Thursday, December 31, 2020

Schilkey Note Vertical Holding Checkers for 01/01/2021

Is it 'not even' to notice that Brett Hull's total P line of 1391 has already occurred without the help of  Bill Bixby?  D-d goes the anti-weasel this time around!  Pop TART is a term than Jack44 might use when he can't find Jaguar food for 'Floppy Joe' Schobert. ( Vanilla Joe is in the comic section.)

B) 3rd year students are at  H990 (womb) in the 34th month

G) 4th year students are at H1371 which means' bald' and is closest to Michael Modano's total NHL points; I have no idea what happened to BALD316 in the 'gocomics' book of records

D) 5th year students are at H1717, which is before 'dada', often a new word for toddlers when looking at their alleged father figure

Z) 6th year students are at H2102, which is a word that means 'disrespect/prejudiced'; 6th year students should know it is disrespectful of Whitmer's executive order TO refuse to acknowledge and accept business from people who have legally acceptable reasons not to wear a mask, so many places like Jimmy John's are actually BREAKING the executive order by refusing service to those unable to tolerate a mask, thus those businesses should be disrespected due to their prejudice against humans with freash air needs

C) 7th year: H2471. Look it up yourself, and check G2451 while you still have access to Strong's numbering references.

C) 8th year students: keep in mind that Yoseph had at least 12 years to think about something other than Leah's next menu. H2815 is close to a Polish word known as 'Kashub', a name given to the people in northern areas now known as Poland; this word may even be near the word coming up as Chasek' but not Halak. Nehemia 3:11 describes these Chasub people as able and willing to repair walls, so they were better neighbors than Frank Finney and more courageous than adults  are too afraid to go anywhere without a cell phone at hand.  Does it matter that the UW-Badgers chose a DIKE rather than Damrow?

Y) Sugar Frosted  Corn Flake Crew: H3173 is a word for an only child or a person that is alone.  Jeremiah 6:26, Amos 8:10 and Zechariah 12:10 all use this word for a reason.  If you are alone and not sitting in a jail cell as the Ojibwe month of the sucker fish is soon to appear, be thankful and enjoy your favorite cold cereal, beef bologna sandwich without cheese  or 'MrBoozhoo' on YOUTUBE to avoid becoming as unrighteous and unholy as Anderson Cooper and politicians who want to defund the police..

I find the above biblical Hebrew word combination fascinating as a Nick Schilkey hockey stick defying the state of inertia!   Trust NI instead of AI as the 60th month of the tribulation draws near for 5th year students who started their year in the spring according to book of Exodus instructions rather than in winter. NI is natural intelligence which must be trained within our own body, not artificial intelligence which will prove to be unnatural stupidity shoved into electronic devices that typically can't outlast  the reliability and productivity of Nick Schilkey, even if Nick was made in Michigan and is only a MARTIN short distance from Zach Newton and Zach Bauer.

Thankfully, with the assistance of Steve 'anti-Basting and  יהוה',  I did find a local assembly  to meet with for weekly icy cold Bible studies and to gain encouragement from very decent men in leadership roles who aren't afraid to pray to their Creator in the presence of light bulbs.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Macomb County Anti-Miracle Trinitarian Busters Test # 117

 An anti-miracle occurred in Macomb county today and the anti-miracle had the following details:

After speaking intelligently with a person who referred to himself as' Michael from Roseville'  who also clamed to be a Vietnam veteran, I decided to do some art therapy near 'Iron Mike' turf. It wasn't a miracle that I was thinking about football, since I and even done that watching the Pacelli Cardinals go against the Milwaukee Washington Purgolders in zippy area 54481.  The anti-miracle occurred when an woman full of blasphemies and excelling in lawlessness entered a public Macomb county park, let her 2 nasty and dangerous dogs run around loose in the park and then started letting the demonic spirits control her tongue like she was a horrific combination of Chicago Mayor Lightfoot, Shane David Hendrikson and Amy Stroik all combined into her own unholy trinity of 2 loose dogs and 1 blaspheming woman who had no ladylike characteristics in her.

It wasn't a miracle that I didn't hit her dogs with a baseball bat because I choose  not use excessive force in dangerous situations. It wasn't a miracle that the unholy trinity left with her dogs like a haughty Whitmer type of person worse even though she is far more dangerous in a community setting than a few illegal aliens I've met.  She claimed she has been letting her dogs run around loose in the Macomb County park every day, and it is a shame she has not been issued a ticket and fined for doing so.  It wasn't a miracle that when I asked kinder representatives of  Fifth Third bank the following question: "What's more dangerous; 2 unmuzzled, aggressive dogs running around loose in a park or you without a mask on?" Any sane person knows the woman wearing a PINK stocking cap who was letting her dogs run around loose in a public park ( large GMC suburban type of vehicle) was far more dangerous than any person who refuses to wear a mask while healthy enough and expected to report to work. Thus, sanity is not a miracle. When choosing to use an unregistered baseball bat as your 2nd Amendment 'right' to bear arms, make sure you let others know a baseball bat can swat virus particles away from your face as well as providing a substitute for a 'Betty Club' like 'Dana Hall' used on ;Adam-12' should any aggressive animals or demonic zombies infringe upon our North Carolina;s Cary Imp marching band defensive plan to remain 72 inches away from strangers and unleashed dogs.

Peyton Manning has been televising evidence of his brain malfunction is he thinks Bill Clinton is still /Mr. President', since Bill Clinton is a wicked influence on the 116th Congress and the same adulterous, unrepentant man of anti-G-d  he's always been.  Peyton isn't Elisha, so as in any family split here's the Trinity to bust up ay 117:

                       B.  Macomb County  Sheriff's Squad 117 (nominal value according to Stuart Rottier)


C.  Penn State (Forbes Magazine college rating 117)       A. 117th Congress (unjustified and disorderly)

G cannot be part of the trinitarian system since in a G=3 situation, G is Hebrew and Hebrews don't believe in a religion based upon a 'trinity'. D as in 'Cleveland $) but can study ABC (airway, breathing, circulation) and BAC (blood alcohol content) problems,  can align with A. B or C or remain set apart from  samples of A,B and C.  

I can align with B or C, but not with A, because A is too corrupt for anyone who understands the I formation.  Thus, Penn State OR Macomb County Sheriff is who the City of Minneapolis has to align with during this  'Calvin Coolidge'type of  anti-miracle experiment which has no Kurt Russell whip problem within it.   

Here are 5 anti-trinity variables to consider in a state of  S= sulfur=16th place.:

1.  Rather square and stable white house with  address 74386  Floral Street (48005) is not nominal value and is far more reliable than the 116th USA Congress because of it's good appearance

  2.   F as in Atlanta $ = Mark Richetto, a Wisconsin medical doctor 

    3. Lithium ( David Ortiz's baseball  class)

     4. Brett Hull  ( Achatz class  4 Berry pie man in between Favre and Lindros)

       5. Albert Pujols

Indeed, the woman with 2 loose dogs in the park was far more dangerous than any Macomb County deputy or Achatz employee who cannot tolerate a mask while on or off duty, and it seems as though our nationwide health concerns are way off base when ABC matters are taken into consideration. 

St. Olaf = 116 Hollyday Court when a GRAIN MILL  is not  the same as   דגן .

(Be careful at the Burr Oaks,  Buckeye,  and Mohawk city of Madison bus routes!  Ham radio isn't my area of expertise.)

Enjoy your H1715 night light  challenge, especially if you can't make it to the Navy Seal memorial seal test site in Armada, where loose dogs are and always will be far more dangerous than unmasked people healthy enough to report to W=work.

It won't be a miracle if I align with Macomb deputies, even though they have not repented of their inappropriate behavior toward me because I been been trained properly by legal citizens much more intelligent than pro-abortionist Gretchen Whitmer and 'morally ill' Bill Clinton.

Ya HoWah loves anti-liars.  How's that for rez -i-dew point slang?

(Exodus 36:19 is superior and weightier than anything the 116th Congress ever did to ruin their own chance for redemption.)

Monday, December 28, 2020

116, 117.....118 Brunette Work

 Since the United States 116th Congress and most likely the 117th Congress is unwilling but not incapable of making decisions that don't add more of a burden to the USA citizens, is it proper to hope that Macomb County Sheriff's squads 116, 117 and 118 will make good decisions and not enforce wicked laws that keep getting 'passed' by unjust stewards?  If we don't get local heroes in our counties, the vile greedy USA  congress, senate and president will destroy the USA's potential to recover.  Am I one of the few that doesn't want a collapse of the state of Michigan to happen because I have met and been served by many decent, hard-working people that voted for John James but were 'robbed' by corrupt Wayne county again?

 It IS proper to hope that local counties start passing ordinances that negate the horrific demands being ejected from a governor or  wicked people in power that really are committing a from of 'strong arm robbery' by refusing to let buyers and sellers decide for themselves what risks they are willing to take  to provide income or needs for their household. In other words, let each county officially declare they are NOT in a state of emergency because of continual  virus and flu symptoms which are common to humanity worldwide and clearly not deadly to a huge majority of the population and then pass local rulings that allow restaurants, shops, businesses and factories to not only be open, but to be open and NOT impose mandatory mask wearing on customers, although those who choose to wear masks still can.

As Alon Anava correctly pointed out from his place in Israel, the vaccine is biological warfare, not a cure for current ailment nor a prevention against disease.  Sincere 'rabbinic' people are not wrong all the time. 

Wouldn't it be wonderful and totally justified if the USA military started arresting the state and federal politicians who have been ordering  'lock downs'  and those wicked overseers who have been forcing masks on healthy people and toxic vaccines into those who are too passive or totally oblivious to the dangers of vaccines?   We will know a 'meshiach' is taking over when the politicians are jailed in their FEMA camps and we, the taxpayers who really do want to work up to 6 days per week, are once again allowed to not only eat in private diners but also go to work without masks being ordered upon us when we are healthy enough to report to work.  Whether it is year 5781 or 2021, the honest remnant still does need local holy and sanctified angelic forces that are wiser and more compassionate than the greedy USA Congress, senate and state governors who don't believe in the assembly of Philadelphia, the prophesied church that prefers to obey commandment and believe the testimony of the prophet born in a manger in Bethlehem.

How about Jeff Hackett and the NHL vs. Nathanial Hackett and the NFL for  small anti-biological natural BRANCH battles?

  Maybe the USA is only stuck at the tale of 2 different people named 'David Ortiz', but only one those men had a mother who's maiden name was Bengert, and the other transferred here from the Domican Republic, not from Whitefish Bay Dominican.

Time is not on Wisconsin's deplorable Marathon county's side, since they have had too many false starts in their family court rooms. Time passes onward for both Bodo Gajevic and Jayne Cler, even though they clearly were not created equal for those who understand why Michael the archangel is not a female.

Wisconsin Rapids  34,  Gaza 34. Routes do matter. Benjamin Purcell came to mind, once again.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

A FINE 632 Line To SKIER 636

 Suppose I think more like Dusty Kleiss than Dusty Springfield or Dusty Rhodes.  Let me try to take a few people to the point of Y in the middle at word 2448.  Is there always a problem when an L is on each side of the Y?

Look at 'Hkl' versus Lut'. Is you add an s in front of those combos you get shekel and slut, but this word is described as darkness with deep red tones, maybe similar to a sardonyx:


With the Y in the middle, movement shift toward a L(leader) moving toward the V and the Tav. Is the Y in the middle now 'double minded' and unstable in all his ways? Should I have assigned the Y to Gus Haramis or Christopher Chu instead of Christos Tselios?  

People at 2448 might be in the 'false start' zone, so let's look at 2100: Zub as in Zuberbeir. When a slow group is at 636, a faster group might be at 2100 but both groups still matter to the partridge who decided to sit on snake eggs.

Therefore, between 636 and 2448 is 987, not 504.  987 has been seen as Cal Ripken Jr.'s ESPN number for a long time and Ned Yost has been 504, which was the number of the zamboni of the Mark Wells Arena, which happened to be closest to nasty Tom Brady today ( boxing day). Since 405 is the visual opposite of 504, let's not forget that Jaromir Jagr is listed at 405 on ESPN lines not 504. Andrew Brunette and  Benjamin Sheets have done well compared to Mark Wells. 987 is nowhere near the Mark Wells Arena and H987 is the Hebrew word for safety but not peace.  There cannot be a position of safety unless there is a battle zone to divide safety from danger. Likewise, sorrow cannot be defined unless joy is established.

דגל  looks to me like the 'ruler of fish', since DG is fish and the L is a ruler. At 1714, others between 633 and 2450 have defined this as a banner or a flag, but are not flags used in ice fishing?  Maybe only the Ojibwe get this flag point of Fish Hatchery Road travelers.  988 looks like a 'batl' ground as in battalion and battle and is connected to a delay or a result, but of course the tet in the middle does matter in a real בטל.   Also between 633 and 3171 is the word that looks like Gabor or even Gerbera as in a plant job:

גבור means strength and power, and those qualities are not gained by wearing a mask.  I heard a New York Jewish man claim that if a person eats pork privately in front of maybe only a couple witnesses to delay his death it is not a sin but if he does so in public it is a sin unto death. I do not believe that New York yeshiva man. There is a narrow margin between H3575 (Iron) and 3577 (deceiver).  If the Jewish 'oral law' pencil pusher in New York City wants to spit on his Torah Scrolls privately in his teaching room or eat a pork chop in his jail cell but won't do it in front of the Ed Sullivan Theatre, he is a hypocrite that does not really believe what we do in private is as weighty as what we do in public. As a matter of fact, that self-proclaimed 'rabbi' is no better than the man who sits in office looking at pornography but refuses to go into a place like 'Hooter's since that might ruin the amount of donations he gathers in at his synagogue or church.

I do believe it was a unintentional sin when I ate a 'mock chicken leg' in the Marathon County jail, not recalling the trickery that had been used in Milwaukee public school when pork was renamed 'mock chicken legs'. It didn't matter how may people saw me eat the pork when I was jailed on Yom Kippur, it still was an unintentional sin and no where does it say that eating unclean meat is punishable by death. It is cruel tyrants that have decided that refusing to eat pork means the death penalty in their unjust heathen systems.  The punishment for eating unclean pork in private or public is an increase in disease for those think eating pork will delay their death, be it SPAM during wartime confinement or frog legs when stuck in the mud somewhere.  

 The English might see 'dgr' = ingathering of snake eggs   H1716   דגר  Jeremiah 17:11

Should I have used a capital G to represent the middle letter?  RGD is the best non-English version but those who don't know how to read from right to life might see something like 'rugged'  rather than a word that begins with a D.  

634 is LIONESSES ( April 28, 2019 USA Today) according to the people who think like Roy W. Allen while a captive in France. 

Lorraine Mielke might never see this post, but she is worthy of honorable mention as December 27th once again rolls around during the 10th month of the timing established by Yehovah, mangled into the 12th month by those who prefer international chaos  to unity, and I use the word UNITY as Mr. Wahl #5, the UW-Madison basketball player uses it. Lorraine's  Catholic leaders taught her to eat pork rather than resist unclean meats for her own bodily good, which makes her Catholic leaders anti-Yeshua of Bethlehem nor the angel of the church of Philadelphia.

Yeshua provided fish and bread for his public classes. By the time day 2814 rolls around, I'll post a plausible version of the rebuilding of Jerusalem where Gd is the last foundation rather than Yssachar for those who believe that the children of Leah were assigned the first 6 stones of the breastplate  rather than supposing the birth order of the children is the proper legend to uphold.

Creepy Joe and Kamilla Gorilla have decided that the LGBQ people shouldn't believe the words of Rocky Balboa in Rocky IV, where he claimed that EVERYBODY can change.  Creepy Joe and Kamilla Gorilla also will try to convince USA businesses that they cannot refuse to serve or refuse to hire LGBQ people but they can refuse to serve or refuse to hire people who really can't convert to becoming a mask wearer, so once again the Democrats will ruin their own chance for redemption due to their love of sin and hatred of the sinless.  Republicans who vote for their own pay hikes and for the horrific bill that Trump just vetoed are as much as an abomination as the Pelosi Monster.

Can I defect to Sweden or just transfer myself to an area without as many 5G towers like a stray rez dog? WKU's football Lending Tree moon looks like it is only 7 miles away and seems closer to me than the Double Tree bowl in Brookfield WI.

Carmen Ruiz 92, John Ruiz 51.  Who'd Ryan Whitney's barber now? 50 matters.

Bottomless Pit Bulwark Alert!!!!! 14 Months with No Goalie?

 Here's an 1120 expanded form of 2 new basketball teams (Ellen Homonstowski style) that are starting up to test the spirit of Benjamin  vs. the qualities of Jasper.

Team B as in Benjamin, the David Rushing Rez Dogs of Nanaboozhoo ( not even)

1.  Bela          3.  Ashbal       5. Namaan      7. Rosh       9. Chupim

This team has to align with Sean Garnet Whyte, not with Jerry Mathers at 'sheepdog' level.

Team J as in Jasper, the 1st Brian Elliott Badger Red Heads:

2. Becher      4. Gera       6. Achi      8.  Mupin      10. Ord

This team has to align with Joseph Cannan and the North Carolina Indian Trail ways,  and MAY keep Joe Pavelski in 'outer darkness' with Nathan Pavelski if necessary to confuse football Ramczek71 and uppity Rob Holman's misleading 'Christmas' spirits.

Billiard code coloring can be included during this anti-Biden test that might have to go back to Robert O'Grosky  vs. Robert Hartung level. After all, I don't my real pension  fund to become worthless as a picture of Cheryl Lee Hendrikson sitting inside of  her  white Jeep Cherokee waiting for Shane David Hendrikson to appear with more stolen corporate assets to amuse her Buttram rod of non-iron.


Milwaukee does have a Becher Street between Mitchell Street and Grant Street. Be advised, Grant Hill is  not Grant Fuhr nor is George Fuhr the Rhode Island Ram Mitchell brothers.

Bon Voyage!!!   This might not be a fantastic voyage, but indeed the Michael Izard of Milwaukee isn't as stupid as the Wizard of Oz movie. 

A natural lizard such as a chameleon is not a deceiving wizard.  Let's bring Maynard Ferguson back into the final trumpet sectionals!!!!!


Simeon and Yoseph were together for about 14 months according to audibles I heard from Adam Fink during the Genesis 41-44 study.  That's like removing the topaz and the onyx from a hockey setting, which only results in a basketball game setting for 14 months.   My positioning is different than G, Steven Simons, and varied opinions prevent a  cruel Hitler-style dictatorship from settling into your body.

🎺 Dinah won't you blow your horn?  There were too many men surnamed COOK during the Minnesota Vikings and New Orleans Saints football game on December 25, 2020.   🍞  


Where's Eric Williams, Jr. of New Haven, Michigan now?  

Friday, December 25, 2020

Irma DeLeon Class News

 Please go to 'MRBOOZHOO' on Youtube  to find out why the men from Minnesota were slow to arrive at the manger or for advanced post-Catholicism students, go to Peter Salemi Live, Triumph in Truth with G. Steven Simon or to Squad 89 where Alon Anava is rebuking political buffoons.

Usually there is not enough pressure on paid liars.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

HockeyLA Font?

 H2444: a place where a showdown occurred between David and Saul, where David chose to spare Saul's life even though Saul had sought to kill David

What is spelled as Hachilah could look like Hockey La pointers in linguistic spread sheets.

Suppose I don't have a Bible and the vague phrase pops up such as 'Those who sit in darkness have seen a great light." 

At least now I know where the word ' hockey' plausibly came from, namely from חכי. Did you notice that cool Kof looks like a hockey net from the top but the Chet looks more like the hockey net from a side view? Although Hachilah is a place, but does Hachilah really mean 'my hope is in her' OR does it simply mean a place of dark sentences? Watch out for the flying Yod!

Such is the nature of H2444, the Hebrew word my studies pushed me toward on December 25th, 2020 for  7th year students of the alphabetical order of biblical Hebraic words.

H1366 is for 12/27/2020. Mind your manners and don't spread falsehoods.

As It Was With Nate Ruffin...

 Only 2 visitors have shifted back to my Wordpress site, which indicates that there are too many 'fakes; checking in to his site.  A couple real brave men decided to try and rebuild the Marshall University THUNDERING Herd, but rebuilding doesn't work when people are as lazy as a wealthy, corrupt politician.

'No Swastika, No Service' is the title of my Wordpress post for those who prefer to divorce Christmas than bow down to unholy Charles of Wales, England.

Eventually, bridge work won't be necessary or won't be POSSIBLE from B as in Blogger to W as in Wordpress.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Punting To Wordpress

 Now that Google has flipped their logo into planet mode, I'm shifting back to Wordpress to prevent becoming an hoarder of ideas that others might need.

"Emptied Alive' is the title of a recent addition to a site that started up with the help of Mr. David Robinson, a fan of the USA Air Force Blue Angels who had been living in the San Diego area and who also had been known as 'Shaliach'.

Retitled 'Subjective Scrutiny of Mindsets' , I am not claiming to be a judge of others since dispensation of punishment is not my duty. Warning others and leading others toward safety is part of my duty, and has been for years. When people choose to flee from the very people who have been most interested in guiding them toward holiness and righteousness, they end up in the grip of political cults and religious parties which it is often not possible to 'save' them from without use of force.

At' Duck,Duck,GO' plop in  "ddfence7emet.wordpress" and maybe add on 'Emptied Alive' to observe the thoughts which I don't want to hoard.  That site had been 'private' for quite awhile but doing so had no effect on those in anti-יהוה religious parties who had complained about the content.  Like a doctor, if one form of treatment doesn't cure a matter, seek another safe anti-sorcery treatment.


Was Roy W. Allen really an eastern Pennsylvania punter before French-speaking 'Captain Jacques' profited from his suffering?  

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Yoders Beware! Esaac Israel Doesn't Understand Locust Behavior

 A severe error was ejected from Esaac Israel regarding the behavior of locusts. Mr. Israel claimed that locusts store up food and money to add to their comfort level, but locusts actually do not store up food.....ants and squirrels do try to store up food!  Esaac lacks humility and contacting him directly would be as futile as trying to contact Fred Bengert, Esther Raczek or Andrew Biene today.  Locusts are not known as supply wasters, nor are they so lazy that they would have to beg for food. 'Greg' from a Macom, GA sabbath assembly mentioned that labor pains can't be going on now because his people are too comfortable and well fed, but what kind of leader would allow his bride to be starving prior to giving birth as Greg of Macon suggests will have to occur before he believes that the mid-tribulation is in progress? Sluggards, rapists and socialist thugs don't care if the mother of their child has adequate food, clothing and shelter to bring forth a son or a daughter safely and with vigor.

(The Achatz spinach pot pie is a tasty amazing work of useful foods and classy artwork which uses  ingredients  that the  locusts did not devour! Nueske's pork bacon is not a product fit for Perly's Richmond, Virginia plates. Lots of Bible readers donn't really believe what they read, especially in Wittenberg and Durango, CO.  A tour of Armada, Michigan is a wiser choice than a tour of Disneyland or a Las Vegas casino, especially when shut out of Canada.)

If you listen to Esaac's emissions on December 19, 2020 at about the 90th minute and on, I suppose he didn't consider that Yoseph in Egypt was nothing like a locust. Stored up food, raised cash assets..... not a sin in doing such earthly works.   Esaac Israel keeps insisting that Yoseph cannot be differentiated from Manesah, then he seems somewhat blinded  and is misleading others.  I'm waiting to see pictures of the mother of Dan and Napthali or the mother of Gad and Asher to see how fair their skin may have been while in a form of slavery by the people Esaac would claim are 'black' rather than many shades of brown. I wasn't raised to be as racist or bigoted as Joseph Biden and Esaac Israel, and the locust is mentioned in the Scriptures as an assistant to Moshe Ben Amram during his war against wickedness in high places.  

Next extremely interesting word set for December 27th is H3168.... usually seen as Ezekiel by the English but better seen as Ychzqal in my translation system.  What kind of inconsistent linguist sets H3168 as 'Ezekiel' and H3169 as Hezekiah when they both start with a Y formation? 

As autumn comes to an official closure again, H1367 seems to be tied to Jebulum, since Gebulah means an outer perimeter that sets a boundary as in Psalm 74:17 and Isaiah 28:25... Freemasons believe that Abaddon is not Jebulum, and I would agree that Abbadon is not Jebulum and neither is Manesah identical to Yoseph, although they might be closely related.

Who's calling the battle in Beaver Stadium?  "Live, laugh, love' is not the only method of winning a battle, but that combo might assist you in surviving until the next battle at foot, at Michael Lyons puppet hand or at the next football yard studied by men such as David Akers and Israel Idonije.

"Sheldon Cooper" did have a good argument against erecting 'Christmas trees' if you want to avoid being numbered with Nimrod's assembly, but I already believed the testimony from the prophet Yeremiyahu.  Thankfully, I'm not assigned to watch over Wisconsin Sunday church gatherings since I'm not as capable of wrestling down a strong and stubborn, corn-fed 🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽 ram as Jimmy Morris of Knowlton, one of my favorite USA veterans since he careth for his real sheep and understands good communications sometimes left up to the telephone wires or right down to chalk lines.  👮

Lastly, here is a map of lower Michigan now: ✋.... or is it Wisconsin with Door county at thumb level?

Perilous times have arrived, as predicted.

Friday, December 18, 2020

Steve Rohlik Vs. Steve Basting

 Macomb Messina is your Buckeye problem now,  Steve the non-Brown!.👵

"It's the beginning of the end....." Who's the best beekeeper now?

34A) Guy LeFluer

34P) Jarome Iginla

34S) Franco Harris

1A) Ruthless  Buzi

Who is tied at +114?

A) Heatwave, the band

B) Macomb deputy squad #114

G) Mario LeMieux and Mike Modano

F) Fetisov and Pavelski

Who spent the most quarters not playing football?

D) Milwaukee Squad 91L practicing driving skills on SEGA 'Outrun' machines

P) Payday purchasers

W) Harrison Blaisdell's TWIX purchasers

C) Jeff Brezovar's Milwaukee Trade and Tech  Trojans buying tasty public school  cafeteria brownies

Which Benjamin best represent the spirit of a modern non-woman jasper?

X) Benjamin Bunny

Z) Benjamin Szymanski

Y) Benjamin Sheets

V) Benjamin Hankinson

Q) Benjamin Harrison

R) Benjamin Roethlisberger

S) Benjamin Hajec

D) Benjamin the puppet dog of Michael Lyons

E) Benjamin Moore 

F) Benjamin Franklin

A) Uncle Ben on the boxes of Minute Rice

J)  Benjamin Altshuler who's now closest to Shantytown, WI

Why is there a BUL in Zebulun?

A) To remind a few that the beryl is 8th down

B) To remind Brian Urlacher his initials matter when L=linebacker

K) To remind Dan Uggla that when L=50, N doesn't equal 50.

I) To take your ZEB mind off the fake wolf at the helm of a boat labeled 'MAX". 

C) To keep Basting out of Zebulun

U) To keep Carl Zuberbier's golf ball  out of Zebulun

Views Are Tumbling!

Most likely due to a loss of robotic accesses, don't worry if there are less viewers not reading or reading this blog. In some venues, NHL referee Brad Meier #34 is now way ahead of Brad Seymour in integrity and Gritty mascot  testing that is not being endorsed by arrogant overpaid NASA people..


Honey badger chow, Doerfler alumni!  

The Real Ten 03 or Three 10: Instant Anti-Christmas Messaging

 The radio waves in  Michigan are swarming with anti-Pilgrim people who can't stop sputtering vain holiday repetitions, but what goes into my ears and eyes often cannot be prevented in  turf so defiled by Joseph Biden's dishonest unholy gangsters that the stench of hypocritical Catholicism has reached all the way to Paul Pachniak, ' Mr. Marquette yell leader' who's now become pro-abortion and not a  very good 'eagle scout'.  He sent out his opinion privately, I'll send my own semi-privately on this blog.  Political lines can divide a family, so be thankful if your immediate family members are like-minded politically, since then debates over religious practices are often more civil than rioting thugs who despise the commandments from Yehovah as much as the Biden family hates, despises and rebels against  the laws of the United States of America.  

1,003 is not Ten 03. Timelines matter, even to Paul Xavier Gleason. While a friend of mine has been troubled in a Pennsylvania nursing home, I can call her a friend since she opened her household to me many times  prior to her nursing home years. Our religious beliefs differed, but we treated each other as family with as much kindness as we could muster up as single women. Whether she suffers or enters into death gently is not up to me, but referring to her as a friend is up to me.  That term friend, given to Nancy Pahler, was earned and not assumed.  She sheltered me, fed me and spoke kindly to me when my own son and daughter-in-law would not do so because their 'religious leaders' didn't rank caring for or btaking an interest in your living pro-Yehovah  mother  as good works. Caring for a parent without a spouse IS good works, but it is more difficult if that parent has become your enemy after the stubborn party refused to put efforts of faith into being a peacemaker.

When I went to the PNC Bank, I heard employees keep sputtering out 'Merry Christmas' and I tried to prevent hearing that in my ears for the sake of serenity. I verbally disclosed that I do not believe in Christmas but I do believe in the tribulation. I then said' I hope Sunday is a good work day for you' because that's the way Team Moshe Ben Amram thinks out loud.

I have no regrets for uttering "I don't believe in Christmas but I do believe in the tribulation.' If day 2088 has rolled up like a scroll, 2300 is still left ahead and not left behind.

If the 47th month has commenced, day 1357 is almost completed. If month 71 has commenced, Ohio State hockey might have quite a bit of wisdom in jersey #71.  There are better ways to communicate than online electrical paths, and you haven't learned how to communicate without a telephone or internet, you have been improperly educated by evil criminals who prefer you to be ignorant so they can keep committing crimes they won't repent of such as voter fraud.

The court people in black robes often become too cowardly to hold their position properly and then they become PTAC.  

David Akers worked on Sundays.  I'm not angry but do know when being excessivly 'happy' is not appropriate. Michae; Lyons was responsive today, so that makes him better than UWM.ORG and the overpaid hirelings that spread everything except the truth from  the mouth of  יהוה .

For some reason, even Bill Cloud seems to know enough to reject  a vaccine which according to Esaac Israel's sources, even has the HIV virus included at no extra cost to to the person who want's to get pierced rather than looking at the wonderful odds of surviving a bout with COVID-19 without begging for the Gates vaccine.

What's tricky Bob Zimmerman the guitar player going to do? Bob Dylan types often cause trouble for Edward M Stenzel types by using fake names which leads to long term confusion in family tree tops. After all, KMET isn't Keith Metoxen!

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Bruce Cassidy Vs. Bruce Belin

While speaking with a retired nurse who has seen people like me, Bruce Belin mentioned Ephesians...the E team. When I had as much faith in Sunday churches as Bruce Belin has now, the verses regarding the 'full armor of God' were chalked on my kitchen's blackboard in a house that eventually got taken over my people in the drug business.  When I was forced out of my family's home land by the Bruce Belin's Sunday church people, my son and his father thought it was less of a spiritual risk to physically DITCH me with heathen court orders than to seek a social worker or family counseling who actually believed in the concept of the Benjamite's Paul's written OPINIONS toward Ephesians. At least Bruce Belin has remained married to the mother of his daughter the cop, but that's something even my parents did with their slight interest in the role of the blue fringes and no interest in plopping into a Protestant church.

Ditching your spouse  in order to fornicate with online or offline people in the flesh or ditching a relationship with a parent in order to gain a SPOT within an assembly has rejected  the instructions from יהוה   is even more contrary to the 'whole armor of Gad concept' than wearing a mask because of UNJUSTIFIED fear of possible death.  If you didn't keep your vows, you became a false witness and others who witnessed your vows SHOULD be truly be willing to testify against you unless they are fell into Bruce Belin's 'white' category rather than into my orange or blue category.   As soon as another color code is developed, increased derision commences.  My white helmet code is 16  ( due to common billiard ball color codes) and anyone wearing a helmet is not unaware of the need for increased defense.

I wonder if Bruce Golembiewski ever thought I would fail so many times, yet I suspect he'd believe I'd keep trying to improve after learning what methods of warfare against wickedness DON"T work well enough to repeat. Use of drugs does not counter wickedness, and it often destroys the internal organs that had not yet gone into 'failure' mode.  Contributing time without compensation to George Bush's campaign or plopping $40 toward Scott Walker wasn't worth repeating since those men took money like Woodlands Church in Plover took my time and money, but then refused to assist me when I asked for a helping hand in a sorrowful situation.  Jeremiah chapter 6 is not a laughing matter, yet a fool will not even try to understand the message ejected from the author. 

Milwaukee's Bruce Street people typically don't know what it feels like to be near the Tobermory ferry dock in the parts of Ontario that are probably struggling financially as much as an earthworm trying to move through clay in order to avoid becoming robin food or walleye bait.  

Yom Teruah matters, even in Tobermory.  Being active yet weary is a symptom of being anti-lazy and anti-sluggard. Without a helpmate, weariness is inevitable unless you are as inhumane as a robot. I've understood  the  title 'WEARY' for many decades.

The title 'GAIL' is now a winter storm matter while the moon once again starts waxing.  Max Gail vs. Gail the St. Ignace waitress or Gail Kempka or even Gail Kuklinski would be quite interesting in public service matters, but I chose not to make Gail vs. Kuklinski a title bout.

Almonzo Wilder vs. David Ortiz would be interesting in the natural and spiritual realm! Rubble vs. Zuma?  How about Leroy Shaw vs. Dean Butler in facts vs. fiction?  Since education matters, maybe Michael Trueblood of Milwaukee would like to set up Eliza Jane Wilder vs. Jarob Ortiz in elementary school menu planning that has to have the approval of an unhealthy, cigarette-smoking nurse or the 5 Milwaukee Brewer sausage runners?

Laughing does combat weariness. I wonder what happened to Bald316, Digital Frog, Doc Toon, Jorel aka Shaliach, Grazer, Grog, Vegas Viper and Nathan Cooper? Sadly, I can't purchase a Steak and Shake slaw dog in Michigan because of Wormwood Whitmer's unfair edicts. 

 I hope the MIT graduate who's watching over FLOWX knows what she is doing, since Flovent is too toxic to invest in again.

" When you pass through the waters, I will be with you.'   I suppose I felt unworthy of a dog tag that Overton's  and Searay boat salesmen were profiting from, so dumping the dog tag token from a Lake Dubay fiasco into 'Magno's Fruit' mailbox in Philadelphia seemed like a good Roy W. Allen decision.

That's all there is today from 'Trevor Thompson's Little Red Grapeskin News/'.  Thankfully, Ted Knight is not available to take over as my anchorman.


Greg Hershberg Vs. Greg Hanson: Month 71 Testing

 Often, whoever is listed 1st in a challenge is assumed to be the petitioner in a matter. Does that assumption apply in boxing matches such as Ortiz Vs. Wilder?

My assembly trusts me and those who are not part of my assembly either are apathetic toward or are trusting an idiots like treasonous Canadians Doug Ford and Justin Trudeau or treasonous USA lawmakers who thought Benjamin Franklin was joking around in the middle of  worldwide  חנף . I'm not sure why Peter Salemi is worried about 'Christmas' sales figures but he should continue being an advocate for small family businesses and resist a Chinese takeover from the north. What if China, working with creepy Joe Biden and against Yehovah as their common offense has been, decides they want to squeeze out Canada from both sides?  Donald Trump never had any intent to be a bad neighbor to Canada, but I don't believe that Kamilla Harris and Joe Biden are capable of being a good neighbor to anyone, including the USA honest taxpayers and those who haven't handed in their badge knowing their local politicians have hatred toward their roles in a community.

Did Yeshua resist local law enforcement during passover week? Yeshua coooperated with the arresting officers who were NOT the people who ordered a flogging death sentence upon him. It was the Roman politicians who allowed a mobster 'hit' on Yeshua 

Bruce Belin is actually not part of my assembly as he is pastoring a Sunday church, but if a person has stolen from me directly by felony corporate theft or indirectly by no paying child support, thrown a knife at me or has raped me, I don't a social worker to 'talk' to the thief, the person who attempted to murder me or the person who raped me. I would rather someone like Greg Szablewski seek and jail the felon, as it used be in cities within states of wickedness resisting holiness and then let Hershberg or Garske decide what should occur to the wicked person who Szableski arrested.

I noticed Psalm 90:12 as a reference to new moon sightings for students interesting in learning from יהוה. It will take about 77 months to get to 2300 days and nights,, even if you are Daniel4 in the Detroit Lions play pen, in a Toyota kids play area or in a USA Coleman chicken work perimeter.  In some counting of those days, tonight's start of the 71st month is tied to the word for 'grapeskins', H2085. As is typical of 'false start' people of Tacoma's police department 24 years ago  rather than 'Truestart'  battery sellers of today, most people will want to start the 'new year' on Match 15th.... in the WINTER!  I contend that this will be a 13 month year, because 'preset calenders' do not respect what comes up from the ground forces, such as barley signs along with standard times when it is officially a season change from winter to spring or from summer to autumn. 

Do the math. 2085 + _________=2300.  For Milwaukee Firefighters local 215,   July 18, 2021 should be a hard work day, not a high holy day nor a sabbath for the people who are wisely contrary to the 'Obama Academy' of Milwaukee and would rather think a bit more like Casimer Pulaski.  Of course, who knows if it's closer to day 973 and Andy Bathgate is now safer and more interesting than a dung gate,Canada Parliament seat #11 or the Watergate hotel blueprints so simple that even a plumber could understand them.

If you can't see a sliver of a moon tonight, maybe you can hear a shofar since Yehovah even cares about the blind who respect what Yah created.  The crops in North America are not done growing in late September, which is when some people will be erecting booths, and even fewer might wait until April 14, 2021 to start the renewed Abib count.

Harbaugh&Biden's gang members aren't farmers and crops fail for many reasons.  Even a locust won't  try to cause a crop to fail, since they are more interested in having crops succeed. James Garfield's family understood farming and the 42nd infantry that his mockers contrived as a 'joke' but that he then turned into a reality.

Hershberg popped up for a reason, and he might have much interesting information as Gerald Dunning offered to his listeners in 1986, before Phil Arreola started to RUIN rather than rebuild a city he had no real interest in other than what he could financially gain from it. 

"The History and Mystery of Hanukkah' from Getzel 'popped up' about 12 hours after I mentioned  Pittsburgh Penguin #59. Was it a computer error or an intentional feed bag intended for a woman who doesn't have the thighs of a horse?  Does Cleveland Browns ' Teller 77' or  dross pop up in your YOUTUBE feeds or something much worse and vile such as Kim Crawford, creepy Joe Biden and Carrie Underwood videos?  If you havem't learn to 'turn away' vile videos, even your computer gets so infected with spiritual depravity that you should put a huge mask over it and instantly stop your computer from 'selling' to you or buying from it. Sadly, more people would rather turn away a couple of Jehovah Witnesses at their door than stop watching vile and profane videos wrongly believing that a movie as stupid as 'Fireproof' will save or properly rebuke them.

The flag in Hershberg's assembly doesn't have a yellow fringe, and Bruce Belin is suggesting that  his code 'white' means 'unaware' rather than someone very alert such as Reggie Howard White, whose message  has probably been rejected not only by my 'in-laws', but also by Ysplanti's  Barbara P. Horton and her overpaid assembly.  יה  has never suggested that women should rule over men, and I suppose even Raymond Trudell might understand why neither horned frogs nor courageous elect men made in the image of Uriah the Hitite nor Richard H. Willer should not salute a woman nor desire a woman to rule over their military forces.

Whatever nation the  pro-constitution states, namely those that conducted accurate elections without intentional corruption.  want to start up will be superior to the country labeled 'USA' that creepy Joe Biden and Kamilla Harris want to control and destroy.  I don't want Joseph Biden and Kamilla Harris to rest in  peace ever again, and that happens to be the desire or my mind. 

My great grandparents didn't sell nor buy the slaves from Africa.  What kind of true native  Americans  who understands the earth and soil and anti-casino reality would ever decide to believe in Santa Klaus and  trust ' northern pale face' Christmas party and pushers?   Resist that which is so unrealistic that it earns the term 'not even' . 

I suppose ot's possible there were 7 pairs of clean animals on the ark, which means 14 of an edible species. That's even, even if it seems 'not fair' to many that their might have been 2 pairs of camels on the ark.

Check the positioning of 14 and 4 on a dart board.  I know where 3 and 20 is.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Jersey Mike's Defeats Penn Station At Level 64 Legal Decisions

 When someone who is NOT an owner of a business decides they are going to decide who they will or will not serve, the owner of the business might suffer as a consequence. 

Jersey Mike's obeyed existing Michigan laws and federal laws when they served me even though I am medically NOT APPROVED to wear a mask. Not only was the staff on 23 Mile Road in Shelby very cheerful, they abided by my reasonable request to briefly observe the facial features of the employee who was kind to me in order for our mutual business matters to continue in a better way than having everyone dress up like a masked abortionist.  

Penn Station is as lukewarm as Tom Wolf and lacks proper training. First of all, when I was allowed as a legal citizen and anti-crime person to place an order while obeyed the existing rules in Michigan *  and executive orders that are often a form of bullying and disrespecting the local representatives like Yaroch or decent smart citizens like John James, only an improperly trained employee who doesn't have her employer's best interest at mind would tell me I had to leave after I already not only paid for my food but left a tip of over 25%!!!!!!!!!!!  The female employee with long hair at 56545  Van Dyke Ave. tried to force me to leave after reasonable employees served me according to the ADA rules and existing anti-discrimination laws, but when I asked for a refund and reiterated the fact that I had a legal reason no to wear a mask, she decided to apologize and I accepted her apology.  Maybe her manager frowned upon her very WRONG use of audible force against a disabled person and the manager might understand the problem owners now have meeting payroll.

As a result, I will not return to Penn Station until all the MANDATORY mask orders are no longer bullying employees and customers who took actual risk driving to a location and then more risk by ordering food without a mask from strangers who might have AIDS, lice or some sort of fungus   problem IN ORDER TO ASSIST A STRUGGLING highly taxed business. 1 haughty employee can cause a bad report to emit from a customer, and I truly do hope that the female who apologized does not repeat her illegal discriminatory antics with the next person who is choosing oxygen and not man-made fiber particles to exceed that which is tolerable.  Unlike Woodlands Church in Plover, the cold brunette decided to apologize rather than turn me away for speaking the truth with VIGOR.

I don't care about the 501(3)(c) businesses AKA 'churches', since they are part of the unjust scales problem when it comes to private property taxation.  Those places already reaped what they sowed into me without recourse, and what they got was a taste of the written produce that came out of my mind in order to prevent their uppity "Jesus' staged hypocrisy from remaining within me.

What would Trent Knorr #63 do?

PIZZA time! 

Level 64 is either Gd or David Clark's retired sheriff level. Level 91 is even ore difficult, but it isn't nothing nor ignorant as a hologram.

B1G's Football Equilibrium Test Scenario For Frog Plagues

TCU's football team is to Benjamin Sheets (10th) as Vyaslava Koslov(45th) is to Lousiania Tech's football team as of December 13, 2020 or  Kislav 27, 5781 as some old people suggest.

US 10 and US 45 are still both in the state of Wisconsin  as far as John Atlas is concerned with 10 going toward Iowa's 'Gersonde 2'  and 45 going toward Wisconsin's 'Wolf 2'.

It's who you let IN past your defense to your goal line area that affects your outcome in a football battle of frogs.

Virginia Hall isn't Monte Hall.

Bo Horvat vs. Bill Horvath (Edition 1)

hey! Now undrafted just in time to see how different my thoughts were steered after a computer porblem led me to believe this report made it's own disappearring act. 

Bo Horvat wins, since London, Ontario was more welcoming to a stranger desiring to keep the pesach week than the current occupants of 190 Hoover Avenue in Plover, Wisconsin ever have been or will be.

While trying to locate an anti-commandment male, I was able to get contact information on some of my past friends such as Aedan Hanley and Clifford Fleischmann Jr., both of whom worked very hard for their income at dangerous Superamerica stores in Milwaukee.  I even noticed that old lady Janetta Smith died at the age of 91, and it was easier to cook and deliver a meal for her and her husband Virgil on a cold November day in Wisconsin than it is to get people paying Bill Horvath Brian Berg's  salary to repent and believe the writings of Moshe Ben Amram. 

What kind of depraved counselor and/or spiritual debacle team would tell a grown man who has been a paid non-Philadelphia church employee in Europe for almost a decade to put  0% effort into the repair work needed to reconcile with his mother when his mother does desire that her son become a commandment-keeping man?

0% effort always leads to failure, even when taking a lung function test.  

There's no difference between Whitney Houston and Bill Horvath, since both are in the  staged entertainment industry.  According to Horvath's website, I was supposed to contact Whitney if I wanted to find out more about Rich and Rachel Hendrikson's Birmingham, England plans, but it didn't specify if that Whitney was Ray, Ryan, Houston or Whitey Whitney.  

Paul D'Alessio and Phil Milosz  have been more like Bo Horvat in their approach to 'outreach' programs that actually are much more necessary in a community than the programs that tell you to reach into your pocket on Sunday mornings and pass your money to a hireling who is a master at distorting and mangling the contents of the Bible until they are those they were publicly flogged.

You'd be surprised how many corrupt  'Para Ed' deals Michael Bonds has been part of with his Milwaukee School Board that includes a Holman but not a Sarah Fadness. Pull up the 2013 Milwaukee school board reports and try to figure out what role Joni Harvey had in Doug Zawroski activites if you want to discover how tough it can be to investigate suspects before they confess to their crimes.  Winfield Parkinson  sure wa

Jan Enge, Garrett Lepak, Kale Lepak and Nicol Swimmer  of Milwaukee might want to compare the tales of at least 2 people named 'Blake Lewis' and  at least 2 people named  "Ashley Blackwell' before the conjunction of a couple night lights throws a  lion into Pierre for a Maurice Sendak change toward Garth Williams school.

Did anyone  learn anything from the plague of college frogs that collided at TCU?  Real holy womem don't do as the TCU cheerleaders do.

HIKES!  Who's going to get snagged next by a Greek athlete before she gets turned over to Israel the 22nd La Tech instead of to Joe Esch, who got snagged by a Colette?  I wonder if Stuart Levy knew the Maccabee's revolt took about 20 years and not only 8 days? 

Bo Horvat Vs. Bill Horvath (Edition 2)

 Bo Horvat wins , since Bill Horvath's team is too much like Whitney Houston putting on entertainment rather than deploying the truth about their motives.

I had a much longer blog, but it suspiciously 'disappeared; suddenly when Michael Bonds was implicated in deceptive practices and misleading reports with his Holman team that didn't take Sarah Fadness into consideration due to possible corruption with Joni Harvey, who I wouldn't trust to transport my pizza from Armada.

Try to pull up the hiring lines of the Milwaukee Public Schools in 2014, the same year Aedan Hanley was reported to be a registered voter in western Michigan.

Does Jupiter matter if Kale Lepak is in Conway, Washington and his parents are unhealthy but wealthy in Wisconsin? Does a lunar eclipse matter when there are 2 people named Blake Lewis, but only 1 of them was stupid enough to be on 'American idol'? Does Saturn matter when Georgua's Ashley M. Blackwell's online images looks nothing like Ashley Maria Hendrikson did in 2001 ?  Denny Blackwell doesn't look any less harmful than Susens of Hauswirth coaching Wausau high schoolers but does look more dangerous than Dan Bauer or Benjamin Altshuler. 

This just in...... Portage County's EE Wisconsin trial trail is in the middle of WEED and PEEWEE hockey turf, not in London, Ontario  where serious gatherings during the Feast of Unleavened bread were actually observed in 2014.... a year that I remember what I was wearing when the Canadian Border officials questioned me with a respectful demeanor in Sarnia.

Breaking news: The people in London, Ontario treated me very kindly when I was an injured visitor, so that makes London, Ontario's team a 'winner' when compared to the lazy, haughty and cruel attitude of the employees of Woodlands Church at 190 Hoover Ave. when I sought to reduce long-term injury to my household by asking the staff of that church to assist in property division in a divorce that was requested by one of their anti-commandment men.

Unlike the claims of the arrogant Fieger law offices in Wayne County, MI,  I do know there is a time to stop trying to get as much money as you can from a neighbor or from an ACCIDENT (non-intentional injury to another) and that Fieger's claims are as demonic as the advertising campaign for the city of Las Vegas.

People named 'Rushing' were hired by the city of Milwaukee ay about the time mt friend, Winfield Parkinson, was officially retiring.  

Now I'll compare the online performance of Robert Scott Smith during the college frog battles to the online performance at the Bill Horvath theatre group where hypocrisy and leaven spreads faster than a Fresh Thyme chicken bratwurst in a pork casing.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Just Wait An Hour and Consider Degrees, Minute By Minute By Minute By Minute

  15:26 suggests that the speaker is NOT the comforter nor the counsellor and the spirit of truth will be another entity deployed upon request of the person most Sunday-church assemblies refer to as 'Jesus Christ'.

In hockey, 4 minutes is a double minor penalty that many hockey players have experienced while they usually hold onto their staff or while a gatekeeper hold onto the penalty box door. 

Is not the clean animal that TAKES AWAY the sins of the world the azazel, upon whom sins are confessed? Who has trained us to confess our sins to 'Jesus' and then not have an immediate consequence as we would if confessed our intentional sins to our parents or local law authorities or a good and honest teacher? Often, we have be told what are unintentional sins have been by a person who has taken the time to study the Scriptures and upon bring told, we are warned with due diligence.

John the Baptizer was beheaded, and to put his method of slaughter correctly, he was slain as some animals are, namely by beheading the animal which is considered merciful when compared to what might occur to a ram or goat let loose in the wilderness among  brute beasts who know not the instructions of Leviticus as Zecharias and his wife Elizabeth knew such instructions, including their course of action.

Can these bones live? I suppose I consider this question posed to Yzequiel to be regarding Yoseph's bones that were carried out of Egypt. 

Billions have been taught to pray to 'Jesus' in secret or in public, and then there seems to be no consequence for our sin and no correction unless we search the Scriptures, which do testify even of the azazel. When the brothers of Yoseph confessed their sin to Yoseph, Yoseph did not keep silent nor was he sent away from his FLOCK after he accepted their confession following several interrogations.

Study and read for yourself, but indeed it seems to me as though the day of atonement male animal that is LOOSED for a season in the wilderness is very different than the animal that is chosen to be slain mercifully with a swift sword.  

If you study signs, the Columbus Bluejackets logo has 12 stars and 1 red ball set within  a large silver star. Where have learned people read about a moon becoming red as sackcloth and considered a total of 13 stars in a maximum annual month count? While some toy makers are marketing 'Star Belly' as an artificial light show, some other have been teaching about the natural signs of the moon, the stars and the stripes which arise after a beating has occurred. 

Was John Hanson a decent North American president rather than a indecent pope? Is a dove clean or unclean? Can an unclean animal have clean spirit? The speaking serpent  claimed if a certain food was eaten that death would be avoided in the garden of Eden, yet another has claimed that it is appointed for all to die once. Sure, I raised up the issue of the serpent again.  and referred those following him unto the teachings of MOSHEH Ben Amram not unto Paul Leshok.  Now, the concept of the 'bread head' becomes the baker's problem, not the cup bearer.

Yeshua had a real role in history, but after being surrounded by people who knew not the Torah, he surely has gathered unto his name many false witnesses who have chosen not to believe the writings  in the scrolls that those who prefer to understand natural light  givers have relied upon for correction, for rebuke and for  instructions in the paths of righteousness that lead to a door or even a window of agate rather than a chimney loaded up with dangerous myths intended to deceive multitudes.

Yoseph is not the same body as Aphrym and Maneshah; vain repetitions mislead the simple, the lazy and those unwilling to study the Scriptures and unwilling to be guided by the prophets who were sent unto the sheep of the house of  דוד  , whose shepherd was  יזיז  .  

  May  יהוה  rebuke you?  I have to pause and study the writings of Mosheh and the prophets while Sergei Fedorov completes his 51st year.

This has been post 1335. 

Friday, December 11, 2020

H969: Jeremiah 6:27 'Tester' Night Light


2430 means something to Kent McCord, even if the Hebrew code  H2430 is 'bulwark' and a bit different from the fortress described by H1003.

Mickey Hatcher Trivia Question:

What was the NUMBER of the formula that was supposed to be forced upon the character Jimmy Stewart developed in the fictious movie 'Harvey' ?

A) 8003253535 Dennis North Cut&Dry Den Teen Mix

B) 2639 Brent Johnson Controls

G) 977

D) Tom Morris Garrett Butler Juice #714

H) Myles Garrett Morris Unspecialized Touch Back 40

W) Roseau Goat Milk  Formula #245 

Z) Gaffney Rice Milk Recipe 10488ESPNTrance Stopper

C) Tom Cherry's Cold Cole Slawinski Porcupine Mountain Brew #4026

Don't slip on my Garth Snow drift. The tester of metals should know to test iron.

By Customer Request: "Remove Your Mask For ID Purposes"

 Now that my favorite sheriff's department knows how clearly I think when not on drugs and not being intimidated by a Wittenberg beast, I thought a bit more about how much latitude there is for those who want to de-mask in Michigan. First of all, public buildings are not private buildings. The Macomb city hall is a public building and it's rulers are not the same as the owners of a private business. A private business owner has so many options to let their employees 'de-mask' that I wonder why they haven't used those options as fairly as the Richmond. Michigan authorities decided that chalk on a sidewalk was more dangerous than their high school trap team practicing shotgun formations.

I didn't vote for Gretchen Whitmer, but Yoseph did not choose Egypt; Egypt chose Yoseph. As I get ready to light the anti-Santa Klaus olive oil' lamp, freedom of religion exists here as much in Macomb as it does in any jail cell. In jail, there are plenty of people who would rather wear a  mask to commit a crime or to go along with the Fidelity Puritan funds and Microsoft worship than to be in a county that enforced laws against adultery, against fornication and even against the consumption of unclean meats in restaurants EVEN THOUGH it can be proven that unclean raw shellfish is more likely to cause sickness than a well-done beef steak.

Is it Whitmer fault if an employer does not accept a valid excuse for an employee not to wear a mask? NO, in fact it tests the employer's heart, mind and soul. If I decide to hire a mechanic to work on my auto at my residence, I will ask that mechanic to de-mask  DO I  CAN IDENTIFY MY HIRED SERVANT properly for my safety, view his demeanor and hear him properly. All three of those reasons to demask an employee protects my body more than a masking a person healthy enough to not get sick pay for the day. If that employee doesn't want to de-mask so I can identify him by face, I won't do business with him and neither should any person who is understands local security measures. Bruce Belin might not agree with me, but after I ask my fired to de-mask so I can identify the hired servant face to face, he or she can then choose if wearing a mask is not only tolerable but what their religion and political line deems best. Masking of female faces is often done in some Muslim sects. and I am not going to try and pull the mask down from a Muslim woman... but neither should she expect me to cover my face when I legally and according to existing laws cannot tolerate such personal behavior.

Suppose a store owner decided that 50% of his employees at check-out lines could opt out of masks and keep up the non-bulletproof barriers that prevent a 'till theft'. I suppose legally unmasked customers could go to those registers and so could customers with masks on since those people are fearful of something that many others are not fearful of.  If I owned a store, I would want people to de-mask upon entrance for identification purposes and then continue on with hat, sunglasses or even a fake beard made of lemon-colored fibers like Minnesota's hockey coach plops on his face due to some kind of fear of an entity that would do less damage than a puck launched by Martin Frk flying into his mouth.

Once a customer asks an employee to demask, the customer might also suggest that if the employee has less stress without the mask on, he should remain unmasked for his own medical protection. Drywallers wear masks to keep the dust out of their lings, but the mouth mask can't stop anything as toxic as a Carrie Underwood tune or as dangerous as the lies that emit from Tim McGraw's recording sessions.

Employers, it's time to start allowing your employees to legally demask is they so choose and suggest that the customers too fearful of an unmasked employee order their needs online or by telephone for delivery. Don't blame Whitmer if you can't make a righteous decision to protect the rights of your employees who have served you better than any politician ever has in the past 30 years.

I'm going to be able to watch some good hockey in Michigan as I used to on Friday night in Troy. Who knows if all the information I delivered in locker room 8 has been put to good use, but it certainly helped me to sort through problems  with a priority management system that I devised, keeping my D.A.R.E/ program training in mind. Real men of faith aren't afraid to speak with me face to face, even if their faith is only in their own ability to make a reasonable decision in the presence of a weaker female vessel who is trying to not only survive, but to reject lawlessness and do good works. 

If wicked people are going to riot to try and force everyone into masks and to worship the Biden and Harris ticket. those people are not even tribe of Reuben material.  Gretchen Whitmer let people act disorderly around her and WITH her and that only proved her lack of holy manhood, but who knows if a day or night will come along  and she decides that she has been sinful and needs to change like Adam Fink and Mikell Clayton and I have all decided to do in our short  history after serving in USA military forced by choice?

I'll actually be rather joyful if churches are shut down on December 25th, since most stems of the Vatican  churches  really have been organized crime starters.  If you can't view your own household as the site of your local church or family social services, you don't have the spirit of prophecy within you.

Why did St. Clair get the 74 series and Macomb get the 50? I don't think license plating is random, but I also passed probablity and statistics in a rather difficult university. Here is a number that 'Claude Boucher' has used to identify himself in the presence of Howard Caine:


If Jason Arnott is the 421 and Mathieu Roy is the 13, 0555 is now a number of interest. Why? Because ID as in Idaho is in the middle of WIDE.  Those who start codes are not confused when using those codes, but it is difficult to learn code systems. For instance, Rob Jeter between Rhode Island Rams Mitchell 21 and Mitchell 22  isn't going to put him in the Mitchell Corn Palace nor at Billy Mitchell Field position, but will only put him in a ball game split that won't include Derek.

105 is Jason Spezza in placement tests and 551 always reminds me of Patrick Roy's W column. Where there is a Tyler, there is not always a Seguin. Lastly, if the G is pronounced as a soft G, how do you pronounce 'sun' in Ojibwe when it is spelled out as 'GIIZIS"?  Does it then sound like Jesus instead of the way that Michael Lyons pronounces the word for 'sun' and part of the moon?  Michael Lyons is humble.

The last drumbeat I heard from a NANABOOZHOO puppet was a code for 25 sense... on the 25th day of the lunar cycle. That drummer in puppet mode sounded wiser and had better communication skills than Carl Allen Jr. from Milwaukee. Carl Allen Jr. is haughty.

Without fear, courage cannot exist.  GOOD courage has to be developed within a person before holy bravery can be seen in action.  Crime rates going up is not a sign of good courage.


Thursday, December 10, 2020

The Tally Blakeman Upper Cut Toward 'Fresh Thyme'

 What parents teach their children often counters what emits from their school teachers, and the child will decide to honor one and dishonor the other when parents who really do love their children don't agree with the hirelings labeled 'teacher' or even 'pastor' or 'rabbi'.

When Tally Blakeman was a young girl, she observed a woman with a short hair cut and told her openly that she did not like the woman with the short hair cut; Tally might have been about 5 years old and the women might have been a nurse, but I do not recall the specific location other than the fact that we were on an elevator together. Tally's approach to others who were not trained as she was was similar to the people who know walk around in masks because they have been trained to do so and they either complain or openly ridicule those who shouldn't wear a mask or won't because they believe the mask does more harm than good to their body with plenty of facts to support their anti-mask position. Tom and Dawn Blakeman trained to Tally to appreciate long hair on women, but they didn't teach her how to conduct her speech when near people who didn't interpret the Scriptures as her parents did.

In a much better display of childhood behavior,  a young unmasked girl about the age of 4 saw me in a Michigan retail store and smiled so beautifully at me that she cheered me up. I. like her mother, knew the child would be unhappy and subject to medical complications from muzzling her with a mask, and instead of frowning at, insulting or hating the unhappy people in mask bondage, she chose to smile at another  unmasked person who was on her mother's anti-mask team. She, like Tally Blakeman, seemed well cared for and healthy, but the toddler in Michigan had a better social reaction in a mixed multitude.

I will reveal  astounding facts that the sellers of masks and those who want you to be easily controlled will not tell you.

1.  If wearing a mask makes you feel depressed, you have a legitimate medical reason to remove the mask since depression IS a medical condition. 

2. If wearing a mask makes you feel as though you are behaving contrary to your religion which the leads to anxiety and confusion, you also have a legitimate medical condition that excludes you from the 'mask orders' from politicians who are not your doctor, not your parents and really do not care about your religious freedom or your state of depression induced by being forced to do that which is more dangerous to your body than helpful, such as obstructing your airflow.

3. If you actually believe that facial identification is important when you are in public because of police patrols and avoiding being confused with a suspect in a crime committed by masked people, you also have a good legal reason in Michigan not to wear a mask.  I do believe that facial identification is an important part of the right to BEAR ARMS, since my facial expression might help an enemy know I am willing to defend myself against them. Likewise, if my facial features are pleasant, a person near me would be less likely to be stressed or get an anxiety attack in my presence, which happens to be part of being a good neighbor.

4. There are many reasons that a mask really cannot be tolerated, including the fact that horrible, illogical and anti-humane ORDERS from political idiots should not be tolerated by people whose trust has been placed in  either their own doctor's advice or the entity that did not slap a mask on your face as soon as you came out of the womb, even though the conditions were more sterile than that of an outdoor animal shed in Bethlehem. Thus, when questioned by retail outlets that are lukewarm toward you,  be prepared to either say 'I  physically cannot tolerate wearing a mask'  or if you feel you are less likely to get tossed out by saying 'I have a medical exclusion', then remind yourself silently that in order to feel healthier you can't tolerate to wear a mask that makes you feel depressed. 

5. You might be able to unmask in Michigan if you are participating in exercise IN THE STATE OF MICHIGAN, and this was part of an unverified portion of an order I saw at a chiropractic office in Rochester Hills, MI. Now I understand why Strauss Mann was not forced to wear a mask in Michigan while being attacked by a FISH, but his coach wasn't exercising when he was standing still on the bench.  Thus, you might  actually be able to legally state 'I have a legal exemption from wearing a mask at this time' when you are walking anywhere on earth in Michigan, since what incompetent medical professional would claim that walking in a store, hockey rink or a public bowling alley is NOT exercise and in fact is GOOD exercise for those with some disability or with many abilities? 

6. Sitting at a poker table isn't exercise. Casinos are actually a cesspool of disease designed to make human beings become covetous and lazy at the same time. 

Aren't you glad I paid attention to the details that emitted from Whitmer's warnings? I'm thankful I saw those exclusion to mask-wearing and wonder why more people don't use their right to de-mask themselves BASED on Michigan orders that seem less absurd than California's idiot governor.

 Some stores address the mask issue up front and if they let you pass into their store knowing that the above facts 1,2, 3 and 4 are probably, you should not expect to be rudely questioned as you have been allowed in the store and already shopping. Meijer's store seems to handle their stores in this diplomatic manner; 'Fresh Thyme' and the Melville people seemed to be trained in another manner which is less respectful to the customer but they might be more worried about anti-יהוה facist snitches than they are about giving the anti-mask customer and their ANTI_MASK EMPLOYEE the right to be excluded from mask-wearing based upon the above facts 1,2,3 and/or 4.

If you want to read fiction, read the sushi signs in 'Fresh Thyme', since there is no crab meat in their sushi and they actually create 'mock crab' with pollock in the same manner that the Marathon County sheriff's deputies create 'mock chicken' out of pork,  Fresh Thyme is not a perfect store, and maybe Mr. Melville needs something to think about in the way his employees are trained and in the way his fake crab is marketed with the word 'crab'.  Sadly, Fresh Thyme tossed in artificial food coloring to their sushi so I can't recommend that product to those seeking to 'eat kosher' instead of eating Koster. 

'Fresh Thyme' seemed a bit like the Shelby, Michigan police department or the Bell Ambulance company in Milwaukee, since their were some employees that had worse attitudes than others. At this day in history, 'Fresh Thyme' is a wiser choice than 'Better Health' because they did acknowledge fact 4 to be true and lawful rather than an attempt to spread lawlessness.

Don't blame Gretchen Whitmer if you don't believe facts 1,2,3,4 and 5 mentioned in this blog.  In a sense, this blog was a way to be kind to my enemies and those who don't know how to smile like the unmasked child at an unmasked adult.  Whitmer is somewhat like  Kamilla Harris, Brian Berg of Plover and Dawn Blakeman of Delafield, WI in a few ways, namely they both believe that whoever isn't part of THEIR social gatherings, whether political or religious, is inferior to them. 

I could have bought a machete at ' Lowe's'  without a license in Michigan, but instead I learned to type like Ken Osmond.  

Olive oil from Spain, marketed by 'Fresh Thyme'  is going to rededicate my bloodstream. At this time, I don't feel so frightened in Michigan that I need to pack quickly and go to 'Christos Pizza' in  Marietta, GA. As a matter of fact, I don't feel frightened at all even though I haven't yet found a good chiropractor in Michigan to adjust my knee guard after sprinting aggravated a big joint problem that is tolerable.

Doctors as honest as Jay Meverden are difficult to find and cannot be defined as 'nothing' or a number 0/

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Bragg's Olive Oil Lamp Is Ready for NIghts #2430 to #2436

 Robert Crane had uttered "What does 38 24 36 mean to you?"

This isn't  time to over-evaluate Perry Mason's pre-determined outcome in "The Case of the Borrowed Brunette", but what about Edward M/ Stenzel vs. Brian Stenzel when Wisconsin surnames aren't all about  Micah Potter11 and the E. Russell Street route 14 bus stop woes in Bay View?

I did decide to make a little lamp that can burn outdated olive oil out of a small glass salt shaker from 'Dollar Tree'. The wicks were purchased from a local store in Macomb County and although it is not the beautiful double-wicked hurricane lamp that I purchased in North Carolina that was eventually stolen from me by Shane David Hendrikson. the little lamp does what it is supposed to do. namely remind me that according to prophecy Yoseph is a flame, not an electric light bulb with the tribe of Gd inside.

At a time of loss, Benjamin Altshuler has been as helpful to me as E. Dan Danson had been in Wausau, and much more helpful than lazy Dan Vergin or Lazier Dennis Drazkowski. Shame will belong to the person who mishandled my shofar at the Port Huron border control office when Obama the arrogant was in temporary power and when that shofar was stolen from me in Wisconsin, I knew it was replaceable.... but is Erustas Hallas replaceable too? He had once sounded the shofar near Hayward. WI during the time of Sukkot, but I suppose he is now as busy as Nelson Wahl, a Cadott football player who seems to be trying to play too many positions. There had been a time when those Erustas and Nelson enjoyed my company and even played some non-electronic games with me over 10 years ago, but their parents became obnoxious and judgmental rather than discerning and humble. 

Maybe Pete Malloy was really made in Detroit, but the numerical counting sequence of this year's Chanukah might actually go from Jim Reed's LAPD badge number 2430 to Wendolyn O. Tanner's Milwaukee police badge number 2436.  I didn't know Officer Tanner personally, but I do believe he was a much better man than Monica Ray and Phil Arreola combined.

How about some Vincent Partipilo talk instead of Mitchell Drilling #55 Cadott football talk?  What would Partipilo have done if a strong arm robbery occurred to him at George Webb's on 21st and Mitchell Street?  Would he have had to seek temporary shelter and been frightened that filthy 'dark' males not only had his cell phone but his passport or would he never have even tried to pay for a meal for the 2 thugs that then robbed me? What about Alphonso Graham when compared to Billy Graham? I suppose I prefer the style and mannerisms of Alphonso Graham knowing what I do now about professional expensive Protestant speakers. The lives of the 2 thugs who robbed me in Milwaukee don't matter to me, but the life of Wendolyn O. Tanner does matter to me and to those who are anti-lawlessness.

I'll light a lamp for Officer Tanner until night 2437 has arrived and sound my new little shofar at the end of the 6th day of every week if I have the breath of life in me. Calvin Hall is a different Pittsburgh matter, and UNITY is actually impossible on earth, since the division between the clean and the unclean will never be done away with.  There will not even be unity when the sheep are divided from the goars, so beware of the TRICE cycles that are not the same as the classmates of Tyrone Rice  of MSOE.


Benjamin Altshuler helped my replace my shofar, not the Rhode Island Rams basketball team. Altshuler may have been surprised I am possibly of Zebulun, but I suppose he knew that my tribe affiliation was a possibility. 

Replacement therapy is not free, since that which is not worthless should be purchased at a reasonable price. 

Captain David Bartholomew is not an Dr. Suess character, and Darrel Rodgers is not a Bevell.  

Sifting happens even when there is no shit nearby. Does your household know there is a difference between Mr. Close 1 the Minnesota Gopher goalie and 'Close Up' by David Sanborn?  Does your church know there is a difference between Brian Bradley  the hockey player and James Bradley Jr.?

🎸 With strings, even guitars are sometimes useful for communication.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

How Did The E Team Abort The WORD of the Ysralite B Team?

This is a fowl-up post-investigative report that Pearson Sharp and OAN might not be able to deploy as frugally as I am able to check the role of  a raven when inside of  a Bluebird school bus.

 It can supposed that the child conceived by Miriam and raised up by her husband Yoseph was CONCEIVED in the the beginning of winter, since he emerged during the time of the Feast of Booths. Within a few days, I will reveal how the E team quickly aborted the message that the Yshraelite couple of Yoseph and Miriam had helped to deliver. 

Caution: There ae plenty of E believe systems in the EVIL GRETCHEN WHITMER way, and is it a coincidence that she looks like Kathleen McGregor in the 'Harriet Oleson' role?

Before I release the WHY answer in a few days, think about HOW swiftly the E team aborted not only the 7th day sabbath, but also the Pesach, Shavuot Yom Teruah,Yom Kippur and Feast of Tabernacles messages  as soon as the Easter swine and Christmas pork roast was taken as a sign in their hand and lifted up as the sign in taken in their fore head, since what we eat does enter our brain.

What does a frog eat? A frog eats flies and various unclean insects. 


Would a real snake enjoy Melissa Gilbert's cayenne chicken or prefer a Milwaukee Grebe's cinnamon roll? A brood of vipers might want to know the answer to that zookeeper question.

There might be time for a few sorry people to switch from the E team to the I as in SERGEI team. Being truly sorry is a prerequisite to being spiritually safe when punishment, fiscal or physical, is still required by good law. 

There is no E in ABIGDOR, but there is an E in WIDE and Einsteinium.

In the years of television and movie making, if I had to choose what I thought the best 'love scene' has been, it would be Dean Butler and Melissa Gilbert not as Romeo and Juliette, but as Wilder and Ingalls in the 'Sweet Sixteen' episode. The lack of the reading of Scriptures in the homes has caused too many fornication scenes and not enough etiquette and honorable courting, even if many homes got misled by a Protestant string that got knit into a Vatican glove instead of getting crocheted into a blue fringe with much care by  my mother at my request.  If I had continually dishonored or ignored my mother for years, she would have been more likely to reject my request because she would have been angry with me with just cause, but that anger often is seen as sorrow in a woman who does not want to be put into a jail cell/ 

Try to recall what helpful lessons and what positive qualities you received from your parents and grandparent then try, if you have the heart and mind to do so. to be a living example unto others, including your parents and siblings and neighbors, if you have been properly retrained by the commander of the army of  יהוה after leaving the E team.

 What is good and pleasing in the sight of יהוה  doesn't include the typical Christmas stupidity entrenched with excessive spending, electric light shows that not only refuse our ability to see the beuatiful stars in the night skies but that also cannot feed a family as a popcorn string might have fed Laura Ingalls. December 25th embodies the spirit of deception, drunkenness, family feuds after divorces and 'Christmas' is highly endorsed by skanks such as Beyonce and the sellers of dangerous electronic devices that when used improperly, quickly upload and download pornography, sorcery and violent wickedness quicker than mercy can get dispensed to the wicked in the latter nights of my generation.

I now have time for me to run a little sprint test on myself, even if I can never run a 4 minute 1/2 mile with hurdles anymore.🏃 

 I'm not interested in 'Mann&Wife' television ignorance.  I'd rather observe Cameron Rowe if I want to see a decent uniform division.

Scientific Approach To "Last Jaeck Call"

 The household of Jerry Jaeck was not far from my parent's household in Milwaukee and the Jaeck household contained my friends, which made it very different than the Janine Cleary household. Suppose I want to try nd scientifically present a sort of 'string section test' so a person can reconsider the religion sect they have chosen to be KNIT into,

When you are knit into a belief system, it is because a leader strung you along and you did not resist enough to break away from being knit into a mitten controlled by the hand of another entity. Thus, as part of the mitten, whether GOOD or EVIL, you partake in the deeds being done by the source of power the hand your are covering and representing outwardly. You may suppose your are only 614 days into your testing period.

Take the following test of your own chosen B as in BELIEIF system:

1. Is having a respectful attitude toward your parents a GOAL of your B system?

G) yes

E) no

2. Is warning your family members when they are doing evil rather than good toward one another a GOAL of your B system?

G) yes

E) no

3. Is speaking the truth rather than supporting (exalting) a liar a GOAL of your B system?

G) yes 

E) no

4. Does your B system allow you to leave it once you observe you have too many E answers?

G) yes

E) no

5/ Does your B system teach you HOW to accept rejection from those not in your mitten?

G) yes, since my B system expects me to resist forcing my way into a mitten that is so full of people who despise me and my kid glove team

E) no, since my B system expects me to infiltrate and try to destroy the opposing hand in the similar mitten even though  the attempt to do so might make it appear to others as though I  am on the G team

6. Does your B system allow for at least 42 months  of time and space for liars and those who disrespect honest, righteous and holy authorities to repent and change to the opposite hand's team?

G) yes, but eventually the oppositions death may prevent them from being able to repent of their bad B system 

E) no, since repentance toward the people of  question 1 who chose answer G is not part of my B system's doctrine

7/ Does your B system  mitten contain and protect, rather than reject and cast out, the people defined as the 'church of Philadelphia' which have have decided to ( or possibly have been forced to)  have the testimony of the sword-bearing commander that appeared to Joshua who accepted not only worship but also accepted a role of authority?

G) yes

E) no

8. Does you B system rely upon currency made in New York?

G) no

E) yes

9. Does your B system rely upon a translation code constant of B=ב   ?

G) yes, for the sake of the tribe of Benjamin

E) no, but we accept the USA currency constant of E=Richmond and G=Chicago 

10. Does your B system teach that 2 become 1 in Torah scroll placement tests?

G) yes, because of the order of     בראשית

E) no, because our system rejects the possibility that Hebrew is a pure language in our  mitten  knit in China

11. Does your B system actively attempt to reduce violence and intentional sin by allowing a death penalty while still allowing the increase of peaceful smudging and genuine church of Philadelphia attempts to improve morals, strength, courage and knowledge of the people in your B as in SUDBURY mitten?

G) yes, because my belief system is supposed to be good as Gd after 2,078 days of studying the alphabetical sequence of the Greek words flopped into some Bibles

E) no, because my belief system openly rejects the tribe of Gd and his 'full brethren' tribe, Asher and die to lacking a proper and good G, we actually don't even care about the role of Leah Hextall  and her uncle Dennis in our E as in  SWEAT mitten.

GE has often been thought of as General Electric, yet it is also the last 2 letter of the English word COURAGE.  It takes courage to exit the E team and go to the G team. Ephraim did not make honorable mention, but if the KJV of the Bible is somewhat correct, Menasah, with  only 1 letter ש   , did make honorable mention at 6th place in a sealing process that the G people should expect to occur.

Tally Blakeman is not Miranda Stroik, though both had the opportunity to learn how to pay the piano in their wealthy households. When comparing wool gloves to buckskin mittens, the buckskin mittens becomes more like the N word belief system of Dan who actually has enough scientific proof to believe that  Napthtali exists.  I have noticed that an old man in green velvet vestures does not look as offensive as the obese man in a red suit described as 'Santa Claus' because of the 'passing through fire' antics of the Santa Claus B system that hovers around Macy's like a ignorant pig roast in Wittenberg. 

The doll, not in GI Joe garb, that I saw in a place from which food fit for Joshua and Caleb , caused me to think about those who are near to me rather than in the E mitten. The doll was that of an older man with a white beard in green velvet garb could be what a man such as King Wenceslas or King Evil-Merodoch might have worn in the winter. The doll was surrounded by deer figures, not elves and the smell of Nueske's pork bacon slabs, so the man in green velvet looked like he was the spiritual opposite or at least in a very different MITTEN than of the image of 'Santa Claus' that was propped on the head of Jimmy Howard, the immature Detroit Redwing millionaire.

Chris Jaeck might remember Winter Counterpoint or the boring tune 'Early Autumn', even if he never was in the choir that sang the words from Psalm 19 in the Milwaukee Tech auditorium with guidance from Shirley Brockenborough.

Uniform divisions do cause division to occur. Jerry Jaeck wore a better uniform and chose to be a kinder neighbor than Jackie Cleary, the very cruel sister of Janine Cleary.

Chris Jaeck chose to wear a Milwaukee Tech marching band uniform, which had superior coverage than the Speedo suits of the Leonce Rhodes 'Trojan' swim team.

What's the difference between Chris Jaeck and Steve Kempowski now?

Monday, December 7, 2020

What About Lutetium Month 71?

 I noticed the tet in the middle of Lutetium which is more essential than Bill Gates, but who's the deceiver dialing out of 715/9972309?  

Mass of 174.967 matters as at is almost the 71st month of testing the spirits.

Hmm... is a Ga-Lu stick different than a Li-Cl-H ball?  Maybe the Order of Manitoba's 'Israel' scarlett thread is much more precious and useful than Frank Finney's dangerous circuit tree worship team who only know how to go on offense rather than defense.

Waning moon shadows are tough to observe when fake clouds are overhead.

TMEN aren't OMEN.  😖

Should I have asked for a recount when there were 34 votes against me and 32 for me when I was getting ejected from a voluntary position on a HOA board and opposed Mark Ellis and Frank Finney's Whitmer type of  administration, preferring Mr. Livingston's approach to neutrality in public common areas such as Bascom Hall or in a Babcock Hall ice cream cone?  

KMET might as be  'Karl Malden's Extra Token' that 'Ladyfingers' couldn't save from Tricky Bob's monkey witness program in a horrible Steve McQueen movie.  

G969 is 'beryl', not the 5 hole. 🚞🚵  I do believe the 7 year period of testing starts at a different time for different tribes to avoid chaos or too many fines for orderly misconduct.

Your legendary blog reader number is 40448. Memorize this number as a 'pearl harbor night' light reminder that you chose to be alert rather than perverted by choosing to read the material on this site. Check the corresponding ZIP code as well, which isn't near '6 Stanford Ave. in Pocatello', ID.  

Memorization training helps ward off Alzeimer's and dementia and I don't want my team to end up like Creepy Joe Biden. 

 I don't issue nor sell dog tags nor license plates for a French Mirage. 👂

Shimon Peter's sword drills were an historic event, but not nearly as wonderful as watching Peterkin and Sailor officiate junior hockey games in Plymouth, Michigan! Keep frowning at people wearing masks. Tally Blakeman will get a honorable mention in my next 'no lake'  post.

Food Chain Judgment Call: Revise Your Menu

If you are one of the tiny or medium business owners who somehow has financially survived the attempt of state governments to financially ruin you, I am going to make some serious recommendations if you have been referring to yourself as a 'Christian' but have refused to believe that the writings of Moshe Ben Amram apply to you. I am not starting with 1 through 4 because of YEAR and billiard ball codes.

5. Restart your business in a much smaller place if possible. Such a move will lower heating costs, typically won't hurt 'take out' orders and will be less of a financial risk, which even peope in the stock market take.

6. Eliminate all unclean animals from your menu; if you have been referring to yourself as a Bible-believing Christian and have been serving up unclean animal flesh which is described as an abomination before Yahweh, you have a brief opportunity to correctly rebuke yourself, stop counting your losses and hope for some gains in customer counts within the next 7 years.

7. Vegetarian meals are typically less costly to prepare, so charge enough money to profit substantially if people do want YOU to prepare their beef, fish, poultry, sheep, goat, venison or buffalo. The vegetarian options should be able to enable people who's income has been substantially reduced by wicked, evil government  (wicked and evil is far worse than stupid) policies and LAWS and times that keep changing so quickly that even a genius couldn't know what the current anti-יהוה  laws are.

Rarely one opportunity is given after a business failure without seeking bankruptcy, so if you intend to restart or can continue to operate a food gathering place and do refer to yourself as a 'Bible-believer', make sure you start your business week on Sunday and consider closing on Saturday, for  our Creator יה  's  name sake. Be thankful if places like 'Hooters' or raw oyster bars don't survive since those places are not where the true church of Philadelphia should prefer to dine.  

Medium and tiny businesses have done better works than the typical Sunday church building clock heads or the typical attorney who, like a hireling, doesn't really care if what comes our of their mouth is the truth, the entire truth and only truth even with the help of Gd, the son of a Leah's slave. 

I suppose the slave women of Leah and Rachel were quite possibly very pale-skinned as a European, not dark as Leah and Rachel, and that opinion has arisen since so many now insist that the southern tribes of Ysrael such as Yehudah , Levy and Benyamyn are 'dark-skinned' and not almond colored historically, with the conclusion of that 'many' being possible. 

Bildad and Zilpah most likely were white women taken into bondage, which is why the lines of Gd, Asher, Dan and Napthali lines LOOK outwardly different than the grandchildren of Laban.

This is a pivotal year, and my output on this site will come to a conclusion when Donald J. Trump is no longer the President of the United States. I will allow good angelic powers to decide when  it's 'quittin' time for the free assistance I have been offering to a few while I have been cast out and aside as a unwanted barley pearl by those who have preferred to align with 'Wormwood Whitmer' and her horrific policies intended to do evil and not good to the people of the state of Michigan.

There are plenty of missing people in my history that I recall as kind and essential. Ruth Palkans  has been an essential hero in my life, not wicked Bader G women. Only a fool forgets the name of the person who delivered them or refused to abort their child.

Lucifer and the beast is really the same as 'Beauty and the Beast'. Don't buy into Disney's version of 'Safety', especially since Bobby Layne clips were being passed around like Eric Layne's business cards. I do believe there are people still tucked into professional sports that have ways of getting proper and true coded messages out without the knowledge of the typical dangerous drug pushers.

The vaccines are dangerous drugs, and swine should not have been prepared by people who really do believe the Bible. A grocery store offers options like the 'garden of Eden', but who's to say if some people are buying pork to feed their incarcerated pet snakes?  There is a higher level of expectation to do good works based on FAITH in diners run by Bible readers who have chosen to believe the WORD made flesh with lambskins,Torah scrolls that are rolled up like the heavens in a few chosen locations.

6th year timeline research literary comparison: What's Strongs G2078 and how does it compare to Strongs H2078?

Refer to the 'EsSeNTiAl ' as a Code175' and 'LiBErAlS' in hearing distance as a Code '105'. Codes will be necessary in order to avoid being easily detected and to avoid using a term that some consider to be derogatory even though they classify as that term.  Neither the 175's nor  the105's are a 'rod of iron', since iron is a lighter burden to bear.  I still call deputies in russet brown or a shade of tan as either toadstools or brownies, due to their outerwear.  Some brownies are unclean and contain lard and some toadstools are non-toxic and clean as a head of cabbage.