Thursday, February 18, 2016

'Pick Seven' Is Not Always A Game of Chance

Getting animals on an ark in groups of 7 or 2 was not a joke, and neither is my approach to solving dilemmas and conundrums. If you have something to work on that can help solve a problem rather than create another crime scene , WORK ON IT CAREFULLY!

Coming up with extra people in a police line-up when trying to have a victim identify a suspect is not a joke, and there are a few times when an innocent person is wrongly identified. I worked in a jail in 1988, before I was 'saved' . At that time, just being able to clothe and shelter my son without my parents financial assistance seemed like a big accomplishment., but my parents still were the people who usually made sure my son was secure at night because I worked third shift. Eventually, mu son adopted a dog who he named 'Denzel' after one of his role models, Audrey Szmanski, bought a black dog named Luther who did not have the ability to keep the daughter of Richard Hendrikson, namely Audrey Szymanski of Merrill, WI, faithful to her unique Catholic husband and my friend,  David Szymanski now living near Minneapolis. David Szmanski is unique because he, like I, has been a MInnesota Viking and Monnesota Twins fan as well as a master at playing Scrabble. Details matter when there are David Szymanski's and Virgil Smith's cropping up in Michigan who are not the same as the Szymanski of Merrill and Virgil Smith the carnal WWII veteran who became a coward not a hero when family troubles cropped up.

If you want to view the carnal state of anti-Israel gangs and unholy tribes, look at Denzel Valentine, number 45 of the Michigan State Spartans. Denzel Valentine might as well be called 'Mr. Wittenberg' since he, like my son, typifies the errors of Martin Luther followers which include total willful ignorance of instructions for  the church of Philadelphia people, which have to remain attached to the 144,000 sealed tribe members of Israel in order that their house is united not divided. Your basketball percentages do not gain you any favor and LeBron James is  falsely called 'king' just like Henrik Lundqvist, George Stait and Elvis Presley have falsely been called a 'king'.  Who you call your king matters, and James, Strait and Lunqvuist are too unholy to be on the side of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

It has been over two years since I have seen my adult son who claims he is a 'Christian' but his works and attitude reflect an attitude that is contrary to the Truth of the gospel. A suffering parents cannot force a child to love them or care about them, and there are times when tears flow from the parent who is now hated rather than cared for by his or her children; today was one of those painful days and today's word 'shut', #332  is often tied to shut-in or shut out, both of which could be good or bad depending on who is still on your spiritua or literal side.  If you are on a second year count, word 689 is a 'wild goat', and that mbrought the azazel to mind.  Some families have generational extremes when children never properly mature enough enough to be able to live a life away from their parents and the parent ends up with a different lifelong burden.

I am studying combinations in various situation. What I noticed on certain dates such as March 10th (strength. purple) on my grandpa John Raczek's birthday, February 28th(1409 Gad,699 windows,342enmity) and April 20th again (1462 'gob' which means grasshoppers just before Gog). I also am goin to put up a list of 'Pick 6'  just to try and retest a Jothan vs. a police line-up situation.

1) Javier Ortiz(minor league baseball player in 1988)
2) Javier Cornejo (Milwaukee Police department class of 1986)
3. Nathan Cornejo (Major League baseball player)
4. Richard Edwin Ortiz, now known as Richard Isaiah Hendrikson ( like a bramble, not a plive tree, a fig tree, or a grape vine)
5. Robin Michael Ortiz (Milwaukee Tech class of 1974 and Milwaukee Police department, brother of David Ortiz  Milwaukee Tech Class of 1977)
6. Nathan Taylor (Listed with a Pittsburgh area hockey team that played in Troy Michigan this past weekend as #9)
7. Marie Xavier (Milwaukee Polce department, class of 1986  now known as Marie Elizabeth Hendrikson and believer in the God of the tribes of Gad,Joseph, Issachar and Zebulon.

For some reason, I suspect many games have been player with names and numbers that are not real, and now it is time to start identifying just who is guilty of far more than they ever admitted to.

Just call this 'Adam Oates Day #690 and if you can help me  keep trying to separate the wheat from the tares, you won't be deceived around March 4th through the 6th in  Job, Jezebel and banks sequence that begins on Robert Scott Smith's birthday and ends on the anniversary of my marriage to the original father of Richard Edwin Xavier now known as Richard Isaiah Hendrikson.

Keep in sober mind that the John Cooper that reportedly coached the Ohio State Buckeyes football team back in the Robert Scott Smith era is not Jon Cooper the Tampa Bay Lightning game boy nor is he Cecil Cooper, the decent old-school Milwaukee Brewer. Maybe it's time to use '32' as a touchdown code for Robert Smith's Lamed team tied to Michael Bennett's Oakland Raiders&the Ray Guy groupers.

If I don't ask others for help, I will become the wrong kind of 'shut-in' during very difficult and trying times as i try to hope in the true and good LORD of the earth so I can reject stupidity such as  'The Lord of the Rings' fiction.. When it comes to people having a temporary 'good  relationship' that goes bad, there is a multitude of people who have claimed to have started a relationship with 'Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior' only to eventually stray so far from the Truth and the instructions for the tribes including  Judah that they found out they only started a relationship with a Greek name game that cannot save them but which does divide families quicker than a glass of carrot juice can.

Denzel Valentine isn't Struggle, the St. Lucia pit bull. Struggle the pit bull, like any natural dog,  is better at defense against demonic spirits than Denzel Valentine.

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