Anews media headline was very close to:
"Former Seasworld San Diego manager sentenced to 30 months in prison for embezzling $8K..." In this case, K usually means a factor of 1000, which is neither a Roman system nor a Hebrew system so $8000 would have been a less confusing text on One America News. Maybe they should have written $MMMMMMMM . I do now know how to spell embezzle because of their text report which is much different than the Detroit press release that troubled me when I read 'employee murdered' and of course that was not my fault that an employee was murdered in Detroit tavern. Blame John Nicholson and the UNited States paid military if crimes are committed against our own citizens if you'd like , but be advised that their aren't any 'Nicholson 9' or Watt42 on my holy Justice team. The Spartan image is not a Greyhound, a Trojan or a Badger image. Separate an unequal bowling balls might be part of my legal anger release in another lawful, profitable, peaceful protest and part of an orderly assembly of fellow USA citizens on day 1818 in my post-divorce therapy. As you get oder, you realize cheerleaders with pompoms are not an asset to a good sporting venue.
Now, what will the State of Wisconsin do to help me PROSECUTE my former employee who embezzled $50,000.00 while the Marathon county officials helped him violate my 5th amendment rights since most of my property was sized without proper compensation by a DIVORCE PETITIONER who is a liar and very dangerous?
If they do nothing, they are guilfty with him, especially Lt. Toth who claimed I was 'nothing but difficult''.
It has been 1618 days since I uttered the words 'not in this venue' when it came to an understanding that I would never again be in family court facing any of Wittenberg's escaped felon Shane David Hendrikson's legal team of hypocrites, felons and liars. the 1618th Greek word listed in James Strong's system means 'constant; fervent' and those words do represent my friend and ally, Lorraine Mielke, who housed me when Marathon County government acted worse than many of the Nazis in Poland time and time again. If $8K gets a man sentenced to 30 months, what should be the outcome of a man who enbezzles $50K FROM HIS OWN wife and children's potenital inheritance, claiming he lost it all in a casino? My God would say ' Pay Marie Elizabeth Hendrikson $350,000 dollars, and then go and sin no more, lest you receive a more harsh punishment and your children become fatherless.' That amount would not compensate nor cover the sins of Stuart Rottier's blasphemy when he stated that $30K in hard assets is nominal value to any person on the face of the earth, so another $21K would be expected to come from either Stuart Rottier of Shane Hendrikson in order to compensate for their courtroom lies. Such a demand is not extortion, since neither of the male cowards is in any sort of confinement while trying to bribe their way out of of into a better position in the war they started against me and my truthful and GOOD forces, whether my forces are seen or unseen.
Problem solving is rarely done face to face against the most dangerous criminals that have been aided by evil servants such as Lt. Toth of the Marathon County Police Department. On occasion, it has to be done to humiliate the guilty when their cash settlement is settled out of court and they still find themselves lacking the ability to receive grace after they finally obeyed one of Yehovah's laws.
Many people are getting tested by me, many people are being served by me and many people are also TRUSTING me in unusual circumstances and various venues. I am thankful for those who are willing to pass on reliable information in a very old-fashioned 'Moscow Mule' kind of way which helps to keep me safe while I remain on offense against blasphemers, liars, thieves and unrepentant adulterers and at the same time remain on defense of self, fellow decent citizens fellow LIVING saints and fellow servants of the Most High Elohim.
The number 551 also means something important to me, since the year I spent Passover in London, Ontario means more to me than any wedding ceremony and subsequent divorce ever will A scar on the bridge of my foot is a reminder of only a fraction of the pain and suffering that the Holy ONe of Israel endured due to Roman cruelty in order that someday I would repent and be forgiven for disobeying the commandments of Yehovah, the perfect 'I Am'. It is no difficult to reject sinning, and that was proven agains when a self-proclaimed 'rotune teller' approached me in a large diner and offered her unholy serviced for 'free'. I rejected her offer and told her to read the book of Nahum, rather than telling her to trust Mel Brooks.
Tome to keep an eye on Badgers and Spartans, knowing that wars of the flesh do not cease on the 7th day of the week, and entering into rest becomes a state only a few properly enter into. I would never condemn a person for exercising and facing real opponents on the 7th day, since it is better than buying and selling Playboy cologne. What becomes a serious salvation issue is what you are surrounded by visually as you 'exercise', and for that reason, keeping an eye on college sports programs is no different than keeping an eye on a homosexual tavern in MIlwaukee on or off duty as a police officer. It is important to avoid becoming a brown recluse spider type and choose to be more like a snow owl, a thrasher or honey badger observing nearby turf.
Bon appetite and Bon Jour!
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