Saturday, September 24, 2016

A Town of Galloway Breaking Point

Remember the humble Catholic priest Michael Costello of Quebec if you can't remember that a SHORT term marriage is considered to be 7 years in most divorce courts. Michale Costello was kind enough to trust me with the keys to his beautiful church and of course I would never want the keys to Las Vegas, Nevada.  Galloway Wisconsin is about where huge Elderon side to side switches result in problems just like  'My Maria', Samaria Drive, Maria Drive (54481) and 'Say MARIE not Murray'. Uttering  certain words often cause serious fear for parents, step-parents and grandparents but spelling errors in records is a more serious problem. When in doubt, throw your dogs, cats and Barbie dolls out of your house, not your children or your wife or your husband if you managed to be decent enough to keep your vows so far. Men like Dennis Stanchik might be more clever than the average Harvard graduate when it comes to avoiding 'The Sound Of Music' traps or 'red shoes and Budweiser rice games.

Joey Galloway is not as important to me as Joey Deleon. Let the Hebrew Vav be a hockey player sign unto you, not a Helmet with 'Santa Claus' on it. Cutler might have a concrete statue problem after all.

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