Sunday, April 29, 2018
Please Forward to Autumn Rayne Hendrikson's Angel
Did you decorate a tree for Curtis Shayne Joseph's birthday or did you visit Santa Claus, Indiana for Jay Cutler's birthday today?
Did I get bad advice from kind neighbors?
I actually have a few kind neighbors who do not like hearing facts such as 'I hate Mother's Day', but I do not like hearing advice that I know is not appropriate for my 'hardship' case against the parents of Autumn Rayne Hendrikson. This blog has about as much impact or possibility of getting read by a concerned party as posting an ad in 'The Daily Reporter' over 15 years ago when I was required to notify Theodore Reynaud Jackson aka 'Xavier' that he had the right to contest Shane David Hendrikson becoming the paternal adopted father of our son, Richard Edwin Ortiz aka Richard Edwin Xavier.
Family members who do not have proper respect for Yehovah or their version of 'God' are more likely to abuse one another or mistreat their fellow citizen. People who have never experienced being hated or mistreated by their adult children do not realize that 'one way' relationships drain your energy, your spirit and never have good results.
I made it clear to some friends who suggested that I email and call my son once per week, even if I get no response. Their suggestion is totally absurd, and consider the following situations where people err in their behaviors.
1) Does a person keep praying to a 'God' who they never seem to get any good results from or do they eventually try contacting a different diety in the hopes of getting GOOD results for their genuine efforts?
2) Trying to repeatedly contact people who clearly do not want to hear from you or see you could lead them to seek a RESTRAINING order against you, which would cause even bigger battles.
3) If a family member or former friend has been willfully and intentionally cruel to you without repentence or regret of their cruel behavior, it becomes SELF-ABUSE to desire a relationship with a person who clearly does not love you and does not even show any signs of LIKING you. Do not try to force contact with people who do not love you more too many times, especially if you have made serious efforts to improve the relationship with horrible results.
4. Sending a weekly email to a person who does not reply becomes a futile effort and it is possible the email is not even getting to the intended receiver. Sending 'private' information to an unknown source or possibly 'dead person might mean you are feeding information to a stranger or a 'computer monster'. LIkewise, leaving telephone messages that are no returned indicated the person does NOT WANT you to be part of their family and does not consider being kind to you a mandatory activity. Children who do not believe it is mandatory for them to be kind to their law-abiding parent(s) will have a problem passing a post-mortem entrance exam to the 'heaven' they think exists after death.
5. Continually trying to communicate on a weekly basis with a person, whether a doctor, a relisgious hireling, a sibling, a parent or an adult child, who shows no sign of wanting to befriend, aid or assist you in your time of trouble is like going in for a weekly colonoscopy. International phone calls cost money, as do doctor appointments, and weekly colonoscopy is likely to do more damage than good.
You mist face the fact that when you try reasonable ways to improve a situation and it does not improve , it sometimes becomes reasonable to do something else with people who do respond and who do care than do nothing at all and hope a miracle occurs in the life of the people who hate you, or are intentionally hurting you by IGNORING your reasonable attempts.
6. People who do not believe in biblical truths also ignore advice such as warning a person who calims to be a 'Christian' once, warning a second time twice and if the person who claims to believe the Scriptures does not respond properly to your warnings against their sin, have nothing to do with them. It is usually easier to be patient with people who are not making the 'living' from talking about religion when they refuse to behave like real living saints.
7. If you are a companion of a person who you know is mistreating or being cruel to another family member and you do nothing to prick the conscience of the sinner, you are party to their sin. When my neighbors suggested that I email my son weekly, it was because they know it is not good for a mother to believe that her son hates her and it is not good for grandchildren to be prohibited from loving their grandparents. However, when I suggested my neighbor email my son every week, he would not SO do not suggest to another neighbor or family member what you are not willing to do on their behalf if necessary or willing to try on a 'test' basis to see if better results are obtained by a person INDIRECTLY involved.
8. If you get horrible advice from neighbors who did not intend to get you angry, go to place like 'Carter's Canitna' in New Haven, MIchigan and let your temper diffuse while munching on tasty vegetable platter. Do not request foods difficult to digest when you already feel angry or sick and tired of unrealistic advice from others who don't believe in Yehovah's ways. This is a better option than checking into a hospital and letting anti-Christ types observe you and then drug you because you are upset for a real good reason. Share a bit of your woes with a kind waiter and you'll usually be pleasantly surprised to be treated kindly in a sad or bad situation instead of wasting money in medical facility that overcharges for everything and do not offer a refund if you do not like what they gave you or did to you.
9. Having peace with Yehovah is often more possible than having peace with an anti-Yehovah family member or anti-Yehovah neighbor. When you resist SINNING, you will have peace with Yehovah. Badgering people ( putting pressure on them to respond to you even if they do not like or love you) can actually be a sin because it can ignite a war.
10. If a person contacts another person once per week and the result is ALWAYS a fight that leads to jail time or fines, it is reasonable to stop communicating with the person because weekly communication did not have GOOD results due to the sin tendency of one or both of the parties involved. No response from a person you contact weekly, monthly or even yearly indicates they receiver of your messages does not want any sort of relationship with you, and you are better off focusing your efforts toward a different friend, your parents in order to honor them or toward neighbors and local small diners who need your business and will serve you even if you are sad.
11. It is not uncommon for a person that has been properly rebuked to flee from you forever because weak demonic spirits also flee when rebuked properly. Stronger demonic spirits often will keep repeating attacks even after getting rebuked, and in such cases you must be prepared for a serious battle.
For instance, if a rebuke a spouse that states they want a divorce and they do not want to go for counseling, you are facing a strong demonic spirit who will then attack you with a divorce request and an anti-Christ attorney.
12. If someone loves a person who is married and they keep trying to contact the married person, the spouse of the married person might threaten to divorce the person who accepts loving contact from another person. There are times when a spouse hates an in-law so much that they threaten to divorce there spouse if the in-law that loves them tries to improve the relationship. In such a case, it would be best for the married person to send a letter of regret to the person that loves tham and has been trying to communicate with them. Such a letter might state
' Dear sorrowful mother,
I love you very much, but my spouse will divorce me if I love you, visit you, call you or show kindness toward you. I understand my spouse will not be in heaven and that I was deceived by her, so hopefully I will see you in heaven because I know you love me and I am hurting as much as you are because of my cruel spouse. I am sorry I did not take your advice when you warned me before I got married, and I hope you can forgive me if and when we meet face to face again. If my wife becomes a real Christian, I will call you and joyfully make arrangements to visit you. Until then, we must both try to mourn in peace and pray that our years of very painful tribulation come to and end eventually.
13. What if a salesperson called you every week asking you to buy ' Truth Insurance" but you don't think you need 'Truth Insurance'? You would most likely get very angry, argumentative and possibly complain to the police if the calls you didn't want kept coming. An adult child that does not believe he needs 'Truth Insurance' from a truthful parent does not want to hear what 'Truth Insurance' is and does not want to make any deals with their truthful parent, so the truthful parent eventually gives up and stops contacting the person who has rejected their idea and their 'policy'. The truthful parent is not sinning when she stops contacting her child, but she is mentally wounded by her child that does not respect nor love her , just as an unloved spouse is mentally wounded by a person who had claimed to love them previously but then stops loving their spouse.
My neighbors didn't intend to hurt me with their unbiblical advice, but some of my doctors also did not intend to hurt me by prescribing asthma medications that changed my personality and my demeanor. This non-email is NOT done secretly and is intended to get GOOD results but won't get good results if Autumn Rayne Hendrikson's angel is demonic and that is a possibility. Of course I would like to have visitation with my grandchildren, but they are currently is the custody of parents with an anti-commandment method of operation similar to Roland Hendrikson or Linda Maria Costa so I am being denied visitation and cannot BUY time with my granchildren like a parent who pays child support usually does by court order.
Friday, April 27, 2018
'Zayin Pey Tav' Won't Ring A Bell
People who understand the letter Beit are not going to be deceived by 'Shannonville' hirelings on JUCE network who seem to be advertising for Audi's and Marshall amps while they scramble likea different but not good version of Diana Ross and the wrong 'boss' leading their band not even up to locust standards, because locusts don't have wheels.
The Hebrew word for 'tar' and 'pitch' that was used to seal water vessels is a mighty word. As I continue in the 7th round of letter studies, I was surprised to see that Andrew Brunette was a 7th round pick, so he was rejected by many teams but eventually was 'chosen'.
As I carefully studied a Bengali Muslim wedding couple's attire, it did seem as though they had 'Reuben' red from male head stone pieces to elegant bridal wear. Far too many people have believed that France represents the tribe of Reuben, but the typical French person is so full of unclean foods that they are more like Catholic cardinals that eat like vultures. I seriously questioned the ordinary marital customs of a Bengali Muslim and the spirit of jealously can prevent a male from being wed to more than one wife; in such a case, the spirit of jealously indicated that the wife does love her husband and does not want to give him permission to marry a 2nd, 3rd or 4th wife as the father of Reuben, Dan, Asher and Joseph had done. The details of their national policies for marriage and mulitple marriages seemed so decent and reasonable compared to the systems that the Kensington church of anti-Moses types has resorted to in typical protestant areas such as England, France and the USA.
My friend Khan showed me photos of his bride, and she was dressed much more modestly and more beautifully than any bride named 'Rachel' I have ever seen dressed in typical USA white satin dress. Khan explained to me that most Bengali Muslim brides never give their husband consent to evade monogamy so 90% of Bengali Muslim men are the husband of only 1 wife. In some cases, barren spouses have allowed their husband to marry another wife in order to continue the family tree, but the 1st wife is to be treated and loved as much as the wife that can produce children. The Bengali Muslim plan is so much better than the typical USA broken and split apart family plans where men often dump their seed and do not support their own children nor the wife of their youth because the USA is so much like Sodom that neither courts nor police officers will arrest people who commit adultery and deny their own prior words as they hold less regard for a marriage contract than they do for their mortgage applications.
The Bengali Muslims do not claim to be 'Jews' so they would never meet the description of the 'synagogue of Satan' and do have plenty of good works from what I have seen and tasted when they weren't in the kitchen with 'Dinah'. Even if they are not the scattered tribe of Rueben, they still do not deny that Yeshua was a prophet, Moshe Ben Amram was a prophet and they respect the rules of clean and unclean.
Now, for the Benjamin Sheets 1st and 'yod' spot pitch of the day. I faced off against a male who had no desire to remain as he was created. He clearly did not desire to me a man, he had vulgar tattoos, multiple nose rings and a pendant with the image of Lucifer on his neckline. He did not mind having another woman call him 'Hun' and he said people like 'Hun' conquer everything. I rebuked him and said he would not conquer me, and asked him if he ever saw the stone of Benjamin before. He claimed he did not, I showed him my brown jasper, and left 'Sally's' in Shelby, Michigan without losing my mind even though I had been face to face with a demonic spirit of a person who originally had been created to be a man but now was not a man. I purchased my copper-bristled hairbrush and left the presence of the 'Sally's Beauty Supply' employees knowing I had been treated better ( decently) by Sally's strange version of a human with a VIII mark seemingly tattooed on his neck than I have been treated by my son, the husband of his pro-tattoo wife, Rachel.
The Sally's employee was not offended that I identified his Lucifer pendant properly, nor did he seem to be offended by my Milwaukee Brewer's super visor! Satan has access to people and places that Lucifer does not, but keep in mind that Satan did not get the stones of Gad, Asher or Napthali for a non-random reason and that a Benjamite like Saul of Tarsus would not turn his students over to Lucifer because Satan, not Lucifer, can teach the rebellious house of YShRAL not to blaspheme Yehovah.
It seemed more like a 'Gimel Zayin' day because I seemed a Little wooly with a 7th round scarlet cuff line near an Asher rather than like big Wally the Walrus or a and anti-Thrasher predator.
95 AM Trivia non-bluff:
Daniel Magno Way of Avoiding SOURaY=243 and not avoiding Cleveland Brown routes for the sake of the 17th letter 'Pey'=80 points =Andre Rison:
Br+ O+ W+ Ni +Es
34+ 8+ 74 +28 +99 = 243
The Hebrew word for 'tar' and 'pitch' that was used to seal water vessels is a mighty word. As I continue in the 7th round of letter studies, I was surprised to see that Andrew Brunette was a 7th round pick, so he was rejected by many teams but eventually was 'chosen'.
As I carefully studied a Bengali Muslim wedding couple's attire, it did seem as though they had 'Reuben' red from male head stone pieces to elegant bridal wear. Far too many people have believed that France represents the tribe of Reuben, but the typical French person is so full of unclean foods that they are more like Catholic cardinals that eat like vultures. I seriously questioned the ordinary marital customs of a Bengali Muslim and the spirit of jealously can prevent a male from being wed to more than one wife; in such a case, the spirit of jealously indicated that the wife does love her husband and does not want to give him permission to marry a 2nd, 3rd or 4th wife as the father of Reuben, Dan, Asher and Joseph had done. The details of their national policies for marriage and mulitple marriages seemed so decent and reasonable compared to the systems that the Kensington church of anti-Moses types has resorted to in typical protestant areas such as England, France and the USA.
My friend Khan showed me photos of his bride, and she was dressed much more modestly and more beautifully than any bride named 'Rachel' I have ever seen dressed in typical USA white satin dress. Khan explained to me that most Bengali Muslim brides never give their husband consent to evade monogamy so 90% of Bengali Muslim men are the husband of only 1 wife. In some cases, barren spouses have allowed their husband to marry another wife in order to continue the family tree, but the 1st wife is to be treated and loved as much as the wife that can produce children. The Bengali Muslim plan is so much better than the typical USA broken and split apart family plans where men often dump their seed and do not support their own children nor the wife of their youth because the USA is so much like Sodom that neither courts nor police officers will arrest people who commit adultery and deny their own prior words as they hold less regard for a marriage contract than they do for their mortgage applications.
The Bengali Muslims do not claim to be 'Jews' so they would never meet the description of the 'synagogue of Satan' and do have plenty of good works from what I have seen and tasted when they weren't in the kitchen with 'Dinah'. Even if they are not the scattered tribe of Rueben, they still do not deny that Yeshua was a prophet, Moshe Ben Amram was a prophet and they respect the rules of clean and unclean.
Now, for the Benjamin Sheets 1st and 'yod' spot pitch of the day. I faced off against a male who had no desire to remain as he was created. He clearly did not desire to me a man, he had vulgar tattoos, multiple nose rings and a pendant with the image of Lucifer on his neckline. He did not mind having another woman call him 'Hun' and he said people like 'Hun' conquer everything. I rebuked him and said he would not conquer me, and asked him if he ever saw the stone of Benjamin before. He claimed he did not, I showed him my brown jasper, and left 'Sally's' in Shelby, Michigan without losing my mind even though I had been face to face with a demonic spirit of a person who originally had been created to be a man but now was not a man. I purchased my copper-bristled hairbrush and left the presence of the 'Sally's Beauty Supply' employees knowing I had been treated better ( decently) by Sally's strange version of a human with a VIII mark seemingly tattooed on his neck than I have been treated by my son, the husband of his pro-tattoo wife, Rachel.
The Sally's employee was not offended that I identified his Lucifer pendant properly, nor did he seem to be offended by my Milwaukee Brewer's super visor! Satan has access to people and places that Lucifer does not, but keep in mind that Satan did not get the stones of Gad, Asher or Napthali for a non-random reason and that a Benjamite like Saul of Tarsus would not turn his students over to Lucifer because Satan, not Lucifer, can teach the rebellious house of YShRAL not to blaspheme Yehovah.
It seemed more like a 'Gimel Zayin' day because I seemed a Little wooly with a 7th round scarlet cuff line near an Asher rather than like big Wally the Walrus or a and anti-Thrasher predator.
95 AM Trivia non-bluff:
Daniel Magno Way of Avoiding SOURaY=243 and not avoiding Cleveland Brown routes for the sake of the 17th letter 'Pey'=80 points =Andre Rison:
Br+ O+ W+ Ni +Es
34+ 8+ 74 +28 +99 = 243
Please Forward To : Titus Estep
I attended a gathering near St. Clair, Michigan and listened carefully to the readings after hymn #77 was sung, not by hirelings but by people who need to be lead by a strong hand toward Yehovah, not toward a Jesuit pope. Mark chapters 3 & 4 were read and it was clear that Yeshua, whom you have named 'Jesus', was in the synagogue on the 7th day of the week, as is proper for those who trust in Yehovah's instructions. He was challenged and ANGERED by a group of men who did not really believe in the authority of Yehovah, rebellious men who saw no need to obey the instructions for Yehovah's people contained in the books of Moses. Many of the men in the synagogue WITNESSED what Yeshua, a man led by Yehovah, did but they did not do as Yeshua did.
There is a trustworthy man named 'Chris Gorlech' who asked the opnion of the guests in the JW hall. He asked why people have become so independent, and after hearing from many others who were allowed to speak freely, he heard from me. I told Mr. Gorloch, whom I call 'Chris craft' when we are both working during ice hockey therapy, that people have become independent because they do not believe 'Moses' and that the Jehovah Witnesses might be imprisoned in Russia because they have not taken the MARK that Yehovah's people must take,namely resting and gathering on the 7th day. I know many mught reject my message, but if the St. Clair people had ears to hear, they have a choice to make. I explained that I was speaking to them because they my neighbors, not my enemies. If they or any other 'Kingdom Hall' groups remain a Sunday congregation, they have taken the mark of the Vatican system, not the mark of Yehovah that they and you need in order to stop taking Yehovah's name in vain.
It does no good to accuse the 'Jews' who were next to Yeshua 2000 years ago of unbelief if you also do not believe the message delivered by Moses. Moses represented the spirit of Yehovah, not the spirit of Catholicism or liberated 'Jews' who strayed from the original texts and created their own extra rules or thousands of pamphlets to hand out to others with their own ideas that are not contained in the teachings of Moses. Consider an updated illustration of what Yeshua did after he was angered by his Jerusalem neighbors. If you lead your people to Yehovah's way of Life and they are gathered on a regular 7th day sabbath of on the Feast of Shavuot when a guest shows signs of heart failure, it will take works such as CPR to heal that man of his illness, and such works are allowed on the sabbath.
What I did in the peaceful assembly was take a 'copper platform' approach on the 9th day of the month, which some believe is the second month and others believe is the 1st month of the calendar established for YEHOVAH"S people. If do are not interested in keeping YEHOVAH's calendar and YEHOVAH's 7 appointed times, including a full week of abstaining from unleavened bread and a full week of leaving your dwelling during the feast of Sukkot 9 Leviticus chapter 23) you ARE NOT going to be Yehovah's true and faithful people and will be properly accused by witnesses against you, even by the Russian or Korean authorities. No person who trusts in the name of Yehovah would eat abominations such as the flesh of swines nor the flesh of any unclean meat, yet I have seen many who claim to be 'Jehovah's Witnesses' offer pork to others; such acts are blasphemy if you believe the prophets of YEHOVAH but such acts are common if you believe the Catholic Vatican system or other anti-Yehovah rulers.
Obeying YEHOVAH's rules do not test YEHOVAH but tests the faith and the abilities of those who have had eyes to see the Word made flesh or ears to hear the instructions delivered by Moses and transported in ARK systems for Yehovah's people. Clean and unclean flesh was determined long before Moshe Ben Amram aligned with Yoshua and Caleb and was made clear during the days of Noah's '1 ship' naval academy.
Hitler's people imprisoned and murdered Israelites labeled 'Jews' and Gentiles in the form of Yehovah's witnesses, but some escaped death only to continue to rebel against the very obvious instructions contained in the Torah scrolls. I escaped death and hatred of a men who hated Yehovah an eventually hated me, but I do not dare to intentionally reject perfect laws such as the instructions to abstain from consumption of unclean meats. I love the instructions Yehovah gave to me and to anyone who trusts in Yehovah's name to set aide the 7th day to rest or do good emergency works and to keep the appointed times of feasts, fasting and omer counting which Jehovah's Witnesses refuse to do out of the stubbornness, not out of ignorance because they have the instructions in their version of the Bible.
I hope my words have not confused you or others like you, Mr. Titus Estep. If the Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT obeying the rules for the people of 'Yod Hey Vav Hey', do they not deserve to suffer and be imprisoned by those who have viewed their hypocrisy? When John the Baptist rebuked Herod, the basis for his rebuke was the laws for the people who trust in Yehovah's name, not the current laws of the state of Nevada! John the Baptist did not suffer as long as some other men, such as Joseph brother of Benjamin did and when the justified are slain by the unjustified, eventually the justified person will accuse the demon that murdered them.
It's time to go choose my lamb again, since it is the 10th day and it is not too late to keep the feast of unleavened bread if you did not join with the Michael Rood trinket sellers last month. I encourage anyone who calls says they are "Jehovah's Witness' to become Yehovah;s disciples and discipline you body by refraining from leaven from about May 1st to about May 7th, 2018 and prepare to count the 50 days toward Shavuot as prescribed by Yehovah's perfect laws of liberty if you are blessed enough to legally be obedient to Yehovah's laws on the land which you stand upon, whether it is USA or Canada or Russia you are confined to in the coming months that established by the light of the silvery moon.
Jehovah Witnesses Hymnal Song #77 is beautiful to hear if you have ears to hear, just as the new moon or the full moon of the 1st and 7th month is beautiful to see if you have eyes to see.
In Yehovah's name,
Marie, the slow but not simple, sometimes angry, hockey daughter of the Swedowski family
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Beware of Union Cooper At 92
The world can survive with or without 'Curious George' and I and other saints who prefer reality and facts can easily imagine a world without 'Curious George'.
Do you wonder how many people are named 'Steve Horn'? I wonder how many people are named 'Steve Horn' since I recall someone with that name working near Dennis Drazkowski in Milwaukee but now a 'journalist and author' who looks more like Gary Alrich than I do has been seen on Russia Television. It's sometimes better to have very uncommon names such as ' Christian Djoos' or " Sergei Krivokrasov' to avoid getting dragged into a Zora Petrovich vs. Les Brown's Duke men.
Forbes people are all wealthy, but not all named Richard. It's the unpopular musicians that sometimes have the best ideas when it comes to avoiding Union Cooper jobs and choosing either Union or Cooper . Gary Cooper isn't Cecil Cooper, and heaven does not need any people as shallow as Dwayne Wade, Melania Trump or the grandchlldren of the queen of England. Try to sift through the following list if you are on a Rhodes College course of #97 action and test the 'Dennis' spirit compared to a really old male named Dennis July:
1. Dennis Ware proves that some people have to be a Ware and then live in a Ware house, not in a White house.
2. Dennis Nixon proves that some men on dating sites are fine to talk to but impossible to meet.
3. Hurricane Dennis proves that the Outer Banks of North Carolina existed before and after 1979.
4. There was a Pepsi worker named Dennis who got married to Vicky Meissner, and VIcky Meissner witnessed my son's first birthday party instead of witnessing the first Orville Bowman Classic Golf tournament.
5. I think there was some copper named 'Dennis' who was on the Milwaukee TABS program, but there also was a Jennifer Harvey that was as popular as Janet Nowak with 'the boys from Milwaukee'.
6. The acts of Dennis Drazkowski in Madison, Wisconsin proves that some retired coppers become horrible citizens and bad Samaritans when approached by the president of 'The Interiors Department, INC.' who was requesting assistance against a Marathon County evildoer.
7. There is no need to add anymore people named 'Dennis' to this list, so use Harold Reynolds as a new reasonable constant for any 7th inning or 7th month questions. If 7 years is a 'short term marriage', then 7 years also defines short term memory so try and remember more than the printed activity on your last credit card statement.
8. Nathan Cooper is not Cooper Union. If your GA team is not Georgia, you can trust a locust but shouldn't trust anyone named 'Samantha' who goes to tarot section or anyone named 'Stroik' or 'Stevens'. NEVER USE AN NBA PLAYER FOR YOUR SPIRIT GUIDE!!!! The NBA is very unholy gang of rubber tossers and are not as reliable as the Chicago Bears leaders when it comes to spelling 'Adonije' or 'Israel' properly in English. Without the proper Y formation, Israel is only an English name, not the name of the father of Gad.
9. Some people do not appreciate posole made with pollo as much as I do. Do not confuse David July with Julio Jones while trying to be perfectly different and holier than the Julie Breitzman gang of anti-commandment Sunday cults centered quite a distance away from Aldrich Chemical area, which used to be part of my squad area in Milwaukee before the MIlwaukee Bucks started constructing their latest extremely ugly fake deer game center. The Milwaukee Bucks DO NOT represent the tribe of Napthali and actually are the enemy of the tribe of Napthali.
10. Cooper Widmar of Weston, Wiscsonsin is a 'game changer' at 1602 Mary Lane in Knowlton, not at Superamerica donut lines or at Bolton Toyota in Ontario, Canada. Never put your hope in a Jack Daniels line.
I will now try to find out if 'Gary Alrich' and his companion 'Samantha' ( Samantha is anti-Yehovah based on her tarot system) is involved in some sort of LA Fitness collusion with Lansing and NHL players that stems from Wayne State systems; Murray State football players named 'Marlon' and my few friends from Charlotte, North Carolina are not a joke and many of them were far more trustworthy than people who claim to be 'Christian missionaries'. 'Gary' claimed he played hockey for Lans Cruese and was number 8, then also claimed he was 'too old' not too short to play hockey, even though he looked like he was about 30 years old. When young men who played hockey in high school state they are too old to play hockey only a couple decades later, they become suspicious to me for some reason.
Gary Alrich is nothing like Mark Walton or Thomas Stigler, my fellow venison eaters since Walton and Stigler actually displayed a good sense of humor in my presence.
Reggie Howard White did not go to Union Cooper and is not Union Cooper material. James Menger did not go to Union Cooper, but did belong to my police union and was a regular on Squad 92, not on 97 where there still is trouble with the name 'Rhodes' in Milwaukee Tech swimming team collusions.
Do you wonder how many people are named 'Steve Horn'? I wonder how many people are named 'Steve Horn' since I recall someone with that name working near Dennis Drazkowski in Milwaukee but now a 'journalist and author' who looks more like Gary Alrich than I do has been seen on Russia Television. It's sometimes better to have very uncommon names such as ' Christian Djoos' or " Sergei Krivokrasov' to avoid getting dragged into a Zora Petrovich vs. Les Brown's Duke men.
Forbes people are all wealthy, but not all named Richard. It's the unpopular musicians that sometimes have the best ideas when it comes to avoiding Union Cooper jobs and choosing either Union or Cooper . Gary Cooper isn't Cecil Cooper, and heaven does not need any people as shallow as Dwayne Wade, Melania Trump or the grandchlldren of the queen of England. Try to sift through the following list if you are on a Rhodes College course of #97 action and test the 'Dennis' spirit compared to a really old male named Dennis July:
1. Dennis Ware proves that some people have to be a Ware and then live in a Ware house, not in a White house.
2. Dennis Nixon proves that some men on dating sites are fine to talk to but impossible to meet.
3. Hurricane Dennis proves that the Outer Banks of North Carolina existed before and after 1979.
4. There was a Pepsi worker named Dennis who got married to Vicky Meissner, and VIcky Meissner witnessed my son's first birthday party instead of witnessing the first Orville Bowman Classic Golf tournament.
5. I think there was some copper named 'Dennis' who was on the Milwaukee TABS program, but there also was a Jennifer Harvey that was as popular as Janet Nowak with 'the boys from Milwaukee'.
6. The acts of Dennis Drazkowski in Madison, Wisconsin proves that some retired coppers become horrible citizens and bad Samaritans when approached by the president of 'The Interiors Department, INC.' who was requesting assistance against a Marathon County evildoer.
7. There is no need to add anymore people named 'Dennis' to this list, so use Harold Reynolds as a new reasonable constant for any 7th inning or 7th month questions. If 7 years is a 'short term marriage', then 7 years also defines short term memory so try and remember more than the printed activity on your last credit card statement.
8. Nathan Cooper is not Cooper Union. If your GA team is not Georgia, you can trust a locust but shouldn't trust anyone named 'Samantha' who goes to tarot section or anyone named 'Stroik' or 'Stevens'. NEVER USE AN NBA PLAYER FOR YOUR SPIRIT GUIDE!!!! The NBA is very unholy gang of rubber tossers and are not as reliable as the Chicago Bears leaders when it comes to spelling 'Adonije' or 'Israel' properly in English. Without the proper Y formation, Israel is only an English name, not the name of the father of Gad.
9. Some people do not appreciate posole made with pollo as much as I do. Do not confuse David July with Julio Jones while trying to be perfectly different and holier than the Julie Breitzman gang of anti-commandment Sunday cults centered quite a distance away from Aldrich Chemical area, which used to be part of my squad area in Milwaukee before the MIlwaukee Bucks started constructing their latest extremely ugly fake deer game center. The Milwaukee Bucks DO NOT represent the tribe of Napthali and actually are the enemy of the tribe of Napthali.
10. Cooper Widmar of Weston, Wiscsonsin is a 'game changer' at 1602 Mary Lane in Knowlton, not at Superamerica donut lines or at Bolton Toyota in Ontario, Canada. Never put your hope in a Jack Daniels line.
I will now try to find out if 'Gary Alrich' and his companion 'Samantha' ( Samantha is anti-Yehovah based on her tarot system) is involved in some sort of LA Fitness collusion with Lansing and NHL players that stems from Wayne State systems; Murray State football players named 'Marlon' and my few friends from Charlotte, North Carolina are not a joke and many of them were far more trustworthy than people who claim to be 'Christian missionaries'. 'Gary' claimed he played hockey for Lans Cruese and was number 8, then also claimed he was 'too old' not too short to play hockey, even though he looked like he was about 30 years old. When young men who played hockey in high school state they are too old to play hockey only a couple decades later, they become suspicious to me for some reason.
Gary Alrich is nothing like Mark Walton or Thomas Stigler, my fellow venison eaters since Walton and Stigler actually displayed a good sense of humor in my presence.
Reggie Howard White did not go to Union Cooper and is not Union Cooper material. James Menger did not go to Union Cooper, but did belong to my police union and was a regular on Squad 92, not on 97 where there still is trouble with the name 'Rhodes' in Milwaukee Tech swimming team collusions.
France Should Have Exported Levi Hendrikson To MIchigan
When Donald J. Trump meets with his equal, the leader of another casino-loving improperly dressed nation get together, it is an anti-Yehovah gathering, not a holy convocation like I attended last week near an elk trail. Ignorance of history leads to repetition of err. I view the president of France as the leader of an anti-Yehovah nation who should have evicted the hypocrite couple listed as 'Mr. and Mrs Richard Hendrikson' from French turf as soon as France realized that the Hendrikson's seem to be able to count up to 2 frog legs or 8 wolf-spider legs but won't count up to the 8th locust brigade that occurred much earlier than some useless desk appearred in a Washington DC habitation of poltiticians.
I cannot determine when my last blog will be posted nor could I determine when my first breath occurred. Donald J. Trump and Mr. Macron ( spelling doesn't matter to the French) appear as the faces of two frog-faced men without a prince of peace in sight! Trump and Macron have won many face-offs with frogs but just before devouring them, but neither of them are badger-skin material.
American Indian nations actually helped more pre-war arrivals to the United States than any gun-toting swine-eating Frenchmen, but the United States has systematically ruined as many American Indians as it could by letting them become Catholic poker chip monks. The USA would have been better if good Cherokee, Ojibwa or Sioux Indian chiefs had been allowed to lead and teach respect of land, sea and sky to anti-Yehovah immigrants that arrived from European nations.
There's plenty of anti-police non-play action occurring in Paris, France now but maybe not in Paris, Kentucky. When a son chooses to be an English pig-eating anti-Moshe Ben Amram and 'anti-mother' son due to influence from a casino-loving father or his lying wife, the son CANNOT represent Christ, a saving holy messiah nor the spirit of the Living God. Beware of the TIMING of 3 day trips, especially since Macron's mind is more deranged than a remnant of DACRON material used to patch hockey gloves.
Men like Joseph President of the small nation known as 'Saint Lucia' are good leaders because they understand and study the Scriptures and know that the Library of Congress, which is not open to the public, also does not lead to salvation nor sanctification process.
I have a little strength and the flag of the USA is no longer inside my dwelling because I wanted to get the look of leaven out of my house. Stars and stripes do not represent a fruit bearing tree; outward signs matter and are often as offensive as a tattoo. When the way gets narrow, remember that France does not flank the borders of the United States, but Canada, Mexico do, with Russia taking a 'closest to' position' off the coast of Alaska.
Some people, such as Michael Rood, believe that today is 02/08. Michael Rood does not understand hockey and the principal of 12 living stones moving like the center of an electrical storm. Transfer of power can occur in much better and holier ways than a Las Vegas boxing match between men and women who refuse to behave or attire themselves as properly as Frederic Anderson or Dustin Byfuglien do on a regular basis !
Friday, April 20, 2018
This Poem's For U Guys And Milwaukee
If I go write when I am left by enemy or son
I cause no flesh wounds to myself as I try to get work done
It does take work to overcome a mound of woes and troubles
It does take works to undertake tasks tougher than some bubbles
There's many places I'd rather be since I'm so far from my home
Even though I've got a spot to place my piano and my comb
I don't want to climb up Brule's steep side or walk on broken Glass
Oh how I miss being part of Ezequiel DelFino's wondrous class!
I see no porcupines near me but have purple mountains* near
I do have books and writing tools and super hockey gear
Why did cruel lawyers allow Shane David H. to steal from me?
I've tried to keep Yehovah's laws and hate hypocrisy
I'm not a leper but I plan to show myself to father
For seven days in autumn's air when a slow pitch is no bother
I'll pitch a tent close to my parents and bring gifts to their gate
I'll speak with parents whom I love and count days 1 through 8
For a week they'll see I'm cured no longer captive to a sinful state of mind
I'll gladly leave the gifts I chose to give my parents behind
I'll sadly leave the dwelling place of the couple that loves me most
To face the tasks that can be done by me, not by a ghost
The books of Moses taught me that a person clean and holy
Is designed to present herself to witnesses for Yehovah's glory
Yom Teruah is only 7 months away and until then I shall plan
To study Scriptures and survive even though I'm not a man
Today I'll resist going to a place where I'm not respected and not loved
I'll travel out of my narrow gates not looking like a dove
I'll try to let myself go free rather than seeking to get carried
Like a dead bird who lived a perfect live and then carefully gets buried
The heart sounds of the gospel are as graceful as a bee
And as tender as a chickadee that's buried, never nailed to a tree
As for me and my household, my feathered friends think like
Atlanta Thrashers or Blackhawks who understand a strike
I strike piano keys near small amethyst mountains* in sight
I strike the memories from my mind and let then take a flight
I strike a golf ball with a stick but only when it's light
I strike a puck that will not cry if hit with all my might
I aim at pins to get an X not attached to any Xavier
I strike, I hike, I ride a bike though I don't look like a beautiful savior
I strike a flesh hook, known as a fork, into a carrot stick
I won't strike a match to ignite cigarettes which do make humans sick
I cause no flesh wounds to myself as I try to get work done
It does take work to overcome a mound of woes and troubles
It does take works to undertake tasks tougher than some bubbles
There's many places I'd rather be since I'm so far from my home
Even though I've got a spot to place my piano and my comb
I don't want to climb up Brule's steep side or walk on broken Glass
Oh how I miss being part of Ezequiel DelFino's wondrous class!
I see no porcupines near me but have purple mountains* near
I do have books and writing tools and super hockey gear
Why did cruel lawyers allow Shane David H. to steal from me?
I've tried to keep Yehovah's laws and hate hypocrisy
I'm not a leper but I plan to show myself to father
For seven days in autumn's air when a slow pitch is no bother
I'll pitch a tent close to my parents and bring gifts to their gate
I'll speak with parents whom I love and count days 1 through 8
For a week they'll see I'm cured no longer captive to a sinful state of mind
I'll gladly leave the gifts I chose to give my parents behind
I'll sadly leave the dwelling place of the couple that loves me most
To face the tasks that can be done by me, not by a ghost
The books of Moses taught me that a person clean and holy
Is designed to present herself to witnesses for Yehovah's glory
Yom Teruah is only 7 months away and until then I shall plan
To study Scriptures and survive even though I'm not a man
Today I'll resist going to a place where I'm not respected and not loved
I'll travel out of my narrow gates not looking like a dove
I'll try to let myself go free rather than seeking to get carried
Like a dead bird who lived a perfect live and then carefully gets buried
The heart sounds of the gospel are as graceful as a bee
And as tender as a chickadee that's buried, never nailed to a tree
As for me and my household, my feathered friends think like
Atlanta Thrashers or Blackhawks who understand a strike
I strike piano keys near small amethyst mountains* in sight
I strike the memories from my mind and let then take a flight
I strike a golf ball with a stick but only when it's light
I strike a puck that will not cry if hit with all my might
I aim at pins to get an X not attached to any Xavier
I strike, I hike, I ride a bike though I don't look like a beautiful savior
I strike a flesh hook, known as a fork, into a carrot stick
I won't strike a match to ignite cigarettes which do make humans sick
Notice Details At 190 Hoover Avenue (Plover) or 5100 Hummingbird Lane(Wausau)
If you are as much against organized crime as I am, disorganized crime sometimes is more complicated to bust up and expose. Here are typical (bold) word games that churches affiliated with HGTV dingbats start even though they will not complete the feast of unleavened bread or Yom Kippur properly:
HGTV familiar unholy flesh name: 'Shane Grove'
Woodlands Church class subtitle in Plover, WI : 'The Grove'
French word on teacup received by ex-wife of Shane David Hendrikson from anti-Yehovah missionaries Rachel and Richard Hendrikson: 'The', not 'Grove'
Yehovah's actual final 4th: the letter SHIN
' Non-Gary ' 190 Hoover Avenue Woodland's version of the 'final fourth': likely something revolving around the $ sign similar to an anti-bear clan PINK ball in a Las Vegas billiard game which is totally opposed to the 4th seal of the final justified and upright Asher unit.
Since it is not a secret that I have scored well on IQ, SAT and other non-gymnasium tests, seeing obvious corrupt links like 'Rob Love' tapped into the Highlands church lines, noted for Shane David Hendrikson's most unholy recent marriage act, is possible to SEE but stopping their money-scheming and extremely hypocritical momentum is not one of my capabilities. Eventually the output of churches like Immanuel Baptist Church at 5100 Hummingbird Lane or Woodlands Church in Plover, Wisconsin typically is worse than a beef brisket sandwich from Arvy's and less useful than dross in the sight of an ironworker who possibly is still in control of the gates of hell or heaven's glockenspiel section.
Meanwhile, at the First Baptist Church of St. Clair, MIchigan, my classmates are learning about Woody Herman's 'Leap Frog' sequences, how to spell 'FeTiSOV' without ruining an orange grove and how to remember the plagues, frogs included, when intentionally forgetting the Tennessee Titans and avoiding becoming anything like 'Eric Ganglaff'.
I am not afraid to be specific if I know the names of people I DO stand next to even though we completely disagree on the terms of 'church'.
One of the worst students in my biblical geology class is named Barbara Ashley, not Glen(n?) Beck. Do not mistake Barbara Ashley with Barbara Simonis or Barbara Ortiz, who have both made meals for me in the past. Barbara Ashley is literate and polite, but also claims that 'the church' did not begin until Pentecost and denied the existence of the church that existed in the house of Moshe Ben Amram when the pesach was carefully observed in the gardens of Aden, where 2 or more where gathered in _________________'s name and a serpent was in the midst of them. If her definition of 'the church' is really an tea congregation, I still suspect tea congregations existed non-Buick centuries before Yeshua started table talking and table turnovers in Jerusalem. Barbara Ashley's church actually probably started long after Martin Luther was elerting Catholic authorities he didn't agree with them, but Barbara Ashley's church is not a church that trusts the intructions delivered by Moshe Ben Amram. Unlike the University of Wisconsin or the Suburban Sports Group, I do not try to eject the worst students or the best opposition from my traveling biblical geology class as long as they keep paying attention or keep paying their $0.25 per class fee , which covers the cost of THE beverages and tasty anti-starvation rations at a solid building in St. Clair Michigan.
USA Army veteran Mikell Clayton is interesting to listen to, but is Mikell really going to refuse to stand next to Glenn Beck because Glenn Beck is in a different church? Doesn't Mikell Clayton cozy up to many people who can be defined as church of Laodacea members more often than he stands next to the angel of the Church of Philadelphia ? Does MIkell Clayton who boasts of his ability to possess and use 'firearms' realize that Yoshua stood or will stand next to Satan according to the book of Zechariah, yet Mikell Clayton won't stand next to Glenn Beck? Did MIkell Clayton appreciate the jacinth I gifted to his wife, or will he be as unjust as as Loran Livingston and clutch his pistol when surrounded by his opponents rather than being willing to toss a sardius their way to prove that stoning a person gently does not always lead to DEATH but can lead to a tribe affiliation?
I did not pass any stones of Israel to Rico Cortes nor to Bradford Scott , even though I did give them gifts that were not appreciated. Carol Bradford might still be clutching her chemical weapons labeled 'cigarettes' and I have no idea what the 2nd wife of Rico Cortes did with a bracelet made by one of former bosses. What I do know is that Mikell Clayton has only had ONE wife, and that makes his similar to Monte Judah. What I also know about MIkell Clayton is that he responds better than my son when sent an email and that MIkell Clayton was neither ashamed nor afraid to stand next and spoke kindly to me in a Canadian gathering.
I've completed my 8th year of being ejected from 'wife of Shane David Hendrikson' status, but some non-church documents might make it appear as only 6 years have passed by. Only strangers know how I was persecuted but not killed at 1003 S. 31st Street in Milwaukee for trusting in electricity and asthma drugs after I had mistreated prisoners by handing them pork bologna instead of Dumba lone knee guards so they could fast and pray during temporary incarceration. Mikell Clayton does NOT know how the state of Israel mistreated me and if you look to the west instead of the east when singing a song, it might be because you believe the earth is round. The mercy seat is to west, not the east once in the outer courts IF that is an unchangeable constant once you get past the gates of Benjamin. I am more concerned with WHO I am facing or who my rear guard is that trying to focus my eyes on the subdivisions of Robert Kraft in a state labeled Israel that is not grafted into of the scattered Church of Philadelphia, which has a little strength they often transfer to hockey sticks designed like the letter Nun. Lacrosse teams don't use tools that look like the last letter of the Hebrew form of Aleph Mem Nun.
Even though it is MUCH easier to get out of Sunday Babylonian congregations than it has been to escape concentration camps in Poland if you are not employed by organized anti-Abaddon and anti-Eldad religion dealers, many unredeemed people choose to donate to, listen to and be obedient to hirelings who have evolved into professional liars, typically labeled 'doctor', 'reverend' or 'pastor' . Hearing historic, hockey or chemistry facts from old-age pensioners and often unpaid angels on earth does leave some people with a dumb expression for a few moments until they recover their gift of tongues.
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Lee Camp is BELIEVABLE Not Unbelievable
Few men on earth are able to be angry and 'sin not', but Lee Camp seemed angry and did not seem to sin, even though he used 'F' words equivalent to infamous KJV 'brood of vipers' verbal emissions to describe Goldman-Sachs exploits. Did Mary Tyler Moore's pile of fakes decide to create an 'Anne Marie Slaughter' house or is an Anne Marie Slaughter house just trying to pass an equivalency test to make her habitation equal in lack of discernment to the widow Lynn Snyder's Amherst, Wisconsin school house of medical horrors and 'You Betcha' vain repetitions?
What Jeremy Roenick has to say now is not actually important. What is important are such things as the somewhat modest, anti-skirt attire that Lee Camp's female guest had on while being interviewed. What is important is that those NHL teams that exit the playoffs in the first round this year might decide to try to keep the feast of pesach in their homes on the evening of May 1st and then scatter themselves like scallion seeds during the feast of unleavened bread. It might take brilliant planning by coaching staffs to avoid being forced into the T-Mobile arena, which now is as disgusting as Immanuel Baptist Church in Rib Mountain, Wisconsin based on the OUTPUT of those in charge of such venues.
Those of us who continually resist standing in prescription drug lines but don't resist choosing our own healthy meal ingredients are hated by college graduates who became drug demons rather than contemporary psalmists and heterosexual 'stay at home mothers'.
It might be better if Lee Camp tries to use old-fashioned Laura Ingalls descriptive language rather than using 'Scarface' verbage, but the 'F' word is not nearly as dangerous as the horrible side effects of products like Haldol, cigarette smoke and witchcraft or the direct effects of lies, theft, adultery and divorces in families that typically have a promise-breaker and anti-Messiah figure leading their family away from love of Yehovah's perfect laws.
'Mark Call' and 'Jackson Snyder' do not seem like names to call upon in order to be saved. I do keep my eyes on something as sane as a hockey battle or a set of bowling pins right ahead instead of left behind me, in order to prevent seeing electronic entities as repulsive as the typical movie recently made in the USA or the current horrific NBC, CBS, ABC television programs that saints can and do resist with the push of a non-nuclear button located on their remote control.
It might be time for me to take a sabbatical from this site, but I cannot quench the spirit of prophesy because I desire the spirit of prophesy.
If you're homeless, go ahead and try to loiter in any 'Starbucks' no matter what 'color' you are. You might not be treated as horribly as I was by the Macomb County Sheriff's deputies for being a conscientious paying customer in a non-loiterer in Michigan hockey rinks. Start praying to the Starbucks overhead light bulbs in order to solidify your non-Amish position while in an obviously anti-Yehovah facility.
Scattered Remnant Alert: 'Don't Be An 'Eric Ganglaff'
I am currently struggling to once again emerge from a state of sadness to a state of 'giggles', the orange-haired cat cat who is pictured in the Shelby Gazette who is up for adoption. I'm surprised Daniel Bell, formerly of Milwaukee's own 'Bell Ambulance' isn't also up for adoption yet. Real cats that are not in captivity do have some interesting instincts.
When people claim to be marine biologists and then get paid to go to France to study the effects of global warming on small lizards, they are similar to anti-mother 'Christian missionaries' in France who aren't really doing any real good WORKS while they are living on money given to them to get out of the USA. The French have had 'Christianity' in their nation for years, so trying to spread Christianity. Aren't there lizards near Anna Maria isalnd to study? Are the people of france incapable of studying their own unclean kind? I'm sure the lizards would make a tasty filing for a croissant that has been warmed up, and then the French can once again start an anti-Moshe Ben Amram trend while seeing how lizards react to conditions a Thermador broiler oven raised up to 300 degrees!
No real saints would ever sign up to be on HGTV programs other than maybe on 'Good Bones', where the female couple seems to have a good mother and child relationship.
Have you ever gone for a vision test and they keep on saying words like 'One or Two?' and when they are trying to make a spectacle system that might help your ability to notice sights such as a new moon. This year seems like it is a 'One or Two?' problem that eventually will get settled in heaven and on earth. Men like Henry Galas might consider if he had one or two annulments come and go his way onto the Polish Catholic church instead of getting ignored by the Jesuits.
GOL is giggling out loud, so maybe the GOL lines have to change quicker than 'Ghostbusters II' will change. What isn't changing fast enough are the horrible roadway conditions in Michigan or my weight which is still a bit under my weight in 1986 when I was fit enough to pass rather difficult police academy tests. When you are sentenced to solitary confinement instead of a work release program, you do try to find ways to get certain messages out and speak to people who respond more kindly than the persons who wanted you in involuntary solitary confinement. My dust mites are still good listeners, but they can't be considered dependents on my tax returns. When you go through a divorce that a lying, cheating anti-commandment man desired, but your intention was to protect the family and go thorough whatever counseling was necessary to avoid failure of another 'Christian' family systam, you do end up in involuntary solitary confinement if your children decide to hate the respondent more than they hate the lying petitioner. Not all children are fooled by lying petitioners, but those who do not detect the spirit of deception lack discernment and often will fail sanctification tests.
Now, a typical TROcheck line is only a temporary restraining order line. Some people have been restrained from being able to lift the Stanley Cup this year, but they can still go and buy Pillsbury cookie dough and build an edible replica of a Stanley Cup like I did for my son's 16th birthday. Thoes of us who still have a unseared conscience can go PROcheck and write ourselves permanent restraining orders against sinful behavior and acts of fornication. Even though the USA has legalized fornication, abortion, adultery on television and other forms of blatant forrific sins that does not mean that Yehovah legalized fornication,cigarette use, or adultery for HIS people. Claude Rains is not GOD, but he seemed to do less sinful acts in 'Casablanca' than Humphrey 'dome head' Bogart did a woman that really was NOT his wife.
There probably are people who think 'Casablanca' is a 'good' movie, but it is not as good as 'The Great Escape' if you want to get a dose of somewhat realistic scenes and historic parables, since the actors in 'The Great Escape' were SAMPLES of what can happen when sin spreads faster than peanut butter on a celery stick.
My Elohim knows what I can handle properly, and it might not be as much as someone like Simon the Cyrene could handle properly. I can try try to encourage other senior citizens who gather to compete in card games to believe the good directions in the book of Leviticus and still be their companion even if they reject Yehovah's instructions. We don't need gold, silver or bronze medals as a 'lure' to join in friendship and peace. My few companions have clearly not deserted me and hare not trying to prevent me from living as a person converted the tribe of Napthali needs to live, and that makes them similar to my parents and my brother's family in my sight. My few companions are who I seek out when I escape involuntary solitary confinement as long as I feel is necessary.
My grandmother survived decades without a husband, but she also had a daughter and a son-in-law who helped to care for her on a regular basis. I wil have to remember my first seed, Qeset Charise, who would be with me if she could as I look up like 'Giggles' the kitten and hate the injustice that occurred on April 20th, 2012 once again. The regular sabbath will be a good day, and I will not be eating French lizard sandwiches.
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Fact: Barbara Bush Was NOT the First Lady
Since politicians hate believing anything they didn't write, they hate the Truth. Even if you disregard all other nations that existed before George Washington didn't sign the 'Declaration of Independence', Barbara Bush would have been the 39th 'lady' to approve of way too many 'Gentlemen's Clubs' in the United States while perched next to her non-robotic war wizard. ( Buchanon was not married during his presidency.) Barbara Bush's family will undoubedtly once again gladly WASTE millions of taxpayer dollars instead of cutting costs and getting a funeral typical to what a good lady named Evelyn Swedowski Biene desired. The Biene family of Hartford had more veterans than most families I know. The George Bush family funerals are probably are going to be as wicked as England's ceremony when Harry meets Alexander the horrible woman who is a professional deceiver worse in character than many wide receivers in college stadiums. George Bush never was the greatest man on earth because if he was, according to the Protestant's version of 'Jesus Christ', he would have been teaching the commandments of Yehovah as a prerequisite to being 'greatest', but instead he was the leader of a nation who has insisted on the right to teach others NOT to obey the commandments that Moses delivered to nation of people who had been freed from Egyptian dog sorhippers and chief magician's schools.
There's so much corruption and lies that has emitted from Washington and the lips of people labeled 'Norville' that I truly would question whether the death of Wells-Fargo employee and the 'Sully' games was not accidental and should be the subject of a homicide investigation. Ignoratnt principals want their students to become more ignorant than they are so they approve fictional plays instead of approving days of hiking through the litter-filled trenches of Macomb County and telling their proud students to make their countryside beautiful long before they are stupid enough to believe that 'PINK' is beautiful.
The Word of Yehovah has been so neglected and ignored by pompous people like Barbara Bush's family that the only thing that is bad about her death is the fact that that it is going to incur way too many expenses, simply because people in United States politics do not know how to humble themselves like Reggie Howard White did at the end of his time on earth.
The 44th female is now Mrs. Trump, but maybe someday she will called a 'war witch' or 'umpteenth legal immigrant' next to a USA president instead of wrongly being called a holy, unclean bitch like 'Lassie'.
Would you rather hear from a pair of Fiskars, a Wahl electric razor or the angel of the church of Sardis than believe what I wrote? While some people might be experiening a living nightmare, others might rest assured knowing they are not in the MInnesota Wild Zucker vs. 'pulpit fiction' Steve Berg lines. Claiming Barbara Bush was a first lady is like claiming you are the 1st Baptist church in a state that has had thousands of Baptists churches erected in earlier times by men who drank 'Early Times'.
Who will be the 45th lady to occupy be a lessee of the Oval Office? When I was young and optimistic, I used to believe that the President of the United States represented 'good'. Not that I am older and I know that Yehovah is good, I realized that United states president and the huge burden of taxation with anti-Christ results coupled with political corruption is nothing to be optimistic about, since there are so few honest people in sight.
There's so much corruption and lies that has emitted from Washington and the lips of people labeled 'Norville' that I truly would question whether the death of Wells-Fargo employee and the 'Sully' games was not accidental and should be the subject of a homicide investigation. Ignoratnt principals want their students to become more ignorant than they are so they approve fictional plays instead of approving days of hiking through the litter-filled trenches of Macomb County and telling their proud students to make their countryside beautiful long before they are stupid enough to believe that 'PINK' is beautiful.
The Word of Yehovah has been so neglected and ignored by pompous people like Barbara Bush's family that the only thing that is bad about her death is the fact that that it is going to incur way too many expenses, simply because people in United States politics do not know how to humble themselves like Reggie Howard White did at the end of his time on earth.
The 44th female is now Mrs. Trump, but maybe someday she will called a 'war witch' or 'umpteenth legal immigrant' next to a USA president instead of wrongly being called a holy, unclean bitch like 'Lassie'.
Would you rather hear from a pair of Fiskars, a Wahl electric razor or the angel of the church of Sardis than believe what I wrote? While some people might be experiening a living nightmare, others might rest assured knowing they are not in the MInnesota Wild Zucker vs. 'pulpit fiction' Steve Berg lines. Claiming Barbara Bush was a first lady is like claiming you are the 1st Baptist church in a state that has had thousands of Baptists churches erected in earlier times by men who drank 'Early Times'.
Who will be the 45th lady to occupy be a lessee of the Oval Office? When I was young and optimistic, I used to believe that the President of the United States represented 'good'. Not that I am older and I know that Yehovah is good, I realized that United states president and the huge burden of taxation with anti-Christ results coupled with political corruption is nothing to be optimistic about, since there are so few honest people in sight.
Now That Carl Allen 'Dismembered' Me......
Now that Carl Allen, wealthy drummer possibly with Eric Close friends not a holy family, is officially a black beast with no common courtesy toward his class valedictorian , he cannot be a beauty to behold. Dustin Byfuglien is a beauty, not a beast nor an 'Eor' from Peoria.
Stuffed giraffes remind me of 'Grazer' or Jerome, not a plague. What is as bad as a plague that no one in Chesterfield, MIchigan area seems to want tot stop is roadside trash piles. My street is not plagued with roadside trash most likely because the residents in my small vicinity appreciate where they live more than those in areas overloaded with TOO MANT BUSINESSES. If anyone want to see what the Barbara Bush administration has led to, take a drive or walk down a street named 'Raleigh Drive', which crosses 23 Mile Road to the east of I-94 exit 243 in Michigan. Near apartment buildings, Raleigh drive does reflect the lazy attitude of the apartment dwellers, for if they complained enough to the county of Macomb you would think the fence area would be declared a nuisance and an unlowful dumping site. Instead, lazy resident who do not appreciate the word 'clean' stand by and let their nearby lands look like the CIA is in charge of their area and every piece of loose trash they see is 'top secret' waiting to be investigated by pompous land owners such as James Comey.
If today is the best day we can expect in the next 7 years, start to live your life like a locust instead of like Tim McGraw's dragonfly mentality. If you can change or improve you area in the next 5 months, those remaining to inherit the earth might not condemn your attitude or the property you own but do not properly care for.
Many farmers are even more lazy that some inner city people and they do not clean up the perimeters of their own property while they collect government welfare and subsidies for crops such as corn that do not improve the health of a human body.
The Chesterfield area is where I last expected a local law enforcement officer to properly handle a complaint againt Vincent LoCicero but they didn't care about me nor getting Vincent's sins against me forgiven. NOw, the Chesterfield Police department patrols areas that are filthy and full of other people who do not care about their surroundings enough to improve them by cleaning up the trash or helping their lazy, affluent neighbor clean up their taxation zone. Now that I displayed real problems, here would be a real good possibly solution:
An intelligent body of governing officials could pass a Michigan state law or COUNTY and town laws that increases their local property taxes by 35% for every property that does not pass a 'anti-liiter' test and decrease the property taxes by 10 % for every property owner that passes an 'anti-litter' exam. It is usually quite evident that some people refuse to do what they should unless there is financial incentive or penalty. Many people might have to pay another 35% the first year, but after inspection of their property, they could then go back to their rate of taxation without a 35% penalty, but will never be eligible for the 10% discount because they were not pro-active and pro-earth.
Loose garbage is often a cheap form of chemical weapons that does damage to the earth and can hurt people and damage unleashed beasts such as wolverines, squirrels, gophers and birds.
The best ase scenario might be that day 1290 arises near Columbus Day this year, and we are almost through the 1st hald of the tribulation which has affected almost everyone. Being the comfortable wife of a former CIA director does not make you eligible for 'sainthood', especially since the CIA had so many anti-good works.
My hockey friends are much more important to me than drummers who head out to Las Vegas to promote their own name instead of remembering the name of Amos the prophet or the friends of Brian Wojtecki. Maybe Carl can start printing a new brochure endorsing 'Deadbeat Dads Off Ice' or a schedule for people who want to reject the Dennis Ware shop class and accept the mark of the Harlem Beast with a basketball'.' Carl Allen is actually now very similar to Shane David Hendrikson at his method of operation, and that is not a compliment. I might have wanted to improve non-marathon race relations, but neither Mr. Allen nor Mr. Hendrikson are interested in improving communications with 'my type' of people who don't want to be part of Las Vegas showtimes.
Stuffed giraffes remind me of 'Grazer' or Jerome, not a plague. What is as bad as a plague that no one in Chesterfield, MIchigan area seems to want tot stop is roadside trash piles. My street is not plagued with roadside trash most likely because the residents in my small vicinity appreciate where they live more than those in areas overloaded with TOO MANT BUSINESSES. If anyone want to see what the Barbara Bush administration has led to, take a drive or walk down a street named 'Raleigh Drive', which crosses 23 Mile Road to the east of I-94 exit 243 in Michigan. Near apartment buildings, Raleigh drive does reflect the lazy attitude of the apartment dwellers, for if they complained enough to the county of Macomb you would think the fence area would be declared a nuisance and an unlowful dumping site. Instead, lazy resident who do not appreciate the word 'clean' stand by and let their nearby lands look like the CIA is in charge of their area and every piece of loose trash they see is 'top secret' waiting to be investigated by pompous land owners such as James Comey.
If today is the best day we can expect in the next 7 years, start to live your life like a locust instead of like Tim McGraw's dragonfly mentality. If you can change or improve you area in the next 5 months, those remaining to inherit the earth might not condemn your attitude or the property you own but do not properly care for.
Many farmers are even more lazy that some inner city people and they do not clean up the perimeters of their own property while they collect government welfare and subsidies for crops such as corn that do not improve the health of a human body.
The Chesterfield area is where I last expected a local law enforcement officer to properly handle a complaint againt Vincent LoCicero but they didn't care about me nor getting Vincent's sins against me forgiven. NOw, the Chesterfield Police department patrols areas that are filthy and full of other people who do not care about their surroundings enough to improve them by cleaning up the trash or helping their lazy, affluent neighbor clean up their taxation zone. Now that I displayed real problems, here would be a real good possibly solution:
An intelligent body of governing officials could pass a Michigan state law or COUNTY and town laws that increases their local property taxes by 35% for every property that does not pass a 'anti-liiter' test and decrease the property taxes by 10 % for every property owner that passes an 'anti-litter' exam. It is usually quite evident that some people refuse to do what they should unless there is financial incentive or penalty. Many people might have to pay another 35% the first year, but after inspection of their property, they could then go back to their rate of taxation without a 35% penalty, but will never be eligible for the 10% discount because they were not pro-active and pro-earth.
Loose garbage is often a cheap form of chemical weapons that does damage to the earth and can hurt people and damage unleashed beasts such as wolverines, squirrels, gophers and birds.
The best ase scenario might be that day 1290 arises near Columbus Day this year, and we are almost through the 1st hald of the tribulation which has affected almost everyone. Being the comfortable wife of a former CIA director does not make you eligible for 'sainthood', especially since the CIA had so many anti-good works.
My hockey friends are much more important to me than drummers who head out to Las Vegas to promote their own name instead of remembering the name of Amos the prophet or the friends of Brian Wojtecki. Maybe Carl can start printing a new brochure endorsing 'Deadbeat Dads Off Ice' or a schedule for people who want to reject the Dennis Ware shop class and accept the mark of the Harlem Beast with a basketball'.' Carl Allen is actually now very similar to Shane David Hendrikson at his method of operation, and that is not a compliment. I might have wanted to improve non-marathon race relations, but neither Mr. Allen nor Mr. Hendrikson are interested in improving communications with 'my type' of people who don't want to be part of Las Vegas showtimes.
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Strong's Hebrew #3388 Is Important to RUSSIA
If you read 2nd Kings 15:33, you should notice where 'Russia' is located, specipically in the name sometimes listed as Jerusha, Jerusha was the mother of a Jothan. Not only is Jerusha listed as being the daughter of Zadok, it seems that her and her husband did a reasonable task of parenting and when Jothan took the role of a king at the age of 25, he did what was right in the sight of HVHY for 16 years.
If I was to follow-up on terms such as 'did not do what was right in the sight of the LORD like his father David', could that not easily mean that he was similar to David when he did not do what was right in the sight of the LORD? Who would claim that David did what was right in the sight of HVHY after reading about his decisions as a king?
Here are examples of how a comma can change the purpose of a sentence:
1. Do you have a boy, friend?
A) I have a boy, friend.
2. Do you have a boy, enemy?
B) I do not have a boy, enemy.
3. Do you have a friend, boy? ( Some people might say this is a derogatory statement, but calling a young man a boy isn't derogatory especially if you do not know the boy's actual name.)
4. Do you have an enemy, girl?
4D) I have an enemy, boy.
5. Do you have a son, friend?
5E) I have a son, but he is not friendly to me.
6. Do you have a squad, partner?
6F) I don't have a squad, partner. Let's take a hike back to the baby changing station.
In Jothan's narrative, the city of David is mentioned as the place where Jothan slept, but Jothan is compared to Uzziah, not to David. Historically, Syria is mentioned as being against the king of Judah. Sometimes, that which is against you can actually help uphold you and keep you uproght, such as using an adjacent crutch when you have a broken leg.
Even though not all the high places were destroyed by Jothan, he still got a good report, which I believe. NOw the numbers 25 and 16 have new relevance to me, even though Russia has had a lot of relavance to me since about 1979.
The center of the word 'Jerusalem' also clearly has a 'Russia' type center, not a Tootsie roll or Twizzler center.
How stable are Pekah knees once you get away from worrying about the status of David Backes imported dogs, which were not needed in the United States or dog bowls set behind a Protestant church in Jackson, Ohio?
Yod Resh Vav Shin Hey! (521 numeric value, not 666) Many names are much better than Mutt and Shania, but only a few names are as close to Russia as Yerusha: HShVRY would be how I would transliterate that word in almost all anti-Nashville capitals.
The Russian national anthem specifically mentions a MOTHER, which is why I do appreciate Russia's national anthem. Is Canada now afraid to sing their anthem because it mentions 'God' and is gender specific rather than gender neutral when mentioning who is in command?
I suppose these can be my closing statements for the month of Adar II. Having the feast of Tabernacles conclude at the end of October seems reasonable to me based on what little I have learned about the status of grain stalks in Yshrael ( LARShY).
Monday, April 16, 2018
Did Carl Allen Get Into Chained Melody Trouble?
Go ahead and pretend you work for 'Fit as A Fiddle' magazine but do not ever pretend you are a POLICE OFFICER and see if you notice any secret of non-secret non-McGee codes. What I texted to 6469962521 is in bold type and what I was sent is in italics. I think more like Richard Ross or Richard Belmore and Carl Allen probably thinks more like Diana Ross or Richard Hendrikson:
Hey Marie, i hope you're well. I haven't forgotten about you it's just been crazy busy. I'll be in Lansing, Michigan tomorrow night. Call me if you have time.
From 6469962521 at 10:34 AM on April 16, 2018
Sorry, I can't talk right now.
II last got a text from 646-996-2521 and this is the message I received from someone who claimed to be on a plane at 10:37 AM:
I'm on the plane now. Please call me tonight. Thanks.
I responded by text a 10:51 AMt: Call me when you arrive at the airport or the hotel if you want toreconnect; i'll meet you at your hotelin the morning and tag along to observe your gig for the day. Getting more advance info would have been polite but i do have time to get to lansing if you call me when you get there. I want to compare your works to jeff hamilton's style, not gary hamilton, eddie allen or jeff dercole.
At 10:56 I received another text ( not from a Nash from 6469962521:
Today is an off day. I will get my schedule when I arrive.
I responded by text: at 11:02 AM: I know the clinic starts tomorrow. Where hotel are you staying at tonight? Don't worry; try to remember I am a retired cop not a milwaukee north side hooker. Lol!
At 11:33 AM I received another text, most likely not from the House of Aeden Hanley:
At 11:37 AM, this text came from 6469962521:
You have more info on my schedule than I do. Hah
I responded by text at 11:44 AM: Aren't you in control of your own clinic? Is the irs giving you your schedule or dennis chambers?Don't you have hotel reservations? You might need to hire a manager.
This was the last text I received from someone who I believe is Carl Allen based on his answering machine, world-famous drummer never seen on 'the freindly Giant' or 'Viking Pansies in Space' programs. I do not think I was texting Rich Little.
I have to hire a new personal assistant. I have to the school a few times as the director is a close friend which is why they are probably lax in getting info to me. I just found out yesterday that I have a clinic and a concert. How did you find out? Is there a link somewhere?
Carl Allen is supposed to be at Michigan State University, not LAX airport trying to closest to Las vegas today. Carl Allen used to be a friend of mine, but his current status is hanging in limbo. Unless I hear from Carl Allen, certainly I would wonder what happened to him. I have no idea who his 'close friend' is that draws him to Lansing, but if Cuff or Link caught up to him, Carl might be in some Rocky Bleier zone instead of up to LeVeon Bell bottoms or Andre Rison tops.
I responded at 12:09 PM: there's a lance crackers link and a (pause) in charlotte and a 'lance link secret chimp' show at the cleveland zoo but there was no link to the 'Michigan State residency' dates listed. With close friend like you have, you might as well hire a bad samaritan as your assistant.
I, in Minneapolis style, rechecked Carl Allen's status ar 1912 hrs:
Are you in lansing?
At 2010 hrs. some entity from 6469962521 texted me with something like a Holman Christian Standard message did not seem to be a Crosby, Sills, Nash and Koslov response since Sidney Crosby does have his schedule for April 17th:
Yes. Still don't have my schedule fort tomorrow yet.
Maybe Allen is trying to toss a 'Lionel Richie' tune in his messages, but I don't like Lionel Richie's theories or his Las Vegas acts of the common era.
At 2216, I presented a reasonable question which might be my last reasonable question I bother asking someone from UW-Green Bay.:
What hotel are you staying at and do you want to meet me there in the monring and if so, what time? it would be too difficult to find you on the spartan campus because I don't know my way around msu turf.
If Carl Allen is anything like someone on 'Plenty of Fish', he will not make a good enough effort to see if I in fact am 'well', and he will go on to be applauded by plenty of people who aren't interested in seeing Chicago and REO Speedwagon at the DTE Energy Center in August, but he won't be upgraded to 'Bob Hope' status since Bob Hope wasn't afraid to be seen in an actual, non-prop MIlwaukee hotel with me. I am not going to make as much effort to see Carl Allen as I did to see Jaromir Jagr in person because I've seen Carl Allen enough times to know he's not perfect.
I have a very inexpensive cell phone so I make some typing errors. Carl Allen might be in danger or he might be heading toward '2nd Hand Lions' and the horrible world of Haley. There is nothing I can do to improve the anti-love connection going on now between a very expensive drummer and me, an unemployed pianist that knows Bradley-tech did not EXIST in 1978. Name changes do cause problems, and if Car; Allen has a T-Mobile and PINK plan with his New York and close friends in Michiagn, he's not on my team. Carl became a broad way man when he listed Robert Simiele but did not mention MIlwaukee Tech in his 'biography', which is a shame.
My plan B is to go bowling tomorrow and carry on with my often very lonely life to the best of my genetic abilities , and Carl Allen can keep trying to make it to Ephraim in Utah with his wood sticks and prevent his own sealing process. Starbusks coffee stupidity, Mack record money and drum endorsements are not what the kingdom of God or the church of Philadelphia's foundation. This might feel more like day 1121 than day 738.
Now the FBI and the dirty baker's dozen of Detroit precincts don't need to steal my phone to see what messages were exchanged between a chemistry student and a commercial art student that graduated from the same high school and then never have seen one another in person again. I kept my sense of humor, and I don't know what Carl Allen has kept other than a crazy schedule and a website that seems rather haughty.
I don't pretend I am sad when I am actually in a good mood wearing blue.
Hey Marie, i hope you're well. I haven't forgotten about you it's just been crazy busy. I'll be in Lansing, Michigan tomorrow night. Call me if you have time.
From 6469962521 at 10:34 AM on April 16, 2018
Sorry, I can't talk right now.
II last got a text from 646-996-2521 and this is the message I received from someone who claimed to be on a plane at 10:37 AM:
I'm on the plane now. Please call me tonight. Thanks.
I responded by text a 10:51 AMt: Call me when you arrive at the airport or the hotel if you want toreconnect; i'll meet you at your hotelin the morning and tag along to observe your gig for the day. Getting more advance info would have been polite but i do have time to get to lansing if you call me when you get there. I want to compare your works to jeff hamilton's style, not gary hamilton, eddie allen or jeff dercole.
At 10:56 I received another text ( not from a Nash from 6469962521:
Today is an off day. I will get my schedule when I arrive.
I responded by text: at 11:02 AM: I know the clinic starts tomorrow. Where hotel are you staying at tonight? Don't worry; try to remember I am a retired cop not a milwaukee north side hooker. Lol!
At 11:33 AM I received another text, most likely not from the House of Aeden Hanley:
At 11:37 AM, this text came from 6469962521:
You have more info on my schedule than I do. Hah
I responded by text at 11:44 AM: Aren't you in control of your own clinic? Is the irs giving you your schedule or dennis chambers?Don't you have hotel reservations? You might need to hire a manager.
This was the last text I received from someone who I believe is Carl Allen based on his answering machine, world-famous drummer never seen on 'the freindly Giant' or 'Viking Pansies in Space' programs. I do not think I was texting Rich Little.
I have to hire a new personal assistant. I have to the school a few times as the director is a close friend which is why they are probably lax in getting info to me. I just found out yesterday that I have a clinic and a concert. How did you find out? Is there a link somewhere?
Carl Allen is supposed to be at Michigan State University, not LAX airport trying to closest to Las vegas today. Carl Allen used to be a friend of mine, but his current status is hanging in limbo. Unless I hear from Carl Allen, certainly I would wonder what happened to him. I have no idea who his 'close friend' is that draws him to Lansing, but if Cuff or Link caught up to him, Carl might be in some Rocky Bleier zone instead of up to LeVeon Bell bottoms or Andre Rison tops.
I responded at 12:09 PM: there's a lance crackers link and a (pause) in charlotte and a 'lance link secret chimp' show at the cleveland zoo but there was no link to the 'Michigan State residency' dates listed. With close friend like you have, you might as well hire a bad samaritan as your assistant.
I, in Minneapolis style, rechecked Carl Allen's status ar 1912 hrs:
Are you in lansing?
At 2010 hrs. some entity from 6469962521 texted me with something like a Holman Christian Standard message did not seem to be a Crosby, Sills, Nash and Koslov response since Sidney Crosby does have his schedule for April 17th:
Yes. Still don't have my schedule fort tomorrow yet.
Maybe Allen is trying to toss a 'Lionel Richie' tune in his messages, but I don't like Lionel Richie's theories or his Las Vegas acts of the common era.
At 2216, I presented a reasonable question which might be my last reasonable question I bother asking someone from UW-Green Bay.:
What hotel are you staying at and do you want to meet me there in the monring and if so, what time? it would be too difficult to find you on the spartan campus because I don't know my way around msu turf.
If Carl Allen is anything like someone on 'Plenty of Fish', he will not make a good enough effort to see if I in fact am 'well', and he will go on to be applauded by plenty of people who aren't interested in seeing Chicago and REO Speedwagon at the DTE Energy Center in August, but he won't be upgraded to 'Bob Hope' status since Bob Hope wasn't afraid to be seen in an actual, non-prop MIlwaukee hotel with me. I am not going to make as much effort to see Carl Allen as I did to see Jaromir Jagr in person because I've seen Carl Allen enough times to know he's not perfect.
I have a very inexpensive cell phone so I make some typing errors. Carl Allen might be in danger or he might be heading toward '2nd Hand Lions' and the horrible world of Haley. There is nothing I can do to improve the anti-love connection going on now between a very expensive drummer and me, an unemployed pianist that knows Bradley-tech did not EXIST in 1978. Name changes do cause problems, and if Car; Allen has a T-Mobile and PINK plan with his New York and close friends in Michiagn, he's not on my team. Carl became a broad way man when he listed Robert Simiele but did not mention MIlwaukee Tech in his 'biography', which is a shame.
My plan B is to go bowling tomorrow and carry on with my often very lonely life to the best of my genetic abilities , and Carl Allen can keep trying to make it to Ephraim in Utah with his wood sticks and prevent his own sealing process. Starbusks coffee stupidity, Mack record money and drum endorsements are not what the kingdom of God or the church of Philadelphia's foundation. This might feel more like day 1121 than day 738.
Now the FBI and the dirty baker's dozen of Detroit precincts don't need to steal my phone to see what messages were exchanged between a chemistry student and a commercial art student that graduated from the same high school and then never have seen one another in person again. I kept my sense of humor, and I don't know what Carl Allen has kept other than a crazy schedule and a website that seems rather haughty.
I don't pretend I am sad when I am actually in a good mood wearing blue.
Are 'Sticks And Stones' Part of Jazz Band Works?
Is it true of false that ccording to Elmo Einstein, 'Sticks and Stones' will be part of World War IV? Now, either Dave and Don Grusin are involved in Martin Short term strategies for survival or 'sticks and stones' defines bowling, baseball, hockey and golf, not soccer or football.
I'm now laughing out loud as someone who claims to be 'Carl Allen' also claims he is on a plane heading toward Lansing, Michigan. Although weeks ago he knew I desired to 'check out' his drum clinic rather than get a sample of his earwax, he now claims he is still waiting for his schedule for an episode titled 'Michigan State residency' that begins on April 17, 2018. Really? The man putting on the clinic does not decide what his own schedule is? Maybe his scedule is a 1040-EZ or a IRS schedule 1040-A?
I texted who I believe to be Carl Allen rather than texting Jeff Hanilton, who is heading toward Marshall University now instead of heading toward my Marshall diaper bag or Donald Brown's Marshall 'paw patrol' section. I already checked into and out of Chris Chambers turf, and I have no idea who Carl Allen's rich buddy is labeled as 'Dennis Chambers'. Thankfully, I do not have a B.I.G. name and it was easier sitting down to breakfast with Jerry Mathers and Ken Osmond than it is for Carl Allen's New York area code '646' herd to risk bumbling themselves in the site of a Badger. I didn't want to make it 'B.I.G.' or become as full of lawlessness and gruesome as the 'tupac' folks, but even I have a name when I gain assets or lose someone I had loved to Nazi-types.
IF Carl Allen calls me and tells me what hotel is is staying at in Lansing, I advised him I will take the time to tag up with him for breakfast and observe his gig for the rest of the day. I have my own hockey sticks and rubber stone priorities so of course, I don't intend to lodge overnight in Lansing, which is Ryan Miller's boring turf filled up with way too 'Suburban Sports Group' anti-Yehovah buffoons and not enough righteous fathers yet. I know I have plenty of enemies in Lansing, but like a good Trojan, I would go there to see just how'F'd' up Carl Allen's life is without Robert Bertram or Mark Crockett in control of his moves.
Since I already prepared NOT to go to Lansing, it will be Carl Allen's loss if he doesn't see me again. I represent people like Jeff Dercole, Richard Belmore and David Chyla, not 'Cyrus Chestnut' or a New York base of people. I also represent the spirit of Yehovah, not the spirit of Molech and the filthy rich who like to be on a stage and applauded rather than rebuked. I am not Carl Allen's body guard and certainly do not want to 'sack' him,. I don't desire to be a Baptist hypocrite like Whitney Houston, nor do i want to forget that this could be the true 'new year's eve' for a few who are not anywhere near the David Gaza strip steaks.
If I do not go to Lansing, it is because Carl Allen of Milwaukee has become Carl Allen of New York, and he no longer has a the proper attitude to get me near his drumming land of confusion. I know Chris Chambers isn't Dennis Chambers and that Jeff Hamilton isn't Gary Hamilton.
It might be a Brian Heck tick day tomorrow with too many foul-smelling snares in Michigan for me to do anything other than what I believe is the best case scenario for my adversaries and the worst case scenario for my enemies.
What would the LA King goalie labeled 'CAMPBELL 1' do? Maybe I should study Irene Ryan's football moves rather than Ty Jackson's German shepherds, Tim Jackson's courtroom blunders and Don Jackson's 4001 W. Hemlock street black family stupidty, which was prior to his courtroom insults of my parenting skills when I has no choice but to become a 'single mother'. At least when I married men that had wanted and were granted divorces. I made sure my husband paid his 'legally-determined' child support, so that makes me very different than Carla Derringer or a new white plastic plate in a Golden Corral.
Angels and humans do sometimes change their plans as a result of true bad news but rather than GOOD news being heard.
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Keystone Slop Advice For Penguins and Flyers
Consider this a notice of 'change of venue' positioning. Try to look at the Philadelphia Flyers home arena as if it were the Mosinee Indians home arena. The team opposing the Flyers has a first foundtion test of 'Chik Filet' zone, but the Flyers initial foundation test is 'Toyota'. Wells Fargo is usually to the right of the Penguins goalie, and I was a good Wells fargo customer in Edgar, Wisconsin and Charlotee, NC. A Chik-Filet group was entering Illinois hotels after a 'Torah' gathering was there the weekend the only grandchild I have ever seen was born. It is common knowledge that I hate 'Stella Artois' products and that one of my enemies, Slade Hendrikson, has had a dog named 'Stella' and "stanley', not ''Gorbachev' and 'Elmo'. Evil people let their siblings get away with crimes and often enjoy gaining family riches via 'dovorces', so Slade Enos Hendrikson is as evil as Shannon Wahl, not good enough to pressure their 'Christian' brother into making honorable anti-sin anti-criminal decisions.
I have been to Philadelphi twice, but to my knowledge Shane David Hendrikson has not been to Philadelphia and he rather go to Las Vegas than study United States history. When I was a business owner, my company had a important message in the same corner that Honda and Enterprise have ads in the FLyers rink; the very corrupt Marathon County Sheriff's Department ( they claimed they did not know how to investigate white collar crime) placed their add in Mosinee about where the ORKIN ad is in Philadelphia. Sometimes it takes centuries to solve a crime that could have been solved much sooner if suspects didn't lie under oath or during a field interview. Only a fool expects their crimes to be forgiven without proper confession ,repentence and restitution as required by perfect laws not attorney bargaining plans that don't restore peace to a broken family.
My specific gravity point here is that MANY places can look like home if you adjust advertising and change uniform symbols. The P on the Flyers looks far more like a Hebrew Qoph that the Hebrew letter Pey since the Pey looks more like a 'G' that has been turned over. Since I like Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, I don't really care which of those teams wins the first round. I do not like the Nashville or Las Vegas teams, and any team that can knock them out of the playoffs will become a team I will favor in some way. However, there are times when evil teams pour out more offense than a good team, and good teams don't end up with a trophy that they desired but didn't need to survive.
Police officers often train in areas that look similar to but not exactly like an area they will battle in later. 'I will no longer buy 'Jagermeister' because the advertising is crude and whorish now; bad marketing leads to changes in customer's attitude toward a product.
Ideally, you now have a different spirit to consider, to test the power of advertising signs as legends that are easily changed when the name of a city or state cannot be easily changed. The last place I bought a Gatorade was at the Cleveland Browns training camp, a camp I enjoyed going to very much, even without anyone named John Dorsey there. I invested part of my 'treasure' into a Mark Recchi jersey that was shipped to me from Poland! What I no longer will buy are products made by 'Victoria's Secret' or similar companies that advertise in such a whorish way.
There were decent teams that played against the Mosinee Indians hockey team, including Wausau West and Stevens Point, so now look at the Pittsburgh Penguins as though they are like Wausau East, not Antigo or Merrill and see if a family named 'Hauswirth' really did have troubles that were caused by a mother who wanted to run in marathons too often. Hauswirth got some coaching job in Wausau, and he does seem to lack etiquette and good communication training even if he does not lack a job now. Hauswirth is not a friend of mine, so I will consider him an adversary not an enemy. I suspect if a man trained like Jeff Sonnentag would battle against someone like 'Coach Hauswirth', Hauswirth would lose and get beaten severely, even if his son and the Tampa Bay Lightning gang stood by and tapped their hockey sticks while Sonnentag fought with Hauswirth.
Ranheim isn't Sanheim. One letter can distinguish and set apart a family as easily as the good works at Berg Motors in Edgar, WI can be compared to the anti-Moshe ben Amram works of Brian Berg at Woodlands Church in Plover, Wisconsin.
County trunk HH is not II. Eventually, the pink boxing gloves I left behind in Philadelphia will be proven to be less dangerous than ice-covered roadways and outbursts of hail. Whatever you do, do not place any bets if you have already wised up enough to stop buying lottery tickets. A dog trained by someone like Don Gaglione could destroy a pair of pink boxing gloves very quickly, but a trained German Shepherd cannot prevent hail, drought, floods or an avalanche.
I do not think like George Harsh, but I am familiar with some of his sufferings after he assisted a criminal in the Atlanta area. You might be surprised if you find out who you thought was a good leader is actually only a somewhat lost but good follower who is waiting for a good leader to catch up to him or her. Jason Dawe might be a good leader; Colleen Jacoby might be a good follower.
If you are focused on 'Deitz and Watson' instead of some of my courageous and notable 'US Bank' moves after being lied to by one of their Wausau employees, you can try putting skinny flutist Tracy Watson of Milwaukee Tech as a left wing instead of a tired deputy from car #16 in Holmes County, Ohio who was in the Berlin Hotel area with permission.
When it comes to thinking like a stone in a breastplate, not everyone is cut out to be a beryl. Brian Elliott looks more like a nifty topaz from the tribe of Simeon, which is the 9th foundation to be completed eventually. Murray looks more like he could be the non-automated standard G man to establish whether or not a used Murray lawn mower is 'nominal value' according to Richard Lawson, a better man than Stuart Rottier and a nifty Wausau attorney not far from Marcia Snow mobiles.
No one named 'Murray' is going to be my leader, since there are far too many offensive 'Bill Murray' and 'Murray Slaughter' types and not enough defensive 'Mathieu Roy' types.
If you are focused on 'Deitz and Watson' instead of some of my courageous and notable 'US Bank' moves after being lied to by one of their Wausau employees, you can try putting skinny flutist Tracy Watson of Milwaukee Tech as a left wing instead of a tired deputy from car #16 in Holmes County, Ohio who was in the Berlin Hotel area with permission.
When it comes to thinking like a stone in a breastplate, not everyone is cut out to be a beryl. Brian Elliott looks more like a nifty topaz from the tribe of Simeon, which is the 9th foundation to be completed eventually. Murray looks more like he could be the non-automated standard G man to establish whether or not a used Murray lawn mower is 'nominal value' according to Richard Lawson, a better man than Stuart Rottier and a nifty Wausau attorney not far from Marcia Snow mobiles.
No one named 'Murray' is going to be my leader, since there are far too many offensive 'Bill Murray' and 'Murray Slaughter' types and not enough defensive 'Mathieu Roy' types.
Saturday, April 14, 2018
Avoid Becoming Like 'Dan Agopian' the Maine Bear
What 'play' were the children of Henrywille, Indiana hours before the school gymnasium collapsed? Was the play about fact or more fiction? France is now using chemical weapons against it's own people in Nantes, France so the president of France has proven he is willing to allow chemical weapons to be used against HIS own people and has proved he is more of a 'monster' than a person who uses a product labeled 'BOP' against a cockroach they do not want in their 'turf'.
If you are looking for signs of intelligent holy lifestyles, avoid watching or partiticpating in such vain events as 'the Boston Marathon'. At least cold weather might prevent the women from undressing like Tom Brady's wife and displaying too much of their foolish, anti-sainthood flesh.
When I was in nante, france, there were spiritual wars occurring around me, but do not blame me for the physical fighting gong on in Nantes, France now. When I went to Chicago with Joyce Lewis to seek out a Chelios site, there were spiritual wars occurring around me but don't blame me for the death of one of the Chelios employees in Detroit. 'Russian Television' has lasted longer than David Cassidy and Harlan, Kentucky is where the name 'Jesus' has been spread but the words of Yehovah have usually been rejected in areas infiltrated by Protestants and Catholics. Legal and illgal drugs are chemical weapons that have been 'approved' by the USA government to be used against us, knowing full well most of them cause more damage to our liver and kidneys than changing our dietary habits before we are too sick to make a logical decision. Liars have claimed that the oldest person on earth lived to be 122 years old, but truthful people know that people lived much longer than 200 years as recently as 5400 years ago. Will the USA government now remove the websites of those who claimed the oldest person only survived 122 years and incarcerate the persons who did not believe the writings of Moshe Ben Amram? If I could speak face to face with anyone who I had loved in the upcoming year, I would want to speak to Robin Michael Ortiz to find out why he wouldn't tell me what the name of his grandpa who patrolled the same streets I did in Milwaukee or why he didn't bother to claim the antique icebox his father Richard worked so hard on. I would ask Robin how he can expect his children to forgive his adultery and then why he would not believe that the drugs I was prescribed changed my ability to resist certain forms of temptation when I felt unloved and despised by almost everyone in the Milwaukee Police Department in the autumn of 1994. I wonder how thankful Sergei Krovokrasov is for the precious gifts I gave him or if he is as hard-hearted as Dennis Drzkowski and Larry Mizewski. According to Bill Cloud's reports, today is the 'anniversary' of the failure of the Tittanic and the human body is designed to try to prevent failure if treated properly by the occupant of the body of flesh. I am blessed when I can view Coast Guard ship #214 and not be arrested for wearing a ''KOSLOV' jersey instead of a Rick Snyder outfit, and I am amazed when I see a non-pleasure boat sich as the POLSTEAM 'ISOLDA' moving gracefully between Sombra and Marine City. I have an advantage over careless people who walk around staring into their hand-held phones and mini-computers instead of looking toward their neighbor or noticing the spring bulb plantes emerging from the cold soil in flower garden areas.
11 “Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord God,
“That I will send a famine on the land,
Not a famine of bread,
Nor a thirst for water,
But of hearing the words of the Lord.
12 They shall wander from sea to sea,
And from north to east;
They shall run to and fro, seeking the word of the Lord,
But shall not find it. (Amos 8:11-12
Let the many who are deceivers let Tim McGraw be their false prophet and Carrie Underwood be their anti-Christ idol, but let the faithful and true few be not afraid of relying on neighborly audibles and 'non-electronic' biblical media contained in their favorite version of the instructions from their chosen 'god'. or favorite reliable Devil has allowed them to research.
I might add to or take away from some of my past editorials and perspectives, but I do not intend to waste my time and money trying to see Bradford Scott of Vernal, Utah who never gave the important information I requested about my friend 'Issachar' when he was in Michigan. Carl Allen III can go to Las vegas without my consent and without Yehovah's blessing and I can try to avoid becoming a hypocrite as I try to get a new moon report. I intend to create a very long intermission before I decide to develop another 'post' to test my own spirit and the spirit of others who may not have appreciated my truthfulness mixed in with flippant tones and unintentional spelling errors caused by unintentional typing errors.
The best squatter I aeen wasnt clashing with police in Nantes, France but was playing the position of a baseball catcher in Stevens Point, Wisconsin while retaining the name of 'Jesse Raczek' and the number 22. Where I spend the days of unleavened bread has to be approved by my Elohim, and if you started counting the omer with it is the 8th day, a day sometimes associated with circumcision. Can you count to 50 and think beyond the days of Jonah's exploits inside of a whale?
If you have the mind of a locust,you know when, it's cold outside and the earth is not going to be ruled by a 3-dimensional unit labeled 'BRYANT' or a Coleman plastic cooler.
A raven that feeds a prophet is more blessed than a man who trusts in his guns and a crucified lawbreaker.
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