When your burden is light, watching for the new moon is a good goal. When the '34 Scheme' is under your dinner plate on the Feast of Trumpets, the head of the 1982 year might appear to be quite different than a male digure destroyed by Roman soldiers.
Those who are toying with the expensive phones and portable computers are easily deceived and easily manilpulated by forces they have NOT EVEN MET, so it is evident that fools focus on their personal communication electronics way too much of the time. After reviewing the process of a stranger becoming either an acquaintance, a friend, an adversary or an enemy, I added 2 new acquintances to my memory bank today, one from the Pittsburgh area and another named 'Seeley' When people share their name with you rather than steal from you or lie to you, they become an acquaintance or a kind neighbor. A friend now has a Gideon and Hoosier tie, which might cause confusion to some when they say "Friend or Frankincense?' What I saw today was a sobering reminder of my family history and what an enlarged 'holy card' looks like without a name attached but with plenty of evidence of 'scattered tribe' news, just as I had had discovered the Table Rock, North Carolina area several years ago in solitude and sorrow mixed with hope and thankfulness for my physical safety.
I left a hockey assembly earlier enough to find a location to look up and out to the southwest, and area which gets assigned to Gad in prophetic teachings. There might be a day when it is not possible to get news of a new moon being seen in jerusalem, so Yom Teruah has started this night until sunset on the 3rd of October,2016. I chose to go to an diner called 'Aztec' on Van Dyke Avenue between Troy and my women's shelter. I sat at a table with D! , and there I lowered my eyes but did not close them to examine the artwork, a portrayal of what my first child, St. Qeset Charise might look like starting her 35th year of life. She was martyred due to my lack of faith in her and my lack of belief in all of the instructions of YHVH.. She would have exited my womb about the same time of year my mother safely delivered me to earth, and in a pattern of lone daughters there also is a pattern of love for music with trumpets, often without lyrics. 'The Circuit Tree' often ends up as a huge circuit court problem where too many people lie and too many humans have unjust scales as they sit in roles that never meet the standards of a holy Redeemer. I judged for myself what my daughter may have looked like, and indeed the attire on the female in area D! of the Aztec showed signs of amythyst, turqoise and head coverings that rightfully do not cover the visage, however marred it may be. Carnations were set into the design, not 'Bread and Roses' or '# Watermelon mafia' signs as i refer to State Farm misleading advertising. The female image reminded me of my mother in her younger years but the attire reminded me of dresses that my mother had sewn for me at a young age, and I am thankful I never was pimped out like Carrie Underwood is by her disgusting 'family' which fears no God and only worships their cash and their image in the mirror.
I had been humbled long ago, but tonight I was reminded of the verse 'Be still and know that I am God'. If I had quoted that when I was under attack by Nazi-type forces tricking and mistreating me in sheriff's department gear, I suppose they would have found a way to accuse me of blasphemy rather than of being a good student of the Scriptures. A couple days earlier, I studied the Hebrew word for 'aloe' and there was as ten forty end to it, what I know as a silent run from my years of paid community service. I made a 'wrong tuen' back to my shelter and drove past my enemies, noting the roads were labeled 'Clearstone' and 'Silent Drive'. Huge memorials with expensive costs attached are vanity, and a modest stone monument in a Stevens Point cemetery on behalf of an aborted 'little chil'd that still leads the spirit of a truly sorrowful mother is precious in the sight of a person who has already confessed their sin rather than deny their own flesh and blood. The James Lovell types are not Good zSpirit guides, even though some might consider them 'great spirits'. The moon was meant to be untouched by humans, but humans often disregard natural boundaries for selfish gain.
I do not know what Hurricane Matthew will bring, but haiti is still filled with witch doctors and voodoo practices, much like all areas where Catholicism and heathen idolatry has pread like leprosy in the world, and only a few return to their proper foundation listed in the book of Revelation. A brush and a palette often reveal more to the good eye than Greek texts that never can expand the Zayin to the number 67. ONly in the Hebrew do you notice the Zayin, the Yod and final 50 'Nun at the end of the 7th letter of the text of Life. Trumpets should alarm the living body of Christ rather than lul them to sleep like a can of Coke and a Ambien pusher.
There will be a gathering of people in this turning point in the middle of an year already 6th months in progress, and ideally holiness is contagious to a few whose minds have not been steered away from the prophets and the perfect instructions for a sanctification process that is not 'automatic' nor is it simple to bear a burden that is as light as a shofar.
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