Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Is Porky Pig Going To Save Larry Pope?

I have seen so many serious errs in judgment that I feel compelled to reveal my perspective with a different use of force than Phinehas  used against Cozbi.

An old debate that 'Rabbi Singer' aired regarding Zechariah chapter 12 'pierced' person was thought provoking.  Here are examples of piercings that some have mourned over:

A) Phinehas pierced Zimri for the ongoing sin problem that was actually causing plagues. I suppose the mother of Phinehas might have mourned for him because what he was compelled to do saved and would have been more difficult for a righteous man to do than an unrighteous Roman soldier piercing a dead corpse on a crucifix in Jerusalem. Phinehas brought peace to an area by eradicating the profane and wicked.

B) I know of people who have been pierced with drugs against their will, and people who have been pierced in that way have family members who mourn for them. Although not as violent of a piercing as a sword, the spiritual results are often worse than the natural results.

C) 'and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced' - without looking at the original texts, I do not know how 'me' can be the same as 'him' but i do know that many parents MOURN over their son, in bitterness, when they see the result of body piercing and tattoos which many have believed is contrary to proper keeping of any bodily temple

D) Who is willing to question the bearer of hand wounds  who states ' I am no prophet' and who was a cattle keeper?  If Christians insist the person with wounds in his hand was their 'Jesus' who was wounded in the house of his friends?

E) Larry Pope of  the USA Salvation Army is clearly not aligned with any Gad or diety that has been leading the tribe of Judah around and offering humans pulled pork is not the salvation message offered by Yehovah, so the ruler of Larry Pope's plan is like 'Porky Pig', and nothing like Moshe Ben Amram and certainly not an entity that can stop any plagues. Larry Pope should start offering people frog legs, which are usually abundance after hurricanes if he insists on representing an anti-Yehovah plan of unclean animal platters.

F) Zechariah chapter 12 mentions families that are apart, not together. David, Nathan, Levi and Shimei all have houses that are 'apart' and divided, not united and that should be a reason for mourning.

G) Shifting to Jeremiah chapters 29-31 would be good subject matter for October 20th, 2018, especially if you are in the 7th month and in a Yom Kippur mindset.  It seems possible that the person who's deadly wound was healed might refer to Jacob /israel , specifically in the course of verses 10-17 in chapter 30. Continuing, it seems that 'jacob's tents' could easily describe those keeping the feast of booths rather than building tents to try to protect overpriced USA Air Force jets in Florida

H) Now that many have seen what the USA military can erect  to 'cover' their damaged jets in Florida, why hasn't 'government' emergency response teams been willing to pitch similar structures to help shelter the homeless in warm areas?  Watching 'The Weather Channel' is somewhat like watching atheists who refuse to admit that weather plagues might be caused due to lack of repentance and that Yehovah's M.O. hasn't changed since the era of Noah and Moshe Ben Amram.

I)  Individual strong, non-beggarly mission trips in Roseville, MI might lead you to a wall with the name TROUBLEY' on it or to Mark Wells arena where an Oreo at 136, a 'Canyon' at 124 and Nature Valley granola bars at 138 are all adversarial to Twizzlers at 142.  When government building are 'pushing' a Halloween agenda, it takes a real saint to 'be angry and sin not' as well as offer contrary opinions and good anti-Halloween options such as 'Yom Kippur' notices.

J) 'To draw' at day 184 is not the same as 'to observe and to see' at day 2370. The Aleph words are usually very different than the Chet words. For instance, At 'Logan's Roadhouse' a brisket sausage which the employees insisted was ONLY BEEF and did not contain pork, was somewhat of a 'draw'. However, to see such as sausage and observe it might lead an anti-pork person to remove the CASING on the sausage, since casings are often pork. Removing the casing from a sausage is possible, but not easy. In times of war, non-frog choices can be made similar to the choices I make when being offered  fish, beef, lamb and chicken by Gad-fearing Catholics, not knowing exactly how the animals were slaughtered.

K) I am going to make a Plaxico Burress point here. When JUST scales are administered, it will be concluded that operating a motor vehicle without a driver's license or operating an unregistered automobile should be considered as dangerous and as serious of a violation as traveling with or operating a handgun with an expired permit.  For far too long, automobiles have not been viewed as a potentially dangerous weapon that is often used to commit crimes. Burress might as well be called 'Squad 64', since touchdowns actually matter to Spartans.

L) There is a Howard MIller combo on the Chicago Bears his year, I I do recall the glass 'Howard MIller' table that my son chose to purchase in the Woodruff, Wisconsin area. Do not confuse a Howard Miller clock table with a Calgary Flames alarm clock, a Phoenix Coyote wall clock or a Winnie The Pooh annoying Disney product or with very big Ben Roethlisberger.

M)  Amanda Deal, Nathan Deal and Taiwan Deal are all very different even though they all have been seen on TV. Be aware of the difference between MIlwaukee's Fred Madsen and the Dodgers Madson 50 especially if you already know there that Robb Stauber and Rob Granato are coaching females now but Don Granato has crept into Chicago Blackhawks bench area with less leadership credentials than Sergei Krivokrasov or Paul Coffey.   Sometimes, the NHL looks like a remake of 'The Incredible Mr. Limpet' because the entire game is getting very fishy.

N) I don't recommend the 'Salvation Army' as your spirit guide. Maybe Brett Waterman has a better suggestion when it comes to leaving an area in better condition than you saw it in upon arrival. For those of us who feel we have not only been rebuked, disciplined and scattered like golf balls far away from Jerusalem, remember the instructions in the copper chapter 29 of Jeremiah, verse 5.  Gardening and housekeeping, marriage, chidren and peace-seeking are all an expectation for those whose leader is Yehovah. As you know, many people do not live up to Yehovah's expectations because they do not put any effort into studying HVHY's instructions.

O) The employee uniforms are decent at Logan's , even though the food was not nearly as good of a deal as a Culver's Kid's meal consisting of a butter burger with fried onion and cheese, milk, a side order and a dish of custard but Logan's was still a better deal than anything an attorney or sheriff ever offered me whether I was in or out of a 'Snoopy' suit.

P) If the Milwaukee Brewers don't win the World Series, I suggest they try to get  Michael Vick, Jeff Brezovar or Miroslav Satan as their 'veteran' non-Jesus first baseman and Jesus Aguilar can take his attitude into a Ping-Pong game against Mr. and Mrs. Dan Timm of the Plover, Wisconsin area OR into the car-selling business at Fred Mueller's in Wausau. Also, the Milwaukee Brewers could hire me to be in charge of their 'music' since Dan Plesac is not available to be their DJ.

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