Barack Obama is very wrong when he stated that no one should be able to be detained for what they say in public or in private. Liars never want to be detained, but if they are not detained and PROSECUTED for their lack of faith in the basic commandments, nations end up in the losing poker hands of fellow liars like Barack Obama instead of in good cribbage hands. No person should be able to be detained for speaking the truth in love and out of necessity. If you are careful, verbally decent and truthful in your speech, fair minded decent officers will not detain you unless you are a suspect in a crime. People who roll strings of obscenities out of there mouth should be arrested or sited for disorderly conduct, but in pathetic unholy nations they are hired and called 'actors' or admired and feared by cowardly citizens who no not the power of HVHY nor do they promote or defend good language skills because they have depraved minds that refuse to challenge demonic spirits.
If you have not been tested and tried as I have, you might as well prepare for it by starting the following plan of attack against your own evil desires OR very weak defenses. The following steps should help you in mindset to make a transition from carnal and therefore weak in mind to spiritually wise.
1. Learn what your friends weaknesses and fears are if possible and try to alleviate them. In my case, I spoke with an Army veteran who went thorough Fort Leonard Wood and hated his Army experience. He was not trained to spiritually overcome the damage that the Army training did to him, even though he is experienced in martial arts. He actually hates having anything on his head that feels like his Army hat, He wrongly suggested that you should defend you weakest points but I told him you have to combat your weaknesses before a real enemy literally captures you and can use your phobias against you.
2. Try to bring to mind what your weaknesses are and face them. If you are very attracted to sweets and high calorie foods, go to a store, go into an area that has high calories sweets and start to examine the packages, including ingredients. Take your time with a goal of BUYING NOTHING that you are most attracted to in the dessert, soda or snack food areas. If you can win a battle against your own weaknesses in public location, you will be better prepared to win a battle in private locations. Once you have won a battle against junky, unhealthy food that is pushed by the obese Paul Blart types, go into an area and actually choose something healthy such as plain yogurt,clean animal products (consult the book of Leviticus) or organic spinach.
3. If you have a phobia against certain clothing items, fight them before someone you end up homeless as i did and you are forced to accept charity from friends or enemies. For my Army friend who gets mentally distraught and therefore weakened when wearing a hat, I suggested he start trying to wear a non-army hat for at least 5 minutes a day to overcome his hatred of all types of head coverings. If he does not try to overcome his phobia against hats, there is nothing saying that he could not end up captured by enemies due to the strategic errors of those voted in United States offices and an opponent is literally able to torture him just by forcing him to wear something that is not even DANGEROUS.
4. If you have phobias against wearing safe and modest attire or have habits or wearing immodest clothing , attack your own phobias and sinful habits before a real saint does , When real saints properly counter-attack sin, it embarrasses the sinner and strengthens the saint. Changing your habits of looking like a Dan Patrick Sports Illustrated whore in public will increase your chances of losing attention from all the wrong demons and anti-Christs. If you are at home alone or with or without your spouse and you have a problem with wearing clothes that will attract your spouse, start wearing clothes that will attract your spouse at home, even if its just for short periods of time. Dressing properly in public is not just a female problem, but usually ungodly females do destroy entire communities chances of getting some kond of miraculous blanket protection from HVHY Knowing how to dress modestly in public for your own holy safety and for the good of the community is a sign of believing in the proper God rather than believing all the commercial and false religion lies that have produced a generation of way too many Christie Brinkley types and not enough Golda Meir types.
5. A phobia is not the same as a good decision to avoid putting yourself in a vulnerable position. I watched an exercise class of a young man with a tattoo who had invited me to join his class. I have already decided that no tattooed man is to be considered a spiritually wise leader even though they might be fine to have as a friend. I critiqued his class with positives and negatives, and then stated that I prefer not to exercise on the ground level in public. I do not have a phobia about getting on the ground if I have to, but people that like to be on the ground are more like wrestlers than boxers or physical defense minded strategists who want to remain alert and with good views of their surroundings while stuck in areas that are more evil than holy. Other people should learn to prostrate themselves at home in privacy in the spirit of humility and pray like the prophets did. If you do have a phobia against being on the ground, start practicing some sort of 'stop, drop,roll or crawl' drills just so you have a basic safety strategy against fire or similar emergencies.
6. read Isaiah 33:15 and 16. Notice that people with good defense will turn away from evil if possible. If you are being physically attacked, it is not always possible to turn away from your attacker but in the case of media presentations, if you foolishly try to defend your right to sell or view what is evil and indecent in the sight of the LORD, you can bet and prepare to lose your eyeballs because you are not going to be protected or redeemed as a saint. If you can't turn away from indecent magazines, indecent television scenes that have been put near you or in front of you by your enemies and the enemies of HVHY, you are carnal and spiritually weak. We cannot always control what is around us, but you have to learn how to turn away from the filthy indecent trash that demonic minds have allowed into public places or you will not be able to defend your own household from the same indecent and immoral trash.
7. Music can be as disgusting as visual media. Once an enemy knows what song s you hate, they might keep playing them just to make you flee from their unholy zone. Don't let music let you flee from areas that you feel are like a mission field, but do not be afraid to make righteous audible and TRUE complaints against what you hear in order to warn your enemy that they lack grace and will not receive mercy during periods of judgments due to their constant pushing of music that is improper or has been made by humans who ended up as drug-abusing immoral beasts such as Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson or Whitney Houston. Music battles are much easier to win mentally that visual battles in most cases since the person who chose the music is lacks holy sense and the saints have the holy sense to verbally object.
8. If you have fears of people who are different than you, make sure you look for someone is very different than you in restaurants and sit near them if only to eavesdrop rather than to become like them. Once you find out how the different people think or speak, you might find out that they are more proper than you in their perspective and you might be the wrong kind of 'Steve martin' different. Go out of your way to be kind to very attractive people if you have been favoring people who have abnormalities and go out of your way to be kind to people with abnormalities such as tattoos if you have been favoring people who look like real beautiful saints. Do not go out of you way to be kind to women or men dressed indecently and consider them your adversary or your enemy.
9. It is easier to repent of a sinful thought than a sinful deed. Once a sinful thought has become a sinful deed, there will be serious acts necessary to be forgiven for your intentional sins. Don't be as stupid as the Heineken twigs who think that fictitious 'Hercules' or women dressed like Beyonce, Carrie Underwood and other strumpets will have any place in the kingdom of HVHY, even if they do help their fellow female strumpets get into the hotel rooms, houses and beds of rich foolish men.
10. It is the 8th day of the 12th month, and consider when and where an 8th foundation is beryl instead of Asher or 'doe, a deer'. Making people laugh is not always good, and sometimes it is better to make them cry in shame due to their own guilt. Preparing yourself properly against spiritual enemies includes combat against your own spiritual and physical weakness to reverse the direction of your weaknesses. for those who think they can ignore the ripening of the barley as a sign of the first month of the Hebrew year, they also will be a full month off at the time of the feast of tabernacles. Since we can get word from Israel about the aviv barley, wait and do not be spiritually offside by celebrating the feast of unleavened bread in March even if the barley is not ripe in Israel.
11. If you have lost in court battles due to choosing an attorney seemed decent but who could not get unholy courts to properly uphold Truth and the governing laws, at least consider the fact that your courtroom opponent revealed just how evil they chose to be in a situation that they were not forced into. In my case, Greg Strasser did a terrible job of protecting my assets, but as a result there is no denying the fact that Shane David Hendrikson and his attorney Stuart Rottier ignored and consequently broke the state laws and proved that they are anti-Christs at heart. Such evidence does not go away, and only recompensing the person they shortchanged in what was supposed to be a 50/50 situation by 4 times the amount that unjustly retained can even get them back into a state of potential salvation. Had I switched over to a better attorney such as Steve Crooks, I might have gained more financially but the evil heart of Shane Hendrikson and the cruel nature of Stuart Rottier might not have been so clearly revealed to others. Once a petitioner reveals how cruel he or she can be, the wise and holy petitioner who still believes in the Scriptures eventually no longer has a weakness, sometimes called a 'soft spot', for their former spouse and they can view their former spouse as an enemy of HVHY rather than some wayward 'lost sheep'. The evidence in courtrooms after vows and oaths have been taken is an area of spiritual warfare that far too many people take lightly, wrongly believing that they will be forgiven for every intentional sin they committed after being baptized.
12. I am not sure how a holy Elohim is going to handle breaches of verbal oaths made by husband who claims he is a Christian to a wife. I will find out someday when I find out what consequences there will be for Shane David Hendrikson failing to keep an oath he made in front of my parents while Shane was still married to me, namely a promise that he would get a house built and paid off for me on the lot#34 we had bought together so that we could remain friends for the sake of my son Richard even if he remained at 1602 Mary Lane in Knowlton. He eventually pursued a divorce from me which was the desire of his heart and failed to keep his vows that serious oath, but his words are recorded in history and in 'the heavens'. Failing to keep an oath that was possible to keep probably falls into some sort of illegal baiting by lying, and I trust my Elohim to be very angry at such a breach of a verbal commitment to shelter the faithful mother of his adopted son.
13. On Monday, February 15th, a strange woman came up to me in the Troy Arena and acted as if she knew me. At first I thought it was a nice lady from the Extreme Ice Center at IndianTrail, NC but as it turned out she was one of my enemies, a woman named Maureen from the Rochester ONYX Ice Rink. She lied and said I 'never talked to her' when I had gone to the rinks after claiming that she remembered me from the rink. Where was this cowardly hypocrite when it was time to try to clear up a past error in judgment on her employer's part and defend my pro-active self-defense against suspicious behavior in a locker room? Supposedly everyone was afraid of me, but Maureen didn't runaway and hide from me for some reason, and I certainly have no idea why she even bothered to speak to me. All her 'face off' with me is prove once again that I am not a danger but also that I do not like hypocrites and liars bothering me or pretending to be on friendly terms with me. especially in areas that are neutral and have video cameras, make sure you do not put on some kind of sideshow full of contrived acting or pre-planned ways to try and trick a saint or a sealed servant of HVHY. The more consistent you are in every venue the more obvious it is to others just who the real frauds, imposters and liars are regarding motives and methods spiritual showdowns that often require the honest citizens to use literal self-protection measures . Walking away from a lying, cowardly hypocrite and heading toward people that show signs of intelligence is better than wasting your energy and time trying to correct enemies from the error of their ways especially if they already rejected a chance to make peace with you.
Did you have a nice 'Jerome Bettis fest' today? Good names matter.
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