Saturday, September 17, 2016

A Serious Day 545 Issue Now Involves Alexander Love

Aceessing information is not the same as stealing i, so I wouldn't be too quick to misuse the word 'stealing'. Shane David Hendrikson accessed and stole actual assets of my company, and if my company wasn't protected by the United States government systems, should they really complain if someone with some sort of diability  accessed but didn't actually steal some of their information? Hypocrisy of political leaders and military forces sometyimes trickles up like a brown recluse spider out of a KOhler sink hole and becomes dangerous and visible to those that are not blind.

When is every person on the face off the earth going to realize that too many secrets leads to too many lies, which leads to loss of any chance of redemtion and a major sin problem? I realized many years ago that trying to hide facts or plans is about as useless as trying to lie about having an abortion. Eventually, an enemy or a friend will have or get information you or your 'nation' might have been trying to keep 'top secret'.  There is a huge difference between keeping your thoughts to yourself and entering plans into computer systems, since what is retained in your mind is still the most secure place to retain strategies for survival, defense or necessary offense.

When morally ill sportcasters from ESPN think that Tom Brady is like 'god', they reveal just how depraved they are in their assessments of  extremely shallow, carnal situations.

Ben Affleck is a form of Lucifer and is not even as wise as MIroslav Satan. Once you can accept that fact, you might be able to accept thee following reality:

Sports such as boxing are not a good way to try to release anger  caused by another person. It is discraceful for a woman to become a boxer or a wrestler that gets into a fight with another person that has not been the original cause of her 'anger' or desire to injure others. Throwing a Leroy Butler jersey into a fire pit is better than hitting your neighbor. Accepting money to hit your' neighbor' is called professional boxing, and people who live or die by this method are not what my God seeks or desires in his kingdom strategies or tribulation forces of goodness.

Learning self defense is good BUT many people quickly go from self-efense to disgusting offense without the Holy Spirit within them. The prior post was an illustration of how non-boxing matches often look, and disputes are sometimes settled by looks, assets or intellectual comptetions, not by trying to murder one another.  Sometimes you can choose your oppnent, and sometimes you cannot. Opponents and adversaries are a result of cause and effect.

For those people in the process of being sancified , to release stress with boxing gloves and go punch a wall that won't break or a tree that won't bend rather than punching your neighbor for filthy lucre or advertising contracts. Go ahead and chop pictures of former in-laws or step children into dozens of pieces rather than ewear a short that says 'Black LIves Matter' or a shirt that doesn't cover your entire upper body properly. For those who know they will never again be able to tolerate a former spouses's attention or companionship because they have committed too many crimes you, go ahead and bury their picture in your yard or  donate their picture to Waste Management, Rizzo or MGM garbage dumps.

Jonathan Toews is wearing number 16 on this 16th dau of the 6th month, and it seems that he knows that fighting is sometimes part of self defense, but that it is better to win a battle against a felon than try to destroy a police officer trying to start peace in an area.

There is a large amount of people who would never have had an abortion if it was not legal in the nation they lived in. Abortion is sin whether or not a human beast legalized it in his or her political area, and I know I would never have had an abortion of it was illegal in the United States when I was young, foolish and afraid.  Indeed, those who changed the laws are more guilty than those who believed the strong delusions attached to government systems that legalized sin.

It is not easy trying to rebound after believing the lies pushed by nations that fail to protect their own citizens from gang warfare, medical practitioners who sell that which does not heal and which fail to protect their citizens from visual abuse which is sold in the form of violebt and whorish magazines and television commercials. It is possible to be surrounded by sinners and not sin, but unless the people around you are willing to stop sinning, it is better to abandon them then to be ruined by them. It is a fine line to observing the enemies tactics and becoming just as evil as they are.

I am only one of 545 people who graduated in 1979 from Milwaukee Trade and Technical High Schooll. Every person in my graduating class is part of my history and much more important people  to me than people such as  David Kohn, Linda Cohn,Thomas Wahl, Leah Obama or anyone from the Shane David Hendrikson family  because muy 544 Trojan classmates never tried to eliminate me from their life or forced me from my family surroundings.

The God I understand is nothing like Tom Brady at mind  and a holy God  has to reject liars, thieves,rapists, adulterers and those who have produced laws, statutes, judgmnents and ordinances that are contrary to what was delivered to humaninty long before Moses  departed from Egypt and received a hard copy  for Israel's basic retraining .  There will be a point where His wrath will no longer be restrained, Abaddon goes on offense and can attack those attached to Lucifer lines.

Maybe someone should rewrite a old Steve Perry song to be something like this:

Holy wrath will face you, and correct or embrace you
You know God will saves a few
That repent and learn to be true
If I barely hurt you I'm just like holy residue
It's a part of being true blue
God's not a wolverine crew

In  hindsight, being in the D.A.R.E. training program was a lot more helpful to me than being forced into divorce courts, having drugs forced on me when I was feeling confused or anxious and forced out of areas I was actually trying to defend with my own life.

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