Since I realize I am still at war against real people who have USED me when I was very confused, now that I am functioning much better than a blue truck with a MI BVV-7545 ever could, it's time to agree that I should be able to own a fireman, but I would never want to conceal it FOR MY OWN SAFETY. News of a man contesting his' lifetime sentence' of being mentally unstable is as wrong as someone else saying' once a lesbian, always a lesbian'. Time rather than chance can create huge changes in a person and there are many extremely deranged, mentally ill humans creating movies like 'The Accountant' or 'Code:Black'; I happen to abhor people who act in or 'create' movies or television shows that teach nothing GOOD an only intentionally cause people to forget that there really are a few who can and will defeat the proud some point in time.
Outside information can help or confuse you depending on how much you trust the person who left outside information for you. I happened to notice a small piece of paper in a roller blade rink that said 'used'. 'Used' is part of refused, confused and 'not new testament' as I view it, but it was a piece of litter that might have FRIGHTENED the Eisenhower Eagles Hockey Team. I added a bit of information to the penalty areas of the hockey rink in temporary chalk lines, not using tar lines since North Carolina barely squeaked by Pitt 37 to 36.
Here are some hard and Slow19 Charlotte Bus Route suggestions:
A) Do not mourn over a Miami pitcher who was wreckless with a expensive toy. People who are in pleaseure boats at night are not really contributing anything good to their community and I doubt they were fishing to get food on Jose Fernandez's mother's table.
B) The Green Bay Packers '34 Scheme' won't get farther than Lot 34 in the Knowlton, WI 34 scheme of a team lead most likely by Virgil Smith's Eisenhower jacket goons and State Farm Insurance criminals. There are criminals who work in the insurance industry, even if they commit their crimes while they are 'off duty'. For this reason, I would avoid wearing a red bow or only red that does not tie in an ark and animal mascot into it. Shane David Hendrikson packed plenty of my property into HIS attorney's team that vio;ated my 5th amendment rights, and now the 2nd amendment is very serious. 34 also happens to be the number of people who sided with Vitale's gang to get me off my local homeowner's association board, but 32 voted for me. Such a number matters a Franco Harris, Jerry Harris and St. Lucis's Joseph Harris splits.
G) Winston73 is in no way, shape or form as good of a leader as Robert Skaradzinski. If crime scenes are reproduced in areas to figure out 'Who Dunn or Who Brooks It?, it is better than coming up with fictional crimes and giving mentally ill people more terrible, ghastly ideas of how they can disobey the rules for humanity contained in the Bible that hasn't been watered down by idiots like Max Lucado. Steve Martin will end up in a pile of Navy trash sooner than Steve McQueen will based on movie that people can LEARN from.
D) The 4th letter of my family name matters, and my legal name is only useful to prevent a complete loss of ties to my grandchildren's last name.
H) The O''s get the ogygen point here,not the the little r line of Hendrikson. Use Code: Burgos Goose if you like the Paul Coffey Greyhound methods and use Code: Perfex Goose if you appreciate talented honest machinists and clean fowl more than Playboy Cologne purchasers. Remember I was 1st of 545 and bought my Lot 1 before the 5457 lukewarm neighbors brought in their unfriendly pompom girl mannerisms. I tolerate some of my neighbors but I do not want to become like most of them.
V) The Philadelphia Eagles are as disgusting as the New England Patriots based on their lack of rater 'G' sidelines. I don'r gamble for a holy reason; plenty of my family members do and I used to gamble but never to the point of an addiction. V can still be for valedictorian, Vick, Virginia Military Institute, for 5, for 6 or for Vanadium but V can't equal 2. Something is going to have to give when the 2 on 2 lines throw Caleb Sturgis out of contention for anything more than a typical unsaved male entertaining the New Jersey Devils but not entertaining Michael the Archangel.
Z) Y is a Bevent route, not a Yzerman route. A 1996 Detroit Redwings shirt happens to be a legend but not Scripture, so be careful if you are a golf pinhead that might recall a puck left in Quebec with the numbers 243 and 262 on it.
C) Free puck drop sones have been covered by me in Rhinelander, WI and Charleston, WV. The pucks were not nominal value. A free safety pin is not even nominal value since it has more resale value than a used piece of dental floss. Low C level is like the difference between Urlacher and Bettis. High C level is like the difference between Eric Lindros and Michigan Spartan 'London28'. It is not always easy to 'play 60' in the middle of a chemistry table , but it is possible.
T) T-Mobile is equal to the mark of the beast in my holy opinion. Just as a mule, a burro, an ass and a donkey are sometimes mislabeled, sluts that advertise for T-Mobile are as plentiful as the disgusting Harbaugh duo. You are more likely to learn from Daniel Sedin moves and more likely to get confused and unrealistic watching or studying the Bourne Ultimatum's stupid Marie character 'play fake' .
Y) What you study at MSOE matters. If an employee quits for a good reason, it is better than getting fired. People who declare in a courtroom that they 'quit' working for 'The Interior's Department, INC' and then continued to steal, use and abuse all my company's equipment should be arrested, not awarded more than 50% of the family's assets and then allowed to own firemarms. Shane David Hendrikson committed a felony, I did not commit any felonies, yet Shane was allowed to keep all our families firearms. The Wisconsin Judicial system is at fault, and a 24 point win over Michigan State doesn't make the State of Wisconsin 'good'' since their representatives in black robes became party to Shane David Hendrikson's crimes against me and against my entire family. Such sins and such crimes are not erased by a football game, nor is any game ball a substitute for a functioning brain. A ball does not generate light, so remember that the most you can take on my hole 13 is a 39. Some computer tests and game systems are intended to sift people rather than turn them into zombies that cross into Canada from Montana.
Just because I don't like either team in a competition (Lions and Packer game, for instance) doesn't mean I don't watch them as though they were the Latin Kings against the Spanish Cobras, especially when it gets to tattoo level. Sturgis South Dakota is an area that tends to work against rather than with the Locusts because it attracts Hells Angels and Outlaws that are as disgusting as Cindy Crawford out of a swimsuit and covered with nothing at all. Perfect citizens are not swimsuit models for Sports Illustrated covers.
K) A kicker is like Product 19. Too much K and you forget about County M and Portage County E. Kangaroos kick much harder than the typical pitcher in a softball game. In order to stay well grounded at 11, take a long, hard listen to Chuck Mangion's version of 'The 11th Commandment' and forget that Charlton Heston was 32 in Ben Hur. Audibles came from Mount Sinai when Joshua was nothing like Josh Norman and when goats were as good as locusts at 8 AM. God never made silent movies, humans did. If you go the wrong way at 11, you will end up too much like Klink and not enough like Kevin Lopez and the Milwaukee Fire Department heroes, which sometimes came from South Division in Lester Hutchins lines. I suspect Wisconsin will no longer be ranked 11th and they might move into the Zirbel 8 Ice&Tice game players.
L) The 30th point is on the far northeast corner of my current area of civic and civil responsibility, not on the southwest corner where a picture of my enemy has already been buried legally. At L, you should decide if giving a Bible to a stranger is more benefial to giving them a backpack filled with anti-Nahum school trinkets. This is the 'Last Dance' point I can make from a Milwaukee Tech Trojan Homecoming perspective. I remember my high school JAZZ ENSEMBLE when I pick Mangione tunes, not my high school prom date that used me for awhile and then went his queer way to warship Michael Jackson and Carla Derringer. Indeed, searching for tunes on a jukebox is as tricky as looking for Jungle Juice in South Carolina. Angels of Gad communicate in various ways and do not limit themselves to English, German and French school splits.
M) Since I have a vav symbol right next to a lamed symbol, the Michigan State team seemed to get stuck against Robert Scott Smith '32 touchdowns' The number 32 was not used in the Mormon's ' spider and the waterspout comercials. The number 32 has not been seen in the perverse Viagra commercials. This is not unusual, and in Shirley Brockenborough style, decent teams have time to regroup and try to defeat any and all teams that have cheerleaders in slutty indecent apparel. My current doctor was a Wolverine but a former doctor of mine was a Badger who was highly flawed in some of his last reports. Indeed, it will be like KAOS in the 'Big Ten' next weekend, and I always think more like Cheryl Yoast than the Denzel Washington 'Pass the pig' gut consumers.
N) If your N is 7, you are a unpaid chemist. If your N is North, you are still on an Andy North vs. Anthony North cooler prince line. If your N is 50, check out the game of BANDY. The name Randy or Nancy is not as good as the name Nun and Napthali, so don't put all your Brown deer emotions into a sheriff's department basketball game.
Samech: My 'One' Way isn't a Dallas Cowboy way since i have to agree with me Elohim and even He has seen Hur way go the wrong way at times.
Ayin: Remember Rib Mountain Lanes is not Weston Lanes, neither is the 'Berlin Marathon' anything an angel of HVHY would be part of. Marathon John bars might now have a serious Preston and Linda Hallas problem rather than a Dandy77 problem.
P) Pey is never really 17, it is either 15 or 80. At 15, you better admit that Barry Church is only worth a Penny Marshall or you won't even make it to a Reggie White team safely. Crawford98 is about equal to Shannon Wahl in effort, but still not wise enough to have gone to the proper defense team. Howard24 is a Genuine Draft reminder of Reggie White's Middle name, not a 'Happy Days Cunningham' UNiroyal scam and spam lines. The Halas family is like the salt of the earth, and part of the few that have Holy Family values instead of Free range swines disguised as Cowgirls. Bailey is not even good enough to make a Jay Meverden team in the era od reality checks and Roy Banks balances.
Tsaddi) Play 90, not 60. Arnold Palmer did not even make it 90. Do not confuse 91.224 with a Pa before U line. If I don't sing the USA National Anthem, it will be because I do not want to mention the name of number 68 on the Dallas Cowboys , since I have been oppressed by hypocritical 'Christians' that look just like Jerry Jones, Loran Livingston,Bethany Snyder, Rachel Snyder and Jesse Jackson, Jr.. The reason you do not do something matters when defending your anti-bomb position and God's anti-tattoo position.
Q) 'Who's Phil Quigley?' is the question when going the special Qoph way at Michigan BMU-9055. It is a constant 1618 fervent fact that Ezequiel DelFino and Brian Elliott are both better than Richard Elliott and Ezekiel Elliott, since Richard got his sax stuck in the Judy Garland trough and the OLD TESTAMENT Ezekiel would rather milk sheep in Sandy Morris's barn than play football for the Dallas Cowboys. The 100 Degree rule usually is not in the deoderant aisle, but where Dove is near Skor, the Biene lines are tough, rugged and rough like Old Gus Haramis.
I hoped this helped you retain a Indian Trail painted turtle-type perspective rather than trusting a Miami Dolphin game. Parker and hart is on Comics, just like Linus and Sally or Lucifer and Wendy in a Casper book.
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