Thursday, June 15, 2023

66600 Bowling News: 510 series!

Jason Eric Dawe's  Team  Camel 35 compiled 510 points in an uncontested bowling event east of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.   Patrick Flatley,  former UW-Badger hockey  N.Y. Ranger alumni, might be interested in non-514 pointers from the Camel 35 team.

 Broten and Rafalski are limited in quantity.

As month 89 is coming to an end, do not forget the legend of  the 90 A team as well as the 2.89 closing GAA records of Michael Richter!  

When you see a rice puddled into a bowl like a lake of rice, utter 'Jordan Fader'...even you are near the Proctor Cemetery near Romeo, Michigan. You will not be arrested for such an utterance since it will not be construed as an illegal prayer against abortion session in the UK.

Does "Kelly&Mickelson"  sound like a golf pairing?  The US OPEN is sometimes a shady event.

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