Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Time To Study 'Card Woman in The Middle'

Since I study history as well as I study plain clothes divisions and uniform divisions, I shoe to study the official 180 degree turn of spades, clubs, diamonds and hearts.

Consider the following legends and sequences and(Vav in Hebrew) remember my IQ is about 144.

S=Spade,  C=Club, D=Diamond, H=Heart, to keep it simple for the English. Good humans only have one heart and reject the notion of an implant which is toying with creation beyond reason. I am going to stay in the Q position since I am not a transvestite or a false female delusion. I will view the J as my only living descendent currently known as Richard Isaiah Hendrikson but keeping in mind he is currently using his 3rd legal name combination. I am facing 'east' as I translate this historic and possibly prophetic scenario.

A) 1. KS   2.  QS   3.  J(Richard Edwin Xavier)S ; In this case, the king of spades is like my first husband Todd Jackson, who fathered two children and denied both of them proper rights and financial support. The J is behind and protected by the Q as the K faces the Q he chose, but when all three cards are turned about:

 1.JC       2. CQ        3. KS

 The K goes 'south' and deserts the Q , the Q and K have turned their back on each other (lack of love or desire for one another) and the Q is 'backing up' the J to the north of her. The needs of the JS are put ahead of the needs of the QS, and the JS goes to '1st' position. Note that the JS only has a profile that looks rather tough or neutral. The QS and the KS only have a 'Trojan' connection as well as as 2 children and 3 grandchildren descendents in common now.

B)  1. J(Richard Edwin Ortiz)C    2. QC        3. KC

JC looks 'away' as QC and KC get involved and get married. JC is only a young child and is not interested in the activities of the Qc and Kc, but the KC now is like Robin Michael Ortiz. The KC and the QC love and desire each other for a period of time, and exchange vows face to face in a non-Philadelphia church.  Both the KC and the QC have an adverse reaction to cigarette smoke, but he QC is eventually mistreated and the KC looks away on the reverse 180 turn (change of mind and change of heart):

   1. KC  2. QC   3. JC.

The KC no longer loves nor desires the QC because she has become 'sick' and morally ill but not to the degree the KC had been morally ill in the past. and the QC and the JC face the reality of post-divorce syndrome together. The JC has a sober expression, but does not even look as sad and pitiful as the JD card. The KC become the 1st divorce petitioner rather than the 1st male willing to keep his vows to the QC. The KC and the QC still have a retirement system in common and are both Trojans by high school connections. Of interest, all the facade of the club cards are seen, which is not able to be said of the S, theD or the H face cards.

G)   1. JD   2. QD   3. KD  (All three have been involved in baseball games, but only the Q has been a High School Varsity pitcher.)

JD follows his natural mother QD to her family land in Knowlton , Wisconsin, and the QD sadly ends up being targeted by the KD, a baseball catcher, a wrestler, football player, Bud Lite drinker and a Wittenberg Charger who sees 'red' and a few UW-Badger hockey games before making marital vows to the UW-Badger in front of a few witnesses in a public park Once the JD stops 'backing up' his mother and chooses to turn his mind toward a rude anti-Moses protestant female named Rachel Snyder, the entire D situation changes and another 180 occurs:

1. KD    2. QD    3. JD

The KD gets attracted to another divorcee and turns his heart and mind away from the QD. The JD also stays attracted to everything other than the laws for israelites, rejects the concepts of biblical geology and rejects his own natural mother as harshly as the KD has.  The QD last saw the JD's back and he refuses to face up to his own neglect of obedience to the HOly Scriptures possibly due to a seared conscience. IN any event both the QD and the JD look very sad, but the KD's PROFILE is angry and stern and clearly opposed to the QD. Neither the K nor the J have any respect for the QD, also known as the 'copper in the middle' after they intentionally violated existing state laws and are still considered actual felons in the mind of the QD.

D. Current state of the QH (me)

1. KH         2. QH       3. JH

The QH knows she cannot trust her own son to be a good leader, so she looks toward a KH who is tenderhearted and law-abiding, even though he does not know she is looking to him for strength and encouragement. The JH is clearly set against his own natural mother, the QH and is serving the Babylnian relisgious system rather than trusting fully in the God of Israel, who is and will be the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. If prophesy is kind and true based on Psalm 37, there will be a time that the H situatioin gets turned about and the following situation occurs:

1. JH         2. QH          3. KH

The KH backs up the QH desires and together they face her son, rebuke him and give him a new name. Is he rejects the rebuke directly from his mother, the QH will get behind the KH and let 'the men' reveal the desires of their hearts and mind, whether they be good or evil, just as a reader of the Book of Malachi gets sifted and tested.

More than one family may have experienced situations where families 'fell' 3 times that had once claimed to be part of  the Jesus Christ' system, but only those who allow the strength and expertise of the southern tribes to reinforce them and' back them up' as they face the disobedient will actually arise from the spiritually dead condition they might have been in for hours, days or decades. Benjamin. Levi and Judah have always been considered the southern tribes.

For those interested in biblical geology, let me give you a description of my anti-gold and non-pearl armour:

Onyx heart on finger 5, topaz tear on finger 10, malachite and amethyst on my right wrist,   lapis lazuli and Cu, and sardonyx guarding my heart.  Does a black Mizuno super visor, a Wisconsin Badger Football jersey #33 and a pair of bell-bottom Levis fall into plain clothes or uniform divisions in Stevens Point. WIt? I's say uniform division, but I happen to respect holy and good uniform divisions since they are never camoflauged, and they are never PINK.  Indeed, Victoria's Secret has destroyed every good concept of the color PINK to the point that a switch to lavender colors is a better legend to lead you and other believers of the biblical color codes to the color BLUE.


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