God' they sing to in their national anthem. Since the nation of Canada has gone anti-biblical in laws, why not replace the word 'God' with  'Fox' or  some other name  that is as weaker than a real Benjamite wolf , a  Lion of God and is mentally a typical unclean and diseased anti-Truth god.  Remember if there is a most high God, there also is a most low god people are being drawn to for some reason.

G) POlice work without the proper foundation is as useless as a Paul Blart role in a movie. I do not recall Verbie Swanigan ever saying he was trying to win a gold medal for the United States as he pulled his Bible in and out of his desk in the Milwaukee Polove Department.

D) Having a soft spot for the ntion of Canada means I have to care enough to rebuke their medal-chasing minds just as much as I would rebuke the medal winning Todd Jackson and his swim team jerks. Once you can admit that medals are foolish and you reject them, you are more likely to get a clean food supply and better spiritual protection from those who push the wrong type of pride on you.

H)  When women are not able to refer to their mother or grandmother as people we have respected and learned from, they end up in in 'Happy Days' mentality where they look to fake mothers instead of appreciating the good qualities, even if they are few in number, that have been passed onto them by their REAL family female leaders. My son has fallen into a 'Happy Days' trap that he got pulled into by  his mother-in-law. I cannot pull him out of th Lynn Snyder trap, and he continues to reject the commandments of HVHY. An relative who really loves HVHY and who loves you will not be afraid to expose your areas of error in judgment which lead to missing the mark of a true church of Philadelphia saint.

V) Reducing or eliminating awards for winning reveals the intent of the heart when it comes to bodlly exercise.  If I stopped playing the piano just because I wasn't getting paid to do it or was in some competition, I would lose a good ability that was not easily obtained.  The people who I play hockey with are not playing to get  medals or trophies, they are exercising and working at the most humble level for varied reasons, many which may be similar to my reasons.

Z) A team can hinder your chance or improve your chance for spiritual success or you can hinder or improve your team's chance for spiritual success which has nothing to do with a scoreboard result. What was once known as  'The Seventh Man' award I would consider trouble if he is like King David, glorious  if he is like the seventh strong angle in the book of Revelation, and a victorious warrior if he is like Gad, the son of woman who was physically abused by a unfaithful husband.

C) The Chet is indeed like an 8-ball in many situations, which means it is easy to identify but is as hard to appreciate as Ruth Johnson for moany people since the 8-ball has become a common entity. Once you can identify and work with a woman who has limited power, it is time to look to and try to find a male who can represent that 'figure 8' better than Bill Murray. IN my situation, Cal Ripken Jr. seems to be a better representative of what the Hebrew letter Chet is like than Ruth Johnson because I firmly believe that good females have to learn how to identify and then trust good male(s) to fill in the 12,000 spots attributed to Asher or slotted 8th in a beryl position or sealed 8th at a Levi position. It will be a tough task for the sons of Jacob to resolve the conflicts that Jacob, Leah and Rachel caused thousands of years ago.

T) Technical points matter. A team can score in basketball if the opponents team has a vile-tempered coach who lacks self-control when events do not go 'his or her way'. It is better to remember my 1979 class of MIlwaukee Tech Students than to remember that my gold class ring was stolen, since there is more probability that my fellow students are able to save another person from the error of their ways than  anyone possessing stolen property or foolish buyers  of trophies, medals, overpriced jewelry and way too many guns.

Y) If you believe the lie that homosexuality is not a choice to be anti-holy and anti-Elijah, you probably also like hearing 'Don't Stop Believing', which is a stupid song.  It is as foolish to  think that a child can't prevent homosexual behavior as it is to think that any human can't prevent or stop committing adultery, can't stop stealing and can't stop eating shrimp even if it only because they are allergic to it rather than a choice to believe in JOshua and Caleb methods of operation. Once the mind is willing to accept the perfection of the teachings and instructions of  the God of Joseph, he is no longer  weak at mind. A lawless ind leads to immorailty within  a family, and leaders such as Brian Burke and similar  habitual sinners are like a lukewarm anti-Christ plague that permeates nations with the assistance of  demonic television producers and their unholy, unclean agendas.. If there is a day when a bunch of humans gather into a parade and start exclaiming 'We're murderers, adulterers and thieves that have not gotten caught or prosecuted because our victims are just like us, missing, dead or still hiding in fear' , I believe that group should parade around in some  homosexual turf just so the homosexuals could meet their real anti-morality peers rather than having the homosexuals ruin turf for people like me and healthy humans with naturally healthy good minds who believe in Yehovah and reject Susan Lucci's  synagogues and assemblies of mentally and spirituall ill whores and their television pimps..  If you do not have an opposite reaction to those who try to 'normalize' sin, you will be sucked into their system of lies and immoral behavior patterns that are no better than William Jefferson Clinton or Adoph Hitler's methods of filthy, lawles and anti-goodness operations.  If you are uncomfortable with point Y, it is because you are uncomfortable with the fact that a homosexual is equal to a liar, a murderer, a thief or an adulterer in the sight of a holy and good God.  If you condone homosexuality or expect others to be receptive to your advancement of other individuals sinful and disgusting unnatural behaviors, you also will be expected to condone any other behaviors that are sins committed  against YOU in order to be consistent with your own level of anti-Christ tolerance and anti-Christ behavioral patterns.  Saints don't keep trying to persuade a habitual sinner to become holy, good and spiritually wise, and eventually the saints know enough abandon the sinners to protect themselves from the sinners evil mindset and evil intentions.

It's day 320 to those who remember Bob Bushman, a decent physics teacher and decent coach of the Milwaukee Tech girl's softball team in 1979. Do not confuse coach Bob Bushman with  Bob Bushman realtor in Stevens Point WI who didn't keep his marriage together. Men who keep their marriage vows often have to be like Joseph, brother of Benjamin who chose to test his brothers rather than forget their besetting sin problems.

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