Saturday, June 3, 2023

Coping Joints: With Or Against?

Ed Menard died, and so did Rocky Todd.  Such facts are more reliable than Renee Mizewski's figure head. 

A writer for The Epoch Times recently suggested that forgiveness is always helpful to the injured party regardless of the attitude of the attacker, but that writer is giving unreasonable advice and has been getting paid to do so for at least 35 years.  Forgiving intentional sin when repentance has not yet occurred is like a head of household allowing cockroaches  to take over their outer cranium and rats to take over their swelling at the same time.  Rats and cockroaches don't care about the premise of coping joints.

I never wanted my child to abide in 2257 Clark Street in Stevens Point, but the ma he calls his father did want him to live there. It's not up to me to decide if the father who wanted his son to live in an atrocious, nasty, unkept building should be called heavenly father, Father God or Pops by his son, but he certainly shouldn't be called יְהוֹה.  

When parent and child dwell together, the caring parent will try to provide a decent, safe and well-kept dwelling for their child. When the child moves out as an adult, he should have learned from the caring parent how to provide a decent, safe and kept dwelling for himself before that child becomes a parent but often the lusts of the flesh cause a man to become a parent long before he has learned to provide a decent, safe and kept dwelling for his bride or unloved female sexual mate.

Coping with goodness is not the same as coping against wickedness.  Some people do not like coping with goodness, so they raise up themselves to promote and uphold wickedness.  Hunter Biden won't cope with goodness, so he and his Pops have no desire to serve יְהוֹה nor to repent of their atrocities against  others whether or not a Hebrew ָ      decides to appear to cope with יהוה.

I will try to explain what coping with goodness before I decide to explain the importance of coping against wickedness.   When I was grocery shopping for food suitable for myself and my parents while visiting them and coping with their goodness and against wickedness simultaneously,  I did not have enough cash with me to purchase all I had selected. Instead of committing intentional sin and stealing a container of Tillamook ice cream priced at $7.49, I committed goodness by telling the grocer I could not purchase the product; it would have been unforgivable intentional sin to steal the ice cream like  wicked hoodlums that voted for Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi in California currently do on a regular basis with little to no opposition because of fools who teach others that there is no such thing as sin and/or that every atrocity committed against your neighbor(s) and family members can and will be forgiven because a man now being mocked by the Los Angelos Dodgers  was crucified in Jerusalem.

After I committed goodness by refusing to steal the ice cream I did not have the funds to purchase, I left the store and the clerk ran out after me with the quality ice cream in his hand, shouting 'Here's your ice cream!'  I explained to him I did not buy it rather than try to deceive him, but he informed me that the man following me in the check-out line provided the funds for the ice cream not obliterated with chemicals like so many other products wrongly allowed to be labeled 'ice cream' by the wicked FDA.  I don't know my supporter's name, but he was driving an auto with Wisconsin license plate ANK 8159; I hoped he had earned the money he contributed toward me rather than committing sin by obtaining government funds for food by faking a disease or by intentional laziness.  Like 2 different baseboards meeting at a coping joint, for a brief moment in time I coped with goodness and coped against wickedness by refusing to steal. Such moments need to be repeated constantly in order to resist becoming willing companions of Nancy Pelosi and Hunter Biden's drug and crime infested households.

Coping against wickedness is when you know you will be abutted with wickedness but refuse to allow wickedness to fuse into your board of goodness. I saw plenty of wickedness at a Stevens Point, Wisconsin cultural fest, but it did not fuse into me even though I was abutted against it for a period of time while assisting rather than rejecting my parents desires.  There were people dressed atrociously and promoting lewdness; from such I turned away and coped against as seriously as Ivan Provorov coped against wickedness when he refused to wear attire promoting homosexuality and  dangerous, bodily gender disfigurations.  

Coping with goodness presents itself rarely these days; two boards of strength, integrity and goodness have to abut and joined together by a skilled carpenter in order to cope with goodness and succeed rather than fail to provide a proper base for a larger  safe and decent structural system that looks nothing like 2257 Clark Street in Stevens Point, Wisconsin.  When an elderly married couple, man and woman each over 90 years old, clearly cares for their dwelling much better than the owner/occupants of 2257 Clark Street, the sin of the owner/occupants of 2257 Clark Street is evident and intentional.   That elderly couple decided to cope with my goodness as their child as I freely chose to help them improve their unspoken, earned property; during our relationship improvement process, we both had to cope against wickedness at times such as stupid, useless barking dogs intentionally allowed to be a nuisance by their sinning owners.

My parents respect me and trust me, but that respect and trust was not obtained by ignoring them nor  by intentionally abutting wickedness against them to test their coping skills. Love is not unconditional. Do you love a household of rats while cockroaches abide on your cranium, all provided by your legal caretaker or 'heavenly father' ?  The love, respect and trust BUILT between my parents and myself has had much opposition over the years, yet like the robin who built a nest in the same bush for 7 days in a row only to see it continually removed by an opposing force, we did not stop trying to rebuilding our family's loving internal and external structural components after a couple of strong-willed yet failed attempts.

It is a good goal of opposing forced to cope against wickedness and refuse to let the wickedness fuse into you, but it is a rare blessing to cope with goodness and let goodness fuse into the  structure you are expected to have dominion over, be it bodily or architectural. It is wickedness that suggests you stop attempting to cope with your parents while they are alive.  Schlitz brewery badge 2259 might seem to be near 2257 Clark Street, but it will never fuse into such an atrocity of weak,  uncaring occupants.

Your parents are expected to care for you and love you as a child, but when the child becomes unthankful or unloving in return, the parents are not the failures and an outside wicked influence, be it government or religion, has infiltrated the offspring of parents.  When parents divorce or divide, who has cared for and loved their children with due diligence rather than assaulting them with fists and forcing them into the despair of 2257 Clark Street?  A program about the failures of Mary Tyler Moore as an actual mother and wife did not compare to the staged images of her fake household with Dick Van Dyke.  Her son shot himself at the age of 24.  Pro-abortion, liberal Mary Tyler Moore, was self- labeled ' Catholic' as Joseph Biden when she married Robert Levine, the man who wasn't interested in respecting and trusting the instructions of  יהוה, yet he was referred to as being as Jewish as Ukraine's Zelensky and Henry Kissinger while rolling in wealth and fame rather than coping against wickedness .

A male son of former Stevens Point Pacelli football coach, Robert 'Bob' Raczek, is intentionally hurting his widowed mother against his father's instructions , since he does not want his mother to know where he is nor does he want to try to  cope with his mother's  living situation.  I never want to become like that Raczek male or any other child that thinks gaining the respect of their single mother is futile and useless; a cruel male needs to repent, reject wickedness and embrace goodness before he is to be forgiven and declared to be a good son or respectable father. Such lessons a dragonfly has no time to learn.

Coping with goodness is a rarity; illegal immigrants do not represent 'goodness' and Barack Obama is was never qualified to be the president of the United States due to his lack of proper citizenship and corrupt documents as sinful as obtaining a falsified social security number or evading child support payments.

If Jill Biden respects her son Hunter, Jill might as well be called "Judy' , and that is a WWII reference to Japanese airplanes tried to destroy as much of  the USA military as possible.  Respecting intentional sinners does not bring safety into your dwelling or remaining family components. How do I know that the illegal immigrants are not being guided nor protected by  יהוה ?  When Yehowah's people left with Moshe Ben Amram to relocate with another ruler, they brought their flocks and their earned income from Egyptians with them, not opioids and poverty.

Learn to cope against wickedness before you expect to cope with pure goodness.

That baseboard which is inferior will decay, since not all wood is created equal.  Chase Salmon Osborn may have been called 'The Iron Hunter' during an era in Michigan that the Whitmer era pro-abortion atrocities were forbidden and illegal.

Shall a sequence settle or remove the cockroaches on your head deployed there by 'The Epoch Times' pushing the spirit of anti-repentance? 

Here's your sequence:  Brian Rafalski 515 and coping near  2257 Clark Street; ship # 8119261 near Algoma Harvester and coping near 'Miss Marie' at the Sault St. Marie locks on June 1st, 2023.

Coping with or against colors is also a skill some woodworkers do choose to master and others trivialize.  Color identification is as serious as keeping accurate records of 79 NHL goals; some disregard serious matters and opt for levity and 'Family Guy' offenses .  Emerald Temple 62 is not Breathe Deeply 64, though they might cope well next to each other, unlike 'Nautilas Shell 064' which does not compliment deep green tones. 

Did you learn and now discern how to cope with goodness and cope against wickedness from your voluntary trip to this joint?  My intentions are goodness and strengthening improvements, unlike the  current owner/occupants of 2257 Clark Street in zip area 54481. 

 Odd renters can choose to improve their dwelling if they overcome the spirit of laziness. 



                                             " HUET is in ScHUETTe, not in suet."

Metals matter. Metals their non-fictional place in a periodic table is not irrational; metals are never to be considered of nominal value when assessing the value of an item containing metals such as a pair of dumbbells or a silver baby spoon. 

Be discerning if you have that ability at Dan Rice and old vs. new construction lines. Many people never attained the ability to discern because they have rejected  יהוה as many times as the Las Vegas Golden Knights have over-valued themselves.   In other debacles against warnings of biblical proportion,  H.O.A. board members and government bodies, when assuming the role of arrogant power-hungry political vultures, often commit  intentional sins and never repent, thus never are forgiven for their abuse of power and their disregard for people's legitimate views against  December seasonable idolatry and wasteful spending. When wasteful spending of another level of collected taxation  is forced upon a community of people clearly not united under one deity,  division occurs because there actually is no good shepherd to defend and unite them under the Creator's plan.  If I can't cope against increases in wickedness due to war fatigue, I'll will flee to find a spot with most of my belongings to age and cope with goodness, even if that spot happens to be near Sentry World's tidy flower hole or somewhere I'v not yet been able to view. Re-deployment happens often after numerous failures to succeed.

A coping saw blade, like the teeth of a shark, is precise when used properly; a coping saw can also cause injuries of used improperly. 🦈

Anthony Bear copes against wickedness in his own style and with scientific facts rather than imposed fictional conclusions; cope with some of his videos clearly exposing that the earth is not a globe. 

My מִדַּד (flight/arise) and  מָדַד (stretching/measuring) patterns are changing course now, and that out of defensive necessity with only 3 weeks until the anniversary of YCZQAL's vision .  Real wing tips and arise patterns, as mentioned in  Job 7:4 , actually aren't on shoes unless a flying insect or live bird lands on your shoes. Stretching and measuring are matters of Ruth 3:15-18, Yermiyahu 31:35-40, YShYH (Isaiah) 40:10-12 as well as the consequences of YShYH 65:7-8 are inevitable.

Psalm 60 and 108 are extremely similar, are they not?  Color Journeys Caribou CJ401F, Gosling CJ401E and Gravelle CJ401D have similar hues but unequal color depth, as is also the case with the descendants of a human family originating from  one real, natural male and one real, natural female. 

Sentry World hole 11, green 🟢 course , is 205 yards long. Was someone considering Joseph Pavelski's NHL draft number then or was it another random yardage that could have been 215 yards?

All other ?'s can go to the Riddler  if your unseen heavenly father quit cooperating with you due to your disgraceful voluntary behavioral patterns .  I don't think staged police cars # 205 and police car # 277 from the Alfred Hitchcock movie titled 'Strangers on a Train' are going to assist you physically or prepare you mentally. to properly repair damages to your body or family you might have caused  or have sustained due to another person's actions while coping with or against you.


I'd rather watch a Joe Schobert jersey dry or 'Leave it To Beaver' reruns than watch pro-gambling images of Wayne Gretzky in Las Vegas or Florida getting cuddly with pro-queer Anson Carter.  Choices are often made from actual remote locations.  Eventually, you will have to leave this  joint like I left the variable barometric pressure zone of the Metamora, Michigan where the intersection of streets named High and Blood don't resemble 17 Mile Road and Bronson Street in the Troy, Michigan area. 🔴

It's  month 3, day 14 in Yehowah's system and June 4th, 2023 in the USA.  Does Andy Moog know where his GAA decimal  point belongs yet or is it between K'Andre Miller's 79  and Brian Rafalski's 79 now ?

Project 3/14 is now concluding, with the prophet יחזקאל in mind once again with Maurice:



 🥒   If 3 is 1,887, then 14 is 1,531, variably typing.


🍯   "It's the beginning of the end........... " ♬  🐝
      Contemplate lyrics by the German band known as Bride if Bryson Gray is too pro-גד for you or 'Separate Ways' by Journey is too abrupt and carnal for you. 

📏  📐 🧭
According to 'Operation Instinct', non-GMO animals rarely get lost in an actual יַעְַרָה  (Psalm 29:9)  , even if  June 6th, 2023 is known as 'D-Dusk' rather than D-Day again. 
 Consult Psalm 29 if copper is your favorite metal with a mass of 63. 546 midway through month 64 & perfect cribbage hands intrigue you.

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