Friday, June 16, 2023

Li/Fe Reference Points on 3/26

Don't let the insanity of the Biden household flag frighten you, offensive at it may indeed be.  What's the  multicolor  triangle indicating? That black, brown, pure female, pure male and white rear arrow will oppose and not align with the absurdities of queer, lesbian, homosexuality, etc.?   It might as well indicate that, because in part, that shall be true, oddly within the boundaries of a spiritual provoked by political tyrants who stupidly oppose perfect laws for Yehowah's faithful that support liberty.

I listened carefully to audibles of the prophets known as Habukkuk, Haggai and Zechariah multiple times, albeit KJV.   These are the days of Habukkuk, not Elijah, it seems.  We are able to see the wickedness, yet when it appalls us it should confirm that it is well with our soul.   The wicked ones are described as creeping things that have no ruler over them, and that makes such wicked less admirable than bumblebee.

'Though hast consulted shame to thy house by cutting off many people, and has sinned against thy soul.'

The above quote Habukkuk reminds of the household cuts off members that should not have been disconnected from the house.  Biden's house openly disconnected the righteousness from his house, and Laura Bush's family did so in a more secretive manner, never exposing their Nazi-family root openly, though it is now no secret.

'Woe unto him that giveth his neighbor drink, that auutest his bottle to him, that taketh himself drunken also that thou may on their nakedness." 

Also from Habukkuk, this verse not only describes the inclusive Jeffrey Dahmer trickeries that lead unto death, but also the drug sellers who willfully produce and market products that disable the mind's healthy sober state and replace it with instability, lack of conscience, loss of discernment, elimination of natural, protective instincts all provided by the abominable the influence of wicked drug racketeers and pharmaceutical queers and experimenting criminals so that the drugged consumers can be more easily abused by the wicked.

חבקוק is the alphabetical word of this grey & gray day.

 חגי,CGY, or Haggai to KJV readers, spot 15 on a dart board theory, revealed warnings about punitive inflation which devalues income. Corrective drought, lack of food, lack of oil and weakened cattle did cause some people to repent and work with Yoshua, respecting the glorious rule of  יְהוָֹה   and the yearned for peace .

Zechariah 6 mentionsYoshua  not the son of Mary, who is the beneficial BRANCH. This Yoshua, as high priest for covenant keepers with יהוה  ; such  high priest Yoshua is able to secure peace and strength. The son  of Catholicism's Mary, known as 'Jesus Christ' has claimed he is a vine, not a BRANCH and has claimed to bring a sword, not peace within families; certainly he lived up to his own profession of behavior.

Many  entangling vines are more troubling and not fruitful and productive branches of peach trees and raspberries; troubling vines do not bear good meats such as  heirloom squashes, strawberries, sweet peas, cucumbers and green beans.  

Today wasn't a great day for hockey.                 🚑                                                             🚲.  


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