Thursday, June 15, 2023

Operation: CYNiCAl and C La S S I C Al

This 'Captain Kangaroo'  mathematical operation will prevent you from getting 'Nazem Kadri syndrome'. 


       C+Y+Ni+C+Al 's alternate combo is CYNICAl, totaling 124, with of course,  no B included.

I wonder if I'll get accused of typing too many emerging carbon emissions that th next 'ROSEBUD 066' can't convert into oxygen.

Being cynical is legal and is more appropriate than being blatantly immoral and irrational as the Biden regime.  When being cynical, make sure your FU line continue on to FURYK, FUNK or FUNCHESS.

Operation CLaSSICAl  could  be high as 167  or ClAsSiCAl and low as 83; those look more like bowling score ranges with CLaSSiCAl= 112 and ClAsSSICAl= 164 nestled between them.  

When choosing attire to counter the queer flag of  dictator Joe Biden's household, Operation CYNiCAl would lead to checkered, calico, paisley, standard camouflage or any other patterned material  such as in sports jerseys with no Biden household flag insignias included and other patterned material that in no way resembles the transgender flag pattern.  However, when choosing CLaSSICAl attire to counter the lesbian, queer, transgender, unnatural humanity, homosexual flag of  Jezebel Jill Biden's household, I recommend selecting solid  colors not on the Biden household flag such as turquoise, tan and gold tones, olive green, grey and silver hues, aged ivory, scarlet, denim, deep blue as the USA flag's deep blue, deep green as the Minnesota Wild's green or Slippery Rock University forest green, tan or pastel peach for in  choosing such solid, natural hues  you will be avoiding being linked to anti-CLaSSiCAl, absurd behavior bullies and transgender denominations that have no healthy alliances with the prophet חבקוק nor any protective services such as prophets יחזקאל  &  ירמיהו from יְהוָֹה.

'I like my lamp light 💡 and useful flame light 🕯; light helps me read when attire's grey...' 🎶 

Pure magnesium is quite a shade of grey.

Be restrictive in your attire. 🐪  


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