Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Greg Hershberg Vs. Greg Hanson: Month 71 Testing

 Often, whoever is listed 1st in a challenge is assumed to be the petitioner in a matter. Does that assumption apply in boxing matches such as Ortiz Vs. Wilder?

My assembly trusts me and those who are not part of my assembly either are apathetic toward or are trusting an idiots like treasonous Canadians Doug Ford and Justin Trudeau or treasonous USA lawmakers who thought Benjamin Franklin was joking around in the middle of  worldwide  חנף . I'm not sure why Peter Salemi is worried about 'Christmas' sales figures but he should continue being an advocate for small family businesses and resist a Chinese takeover from the north. What if China, working with creepy Joe Biden and against Yehovah as their common offense has been, decides they want to squeeze out Canada from both sides?  Donald Trump never had any intent to be a bad neighbor to Canada, but I don't believe that Kamilla Harris and Joe Biden are capable of being a good neighbor to anyone, including the USA honest taxpayers and those who haven't handed in their badge knowing their local politicians have hatred toward their roles in a community.

Did Yeshua resist local law enforcement during passover week? Yeshua coooperated with the arresting officers who were NOT the people who ordered a flogging death sentence upon him. It was the Roman politicians who allowed a mobster 'hit' on Yeshua 

Bruce Belin is actually not part of my assembly as he is pastoring a Sunday church, but if a person has stolen from me directly by felony corporate theft or indirectly by no paying child support, thrown a knife at me or has raped me, I don't a social worker to 'talk' to the thief, the person who attempted to murder me or the person who raped me. I would rather someone like Greg Szablewski seek and jail the felon, as it used be in cities within states of wickedness resisting holiness and then let Hershberg or Garske decide what should occur to the wicked person who Szableski arrested.

I noticed Psalm 90:12 as a reference to new moon sightings for students interesting in learning from יהוה. It will take about 77 months to get to 2300 days and nights,, even if you are Daniel4 in the Detroit Lions play pen, in a Toyota kids play area or in a USA Coleman chicken work perimeter.  In some counting of those days, tonight's start of the 71st month is tied to the word for 'grapeskins', H2085. As is typical of 'false start' people of Tacoma's police department 24 years ago  rather than 'Truestart'  battery sellers of today, most people will want to start the 'new year' on Match 15th.... in the WINTER!  I contend that this will be a 13 month year, because 'preset calenders' do not respect what comes up from the ground forces, such as barley signs along with standard times when it is officially a season change from winter to spring or from summer to autumn. 

Do the math. 2085 + _________=2300.  For Milwaukee Firefighters local 215,   July 18, 2021 should be a hard work day, not a high holy day nor a sabbath for the people who are wisely contrary to the 'Obama Academy' of Milwaukee and would rather think a bit more like Casimer Pulaski.  Of course, who knows if it's closer to day 973 and Andy Bathgate is now safer and more interesting than a dung gate,Canada Parliament seat #11 or the Watergate hotel blueprints so simple that even a plumber could understand them.

If you can't see a sliver of a moon tonight, maybe you can hear a shofar since Yehovah even cares about the blind who respect what Yah created.  The crops in North America are not done growing in late September, which is when some people will be erecting booths, and even fewer might wait until April 14, 2021 to start the renewed Abib count.

Harbaugh&Biden's gang members aren't farmers and crops fail for many reasons.  Even a locust won't  try to cause a crop to fail, since they are more interested in having crops succeed. James Garfield's family understood farming and the 42nd infantry that his mockers contrived as a 'joke' but that he then turned into a reality.

Hershberg popped up for a reason, and he might have much interesting information as Gerald Dunning offered to his listeners in 1986, before Phil Arreola started to RUIN rather than rebuild a city he had no real interest in other than what he could financially gain from it. 

"The History and Mystery of Hanukkah' from Getzel 'popped up' about 12 hours after I mentioned  Pittsburgh Penguin #59. Was it a computer error or an intentional feed bag intended for a woman who doesn't have the thighs of a horse?  Does Cleveland Browns ' Teller 77' or  dross pop up in your YOUTUBE feeds or something much worse and vile such as Kim Crawford, creepy Joe Biden and Carrie Underwood videos?  If you havem't learn to 'turn away' vile videos, even your computer gets so infected with spiritual depravity that you should put a huge mask over it and instantly stop your computer from 'selling' to you or buying from it. Sadly, more people would rather turn away a couple of Jehovah Witnesses at their door than stop watching vile and profane videos wrongly believing that a movie as stupid as 'Fireproof' will save or properly rebuke them.

The flag in Hershberg's assembly doesn't have a yellow fringe, and Bruce Belin is suggesting that  his code 'white' means 'unaware' rather than someone very alert such as Reggie Howard White, whose message  has probably been rejected not only by my 'in-laws', but also by Ysplanti's  Barbara P. Horton and her overpaid assembly.  יה  has never suggested that women should rule over men, and I suppose even Raymond Trudell might understand why neither horned frogs nor courageous elect men made in the image of Uriah the Hitite nor Richard H. Willer should not salute a woman nor desire a woman to rule over their military forces.

Whatever nation the  pro-constitution states, namely those that conducted accurate elections without intentional corruption.  want to start up will be superior to the country labeled 'USA' that creepy Joe Biden and Kamilla Harris want to control and destroy.  I don't want Joseph Biden and Kamilla Harris to rest in  peace ever again, and that happens to be the desire or my mind. 

My great grandparents didn't sell nor buy the slaves from Africa.  What kind of true native  Americans  who understands the earth and soil and anti-casino reality would ever decide to believe in Santa Klaus and  trust ' northern pale face' Christmas party and pushers?   Resist that which is so unrealistic that it earns the term 'not even' . 

I suppose ot's possible there were 7 pairs of clean animals on the ark, which means 14 of an edible species. That's even, even if it seems 'not fair' to many that their might have been 2 pairs of camels on the ark.

Check the positioning of 14 and 4 on a dart board.  I know where 3 and 20 is.

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