Will your Bible-preaching adult child be willing to discuss Deuteronomy 27:16 with you or is he too busy cursing his household to discuss anything with you from the Scripture, even though you both claim to have serious interest in the Scriptures that contain Deuteronomy 27 within them? There's that number 27 coming up again in what might only be a 27th month of a timing sequence. It was Robin D. Bullock who brought Deuteronomy Chapter 30 to his audiences attention on June 13, 2023 and Tovia Singer mentioned the same Chapter a couple days earlier; I'm not a disciple of Robin D. Bullock nor Tovia Singer, but I am not afraid to hear what their perspective is on occasion.
Plenty of people are making images of themselves that can speak; the internet has a multitude of people making images of their own self that can speak so the number of suspects for images of the beast speaking within YOUR TEMPLE is in the millions now!
Ed Menard helped me more than Richard M. Hendrikson of Menomonie; both are dead now. It is likely their mother heard their first breath; it is rare that any companion of family members would hear a 'last breath'.
Ed Menard was willing to tell me the truth about his time in Vietnam rather than lie to me and repeat 1st Corinthians 13:1. Ed Menard knew that keeping correct records of wrongs is important if unjust scales are to be done away with. Richard M. Hendrikson's doctrine of Paul's first letter to Corinthinians claimed that teachers who kept accurate record of students successes and failures, including conduct records, did not show love toward their students. Richard M. Hendrikson's Christianity would claim that expunging a person's violent history from public books is showing love toward the violent person, but that is an absurd premise, is it not? Who in various forms of Paul's Christianity would condemn or be obstinate toward a mother for using a wooden spoon to discipline her child without causing serious injury to the child's sturdy gluteus maximus, yet be willing to embrace and love a Roman soldier who was compensated for driving iron spikes through the feet of human body parts?
Don't continue reading Steve McQueen and Karl Malden performing badly in fake hotel room 607 is more realistic to you than Dan Boyle compiling 605 NHL points in his stick-handling resume. Numerology isn't for the birds...or is it? The higher the percentage of assist to points is, the higher the skills and aptitude a hockey player has for completing passes to an 'open' teammate. Likewise, the more indirect contact and intended information that gets through to an adversary, teammate, significant earthling, friend or loved family member, the more skills are required to avoid taking direct contact chances. The people who received instructions from Moshe Ben Amram did not want to hear from יְהוָֺה directly, but indirect contact was utilized by most of the legitimate, loving, disciplined heroic prophets that people of my era have taken heed to.
Eventually, correct and truthful indirect contact will cease from it's source when the source becomes 'dried up and weary or when correct and helpful information is intercepted and stopped by an enemy of the correct information source. Some of my posts have had over 500 views, others only 2 or 3. Nevertheless, my posts are always a form of indirect contact from a truthful source that is in fact getting weary, yet not as the occupants of the KJV version of Jeberechiach. While Ed Jovanovski, whom I have utilized in some of my indirect communication strategies in Canada as well as the USA, currently presents himself in Florida with David Amber, he puts on a strong front but only he knows how exhausted or revived he is within his bodily core. As he puts on a jovial smile, his 2nd and right hand covers his 390 and left hand, which for some reason only he can explain, did not appear to have a wedding band on it. Had Ed Jovanovski, at Windsor knot speed, been holding up a ' Greenfield Pumpkin #40' Benjamin Moore paint sample, only he could have explained why such as legal behavior was initiated by himself or his team of spiritual warfare instructors. It often goes narrow rather than wide in the 'body language' realm of deciphering codes and code initiations.
I, on the other hand, have no interest in being in front cameras and rather make direct, untelevised audible contact with UW-Badgers like Brian Rafalski rather than fakes like Hugh O'Brian. Computers have no sense of exhaustion, but often fail without advance notice to those relying upon them. Automated responses have no ability to feel discouraged and will often emit untruthful information according to the desire of their wicked owners' mindset.
I am giving advance notice: this source of this communication well is drying up quickly after years of wearying attempts to receive return communications. 7 years of plenty of truthful information output is sometimes followed by 7 exacerbating years of withholding information, and that for the survival of a few, not many. Yobesh-Gilead is a place that gets many mentions in recorded history, but was that place actually dry most of the time?
If a tree can grow in a dry place, a wooden spoon might be able to be constructed.
There is a son who refused to do his homework when he was in middle school. He was warned by his mother that completing his homework was important, and each day he did not complete his homework he would get one strike on his gluteus maximus. If he did not complete his assignments for 5 days in a row, he would get 5 strikes with the wooden spoon on the 5th day. The son's father did not care about his son's education at all. He was too busy entertaining women other than the son's mother. The son's Lutheran school teachers had taught 1st Corinithinians 13, so maybe that caused the son to think his teachers and his mother did not love him and did not have any love within them.
A year earlier in a Catholic school, that son told police officers lies to get himself out of tardiness trouble. Records were kept of those lies, and I suppose that son has been convinced in his mind that the record of his wrongs was kept by Wauwatosa police department personnel who had no love for him, even thought they spent many hours trying to apprehend the fictional attacker the wrong person created out of his young mind that. his father did not care about.
When that son reached his 4th decade of life, his mother asked him to confess that it was wrong for him to report that a crime against him had been done by a the fictional attacker , but he scoffed his mother for making such a serious and important suggestion to him. Instead, he and his wife went on to get compensated monetarily for preaching Corinthians 13 and telling others that a stranger our generation never met in person, namely Jesus Christ son of Mary, that got crucified thousands of years ago was really took on the role of tragically murdered 'Mr. Eraser Man' ,who when resurrected could eliminate the record of sins committed by his Sunday schooled worshippers; thus, he and his wife teach what they believe, even if it is not true in reality.
Geraldine Hughes ( little Marie) once was paid to say " How does it look to you?" when referring to the character known as 'Rocky Balboa's decision to participate in another battle against an man portrayed as strong and arrogant, 'Mason Dixon'. Earlier that day, I participated in gol therapy rather than sneak into Canada and request M.A.I.D. service and was given cart 57 while wearing Green Bay Packer attire,
A story is not always fiction; a story is a part of a multilevel building which should not become so high that there is not safe way of escape out a window. Metal fire escapes as seen in 'I Love Lucy' scenes are almost non existent, but those were very practical. How does it look to you, namely like love or hatred, when a record is kept and displayed of the last time a fire extinguished was inspected?
Some Milwaukee residents know that Highway 57 is labeled 'Green Bay Avenue' ; Duane Derksen knows he was drafted 57th in the 3rd round; a few of us now know that fictional Balboa won 57, lost 23, had 1 draw and had 54 KO's. How does it look to you when Geraldine Hughes was dressed modestly while in her character role as little Marie while whorish Las Vegas women in bikinis advertising for 'Golden Sands' were not prevented from being near fictional characters such as non-Chandler Stephenson, Robert Balboa, Spider and little Marie, all of whom chose to be in that nasty environment not openly as vile as beaches loaded with nakedness in southern France? When I see LiLa, I see 3 and 57. I see 57 in LiLaC too, a periodic table technicality.
Noticing non-electronic details is not a sign of dementia nor a symptom of the plague of complacency.
How does it look to you? How does it look to you, namely a form of hatred or love, when your teacher presents you with a record of successes ( correctness) and failures (wrongs)? How does it look to you, namely a form of love or hatred, when a scorekeeper keeps records of penalties during sporting events that others expect to be genuine rather than than corrupted for gambling organizations? How does it look to you, namely a form of love or hatred, when a record of the wrongs of Aaron Ben Amram's two sons were retained for future generations to contemplate? How does it look to you, namely love or hatred, when teachers kept records of how many times you refused to do that which you were assigned to do, and a grade was attached to those wrongs?
How does it look to you when little Marie is portrayed trying to provide for character son Stephenson in a decrepit USA neighborhood no where near Jamaica and with no father completing his parental duty to provide for his son?
The death of Richard M. Hendrikson doesn't hurt me, but the divorce request of his daughter Audrey certainly did hurt many people. The death of Ed Menard didn't hurt me, but did cause me to remember the last time I sat at a table him and heard about his time in Vietnam as well as hearing about his time in Milwaukee tactical team squads during the same weekend I was eventually permanently ejected from that by Larry Mizewski for m mentioning biblical counting of 7 weeks unto a 50th day. How does this paragraph look to you?
How does it look to you when 'Gary Last' of Michigan has his record of a hole in one recorded and kept after plenty of rounds where he was expected to keep records of his own golf wrongs?
If the harsh yet relatively mild strike of a wooden spoon doesn't correct a pattern of laziness and apathy, crucifixion does end all behavioral patterns, whether they had been correct or wrong. Would the presence of a loving father have prevented the use of a harsh wooden spoon or a deadly crucifixion event OR would it only have been acceptable behavior from a son that would have prevented such use of tactical wooden tools rather than uses of rock, scissors or paper?
How does Gary Last vs. Gary Suter look to you on this 20th day of the lunar month?
I have rest to complete. No baby has to think about their first breath, but how does it look to you when the USA military officials have been complicit in preventing the first breath of millions of babies out of their mother's womb at the same time they accuse Russia of killing Ukrainian civilians? The current USA military looks like representatives of unrighteousness and unjust scales, and thus currently look like an abomination.
How dare it look to you when military veterans get discounts, but anti-abortion legal citizens don't get discounts? Is keeping of a military record actually keeping a record of wrongs as well as heroism such as David McCampbell and Roy Rushing accomplished during WWII, and thus every military never represents love according to Paul, the seducer of Corinthians?
Whether what Dusty Kleiss did during his military service was correct or wrong, records were kept of it and I currently disagree with Pauls' doctrine concerning far more than his unmarried, non-parental varying concepts of love. How does it look to you when former NFL employee Calvin Murray claims he is now Jewish? How does it look to you when the film 'Rocky Balboa' draws up Adrian Balboa and Mickey Goldhill's characters again, rather than the images of a captured chicken?
How does it look to you when air quality alerts are declared for North American cities due to wildfires in Canada yet air quality alerts are not posted in the dwellings, vehicles and workplaces of toxic cigarette smokers ?
How does it look to others when you do that which is wrong in the sight of יְהוָֹה ? How does it sound to you when a person coaches herself in golf cart 57 rather than calling upon the telephone number of Michael Phelps when resisting a status known as 'severe discouragement'? Regarding the ongoing wrongs of those getting compensated to market the Christianity of Paul rather than the keeping of Maurice Harvey's records at Ball State University and in the bowling lanes of lower Michigan, not keeping records of aborted babies certainly seems like refusing to keep records of wrongs is acceptable in the venues of the vile, wicked, deceptive narcissists who refuse to admit that use of a wooden spoon, as needed, is far more correct than wrong even if the result was not able to compel the child to desire needed correction as the wooden spoon handler had hoped would occur.
On 6/14, I'll think of LiLa to avoid contemplating my first breath or the timing of a last breath. Maybe on 6/14 I'll see where the decimal point falls when I convert 1135/1531 into a decimal point figure that won't be inserted into the 2206 statistics of 'Rocky Balboa'.
'Rosebud' is 65 according to some paint company legends, but 'Victorian Sage' looks nothing like 'Rosebud'.
How does it look to you when a חִַבַצֶּלֶת breathes in carbon dioxide and expels pure oxygen that is required for each human baby's first breath and every intelligent, loving anti-abortion struggling breath no where near a nasty Las Vegas sporting event or wicked Gretchen Whitmer's political power playmates?
Quote Geraldine Hughes is you want to; she's not on the Detroit Lions roster like Maurice Harvey has been according to records kept. When genuine parental guidance is needed and it often is, there is no reason to EVER trust the apostle Paul or any other person that has never been a genuine parent that has also proved their desire to diligently provide for their child's food, clothing, shelter, and safety while trying to induce conditions within them for morality, honesty bravery, proper work, ethics proper rest, health and wisdom to blossom.
All practicing gardeners know it is difficult to have ideal growing conditions in this current age and in ages past. Never trust the gardening advice of someone who has not grown vegetables for their family, and do not trust child-rearing advice of a grown man who rudely disrespects his own parents nor a man who never was a natural father who fulfilled his role properly and provided for his own children and displayed heroic love rather that horrific hatred for his children's mother, a mother who fully understand labor pains.
Strongs H3,003 means 'dry;withered;weary'; it isn't used in intriguing Psalm 45. In Psalm 45, H 3302 isn't actually utilized either but H3302 is used in Yermiyahu 10:4 regarding vain holiday tree decorations. Craig Coxe, Barry Richter, Slava Koslov, David Tanabe and Brian Branch might be prudent to study Psalm 45 and then consider what their connection to a professional 45 numerical record means to them and maybe how it looks to others yearning for honesty, morality, straightens and courage in male leadership positions.
It's no longer an honor to win the NHL's Stanley Cup since the NHL has become grossly dishonorable while it's deplorable commissioner invokes incessant pressure against those who are opposed to the absurd agenda of Anson Carter, queers, transgenders, lesbians and homosexuals. Deplorable as it is in the NHL, so it is on the NFL, NBA and MLB. Yet I suppose accepting a job in professional sports is no worse than accepting a job to work for Rachel Levine in the department of spiritual offenses or seeking employment with TNT, Budweiser, Coca-Cola or ESPN, as so many have lowered potential standards of morality to actually do.
What does beautiful look like now, long after related forms of it have been utilized in Psalm 45? I suppose it should look like 3 components at a minimum, since an isolated entity never is able to remain 'beautiful'. Mathieu Roy, a 7th round NHL draft pick, might be beautiful, but his uniform number 33 and NHL goal total of 02 could not have been achieved without others willing to work beside him or oppose him. Beautiful, in a 114th month position, now presents itself as יָפָה or יָפֶה and is not so stupid as to profess that a hero has is required to wear a dog tag. As a matter of WWII recorded facts depicted in a film 'Shot From the Sky', at least one hero, Roy Allen, gave his dog tag away to a French Nazi guerrrilla known as 'Captain Jacques' before being tortured in a concentration camp.
There's nothing beautiful about a crucifix nor a dog tag. There's no reason to bow down and worship the image of a crucifix nor the wearer of a dog tag. Some pagans do worship dogs and others pagans worship pro-abortion politicians in their Baphomet position; a pagan or heathen might be attractive to multitudes of onlookers, but unrighteousness and immorality forbids me from defining them as outwardly beautiful or inwardly perfected.
Depending upon the natural wood used, wooden spoons are sometimes quite beautiful and often much. more useful in the household than rocks, scissors and paper when it's time to make tasty barley soup.
There is no crucifix in my household, but wooden spoons passed down from my grandmother are used properly and with care. Therefore, is it a coincidence to keepers of Bryan Little's NHL records that 521 is in the middle of zip code 15215, which includes Brilliant Avenue? Maybe Richard Hendrikson, listed as a travel agency guide in Escanaba, Michigan, can answer that final question sooner than Rocky Balboa get KO number 55 and later than Matt Patricia claims he is not Fred Neal.
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