Saturday, December 5, 2020

Rebuttal Toward Adam Fink's Audibles About Cigarettes

 I was discouraged when Adam Fink publicly announced that he thought that smoking cigarettes is not contrary to TORAH, but I believe it lawlessness for the following reasons:

W) Cigarette smoking affects your NEIGHBOR's air quality by polluting the air, something that wine does not do. Children in household of adults who smoke cigarettes often develop lung damage alongside their parents and are unable to flee that toxic exposure without being labeled as 'delinquent runaway'.

I) It is bad stewardship to toss your income into the cigarette industry. Unlike wine, which Adam FInk carelessly compared to cigarettes, there are indeed warnings in the Holy Scripture not to partake in excess of wine so it is not lawlessness to intake a glass of wine. The wine does not impart it's potential liver damage to those near you as a cigarette does and since their is a warning against drunkenness, those who remain sober should not start beating their children's liver section as cigarette smoke does attack the lungs in both firsthand and secondhand intake

L) It is quite possible that cigarette smoke can be defined as strange fire offered unto idols. and the idol becomes yourself when you do not try to protect your neighbors's air supply.

K) It seems hypocritical to complain about mask wearing and then be double-minded about cigarette smoking. As soon as Adam Fink admitted his body has felt better since he quit smoking, why would he return to claiming the TORAH does not permit intentional injury to your NEIGHBOR or yourself? Unlike a bit of wine or natural sugars which are in fruits vegetables and dairy products, the tobacco processed for cigarettes has no good effect on the body nor on the environment and the same can be argued against buying 'Playboy cologne' and other useless 'artificially scented' products used in chemical warfare attack schemes.

E) With K in mind, there is no use speaking against the 5G microwave towers if you have not denounced cigarette smoke without recourse.  What damages the body is not loving your neighbor as yourself, and doing so is against TORAH.  Even a person who wants to be pierced with a vaccine that causes them to become diseased is gong against TORAH, so likewise a person who smokes cigarettes is equal to a vaccine seeker when it comes to lack of proper resistance toward dangerous chemicals.

R) Go ahead and smudge! There is nothing toxic about burning sage or other dried herbs such as peppermint leaves in your dwelling, but I suppose many Bible readers would insist that smudging is automatically some sort of demonic idolatry when in fact, if done properly as a sober adult, it is far safer than lighting up a cigarette in your dwelling and is very possibly a holy smoke, something that processed cigarette smoke laded with nicotene will never be..

Environmental education is important, and cigarettes are harmful to the smoker and the neighbor of the smoker, making it as against TORAH as the 5G towers being erected without reporting that those microwaves might indeed be causing global warming like a microwave over heats up liquids and solids.

I suppose someday heads of households will claim that an undecorated evergreen tree raised up in a big vase is a better deal than 2 dozen roses and safer to the touch than a cactus or thorny rose, and I suppose those heads of households  should consider doing such balsam activities any time of the year in attempts to freshen their air.  In fact, someone ought to tell Adam Fink that a real evergreen bough brought into a house, set into a vase and NOT decorated nor bowed down to is a better choice ANYTIME of the year than purchasing a CARTON of cigarettes and starting a strange fire habit.

An artificial evergreen will never qualify as helpful to the environment and are sold to and typically used in vain by people who want to openly oppose rather than secretly oppose   TEAM  יהוה  , with or without knowledge of much better traditions such as a Thanksgiving dinner with the aroma of healthy food instead of the dust congregation that artificial tree limbs gather in.

I didn't  try to contact Adam Fink by email since the last time I did he was too busy or possibly, as a hireling in progress, too apathetic to respond and in such a case, his MO becomes similar to UWM.ORG personnel and haughty Richard Belmore.    Rick Snyder and his former attorney general of Michigan and the Marathon County Sheriff's Department also was too busy to respond to a truthful complaint making them less useful to the kingdom of Gad than  Meijer's ad  in Ohio State's ice rink. A few, people in the chat on December 4th, 2020's output on  'Parable of the Vineyard' seemed to put out messages contrary to Adam Fink's error lines about cigarettes, but not in length do to the limit of 200 spaces.

Since it's Zebulun day 2074, the next post will contain brighter news about the occurrences of 6th year 'Zayin' students.

Responses and response time still matters! So far, Ben Stein, Mikell Clayton, BobTheil,  Esaac Israel and Peter Salemi all have responded and in timely fashion to serious questions and although those 4 men are nothing alike and differ in doctrine, they do take their roles as seriously as Raymond Trudell, Daniel Teske, Marie Xavier, Rodney Weary and Lester Hutchins  took their  role as a police officers.

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