Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Twas the Post After 1321.... SONIC's Coffee beats Tim Horton's and Starbucks!

 Priced at $1.79   SONIC's Green Mountain' coffee is better than Joe Green's  nasty unhealthy and addicting 'Coca-Cola'. 

"Make America's Drive In Busy Again"

I did pass my marketing class while officially enrolled at MSOE.  Now, back to the Elk Point quarter back packer report.


Where's 'Chock Full O Nuts' now if not with Tiger' the Talbot or Cynthia Lynn?  Maybe Brian Gionta's team is still in the hard Dennis Ware section instead of at Dwight Stick and PUCK Arabic creamer cans.

🥔🧀 Tasty poutine is now called 'Sahara Fries' !

For more 'Tim/ Thomas Pietrzak' details about how and why I chose SONIC  for my daily dose of caffeine which is actually safer than any vaccine being ejected by needle pushers , please read the prior report about 'Better Health'.

Once again it has been proven that not only can a subject can go from positive reviews to negative reviews about their behavioral skills and activities, as in the case of people such as the beast of 'Better Health', subjects and destinations can also go from negative reviews to positive reviews based on their ability to believe Yahwehists and Yehovahists instead of an overpaid politician who has rejected the words of  יהוה    . 

Now, some cold Hamm's beer is going to be tested since in heaven, there can be beer but only certain brands such as Old MIlwaukee NA,  Sprecher,  Iron City, Yuengling, Pabst and Sidelaunch.

My household cannot include 'Bud Light',  'Corona' , 'Stella Artois' nor 'LaBatt's' do to their inappropriate advertising campaigns. I also don't want a 'BOZEMAN 77' line because Harbaugh the Horrible probably has a George Strait err line instead of  the Pineville Checkers and Sergei Fedorov chess piece plan.

Who got  608 NHL goals without missing a Washington Capital opportunity?

A) Dino 'C section' bad old what's his name, the Sarnia Slacker

B) Gartner the 7th  Place Good Man

C) Jagr, the Jaromir of all Kladno Problems 

D)  Gil Gerard only when disguised as 'Chris Nelson'  and when closest to Melissa Gilbert

The Dino A line might have been drawn offside to fruity Pebbles and BamBam's Spam with Mr. Keswick the lukewarm Detroit Redwing#31.

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