Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Create A Valley of Decision Along Tough Borders

Facts and probabilities regarding border control:

1. A wall between Mexico and the United States will be too pricey. 
2. Walls prevent being able to see what potential enemies are doing so it isn't the best defensive strategy. 
3. If one side does not prevent people from getting to the top of a wall, it is easy to drop in on the opposing country side.
4. Walls are ugly.
5. A better choice than building a wall would be digging a dry moat similar to what zoos do to keep animals apart from humans.
6. A moat can be steep and deep (at least 20 feet deep) and does not prevent viewing the neighbor's outdoor property.
7. It is easier to contain humans trying to disobey rules in a moat area than on top of a wall. 
8. If people have survived jumping into the moat area,  having barbed wire attached to the wall on the United States side would prevent most humans from scaling the wall; the ugly barbed wire would not seen by most people even a short distance from the moat. Local animals would have to train themselves not to go into the moat area.
9. Soil removed to dig 'the valley of decision' is easier to relocate in natural landscaping  than hauling in overpriced concrete blocks and masons.
10. A large deep moat would look more natural than a wall.
11. Vehicles would not be able to cross the deep and steep moat area.
12. It's  easier for criminals and terrorists to make breaches in walls quickly than trying to fill in a moat quickly without getting stopped.
13. The Mexicans have bulldozers and can easily help with the 'trenching' needs.

I hope this helps the Trump supporters be more realistic and offer to split the bill with the Mexico on the very wise 'moat' compromise. It is much easier to move away from a bad idea if a better idea is presented to all parties involved.

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