Saturday, February 27, 2016

GAD Day1408: 4 Years Since Double Accident Day February 28, 2012

Holiness is tied to perfection and sanctification matters more than 'sophistication'. Actually what the world calls 'sophistication' is often a haughty spirit that leads to a reprobate character and lack of humility around truthful people with far less financial assets and often struggling to remain in self- control after being deceived so many times.  I like my old Lexus, but certainly dislike their current advertising trends just as I like a few of the old Detroit Redwings but currently dislike the Detroit Redwings organization decisions for various spiritual reasons.

Sunday, February 28, 2016 is up to Hebrew day 1409 (Gad), Greek day 699 'windows' and '342 enmity' (which is the necessary opposite of 243 'SOURaY) in orderly studies of historic facts. One divorce is still a reason to mourn, and if churches conducted divorce services instead of funeral services they might start having a better perspective of when it really IS time to mourn for the faithful or spiritually struggling spouse who did not desire a divorce and desired counseling, even if it was long term in order to prevent making a mockery of their vows.

An unusual Progressive Insurance report of both Shane David Hendrikson (State Farm customer) and Robin Michael Ortiz (Allstate customer) being in automobile collisions on February 28, 2012 was interesting but also contained wrong information as both of those accidents ended up on MY driving record as though I had been involved, which I wasn't. It took a bit of effort but not litigation to get those two spiritual idiots off of my driving report in order to secure reasonable insurance rates in Wisconsin. Both of those men have had significant negative influence over my son, currently known as Richard Isaiah Hendrikson.  Neither or them were ever really interesting with teaching and practicing biblical methods of conduct and restoration of bad family situations, which is why they are both no longer part of my life or under the protection of my God.

There are a lot of money and name games going on that I cannot control them but am not afraid to try and destroy them because 'money changers' are often deceitful and full of 'trickery', which is the word 698 if you are a second year Hebrew calendar student. Today and in the upcoming days until the next passover, I'd like to set up a challenge rather than litigation, since my God is opposed to litigation but does approve of challenges that can be set up in order to sieve more people into  or away from tribe sealing.

Andrew North Tribe Team 'Hurricane Camille" : This team has some roots in Madison, Wisconsin and can try to rely on 'Dr. Shock', also known as Detective Daryl Monroe to correct wrong information and add a proper male perspective to Milwaukee Tech Trojan 'Brian Wojtecki Memorial' D.A.R.E. Bear prospective to it in order to properly fight depression caused by a society that is excessively cruel, has too many strumpet type women causing trouble and uncaring military personnel on far too many occasions:
Y)Craig Billington
T)Curtis Leschyshyn
C)Landis Ozolinsh
Z) Mike Ricci
V)Dan Hinote
H)Milan Hejduk
D) Stephane Yelle
G)Patrick Roy
B)Rsy Bourque
A)Joe Sakik

Anthony North Side Rice Team 'Ty and Carl'  (Superamerica Alumni Branch): This team can rely on me, Marie E. Hendrikson but always a 'Swedowski' at St. Matthew mind, not Marie Little, to try to steer them away from greedy attorney schemes and keep them on the Ephod7 Squad method of Operations, which is superior to gambling routes and casino foolishness:

A) Ty Conklin
B) Doug Brown
G) Kirk Maltby
D) Martin LaPointe
H) Jiri Fischer
V) Boyd Devereaux
Z) Stacy Roest
C) Chris Chelios
T) Larry Murphy
Y) Holmstrom, Tomas

The above teams were chosen on a completely shallow level, including by decent appearance unlike the 'Miss Universe' contests, since clean and decent fishing is allowed at the shallow level.  I have no knowledge regarding marital status of the 20 players chosen today by me, so any singles can remain in 'angel' status (code 32)  trying to be sealed with the 144,000. Married men who have been remained faithful after adult baptism and after 'receiving Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior' (Jerry Kelly Badger skins game mulligan rule) can try to  obtain a spot in the 24 'elders' openings provided they are TORAH observant and doing their best to obey the rules of HVHY, which are more serious but end up being more rewarding to your outcome than Boy Scout rules and regulation.

Underlying reminder of original letter assignments:
A)  Curtis Joseph
B)  Jaromir Jagr
G)  Sheldon Souray
D) Eric Lindros
H) Viktor Koslov and Vyacheslav Koslov
V) Paul Coffey
Z) Darren and Jamie Sharper
C) Calvin Ripken, JR.
T) Ron Soreanu
Y) Chris Chelios

If the C and the Y do no agree,  always refer to and trust the V team, which in required in the 4-letter Hebrew form of 'Yehovah'.

This test and challenge is being conducted in the spirit of Elijah, and hereby started during week 21 of the TORAH cycle, which is not contained inside of a sauna.  Y is only a starter in the name YHVH, and H has to be a good closer, willing to try to properly work with Greg Hanson of the Mosinee Papermakers at K(worth 20) and Robert Smith or the Minnesota Vikings alumni at L (worth 30). Integrating tribe members is more important than playing games with integrated chips in your credit card, since the credit chips do not make good decision at 'Call the Defense' time or 'Check This' Bill Cloud gathering times.

The above plan allows some mercy to some old Detroit Redwings, a team which I currently dislike due to my 'anti Santa Claus' position required by Moses.  My cousin Gene Biene is an avid Avalanche fane, so Y matters, and pick-up trucks often are an area of LiTiGaTiON rather than the authorized means to transport the Ark of the Covenant, since no wheels are allowed on the ark.  Remember, the ends of the earth are at ther bottom of your feet if you are upright and well-grounded in Truth.

Shows like 'American Idol' is set up to ruin people not to save them from a pattern of sin and self- idoltry. Litigation in courts leads to unjust scales, since most judges are too anti--biblical to agree with the flat rate methods of restitution after thefts that the TORAH demands, leaving anti-TORAH judges in an 'unredeemable position' until they disrobe and get off their pompous benches, drop into a moving river to cleanse off their filth and try to start their life over as a 'believer in Yeshua' AND a believer in Moses, since those two are on the same spiritual side of the Tanakh fencing teams.  Rejecting the laws that Moses lifted up means you actually rejected salvation.

I anticipate more days of sadness and at time, joy, ahead, but if I can sway even one sinner away from  toward church of Philadelphia standards as defined in the book of Revelation, I will have accomplished an important goal for the kingdom of HVHY, which includes Gad.

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