Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Dry Land Practice 3,004 : Month 101 Truth or Start of Year 41 Consequences?

When a child is born, she experiences dry conditions for the first time. In the womb, fluid is typically plentiful for the child, yet outside of the womb feelings of hunger and thirst will not always be able to be satisfied instantaneously as occurs within the safety of a mother who is protecting, not rejecting her child.

When Yoshua and Kaleb completed 40 years assisting Moshe Ben Amram,  many adults didn't continue on with them and chose to rebel against  יְהוָֹה  ; such adults died off. The initial crossing of the Red Sea was more spectacular than the crossing of the Jordan River as Yoshua chapter 4 reveals, but both involved only a portion of a population willingly continuing along with pro-יְהֹוָה  as the struggling adults of  ישראל  . 

It may fact be too late for a multitude of Christians, modernized Jews and billions scattered into various other sects of religion to choose life as defined by the keeping of rules and regulations presented through Moshe Ben Amram and his reliable staff that gave him courage. I made that pivotal choice  almost 20 years ago, after I had been walking for about 40 years.  My opinion is that child's first steps are best observed live by his parents and close friends, not by millions of people on computerized screen.

Where did Moshe Ben Amram take his first steps in Egypt, described by H3304 as a handsome and lovely  cow in Yermiyahu 46:20.  A horsefly was predicted to defeat that cow, not the condition of the land they grazed upon.

If family and friends have rejected you since you made a choice to believe the testimony of Moshe Ben Amram rather than the testimony of those schooled by Billy Graham or some uppity seminary, dell upon the contents of Isaiah chapter 44 and Psalm 66, both of which mention dry land conditions that either need to be drenched with rain or that were a destination past swamp, river or sea. 

Don't belittle ( make light of)  your mother or father. Only a foolish person would say that it is only 'G-d' that has influenced their companion's childhood and prepared them for failures and successes, especially since G-d is a tribe and full brethren of Asher , not to be confused with, exchanged for nor blended into יְהֹוָה strength as a dilution of El Shaddai.

What does dry land appear as today?  יַבָּשָׁה is female form, and a strong hand formation starts it but is UNABLE to complete is as the ה does.  It takes a team to stabilize conditions, and I don't foresee that team being in Michigan anymore.  Preparing to relocate is serious, and is rarely forced to be done in 30 minutes as had been done to me in Wisconsin 13 years ago by bullies and liars no better than Zelensky's admirers.  When grace is abundant, years might be allowed for moving preparations as Noah was allowed to have, though he was surrounded with a wicked population.  

President Putin relocated Ukrainian civilians in advance of battle situations in small villages, yet what prevented them from moving out of Zelensky's turf sooner?  It may have been lack of a leader willing to protect them. As was Yoshua, Kaleb or Moshe Ben Amram, so might be Vladimir Putin in the years to come.  Moshe Ben Amram was 80 years when he departed with only a portion of those providing Egyptian rulers with  services.   Some military men have chose to depart from their military careers after realizing how wicked and contrary to the biblical instructions that Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and Isaac Hull the USA military leadership has become under stumbling imbecile Joe Biden.

⛳      At Sentry World,  does it feel like a blue course 339 day  or a black course 185 day?   The Y=י says 'prepare', and the H=ה indications  'female rear guard'.   It feels like a black course 185 day, yet I think ahead to prepare for moving preparation tasks only I, thankful to be a female, have been created and designed to complete.  Between black 3 and blue 8,  variations of hole  4, 5, 6 and 7 still exist, with championship course hole 4 at 372  still capturing my attention in ways that the less difficult green course hole 4 at 236 can compete with.  

My father and my mother are יָפֶה  in many distinct ways, and they deserve to be loved & cared for.

                                                         (Deuteronomy 27:16)

Continue on, vexed and provoked (H3707) though you may be:

H2265: CBQUQ ( Habaquq/Habbakuk)

H3,007: earth as in Daniel 2:10; used only 1 time

H3008:  YGAL eye check 🦅

H3306 : closest to 'EPOCH'/ gasping for breath

H4070 : MDOR as in 'Thermador'; dwelling place of gods such as Nebuchadnezzar

Had I not been assigned to check 26311, I would not have noticed that 48042-5510 has a few Patrick Roy indicators since 804 has been his ESPN number, he is 2nd in W's with 551. You decide what to do with a 0 on the end.   Certainly 26311 should remind any amateur code student of Dan Uggla even if you don't understand the roll of the 3rd billiard ball but do understand March on a calendar that is extremely misleading to the willfully ignorant. 

7 as in Sept, 8 as in Oct; the 1st trimester at M.S.O.E. isn't easy, but it is expensive. Here's a true case scenario and  2 questions anybody can ask Dean Chelios:

Golf Galaxy is currently pushing the Rachel Levine and Barack Obama agenda; it is not obvious until you check their water closet zone, which is tainted with pro-transgender endorsements.  I can now easily boycott 'Golf Galaxy' as easily as Kid Rock can ignore Michael Stone while boycotting Budweiser products. Since I decided that buying a pair of golf shoes rather than another pair of ugly golf sandals was important to my 'earth' coverage, I rolled over to Dunham's, not expecting to find the selection of Footjoy's that I prefer on my feet. Once at Dunham's, there was only 2 pairs of Footjoys on the clearance shelf, one men's size 7 1/2 and one ladies size 9 1/2, both of which fit me because I don't have a big foot problem.

Q1: Had I chosen the men's shoes which actually seemed to be more unisex in design than the ladies shoes, would I have been 'cross-dressing' or ignoring product labeling for practical reduction in spending purposes?  

 Those 2 pair of similar size shoes did not get to that shelf by accident, even though both the ladies shoes and the mens shoes may have involved intelligent design. 

Q2:  Is 'by accident' the opposite of 'by providence' or is 'accident' synonym for 'providence', including when an unexpected pregnancy occurs?

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