This is only an anti-COVID post intended to bring to remembrance the fact that a cup that has Eh as in YahwEh and MoshEh depicted on it rather than 'THE' as in THEssalonians on it still is useful and appreciated since it was a gift I received from a hard working, professional Canadian citizen from the Collingwood area.
What's in your CHOW as in CHOWDER line? Zetterberg's 960 is better than Ciccarelli's 608 if conduct grades still matter in the NHL.
Be careful with Norway code 47 since Finland has a code of 358 for some odd reason.
Don't eat the clams !
I suppose some computer technician in occupied Detroit is wondering why Vince Young's 46 is as much of a legend as Sweden's telephone code 46 on 'Bathsheba' day 1340.
Could the Mound City Blue Blowers really be a historic factor set into gear on the Sundance channel on December 1, 2020 since George Winston material was no where to be found by Mr. Beardon?
Mr. Playdon isn't Mr. Beardon and Robert Vaughn isn't Robert Conrad.
Was there really an old man who became an elderly expert at removing staples from police reports named Bill Ehlers or was he just part of Teretha 'Allison' King's imagination like Harvey the rabbit?
This has been a 'Donny Most' low note and probably isn't tacky enough to be Dan Hinote material.
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