Saturday, December 19, 2020

Yoders Beware! Esaac Israel Doesn't Understand Locust Behavior

 A severe error was ejected from Esaac Israel regarding the behavior of locusts. Mr. Israel claimed that locusts store up food and money to add to their comfort level, but locusts actually do not store up food.....ants and squirrels do try to store up food!  Esaac lacks humility and contacting him directly would be as futile as trying to contact Fred Bengert, Esther Raczek or Andrew Biene today.  Locusts are not known as supply wasters, nor are they so lazy that they would have to beg for food. 'Greg' from a Macom, GA sabbath assembly mentioned that labor pains can't be going on now because his people are too comfortable and well fed, but what kind of leader would allow his bride to be starving prior to giving birth as Greg of Macon suggests will have to occur before he believes that the mid-tribulation is in progress? Sluggards, rapists and socialist thugs don't care if the mother of their child has adequate food, clothing and shelter to bring forth a son or a daughter safely and with vigor.

(The Achatz spinach pot pie is a tasty amazing work of useful foods and classy artwork which uses  ingredients  that the  locusts did not devour! Nueske's pork bacon is not a product fit for Perly's Richmond, Virginia plates. Lots of Bible readers donn't really believe what they read, especially in Wittenberg and Durango, CO.  A tour of Armada, Michigan is a wiser choice than a tour of Disneyland or a Las Vegas casino, especially when shut out of Canada.)

If you listen to Esaac's emissions on December 19, 2020 at about the 90th minute and on, I suppose he didn't consider that Yoseph in Egypt was nothing like a locust. Stored up food, raised cash assets..... not a sin in doing such earthly works.   Esaac Israel keeps insisting that Yoseph cannot be differentiated from Manesah, then he seems somewhat blinded  and is misleading others.  I'm waiting to see pictures of the mother of Dan and Napthali or the mother of Gad and Asher to see how fair their skin may have been while in a form of slavery by the people Esaac would claim are 'black' rather than many shades of brown. I wasn't raised to be as racist or bigoted as Joseph Biden and Esaac Israel, and the locust is mentioned in the Scriptures as an assistant to Moshe Ben Amram during his war against wickedness in high places.  

Next extremely interesting word set for December 27th is H3168.... usually seen as Ezekiel by the English but better seen as Ychzqal in my translation system.  What kind of inconsistent linguist sets H3168 as 'Ezekiel' and H3169 as Hezekiah when they both start with a Y formation? 

As autumn comes to an official closure again, H1367 seems to be tied to Jebulum, since Gebulah means an outer perimeter that sets a boundary as in Psalm 74:17 and Isaiah 28:25... Freemasons believe that Abaddon is not Jebulum, and I would agree that Abbadon is not Jebulum and neither is Manesah identical to Yoseph, although they might be closely related.

Who's calling the battle in Beaver Stadium?  "Live, laugh, love' is not the only method of winning a battle, but that combo might assist you in surviving until the next battle at foot, at Michael Lyons puppet hand or at the next football yard studied by men such as David Akers and Israel Idonije.

"Sheldon Cooper" did have a good argument against erecting 'Christmas trees' if you want to avoid being numbered with Nimrod's assembly, but I already believed the testimony from the prophet Yeremiyahu.  Thankfully, I'm not assigned to watch over Wisconsin Sunday church gatherings since I'm not as capable of wrestling down a strong and stubborn, corn-fed 🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽 ram as Jimmy Morris of Knowlton, one of my favorite USA veterans since he careth for his real sheep and understands good communications sometimes left up to the telephone wires or right down to chalk lines.  👮

Lastly, here is a map of lower Michigan now: ✋.... or is it Wisconsin with Door county at thumb level?

Perilous times have arrived, as predicted.

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