When your goal isn't as useless as a Lombardi trophy, the Book of Numbers is only one 5th of the most critical anti-fiction survival manual for every generation that has surpassed up 'Sir Duke' and Forbes college rankings.
Another Don Jackson in the Wisconsin mix is exactly what might identify the easiest 7-7-7- break up since July 7th, 2007. Since 10-26 is an October Robin Ortiz curve rather than the 'PINK17' useless anti-biblical Cancer games pushed by Victoria's Secret anti-decency teams, look carefully at the following sequence and stay with the true blue and white Ten code scheme as long as possible:
1. Donald Jackson formerly of 4001 West Hemlock Street and an embarassment to the concept of good works is an adversry, not a friend of mine even though I chose not to destroy him after he mocked me and lied about me in a Marathon County courtroom. Donald Jackson is as unsaved as HIllary Clinton and both of them are using the name 'Carla' because they do not rely on the name of my Elohim.
2. Don Jackson of the Edmonton Oilers. cool copper code '29' wasn't attained by the Green Bay Packers and they only got up to the BB-South Carolina in Navy number games.
3. District 3 could only produce 'Don Jackson' the 34th, as much of a failure as any Eisenhower coat and any Shane Hendrikson Air Force scheme that might last as long as an expensive anti-Manly VIagra rush. Assume Don Jackson is only trying to play unequal and opposite of David Ortiz #34 and he did not make the anti-Mormon cut.
Now that you can see my 2nd and good copper plan in the middle instead of Malcolm in the MIddle, go back to Moses in the middle of Eldad and Medad thinking. Nahum instructs us to watch the roads not the Packers or Ravens. 34 goes in and out of Wisconsin Rapids like Dan Teske goes in and out of Harley Davidson lines. The tribe of Dan is sometimes 5, sometimes 2 but never eliminated from an anti-Clinton foundation plan in St. John's 'Book 66', possibly tied to Pink Iron Bear 66 but not tied to Wittenberg, Wisconsin at all.
There was a time when Babylonian teams were on a winning streak as sickening as a drunken nude Shane Hendrikson running through the streets of Madison, Wisconsin. The true saints earn honest paychecks sometimes as large as a Chicago Bears coach, but a good and faithful public servant won't have become a multi-millionaire.
I just proved that HIllary Clinton is a very evil and nasty self-serving desperate female who should get charged with sexual assault for touching Donald Trump. a married man, without his consent. Her women's wrongs accumulate faster than a line of MIlwaukee POlice squads backing me up at 700 South 4th Street, MIlwaukee.
This anti-Las Vegas opinion has been carefully structured on theis 5th day of the Feast of Booths, dangerously close to bacon pushers and with Popeye's puppet trail in mind behind Calgary's goalie zone also known as 'the alley'. I would never trade a jersey for a pompom, by the way, since pompom teams are for the son of perdition team and the lukewarm Greek teams.
It is better to lose with the Chicago Bears and a Pabst or a Miller Lite than be a moral loser with the Bud Light and State Farm willfully ignorant anti-Truth forces connected to Carrie Underwood and Aaron Rodgers.
Hey, how about that Jaromir Jagr being JUST !7 points behind Mark Messier ? What a Emily and Elizabeth Bauer hockey earth we wise women try to survive on.
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