Saturday, December 26, 2020

A FINE 632 Line To SKIER 636

 Suppose I think more like Dusty Kleiss than Dusty Springfield or Dusty Rhodes.  Let me try to take a few people to the point of Y in the middle at word 2448.  Is there always a problem when an L is on each side of the Y?

Look at 'Hkl' versus Lut'. Is you add an s in front of those combos you get shekel and slut, but this word is described as darkness with deep red tones, maybe similar to a sardonyx:


With the Y in the middle, movement shift toward a L(leader) moving toward the V and the Tav. Is the Y in the middle now 'double minded' and unstable in all his ways? Should I have assigned the Y to Gus Haramis or Christopher Chu instead of Christos Tselios?  

People at 2448 might be in the 'false start' zone, so let's look at 2100: Zub as in Zuberbeir. When a slow group is at 636, a faster group might be at 2100 but both groups still matter to the partridge who decided to sit on snake eggs.

Therefore, between 636 and 2448 is 987, not 504.  987 has been seen as Cal Ripken Jr.'s ESPN number for a long time and Ned Yost has been 504, which was the number of the zamboni of the Mark Wells Arena, which happened to be closest to nasty Tom Brady today ( boxing day). Since 405 is the visual opposite of 504, let's not forget that Jaromir Jagr is listed at 405 on ESPN lines not 504. Andrew Brunette and  Benjamin Sheets have done well compared to Mark Wells. 987 is nowhere near the Mark Wells Arena and H987 is the Hebrew word for safety but not peace.  There cannot be a position of safety unless there is a battle zone to divide safety from danger. Likewise, sorrow cannot be defined unless joy is established.

דגל  looks to me like the 'ruler of fish', since DG is fish and the L is a ruler. At 1714, others between 633 and 2450 have defined this as a banner or a flag, but are not flags used in ice fishing?  Maybe only the Ojibwe get this flag point of Fish Hatchery Road travelers.  988 looks like a 'batl' ground as in battalion and battle and is connected to a delay or a result, but of course the tet in the middle does matter in a real בטל.   Also between 633 and 3171 is the word that looks like Gabor or even Gerbera as in a plant job:

גבור means strength and power, and those qualities are not gained by wearing a mask.  I heard a New York Jewish man claim that if a person eats pork privately in front of maybe only a couple witnesses to delay his death it is not a sin but if he does so in public it is a sin unto death. I do not believe that New York yeshiva man. There is a narrow margin between H3575 (Iron) and 3577 (deceiver).  If the Jewish 'oral law' pencil pusher in New York City wants to spit on his Torah Scrolls privately in his teaching room or eat a pork chop in his jail cell but won't do it in front of the Ed Sullivan Theatre, he is a hypocrite that does not really believe what we do in private is as weighty as what we do in public. As a matter of fact, that self-proclaimed 'rabbi' is no better than the man who sits in office looking at pornography but refuses to go into a place like 'Hooter's since that might ruin the amount of donations he gathers in at his synagogue or church.

I do believe it was a unintentional sin when I ate a 'mock chicken leg' in the Marathon County jail, not recalling the trickery that had been used in Milwaukee public school when pork was renamed 'mock chicken legs'. It didn't matter how may people saw me eat the pork when I was jailed on Yom Kippur, it still was an unintentional sin and no where does it say that eating unclean meat is punishable by death. It is cruel tyrants that have decided that refusing to eat pork means the death penalty in their unjust heathen systems.  The punishment for eating unclean pork in private or public is an increase in disease for those think eating pork will delay their death, be it SPAM during wartime confinement or frog legs when stuck in the mud somewhere.  

 The English might see 'dgr' = ingathering of snake eggs   H1716   דגר  Jeremiah 17:11

Should I have used a capital G to represent the middle letter?  RGD is the best non-English version but those who don't know how to read from right to life might see something like 'rugged'  rather than a word that begins with a D.  

634 is LIONESSES ( April 28, 2019 USA Today) according to the people who think like Roy W. Allen while a captive in France. 

Lorraine Mielke might never see this post, but she is worthy of honorable mention as December 27th once again rolls around during the 10th month of the timing established by Yehovah, mangled into the 12th month by those who prefer international chaos  to unity, and I use the word UNITY as Mr. Wahl #5, the UW-Madison basketball player uses it. Lorraine's  Catholic leaders taught her to eat pork rather than resist unclean meats for her own bodily good, which makes her Catholic leaders anti-Yeshua of Bethlehem nor the angel of the church of Philadelphia.

Yeshua provided fish and bread for his public classes. By the time day 2814 rolls around, I'll post a plausible version of the rebuilding of Jerusalem where Gd is the last foundation rather than Yssachar for those who believe that the children of Leah were assigned the first 6 stones of the breastplate  rather than supposing the birth order of the children is the proper legend to uphold.

Creepy Joe and Kamilla Gorilla have decided that the LGBQ people shouldn't believe the words of Rocky Balboa in Rocky IV, where he claimed that EVERYBODY can change.  Creepy Joe and Kamilla Gorilla also will try to convince USA businesses that they cannot refuse to serve or refuse to hire LGBQ people but they can refuse to serve or refuse to hire people who really can't convert to becoming a mask wearer, so once again the Democrats will ruin their own chance for redemption due to their love of sin and hatred of the sinless.  Republicans who vote for their own pay hikes and for the horrific bill that Trump just vetoed are as much as an abomination as the Pelosi Monster.

Can I defect to Sweden or just transfer myself to an area without as many 5G towers like a stray rez dog? WKU's football Lending Tree moon looks like it is only 7 miles away and seems closer to me than the Double Tree bowl in Brookfield WI.

Carmen Ruiz 92, John Ruiz 51.  Who'd Ryan Whitney's barber now? 50 matters.

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