Since the state of Michigan and many other unjust government entities protocol have recently and stupidly set in place enough hypocrisy to PERMIT private businesses from actually forcing people OUT of their place of business who have genuine medical conditions that mandate 'NO MASK', it also MUST be now be legal by associated precedent to turn away people with other offensive conditions such as tattoos, transgender people, people in nasty, unholy attire such as those wearing ;Black Lives Matter' or 'Dallas Cowboy' attire, cigarette smokers, witches, Freemasons etc. and any other person who's literal physical CONDITION or imputed impairment a business or religious facility desires to be openly opposed to. As a matter of spiritual warfare reasoning, serious eye injuries can actually occur if wicked people and untruthful neighbors are allowed into your place of business or religious facility.
Michael Lyons (MRBOOZHOO) of Minnesota might even want to turn away ANTIFA people who are opposed to his cousins in police work.
Wearing a mask that inhibits proper breathing when you are healthy enough to appear at work or a have typical. RARELY DEADLY flu is as absurd as wearing a condom continually while working at a factory just in case you get abducted and raped by a male or female co-worker. The seriously sick should quarantine for a reasonable time,but indeed the healthy should not be forced into masked bondage by a gang of brute beasts pumping out intentional expensive deceptions and anti-Leviticus propaganda.
Next time some plebian employee asks me to wear a mask in order to do business with them, I suppose before refusing to do business under their unconstitutional conditions I ought to toss in the following flippant quips:
" How tight do you think your dangerous non-sterile fabricated business gag in your unclean and non-sanitary hands ought to be on me, mr. socially biased and medically ignorant anti-doctor? A loose fitting mask on your fore head obviously didn't' stop you from blaspheming and committing intentional sin and leading your co-workers in spiritual warfare atrocities .'
Those 2 quips might have been an expanded version of Peter Salemi defending himself against ignorant anti-doctor medically ignorant customers.
The USA does not have $900. to once again try to infect the already deadly wound that wicked pharmacy companies, mask sellers and evil politicians induced. I suggest that unemployed people resist the stimulus $ as though it is unhealthy as a heroine deposit in your bloodstream and rather, in a financial emergency, seek temporary shelter with relatives who are willing and able to provide shelter where you will be expected to assist the head of that household with tasks in exchange for room and board.
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