Friday, June 23, 2023

1,888: The 4th Cold Man

Daniel 3:25 reports of a 4th man who did not get burned in extremely hot flames ; subsequent keepers of the flame did get burned to death.  Unrighteous Potawotami casino builders in Milwaukee refer to their tribe as 'keepers of the flame'; idolatry doesn't cease in a casino. Idolatry, covetousness and laziness   actually festers within a casino, whether built by 'First Nation' tribes or unholy men and unholy women of undetermined race .  

If that 4th man who did not get burned was connected to the 4th hole at Sentry World golf, would his tribe gemstone be described as green , gold, white, blue, black or 'championship scarlet?  At this time, I don't know the answer to that geology 4 hole question. Casinos and atheists don't control nor own every golf course.

By the variable color scheme and yardage at  Sentry World's  paper guide, הָא some rock colors:

green 236 🟢

gold   269  🟡

white 299  ⚪

blue  328  🔵

black 348  🎱

scarlet 372  🔴

White course 1 is sited at 385 yards; let anti-Blinken people recall Michael Vernon and not believe anything that is uttered from Blinken who doesn't speak for all in the USA.... but is he speaking for Mr. All?  Democrats have a way of wanting 'free education', but those freebies are often not reliable nor trustworthy to excel beyond a ball game.

There are gemstones that are gold in color, such as a golden topaz, agate, jasper, onyx or  jacinth. Agate and jasper can be black, so don't be confined to thinking onyx is always black.  Agate is connected to a 'window' and lets light through, jasper lets no light through and is listed as a first foundation if the book of Revelation is a reference you consider infallible.  

236, 348 and 372 are NHL assist links I am no stranger to.  I'll research the records for 269,299 and 328 eventually.  Someday and maybe quite soon, at least 144,000 might know what foundation stone they are to begin building their  protective dwelling with.

  ⛳                                                     🟢 🟡  ⚪  🔵 ⚫ 🔴

The above color sequence appears to be and actually is favorably  contrary to the Biden household's queer, lesbian pedaphile, drag flag sequence, so memorize it like an informed 'Slippery Rock' visitor.  Maybe the championship scarlet/garnet line should be viewed as a  'rear guard' position, but without a leader who is  differs from and thus is unequal to the rear guard, the rear guard keeps going solo as his own leader.

Alaskan Stephen Pidgeon thinks the earth is a globe and doesn't believe in Thorite in 90th place nor in creation of a firmament that isn't named 'iron dome'.  Mr. Pidgeon also didn't recognize that Zechariah 6:11 reflects the high priest mentioned in חגי chapters 1 and 2, not Jesus Christ the latter non-Levite.  Nevertheless, Stephen Pidgeon is still trying to sell books that do contain some helpful information and some incorrect assumptions.  When in Babylonian captivity, the priesthood ceased to function and the Levites clothing became filthy as Satan indicated in the presence of YeHOwaH.

Potawotami tribe decided to disgrace their own name and politicians let them degrade Milwaukee, as did the owners of any other casinos, erected like a Viagra-filled penis, within the undesirable locations that did not resist the unholy spirits  of 'casino world', namely selfishness, laziness, lewdness, drunkenness, gambling, seducing spirits and electronic gaming.

Rafters  are important when HURRICANES arrive.   Habukkuk 2:11 tell me so.   ^  🌊

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