Friday, October 12, 2018

The Unwise Will Waste Money On Lunar and Mars 'Missions'

Ideally, the Creator of the heavnns and the earth will intervene before Donald Trump attempts to 'dominate' outer space.  A good and reasonable leader will keep focused on the earth and respect the planets from a DISTANCE. The condition of the United States has actually not improved since July 20, 1969 even if you think being able to read a blog like this is 'an improvement'.

Women like Taylor Swift are not good role models and Donald Trump's endeavors might be just as vain and lofty as other leaders who were given a chance to lead and decided not to humble themselves before a true and holy leader named Yehovah.  As the days approach toward Tom Kippur for a few, remember that only about 1 in 55,000 will actually get there attitude correct enough to have miraculous protection.

Be careful who you decide to be employed by. I know at least one very smart UW-Madison graduate , Thaddeus Raczek, who decided not to work for NASA and he does respect the earth even if he does not believe in the instructions of Yehovah. Holograms of Ronald Reagan have also been made in vain and men who think like an apostle or a living saint are not always far apart even if they are few in number..

"The locusts have no king, and they work in bands.'  From one sabbatth to the next, all the redeemed can do is be joyful or be angry while refusing to sin,, be reasonable, be truthful and be anti-sin every moment of their life.

For those of us who voted for Donald Trump and are unhappy with many of his lofty and vain propositions, the feelings we have are not much different than those who married a spouse that they ended up very discouraged with and dissappointed in the outcome when they consented to a relationship with hopes of proving  to others that their interest in one another after taking serious vows was far more  important than the surface of planet Mars.

The time period between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur is always a period of testing.  Pernts, do not let your daughters become like Taylor Swift and fathers, do not raise your children become /moon walk' fools like Michael Jackson and USA's outer  space  invaders.

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