I have had enough experiences with post-trauma survival and natural healing processes to understand that a strong desire to sleep longer than 'normal' on a typical day is not a sign of disease but a sign of a healthy mind knowing exactly what the natural body needs. Anti-biblical health care 'professionals' often destroy a good natural body because they do not know how to contend with the results of spiritual trauma or how to let the body recovery from OR PROPERLY CONTINUE a spiritual battle.
I will give some examples of a spiritual battles that causes literal elevated alert systems to respond in the body. In all of the below situations, drugging the patient is exactly the wrong procedure, since it changes a person from a necessary high alert mentality to a forced inability to remain properly 'on guard' against an evil person in the household, in their neighborhood or temporarily in their area.
A) You have been attacked morally, for a long or short period of time, by a spouse who has an unfaithful spirit. An unfaithful spirit never focuses proper and good attention on their spouse, which causes the faithful spouse to be on high alert, sometimes years at a time. Lack of QUALITY sleep is predictable if you do not trust your spouse that is lying in bed with after possible being with someone else. The unfaithful spouse will try to accuse you of being 'crazy' but in fact your spouse is forcing you into a permanent state of high alert due to their infidelity. The best thing a faithful spouse can do is start or increase the intensity of a physical training program to fatigue the body and generate higher quality sleep, preferably in a different location, in a room that has a door that can be locked, to gain times of safety from the evil, unfaithful spouse. In mental health care facilities, where faithful spouses often end up, there is terrible security, the patient is mistreated with drugs, and they return to their household less able to defend themselves against an evil spirit that resides within their SPOUSE.
B) You are preparing for what you believe could be a state of spiritual and possibly bodily warfare. Involuntary bodily warfare is always spiritual warfare, but there are forms of bodily warfare that are a method of training with friends and peers where you are not expecting an evil outcome. Involuntary bodily warfare occurs when you are served with divorce papers, when you have become the victim of a crime perpetrated against you by one person or by an entire military system that might be within your own nation. It is no secret that the United States has the capability to attack humans and often does attack its own citizens who are not bowing to their unholy systems with certain frequencies or other electronic attacks such as unsolicited and evil contact from enemies by telephone or in person. If you cannot convince your own government to change and operate within the parameters allowed by a morally sound, holy and good systems that deter rather than allow and promote sinful behavior, they will try to destroy you, and might be able to. They will not be able to destroy the remnant of the 144,000 or the forces of Abaddon because the sealed 144,000 and those cooperating with them are too well well-trained to be defeated morally or physically. I happen to be one of those who will not be defeated morally, but cannot predict when my physical systems will either be upgraded or buried for my own moral protection. If you expected a battle and it did not occur, you still will 'crash' and your body will expect and deserves more sleep if possible. If you are under the system of a good and holy God, you will be allowed to sleep as long as naturally possible and in safety. I expected a serious battle yesterday, but the battle I expected did not occur and a different battle did occur. I slept for about 16 hours and finally felt refreshed enough to go right back into moderate alert training. No angel or sealed saint should ever be on low alert, especially if they are working alone against millions of immoral evildoers in their city, state, church or nation.
G) A normal heterosexual hopes for a loving mate or companion of the opposite sex. Once that hope disappears, the body and mind make room for evil spirits and they lose control of their desires by either desiring UNLOVING heterosexuals to date and mate with OR by becoming even more depraved in mind and seeking people of the same sex to date and mate with. If a person has proper understanding and a true love for the God of the Joseph, Moses and Ezekiel, they will be able to turn away advances from unholy and unloving heterosexuals or homosexuals by using spiritual and sometimes bodily force. Retaining hope for a loving and spiritually holy companion is not easy to maintain, but is possible if love from God has been dispensed into your mind and heart. Receiving love from God causes you to love God in return and you are able to keep his commandments with more regularity. There is no pill that has the love of God in it, which is why people who are on drugs for depression have been forced to or voluntarily rejected the love of God and the Holy Spirit from their body and therefore are unable to have enough hope in them to naturally fight depression caused by their sins or the sins of others against them. People who come up with excuses why they 'need' drugs are telling lies because they believed lies from the legal or illegal drug pushers.
D) A trustworthy friend gave me a naturopathic physical adjustment yesterday, and that might have caused my body to require more sleep than normal today. In addition, I had prepared myself for a certain' best case scenario' involving possible recovery of a holy and loving mate which is actually a spiritual and literal battle much like trying to land an 87 pound amberjack. What I had prepared for did not occur.......YET, but I will keep preparing myself for a holy and loving mate who I either have met and lost temporaily or will meet by HVHY's design for my life. The whole point of practicing the instructions given for such feast days and holy weeks as passover, Shavuot, Yom Kippur, Yom Teruah and the feast of tabernacles is so you will be prepared for the best case scenario and will be on the side of the 'winning team'. Skipping practices makes you less prepared than those who do not skip practices. It is no different than practicing your golf game, your bowling game, your musician skills or other non-running and non-swimming games that require individual effort and do not rely on the necessity of a team, even though teams might get formed. I do not want to be part of teams that run or swim because like others who believe in Moses, Moses did not have to run his people out of Egypt or swim across the Red Sea: they walked away from their enemies, and the Egyptian army was in a rush to catch up with Moses and the Egyptians got destroyed speedily, even those that might have been good swimmers.
H) I don't know much about Dan Hammond or some Chicago Bear named 'Covert', but getting rid of certain coaches and certain leaders usually does change the direction of a team. I also did not know that Mike Singletary wore the number 50, but that is an important number for anyone who has been blessed enough to work next to John Dorsey in low or high alert Milwaukee police situations. What I have learned from humans who moral enough to be considered good teachers is this: good teachers refuse to to be morally weak, unfaithful (lacking faith in the need to obey the commandments of HVHY) and therefore unsaved people without the hope of even me trying to 'fish' for them again. If I have never spoken or brought your name up in a public venue, it is because it is so evil in my mind and as morally weak as someone such as William Jefferson Clinton, that there is no reason to spread it around. I do list and mention the names of evil and strong people because those are the ones that I have to remain on high alert against, since I know they have chosen to be my enemies. Plenty of unholy people such as Wray Young, Jon Johnson,Marianne Kwiatowski and others particularly in the media that is 'sold' to people who reject the messages from books written by prophets such as Obadiah, can and will be spreading the names of evil people around until the day that they find out they were all on the spiritually losing team and never got into the ArK system based on Truth because they rejected the commandments of HVHY and rejected warning that came their way from people like me.
Remember to reject drugs as a method to fight depression or to quickly descend from a status known as 'high alert'. I have no regrets for at least trying to push away the needle-bearing swine-like humans who dispensed their hatred toward me in a Stevens Point Hospital instead of recognizing that my unfaithful and deceiving husband was the cause of my temporary trauma and subsequent unusual but NOT ILLEGAL activity. Mose people who have been labeled as 'mentally ill' at one time or several times have committed less crimes or no crimes before they were unjustly incarcerated and they are less dangerous to society than they typical politicians, movie actors and actresses, and their biblically ignorant unholy.supporters. The good and holy body will naturally sleep or die, and both of those options are better than being drugged and subjected to being subjected to continual abuse by anti-Goodness demons sometimes dressed in religious, military, police uniforms and medical facility garments.
I do not write without a good cause, suspecting there are others who are worthy to receive more proper instructions from me FOR FREE than they would ever get from a paid Protestant pastor, an overpaid athlete or a corrupted sheriff's department employee.
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