When Yeshua instructed his followers to prepare a passover meal, he did not sell tickets nor did he reserve the upper room months in advance. A reliable site for the ripening of barley in Israel appears to be 'abibofgod' and here is their most recent report:
All days start from evening before and based on the barley being mature enough at the end of the 12th Biblical month and the first crescent being seen after sunset in the region of Jerusalem on Thursday March 10, 2016.
New year day: Friday March 11
Passover: Thursday March 24
First day of Unleavened Bread: Friday March 25
Wavesheaf Day: Sunday March 27
Last day of Unleavened Bread: Thursday March 31
Pentecost: Sunday May 15
If the first Crescent is seen in the region of Jerusalem after sunset September 3rd the following dates would apply.
Feast of Trumpets: Sunday September 4
Feast of Atonement: Tuesday September 13
Feast of Tabernacles: Sunday September 18
The 8th Day: Sunday September 25
If the year is intercalated due to the barley not being mature enough to use for a wavesheaf during the week of UB and specifically March 27 then the following dates apply if the first crescent is seen in the region of Jerusalem after sunset on Friday April 8.
Start of the new year: Saturday April 9
Passover: Friday April 22
First day of Unleavened Bread: Saturday April 23
Wavesheaf Day: Sunday April 24
Last day of Unleavened Bread: Friday April 29
Pentecost: Sunday June 12
If the first crescent of the seventh Biblical month appears after sunset on Sunday October 2 the following dates apply.
Feast of Trumpets: Monday October 3
Feast of Atonement: Wednesday October 12
Feast of Tabernacles: Monday October 17
The Eight Day: Monday October 24
The above report makes it possible to know the times and season BUT NOT THE DAY AND HOUR YET of the beginning of the first month of the biblical year. Relying on the sighting of the moon is an important marker to keep; do not ignore the signs in the sky because you are too focused on your matzo balls and bowling ball strikes. If you are making lodging reservations prior to travel, make two sets of reservations and as soon as you know whether or not there will be a 13th month this year, cancel the week not is not the week of unleavened bread. Any hotel keeper with faith the size of a mustard seed in him will welcome people of faith who choose to practice 'escaping Egypt' and head for a distant location by faith the morning after they kept the feast of passover in their household. The 7th month feasts are always easier to plan for well in advance for a good reason.
If the end of the year is March 10th, I will remember my grandfather John Raczek, a man of integrity who I last saw when I was only 4 years old, and that was 50 years ago. He was a faithful man, unlike John F. Kennedy, and at John Raczek's funeral I was only a facial tissue bearer for my mother. Some people might recall that Dan Uggla's birthday is March 11th in case you want to remember signs of 'tribe of Dan' spring training. If the feast of unleavened bread is delayed into a 13th month and extends to April 29th, of course I will remember Curtis Shayne Joseph. For the remaining 'Adam-12' fanatics, day 367 of the year is Friday the 25th of March. Will anyone be rolling their terrible eyes on that day like a 'wild thing' waiting for a lamb shank? I do know that the Catholic church leaders and their protestant twigs that are part of the anti-Israel root still stubbornly reject the message of how to properly keep the feasts of Israel for some evil reason.
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