Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Countering Sadness Issue G=3

If you have resisted purchasing a lottery ticket in order to increase your potential of being included in the 144,000 sealed select of Yehovah, you understand resistance training  as well as I do! I have concluded that surviving without a loving spouse is not simple nor easy. Being singled out is sometimes less painful than being unhappily married to a person who does not believe in Asher or Zebulun even if they claim to believe in Gd. If you are trying to survive with a loving spouse, it should be pleasant at times and very difficult at times to prove your love for one another.

Here is the new exercise routine I intend to  try and complete at least 4 days per week until the next Pesach week arrives:

Set B=Beit: 15 sit ups or seated leg lifts
           15 push ups
           !5 squats with or without extra dumb bell weight

Set R=Resh: 10-12 reps of:
           DB shoulder press (DB= dumb bell)
           Russian front DB press
           Leg lunges
           Around the Earth (customized non-secret exercise)
           Side leg  kicks, slow motion
           Cold front DB lifts
           DB Upright rows
           Rear leg extensions, standing ( should help the typical sober person pass a difficult Nick      Carmack field sobriety test)
           DB arm curls
           Db side bends

Full workout order:
Set B
Set R
Set B
Set R
Set B
Set R
Set B

If you attempt this non-simple workout, adjust your  DB weight to your capability, not to my my DB capability.  Do NOT go' Trick or Treating' and avoid all Halloween and 'Christmas' parties if you intend to follow this Issue G=3 holy exercise plan correctly. I already  know that a good exercise plan in proper decent attire in a DECENT setting is capable of countering sadness. Most public gyms really aren't very decent anymore due to lack of a proper dress code, so choose your location to exercise carefully.

I chose the first 2 letters of the books of Moshe Ben Amram to name my sets in a non-arbitrary method of seasonal reasoning.

Gd starts with G=Gimel, not with a Y=Yod as in  Yehovah. Now, I am supposed to be joyful at least through the 22nd day of the current 7th lunar cycle, so I will attempt to do so with or without anyone else labeled 'they'.


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