Audible reports that Jews are fleeing France isn't shocking because I know my son, a 'protestant missionary' isn't really teaching the Word of 'JeSuis'. Je suis does means 'I am', and the spirit of perfection that instructed Moses on Mt. Sinai said his name was "Je Suis', not Je Suit. One letter can and does make a difference, just as one epistle might make a difference or the loss or gain of a prodigal child makes a difference.
The perfection of the TORAH is undeniable if you are ready to stop being called 'a Christian' and rather be called a grafted-in Israelite.. If Monte Judah's words are true and there are plans to start sending out death squads against 'Christians' even in the United States, real saints won't worry since the term 'Christian' reflects a status of lukewarm beliefs in only parts of the TORAH and absolute rejection of other parts. Such people ARE PROPHESIED to be punished or destroyed, not saved or protected.
Watching the 'name games' in sports often reveals sickening disobedience to the 'Bible' even if given the name of a prophet, such as 'Malachi Richardson', Syracuse basketball player number 53. A young man that has been given a name he doesn't understand or respect leads to evidence that he has chosen to believe the son of perdition and pro-tattoo lukewarm Christians rather than the Israelite Messiah when it comes to respecting the human flesh he was entrusted with.
As I prepare to go to an area where some French is spoken, I am taking a short refresher course on the few French language skills I acquired in the past when my destination was France. My destination will never be France again since I am not welcome there, just like other people who reject their escargot and overpriced wine. What happens on French beaches is more disgusting than what happens on the streets of Pittsburgh or Milwaukee in the most impoverished area..
'Jesus' seems to be missing an important i formation. There is no direct connection from Jesus to Yeshua if you are more than amateur at communications, but there certainly is a connection between 'I Am' and Je Suis.' Knowing the perfect 'I AM' exists is not enough to lead a person to salvation, since the natural instinct of humans is to reject perfected holiness in order to avoid being disciplined for the sinful imperfect and unholy behaviors. 'Yeshua' means salvation, which is not the same as 'I exist'. Salvation is tied to obedience to instructions, not just to the ability to read instructions.
Even you claim you believe in 'Je Suis Christ', you better remember the warning that there are many false 'christ' types. It seems strange to see a 'Zirbel8' playing against a 'Joshua8' in hockey games since both names have importance in my history. If you need a good code to reflect your faith in the 'Lamb of God' rather than in some Jesuit or the blasphemous Jesse Jackson Jr., a self proclaimed 'Christian', try to understand the following before you speak the words 'Je Suis':
AgNeAu - silver (10)gold (47+10+79)=136
I literally was brought to tears when I saw precious silver and precious gold tied together by a special Y or 'ten' code. I remembered days of sorrow when family members deserted me to chase after false gods and reject the true gospel. part of my anti-drug therapy included going to Woolly Acres and watch the sheep in the barn of my friends James and Sandy Morris of Knowlton, WI. My chemistry studies are a good constant to fall back on when I properly reject fiction, just as watching real animals is a better learning tool than watching cartoons or deranged stagr or movie productions.
A 'good lamb' who trusts the real Good Shepherd accepts the most basic words of the holy 'Je Suis' stored in a decorative 'ark' or crate which was surrounded by silver and gold in the tabernacle in the wilderness after leaving Egypt.
There happen to be 136 stitches in an official baseball, but the baseball is not an acceptable sacrifice, and anyone can survive without a baseball. The 'Lamb of God', the AgNeAu of the Hebrew HVHY was not a lukewarm Christian or a pompous politician like Jesse Jackson Jr. who is an embarrassment to the history of Detroit because he disobeys the instructions necessary for the sanctification and justification of real believers in the Bible which includes Israelites and others who will be be able to be called the holy and chosen elect of YHVH.
I am not as willfully ignorant as a NASCAR face. I know how much pain I felt when my left foot was impaled by a heavy oak beam at the beginning of the feast of unleavened bread last year, and I only felt a portion of the excruciating pain caused by a Roman spike pounded through the foot. I was not surrounded by friends or family when I bandaged my own deep flesh wound before I traveled alone to London, Canada last year to set aside a holy week, but I was welcomed and cared for by strangers when I arrived in Canada. I know what it like to be hated and chased away and 'shut out' by Nazi-types who are often ' Protestant Christians', but I also know how it feels to be loved by my parents, my brothers and their families and a handful, that is ' a few', kind humans who have chosen to befriend me after I decided to believe in the TORAH instructions issued by 'Je Suis' at Mt. Sinai.
No one will be able to stop bullying since there are still mentally unstable and cruel,blasphemous humans on earth, so you might as well learn how to defend yourself physically and spiritually and counter-attack when 'bullying' does occur in your school, household, church or the area surrounding your feet.
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