Saturday, June 17, 2023

Splitting English Class With a Y as in Yitrium

Hole 3's championship course is listed at 190 Y's, thus it is now   the David Johnnie Oduya for those in pointer 🌭 mode; for those on the blue course, 149 will ODUYA it with the 149th  A team. 190 might be  the highway number of the  Chicago Skyline, but until I look at a paper map I can't change might be to currently is.

For those G people trailing behind on the black course , the 3 hole can still be the  Chris Chelios hole listed officially as '185' as a yardage number.

Those in their 27th month of anti-Biden wholesome and purifying retraining  need  to be aware that 5 yards isn't 0 & that 0 is never allowed to be a score on any golf hole or golf competition, yet the 0 is allowed in losing team hockey final scores.

                                          Got non-GMO pizza sauce ?   🔴 

Downstream on this water course, you will get information to help you defend an important condition known as inequality. A prolonged absence might occur before the need for inequality is defended with intelligence that is unequal to most due to the inequality in the amount of time humans devote to studying and learning old material such as the 11 children, sons and daughters, that King דוד fathered in the Jerusalem area are listed in  the 2nd Samuel 5:15 zone, but not according to gender.

In the meantime, compare D.J. Chark's history to Erik Cole's history, ( Does Chark = Cole?) since professional sports demands inequality to establish winners and losers of what is often actually a financial competition and professional gambling struggle disguised as athletic performances. 

Eddie Lacy isn't Jimmy Cagney, eh?   While the results of Sentry World's senior golf championship are waiting for results to establish more inequality, here' s a bit of 'Igal eye' wear and tare test for the 58th element reduced to 'Ce':

Harris English isn't Teeter.

Don't become a golfing cheater.

K.J. CHoI slipped into CHoICe.

Choi in Choisuel might find mice.

Joseph Harris lost his chance.  🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲

Customs don't mandate romance.   

'Brad English' ain't Victor  French

Purchase a coat* before a trench.     

Benjamin Moore 483  "Home On the Range' coats as well as Benjamin Moore 062 "Vegetable Patch"  or Benjamin Moore 1179 "Soul Mate" from an anti-abortion   OC-62 'Baby's Breath' perspective properly limited righteously  to only two correct unequal genders that should not be altered anytime after conception, namely male and female.  



 Zechariah 9:16-17 is a reference to the aptitude and skills of יְהוָֹה which greatly exceed Jack Black's unnecessary  forms of fictional nonsense . 

Sentry World hole 4 black is 348; remember Dustin Byfuglien's A's  if your not on green course hole 4 with Sean Hill's 236 A's.   Not all adults have fond memories of absentee fathers, and a few anti-welfare mothers then lifted their burdens, physical and financial, as best as they could.

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