If you are one of the tiny or medium business owners who somehow has financially survived the attempt of state governments to financially ruin you, I am going to make some serious recommendations if you have been referring to yourself as a 'Christian' but have refused to believe that the writings of Moshe Ben Amram apply to you. I am not starting with 1 through 4 because of YEAR and billiard ball codes.
5. Restart your business in a much smaller place if possible. Such a move will lower heating costs, typically won't hurt 'take out' orders and will be less of a financial risk, which even peope in the stock market take.
6. Eliminate all unclean animals from your menu; if you have been referring to yourself as a Bible-believing Christian and have been serving up unclean animal flesh which is described as an abomination before Yahweh, you have a brief opportunity to correctly rebuke yourself, stop counting your losses and hope for some gains in customer counts within the next 7 years.
7. Vegetarian meals are typically less costly to prepare, so charge enough money to profit substantially if people do want YOU to prepare their beef, fish, poultry, sheep, goat, venison or buffalo. The vegetarian options should be able to enable people who's income has been substantially reduced by wicked, evil government (wicked and evil is far worse than stupid) policies and LAWS and times that keep changing so quickly that even a genius couldn't know what the current anti-יהוה laws are.
Rarely one opportunity is given after a business failure without seeking bankruptcy, so if you intend to restart or can continue to operate a food gathering place and do refer to yourself as a 'Bible-believer', make sure you start your business week on Sunday and consider closing on Saturday, for our Creator יה 's name sake. Be thankful if places like 'Hooters' or raw oyster bars don't survive since those places are not where the true church of Philadelphia should prefer to dine.
Medium and tiny businesses have done better works than the typical Sunday church building clock heads or the typical attorney who, like a hireling, doesn't really care if what comes our of their mouth is the truth, the entire truth and only truth even with the help of Gd, the son of a Leah's slave.
I suppose the slave women of Leah and Rachel were quite possibly very pale-skinned as a European, not dark as Leah and Rachel, and that opinion has arisen since so many now insist that the southern tribes of Ysrael such as Yehudah , Levy and Benyamyn are 'dark-skinned' and not almond colored historically, with the conclusion of that 'many' being possible.
Bildad and Zilpah most likely were white women taken into bondage, which is why the lines of Gd, Asher, Dan and Napthali lines LOOK outwardly different than the grandchildren of Laban.
This is a pivotal year, and my output on this site will come to a conclusion when Donald J. Trump is no longer the President of the United States. I will allow good angelic powers to decide when it's 'quittin' time for the free assistance I have been offering to a few while I have been cast out and aside as a unwanted barley pearl by those who have preferred to align with 'Wormwood Whitmer' and her horrific policies intended to do evil and not good to the people of the state of Michigan.
There are plenty of missing people in my history that I recall as kind and essential. Ruth Palkans has been an essential hero in my life, not wicked Bader G women. Only a fool forgets the name of the person who delivered them or refused to abort their child.
Lucifer and the beast is really the same as 'Beauty and the Beast'. Don't buy into Disney's version of 'Safety', especially since Bobby Layne clips were being passed around like Eric Layne's business cards. I do believe there are people still tucked into professional sports that have ways of getting proper and true coded messages out without the knowledge of the typical dangerous drug pushers.
The vaccines are dangerous drugs, and swine should not have been prepared by people who really do believe the Bible. A grocery store offers options like the 'garden of Eden', but who's to say if some people are buying pork to feed their incarcerated pet snakes? There is a higher level of expectation to do good works based on FAITH in diners run by Bible readers who have chosen to believe the WORD made flesh with lambskins,Torah scrolls that are rolled up like the heavens in a few chosen locations.
6th year timeline research literary comparison: What's Strongs G2078 and how does it compare to Strongs H2078?
Refer to the 'EsSeNTiAl ' as a Code175' and 'LiBErAlS' in hearing distance as a Code '105'. Codes will be necessary in order to avoid being easily detected and to avoid using a term that some consider to be derogatory even though they classify as that term. Neither the 175's nor the105's are a 'rod of iron', since iron is a lighter burden to bear. I still call deputies in russet brown or a shade of tan as either toadstools or brownies, due to their outerwear. Some brownies are unclean and contain lard and some toadstools are non-toxic and clean as a head of cabbage.
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