I've been studying many systems that I did not start and that I might disagree with, but I'm not the type to recommend you drug yourself tp stop 'uncontrollable laughter' or uncontrollable crying. The drug industry is worse than the Joseph Schlitz company when it comes to suggesting the worst possible solution for a temporary problem.
If I had family members in Haiti that have been suffering for years in poverty and without anyone to lead them out of it, I suppose I would cry uncontrollable for a bit if I found out they got killed by hurricane forces, but I would then also remember that deaath is sometimes more merciful than extendng a person's life in a filthy, unsafe and unholy nation. I would hate to think I could even fake a laugh at a time when I was very sad or pretend to be sobbing after I had intentionally done evil to another. Paid pretenders often carry their deception expertise into areas beyond a film camera crew, and actresses and actors alike have 'snared' not redeemed many attractive and wealthy people more easily than even the best police officer can get a criminal to cooperate with them.
Since there is a type of 7th inning stretch between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur, it is a time to look back and see who might be trying to catch up to repent or trying to catch up to attack the living saints that have chosen a lifestyle that includes the complete rejection of sin. Death notices such as 'Phil Eccher' don't give details regarding the how, when and where a huamn has died. Very little information is often no better than 'no information'. For instance, I just met a lady who stated she is the wife of some former Atlanta Thrasher named 'Emerson', but I couldn't find any records of such a person so the information became 'nominal value' to me. Her sons played for a team called the LA Jr. Kings and they won a game after I sat in their area, but I certainly had no investment nor reason to favor either team as they faced a team from Buffalo rather than facing a live buffalo.
My rear yard project might look as strange as Noah building an ark when there was no prediction of a devastating flood. Trying to get anything to grow other than native plants in heavy clay is a challenge that is too difficult for many people to even try without hiring out a landscaping company, but i am trying to get perennials to grow in claw without a sprinkler system to rely on. What if the state of Michigan raises water prices for everyone in the state to fund necessary correction in the Flint area? When the Washington DC beast can't realize water is less of a waste of money to invest in than playng with a mosquito virus with tax dollars, some might expect the state to take wiser steps to provide for the common defense. Clean water supplies are the most basic form of common defense against disease that there is, and a healthy person is less likely to have a serious reaction to virus than an unhealthy person.
When it comes to mouth to mouth diseases, a liar causes more problems to society than a dandelion lawn. There once was a Milwaukee dog named 'Emerson', a inexpensive 'Emerson radio' that temporarily collected dust in my household, and now I know there is an Emerson Etem only because I did a basic NHL search to try and confirm a verbal claim by a stranger regarding the 1999 Atlanta Thrashers. Hockey Kings are not the same as the King of King and the Lord of Lords, so eventually the wise teams realize it is better to be called the Flying Sparrows or Hellcats than to accept a title your team or individual players are not really worthy to uphold in bigger spiritual battles ahead.
f you have allowed, performed or have had an abortion that yu have never openly repented of and have tried to hide. do not weep or pretend to be 'pro-life' if there is loss of life in Haiti. If you have given money to weak and beggarly representatives of 'Christianity' and have donated bananas and solar energy equipment in Haiti the past as i have and YOU have not heard from the 'takers' in a decade or more, do not weep over the loss of life or property in the area where people receive and then forget about you until they want to ask for more donations.. Drowning is less painful than cruxifiction, a violent rape or starvation.
'Cold' reactions to sitations are better than lukewarm reactions and false sympathy for those who still reject the commandments of Yehovah. It was the tribes of Israel that were sent into bondage in nations that did not treat themn according to the standards of YEHOVAH becasue the Israelites were disbedient to the good and holy laws. If they refused to join 'God' and follow his system, He has had tomake sure they were beaten a few times., and eventually they should have decided YEHOVAH's laws are the very best ones to be subject to in the UNIVERSE.
I have dared to be different many times, but I do repent of trusting Steve Martin's method of operation in the past.
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